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密级: 式 , 硕士研究生学位论文 题目 1P 网络流量监控系统的设计与实现 学号 姓 专 名: 业: 导师: o66430 主监孟 密码学 芝主 学 院: 计算机学院 2009 年 2 月 1 日
密级: 大, 硕士研究生学位论文 题目: 1P 网络流量监控系统的设计与实现 学 姓 专 导 学 号: 名 z 业: 师: 院 z 066430 米温五 密码学 罗 J主 计重组主院 2009 年 2 月 1 日
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北京 III~IU 大学学位论文 IP I吗~~流量 ]11控系统的设计勺实现 IP 网络流量监控系统的设计与实现 摘要 随着互联网技术的迅猛发展,网络已经成为人们生活中不可分割 的组成部分,通过网络人们的沟通、工作、娱乐以及各种商务活动等 都变得更为便捷畅通。但是随着网络承载的业务越来越多,各种预想 不到的问题纷纷涌来。各种 P2P 应用占用了大量的宽带资源,在增加 运营商运营成本、造成网络带宽急剧消耗的同时,还引起了很多知识 产权问题。此外还有垃圾邮件的泛滥、非法的网络帐户共享、 DDos 攻击、蠕虫泛滥等等现象,使得网络流量存在大量的资源安全问题。 因此如何有效的解决这些问题已经成为社会各方急于探讨的问题之 一。虽然目前业界针对这些问题也有一些解决方案,但这些方案大多 只建立在类似网络的接入层。适用于个人用户或局域网等小型网络环 境,这类方案受其网络位置的影响,其设计思想和考虑问题的角度也 因此受到限制。如何在网络的更高层次例如汇聚或核心层实现类似功 能,日前还鲜有研究。针对这一现状,本文着重研究了在大的网络环 境下(例如城域网)从运营商的角度出发,如何从骨干网对网络数据 进行综合的监管的问题。 本文重点研究了网络流量监控的关键技术,其中着重研究了 P2P 和垃圾邮件这两类运营商和普通用户比较关心的协议类别的监控技 术,并在此基础上实现了一个新的网络流量监控系统。该系统为各种 流量监控技术的实现平台,可以满足对网络各类流量的准确监控和记 录,同时也可以满足运营商对于网络安全和网络服务的需求。具体来 说本文的工作主要包括如下儿个方面: 1 、研究分析了各种网络流量监控技术的实现方案以及各自的优 劣势,并能够扬长避短合理利用不同流量监控技术的优势来检测不同 的流量类别。 2 、在研究分析了 P2P 流量的网络模型以及适用于 P2P 流量检测 的各种监控方案的基础上,提出了一种针对 P2P 加密流量的行为检测 万案。 3 、研究分析了目前主流的各种垃圾邮件检测方案以及各自的优
北京邮电大学学位论文 IP 网络流 量!盹控系统的设计勺实现 势,提出了一整套针对垃圾邮件的新的过滤方案。 4 、研究并提出了 一种新的基于 IP 网络的流量监控系统的系统架 构和网络部署方案。本系统能够实现对网络流量的准确分类检测,并 可以有针对性的制定控制策略对某些非法流量进行有效的控制打击, 同时用户也可以利用本系统的流量分析结果进行用户的网络行为分 析。 5 、研究了 AC 状态机模式匹配算法,并利用 AC 算法实现了本 文设计系统中的关键模块一-业务检测模块,该模块主要负责对流经 设备的所有数据流量进行识别和分类,结合各种流量检测技术识别网 络流量。主流技术为 DPI 技术,辅助技术为 DFI 和关联识别技术。 6、运用本文研究的各种流量监控技术,对 30 多种常用的 P2P 协议软件和 40 多种标准协议软件进行了深入的分析,并把分析结果 写入系统规则库,对系统的功能和性能进行了测试分析,测试结果表 明系统的功能和性能达到了设计的要求。系统的检测准确率较高,流 量控制效果较好,性能消耗较低,具有很好的稳定性、可扩展性和可 操作性等优点。 关键字:流量监控 DPI; P2P; 垃圾邮件;网络部署; AC 自动机 11
北京阳山大学 学位论文 IP 网络流量 .ll{l控系统的设汁勺实现 DESIGN AND IMPLEMENTATION OF NETWORK TRAFFIC INSPECTING SYSTEM ABSTRACT With the rapid development of Intemet technology, the network has become an integral part in people's 1ives. Through the network, people's communication, work, entertainment and a variety of business activities have become more and more smooth and convenient. However, with the network carrying more and more business, a11 kinds of unexpected problems have come out. A variety of P2P flow have taken up a large number of Bandwidth resources, they increases network operators' operating costs, result in the rapid consumption of network bandwidth, and also attract a lot of intellectual property issues. In addition, there are also have such phenomenon as the proliferation of spam, illegal sharing network account, DDos attack, the spread of worms and so on, these make the network traffic a lot ofresources security problems. Therefore, how to effectively solve these problems has become one of the issues the society eager to explore. Although there are many solutions, most ofthem are for individual or smalI scale network, e.g. LAN. Up to now, how to settle these problems in higher level, e.g. kemel layer and convergency layer have not been proposed. To solve this problem, this paper emphasizly discussed how to supervise the network in large scale network (e.g. MAN) from the viewpoint of network provider. The proposed scheme is obviously different to the existing schemes because the starting points of thought of the two are different. This paper focuses on the key technology programs of network flow inspecting, especially about P2P and spam. These two types are network operators and ordinary users more concemed about. And based on these researches, we design and implement a new network Flow Inspecting System. As the platform of f10w inspecting technology, the system can not only satisfy a11 types of network f1ow's inspection and accurate 111
