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2022 Salary Trends 2022 Mainland China Salary Trends 2022 中国大陆薪酬趋势报告 Unleashing Talent, Enabing Entrepreneurs. 让才华自由施展,做业界精英 Copyright © CGP Collection Limited. All Rights Reserved. 1 2022 SALARY TRENDS —— Mainland China
2022 Salary Trends 2022 Mainland China Salary Trends 2022 中国大陆薪酬趋势报告 Unleashing Talent, Enabing Entrepreneurs. 让才华自由施展,做业界精英 Copyright © CGP Collection Limited. All Rights Reserved. 2
2022职场趋势预测(前言) Consumer Goods 消费品 Corporate Finance 企业财务 Design & Property 地产与设计 Digital Transformation 数字化转型 Emerging Tech and Internet 新兴技术与互联网 Energy 能源 Financial Services 金融服务 Healthcare 医疗健康 Human Resources 人力资源 Legal & Compliance 法务与合规 Life Science 生命科学 Machinery and Automation 机械与自动化 Pharmaceutical 制药 Retail & Luxury 零售与奢侈品 Sales & Marketing 销售与市场 Semiconductor 半导体 Supply Chain Management 供应链管理 Travel & Leisure 旅游与休闲 3 04 14 20 24 32 38 48 52 58 64 66 72 80 86 90 98 102 108 114 2022 SALARY TRENDS —— Mainland China
2022 SALARY TRENDS 在后疫情时代的背景下,2022年的职场会有哪些新的趋势呢? 历经数月,覆盖20+行业,跨越多个地区,CGP集团发起的2022薪酬趋势调研收集到了珍贵的资料与数据。 以调研结果为基础,集团的职场专家们展开分析与解读,完成了该《2022 中国大陆薪酬趋势报告》,以期洞察各行业的职 场新风向。 2022年,职场人最核心的诉求是哪些?企业雇主的人力资源管理又有哪些方向有待调整? 让我们一一为你解答。 In the context of the post-epidemic era, what are the popular trends and new insights of the job market in 2022? Lasting for several months, covering more than 20 industries and multiple regions, the 2022 Salary Trend Survey launched by CGP Group has collected valuable data and information. Based on the survey results, CGP's talent experts carried out analysis and interpretation, and completed the 2022 Salary Trends Report in order to gain insights into the changes in the job market of various industries. What are the core demands of talents and what will happen to employers in 2022? Let's find answers from the survey data and feedbacks. 2022人才供给大于岗位需求 Talents supply exceeds job demands in 2022 调研数据显示,仅有9.1%的职场人在2022年没有跳槽的打算,其中有35.26%的人已经在寻找新机会的路上。但是从雇主端的反馈显示, 86.65%的企业2022年招聘岗位预期增长低于40%;同时,预计2022年3月至5月人才市场将出现多位人才同时争夺一个岗位的激烈竞争。 According to the survey data, only 9.1% of employees have no intentions of job hopping in 2022, and 35.26% of people are already on the way of looking for new career opportunities. However, the feedback from employers shows that 86.65% of companies expect job growth in 2022 to be less than 40%; Thus, it can be predicted that there will be fierce competition in the human resource market from March to May in 2022. 我正在寻找新机会。 I am looking for new opportunities. 35.26% 55.65% 9.1% 我目前工作稳定,但有合适的机会也会考虑。 I am stable with current job but open to new opportunities. 我对新机会没有需求。 I have no needs for new opportunities. 4
2022 SALARY TRENDS —— Mainland China 相较于2021年,贵司2022年的预期新增人数将达到? Comparing with 2021, how many headcounts will be increased in 2022 of your company? 2.08% 2.37% 2.97% 0.89% 5.04% 9.5% More than 80% (80%以上) 70% - 80% 60% - 70% 50% - 60% 40% - 50% 30% - 40% 20% - 30% 10% - 20% Less than 10% (10%及以下) Maintain the same 保持不变 16.91% 17.51% 19.88% 22.85% 洞察雇主的招聘需求,提升职场素养与能力 Meet employers' demands and strengthen professional quality and skills 来自雇主的调研结果显示,有责任感的员工最受企业雇主青睐。企业的运行需要各个不同职能的人协调配合,分工合作。具备责任感的员工, 在日常工作中能更好地完成工作,更好地与他人合作,对执行的结果高度负责,从而为企业的经营带来积极的影响,创造出更高的职场价值。 The survey results from employers shows that responsible employees are most favored by employers. The smooth operation of an enterprise needs the coordination and cooperation of people with different functions. Employees with a sense of responsibility can perform well in their daily work, cooperate well with others, and be highly responsible for the results of implementation. And they can contribute more to the employer and fulfill their own value. 73.29% 责任感 Responsible 诚实 Honest 13.35% 9.5% 勤奋 Diligent 3.86% 同理心 Diligent 100% 0% 5 2022 SALARY TRENDS —— Mainland China
