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COMPUTER ENGLISH 计 算 机 英 语 (第 2 版) 刘艺 王春生 编
计算机英语 1 Part One Computer Basics
2 Computer English 第一部分 计算机基础 第一单元 我的电脑 第二单元 计算机硬件结构 第三单元 操作系统 第四单元 计算机语言与编程 ● 课文 A:计算机概览 ● 课文 B:可穿戴的计算机 ● 课文 C:PDA 拳击赛:Palm 对 Pocket PC ● 课文 A:计算机硬件 ● 课文 B:通用串行总线 ● 课文 C:DVD ● 课文 A:操作系统 ● 课文 B:Longhorn:Windows 的 下一个版本 ● 课文 C:什么是 Linux ● 课文 A:编程语言 ● 课文 B:Java 语言 ● 课文 C:数组
计算机英语 3 Unit 1: My Computer (我的电脑) Section A Computer Overview I. Introduction A computer is an electronic device that can receive a set of instructions, or program, and then carry out this program by performing calculations on numerical data or by manipulating other forms of information. The modern world of high technology could not have come about1 except for the development of the computer. Different types and sizes of computers find uses throughout society in the storage and handling of data, from secret governmental files to banking transactions to private household accounts. Computers have opened up a new era in manufacturing numeric(al) / nju:5merik(El) / a. 数字的;数值的 manipulate / mE5nipjUleit / v. 操作;处理 transaction / trAn5zAkFEn / n. 交易;业务;事 务(处理) 1 come about:发生,产生。
4 Computer English automation / 7C:tE5meiFEn / n. 自动化 enhance / in5hB:ns / v. 增强 conjecture / kEn5dVektFE / n. 推测,猜想 database / 5deitEbeis / n. 数据库 privacy / 5praivEsi / n. 隐私;秘密 precursor / 7pri:5kE:sE / n. 先驱 digit / 5didVit / n. 数字 loom / lu:m / n. 织机 perforated / 5pE:fEreitid / a. 穿孔的 conceive / kEn5si:v / v.(构)想出 punched card 穿孔卡片 electrical contact 电触点 compile / kEm5pail / v. 汇编;编译 census / 5sensEs / n. 人口普查 analytical / 7AnE5litikEl / a. 分析的 Analytical Engine 分析机,解析机 through the techniques of automation, and they have enhanced modern communication systems. They are essential tools in almost every field of research and applied technology, from constructing models of the universe to producing tomorrow’s weather reports, and their use has in itself opened up new areas of conjecture. Database services and computer networks make available a great variety of information sources.1 The same advanced techniques also make possible invasions of personal and business privacy. Computer crime has become one of the many risks that are part of the price of modern technology. II. History The first adding machine, a precursor of the digital computer, was devised in 1642 by the French scientist, mathematician, and philosopher Blaise Pascal2 This device employed a series of ten-toothed wheels, each tooth representing a digit from 0 to 9. The wheels were connected so that numbers could be added to each other by advancing the wheels by a correct number of teeth. In the 1670s the German philosopher and mathematician Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz3 improved on this machine by devising one that could also multiply. The French inventor Joseph-Marie Jacquard 4 , in designing an automatic loom, used thin, perforated wooden boards to control the weaving of complicated designs. During the 1880s the American statistician Herman Hollerith5 conceived the idea of using perforated cards, similar to Jacquard’s boards, for processing data. Employing a system that passed punched cards over electrical contacts, he was able to compile statistical information for the 1890 United States census. 1. The Analytical Engine Also in the 19th century, the British mathematician and inventor Charles Babbage6 worked out the principles of the modern digital computer. 1 Database services and computer networks make available a great variety of information sources.:数据库服务和 计算机网络使各种各样的信息源可供使用。这句话由于宾语(a great variety of information sources)较长, 因此将宾语的补语(available)放到了宾语的前面。文中下一句话也属同样情况。 2 Blaise Pascal:布莱斯·帕斯卡(1623~1662),法国数学家、物理学家、哲学家,概率论创立者之一。 3 Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz:戈特弗里德·威廉·莱布尼兹(1646~1716),德国自然科学家、哲学家,微 积分、数理逻辑的先驱,提出了二进制。 4 Joseph-Marie Jacquard:约瑟夫―玛丽·雅卡尔(1752~1834),法国著名的织机工匠,纹板提花机的主 要改革家。 5 Herman Hollerith:赫尔曼·何勒里斯(1860~1929),美国发明家和统计学家。 6 Charles Babbage:查尔斯·巴比奇(1792~1871),英国数学家和发明家。