北京 IIIßIß 大学学位论文 IP 网络流量.Hã控系统的设计 lj 实现 records, but also to meet network operators' demand for network security and services. The primary work of this paper includes: 1. The paper researched and analyzed a variety of network flow inspecting technology and their respective advantages and disadvantages, and was able to make rational use of different flow inspecting technology to detect the flow of different types. 2. The paper researched and analyzed the P2P traffic network model, as well as a variety of P2P traffic inspecting programs, and proposed an encrypted P2P 仕affic behavior detection program. 3. The paper researched and analyzed the current mainstream of the various spam detection programs as well as their respective strengths, and proposed a set program for the new spam filtering. 4. The paper proposed a new flow inspecting system's 仕amework and network disposition based on IP network. The system can realize the accuracy detection of network traffic, and develop different control strategies for some of illegal traffic. And then users can also use the system's analysis results for user's network behavior analysis. 5. The paper researched the AC state machine p剖tern matching algorithm, and used it to implement the key modules of the system, which is service detection module. The Module, which combined with a variety of traffic detection the identification of a11 data flowing through the equipment. The mainstream technology was DPI technology, the other technologies were DFI and the associated recognition technology. technology, was mainly responsible for 6. Using of a variety of traffic inspecting technology, 1 have deeply analyzed more than 30 kinds of commonly used P2P protocol software and over 40 kinds of standard software. And then the results were taken to system to test its functionality and performances. According to the test results, system's functionality and performance are qualified. KEY WORDS: Flow inspecting; DPI; P2P; SPAM; Network disposition; AC state machine IV
北京 I"~ I l!大学学位论文 IP 网络流呈阳拚系统的设计 11 实现 目录 第一章绪论 .. ..…...... . ..…...............………..... . ...... .. .. . .……...………..…......……..… ..……......... . ...... .. 1 1. 1 研究背景.................. ........................ ............….................................….... ................. . ........ 1 1. 2 流量监控技术简介...............…............... ............................….......…............... .… .............2 1. 3 流量监控技术分类.........…. .........…..........….......…·….........…...........................…............3 1. 4 国内外的研究现状........……........... ...............……................ . .……..…… ............................4 1. 5 论文的组织结构……..….......……·……..…………..... .........…......... .. ..…… ..... .... .................5 第二章关键技术研究........….................….................….................................… ..........................7 2. 1 流量检测技术....…….,…......…"……. . . ..............................…….........…….........…...............7 2. 1. 1 DPI 技术研究"….............………..... . .......... ...........……...................….................7 2.1.2DFI 技术研究.........….........…...........….......…….........…...............… ...... .............9 2. 1. 3 DPI&DFI 的结合... ......………….......………. .... .......... ...………. ......………....… .. ......10 2.2 P2P 流量监控技术 . ........................................ . ...................……......…...............…...........11 2. 2.1 P2P 的定义..... ...........………….......…............. .. .........…·….... . . . .……….......... .. ...11 2.2.2 P2P 技术的优缺点................. . ...…................ .. .......…..........…...................…….,. l3 2.2.3 P2P 流量检测技术研究............................................................…............… ......14 2. 2.4 P2P 流量控制技术研究…"….... .. .…..... ....…... .. .......... . ....... ..... ... .…........... .. ....17 2.3 垃圾邮件过滤技术…..............…..........................................…...... ......…........................19 2.3.1 垃圾邮件的定义....……..……………………....... . .......……..………...... .…….......… .. 19 2.3.2 垃圾邮件检到技术分析.......….............. ........ . ........................…. ........… .............20 2.3.3 垃圾邮件控制技术研究............. .............….......….....................….. ....….........… 22 第三章 IP 网络流量监控系统的总体设计............. . ........ ... .. . . .............. .…..........……. ......... ......24 3.1 系统的架构.......... .......……………………………………………………… .....................................24 3. 1. 1 业务检测模块….. .... .. .. . . . .. ......……......... ........ .…·…….. . . . ....... . .. . .... ..… ............ .. ...25 3.1.2 业务控制模块…......................….......…..… ....... ...... ....….........…… ......................25 3.1.3 业务管理模块. ........ .... . .. ....…..….......…...........…….................... . ... ...... . ..… ..........26 3. 1. 4 DB 模块……. . .............. ...………… . .......................... ............................... . .. ....... . ...... 26 3. 1. 5 WEB