2022 SALARY TRENDS 除此之外,专业技术能力、合作能力、学习能力是雇主最看重的排名前三位的能力。过硬的专业技术能力可以通过过往的工作结果和成就 体现出来,而合作能力与学习能力则不容易在面试环节中体现出来,或将成为企业招聘过程中的盲区。因此,职场人应该有意识去培养和 锻炼这些高价值的软技能,从而加速职场晋升步伐,在2022年实现华丽的转身和蜕变,登上职业阶梯新台阶。 In addition, professional functional expertise, cooperation and learning abilities are the top three soft skills valued most by employers. While excellent professional and technical ability can be reflected by past job performance and achievements, cooperation ability and learning ability are not easy to be reflected in the interview, so it will become a blind spot in the recruitment process. Hence talents should consciously cultivate and exercise these high-value soft skills, so as to accelerate the pace of career promotion, realize gorgeous transformation in 2022, and climb to a new level of the career path. 75.96% 64.39% 51.63% 41.84% 专业技术能力 Professional Skills 合作能力 Cooperation 学习能力 Learning Ability 独立思考能力 Independent Thinking 领导力 Leadership 影响力 Influence 数据分析能力 Data Analysis 时间管理能力 Time Management 24.93% 16.02% 9.2% 8.01% 雇主与人才双向选择的博弈——双方对跳槽预期的鸿沟 The game of mutual choices between employers and employees 每个人在职业生涯中都或多或少会经历跳槽,或为了追求更高的职业理想,或为了不屈就于当下。企业的每个部门也汇聚着来自不同成长 背景、不同教育背景、不同工龄、不同职业背景的员工。职场是瞬息万变的,也充满了各种不确定因素。那么,人才与雇主之间的期望存 在怎样的鸿沟呢? 调研数据显示,职场人跳槽期望的薪资涨幅集中在20%-30%。但是来自雇主端的调研数据显示,企业岗位迭代更新,较该职位前雇员薪 资涨幅集中在10-20%。由此可以预测,2022年实际跳槽薪资涨幅将会低于人才自我预期。 Everyone will experience job-hopping more or less in their career to pursue higher career development, or to end a dissatisfying situation. Each department of the enterprise also brings together employees from different growth backgrounds, different educational backgrounds, different seniority and different professional backgrounds. The workplace is rapidly changing and full of various uncertainty. In that way, what is the gap between employees and employers' expectation? Survey data shows that the salary increase talents expected is concentrated around 20% to 30%. However, the feedback from the employer side shows that the compensation cost increase of a position is concentrated at 10% to 20% when it is a replacement. It can be predicted that the actual salary increases of a job hopping in 2022 will be lower than what talents expect. 6
您期望的跳槽薪资涨幅是多少? What is your expected salary increase range for job hopping? More than 40% 30% - 40% 20% - 30% 10% - 20% 5% - 10% Less than 5% 1.3% 4.55% 16.08% 15.11% 24.21% 38.75% 较上一个雇员,岗位迭代更新招聘新人的薪资涨幅是多少? What is the compensation increase range when there is a replacement? 4.45% More than 40% 1.19% 30% - 40% 20% - 30% 10% - 20% 5% - 10% Less than 5% 11.28% 24.63% 30.27% 28.19% 7 2022 SALARY TRENDS —— Mainland China(To Talent) (To Employer)
2022 SALARY TRENDS 79.77% 58% 27.94% 24.61% 36.96% 企业如何吸引人才? How do employers attract talents? 调研数据显示,人才跳槽时选择新雇主的决定性因素,排名前三位的分别是:薪资福利、职业晋升空间、工作与生活平衡。想要留住人才、 吸引人才,企业需要在这三个方面提升市场竞争力,在人才的核心诉求上丰富薪酬福利模式、完善职业发展架构,提供灵活便利、人性化 的工作模式,来满足人才在工作和生活层面的双重需求。 According to the survey data, the top three decisive factors for talents to choose a new employer are compensation and benefits, career development space and work-life balance. To retain and attract excellent talents to join in the company, enterprises need to improve their talent acquire competitiveness in these three aspects. In terms of the core demands of talents, enrich the combination of compensation and benefits, improve the career development structure, and provide a flexible, convenient and humanized work style to meet the talents' needs for work-life balance. 薪资福利 Compensations and Benefits 职业晋升空间 Career Promotion Sapce 工作与生活平衡 Work-life Balance 领导管理方式 Management Style 稳定的工作环境 Stable Environment 企业文化 Culture 公司地理位置 Work Location 培训与提升 Training and Improvement 工作灵活度 Flexibility 从雇主端的调研结果看,大部分企业为员工提供的福利方式包括奖金、补充医疗健康保险及体检、交通补助等,满足了员工金钱和健康的 需求。针对更深入的职业技能培训、职业发展学习、上下级管理优化等层面入手也是极具潜力的提升雇主竞争力的有力手段。 From the survey results of employers, most enterprises provide employees with multiple benefits, including bonus, supplementary medical and health insurance, physical examination and transportation subsidies, which meet employees' needs for fortune and health. Aiming at more in-depth vocational skills training, career development and learning, or superior and subordinate management optimization are also powerful means with great potential to improve the competitiveness of employers. 奖金 Bonus 补充医疗健康保险 Supplementary Health Insurance 交通补贴 Transportation Subsidy 住房补贴 Housing Subsidy 其它 Others 教育补贴 Education Subsidy 17.22% 15.52% 29.38% 24.93% 65.88% 47.18% 20.88% 9.18% 94.96% 10.68% 8