计算机英语 5 Difference Engine 差分机 input stream 输入(信息)流 analog(ue) / 5AnElCg / a. 模拟的 shaft / FB:ft / n. 轴 approximation / E7prCksi5meiFEn / n. 近似(值) computing / kEm5pju:tiN / n. 计算(技术) torpedo / tC:5pi:dEu / n. 鱼雷 submarine / 7sQbmE5ri:n / n. 潜艇 bombsight / 5bCmsait / n. 轰炸瞄准器 incorporate / in5kC:pEreit / v. 包含,吸收;把… 合并,使并入 vacuum tube 真空管 crack / krAk / v. 破译 encipher / in5saifE / v. 把…译成密码 prototype / 5prEutEtaip / n. 原型;样品 He conceived a number of machines, such as the Difference Engine, that were designed to handle complicated mathematical problems. Many historians consider Babbage and his associate, the mathematician Augusta Ada Byron1, the true pioneers of the modern digital computer. One of Babbage’s designs, the Analytical Engine, had many features of a modern computer. It had an input stream in the form of a deck of punched cards, a “store” for saving data, a “mill” for arithmetic operations, and a printer that made a permanent record.2 Babbage failed to put this idea into practice, though it may well have been technically possible at that date. 2. Early Computers Analogue computers began to be built in the late 19th century. Early models calculated by means of rotating shafts and gears. Numerical approximations of equations too difficult to solve in any other way were evaluated with such machines. Lord Kelvin 3 built a mechanical tide predictor that was a specialized analogue computer. During World Wars I and II, mechanical and, later, electrical analogue computing systems were used as torpedo course predictors in submarines and as bombsight controllers in aircraft. Another system was designed to predict spring floods in the Mississippi River4 basin. 3. Electronic Computers During World War II, a team of scientists and mathematicians, working at Bletchley Park, north of London, created one of the first all-electronic digital computers: Colossus5. By December 1943, Colossus, which incorporated 1,500 vacuum tubes, was operational. It was used by the team headed by Alan Turing6, in the largely successful attempt to crack German radio messages enciphered in the Enigma code7. Independently of this, in the United States, a prototype electronic 1 Augusta Ada Byron:奥古斯塔·埃达·拜伦(1815~1852),英国数学家,诗人拜伦之女。 2 It had an input stream in the form of a deck of punched cards, a “store” for saving data, a “mill” for arithmetic operations, and a printer that made a permanent record.:它有一个以一叠穿孔卡片的形式存在的输入流、一 个存储数据的“仓库”、一个进行算术运算的“工厂”和一台产生永久记录的打印机。 3 Lord Kelvin:开尔文勋爵(1824~1907),全名威廉·汤姆森·开尔文(William Thomson Kelvin),英国 物理学家,发展了热力学理论,创立了热力学绝对温标(即开尔文温标)。 4 Mississippi River:密西西比河,发源于美国中北部的湖沼区,南注墨西哥湾,系美国主要河流。 5 Colossus:该词读作 / kE5lCsEs/ ,有“巨像”、“巨人”、“巨物”等意。 6 Alan Turing:艾伦·图灵(1912~1954),英国数学家和逻辑学家。 7 Enigma code:恩尼格码,德军在第二次世界大战期间采用的一种密码。
6 Computer English overshadow / 7EuvE5FAdEu / v. 使相形见绌 integrator / 5intigreitE / n. 积分器 patent / 5peitEnt / n. 专利(权) overturn / 7EuvE5tE:n / v. 推翻;废除 Hungarian / hQN5geEriEn / a. 匈牙利的 memory / 5memEri / n. 存储器,内存 paper-tape reader 纸带阅读器 execution / 7eksi5kjuFEn / n. 执行,运行 machine had been built as early as 1939, by John Atanasoff1 and Clifford Berry2 at Iowa State College3. This prototype and later research were completed quietly and later overshadowed by the development of the Electronic Numerical Integrator And Computer (ENIAC 4 ) in 1945. ENIAC was granted a patent, which was overturned decades later, in 1973, when the machine was revealed to have incorporated principles first used in the Atanasoff-Berry Computer. Figure 1A-1: ENIAC was one of the first fully electronic digital computers ENIAC (See Figure 1A-1) contained 18,000 vacuum tubes and had a speed of several hundred multiplications per minute, but originally its program was wired into the processor5 and had to be manually altered. Later machines were built with program storage, based on the ideas of the Hungarian-American mathematician John von Neumann6. The instructions, like the data, were stored within a “memory”, freeing the computer from the speed limitations of the paper-tape reader during execution and 1 John Atanasoff:约翰·阿塔纳索夫(1903~1995),美国物理学家。 2 Clifford Berry:克利福德·贝里(1918~1963),美国物理学家。 3 Iowa State College:(美国)艾奥瓦州立学院。 4 ENIAC:电子数字积分计算机,ENIAC 计算机(Electronic Numerical Integrator And Computer 的首字母缩略)。 5 its program was wired into the processor:程序通过导线传送到处理器内。 6 John von Neumann:约翰·冯·诺伊曼(1903~1957),美籍匈牙利数学家,对量子物理、数学逻辑和高 速计算机的发展均有贡献。
计算机英语 7 permitting problems to be solved without rewiring the computer. The use of the transistor in computers in the late 1950s marked the advent of smaller, faster, and more versatile logical elements than were possible with vacuum-tube machines. Because transistors use much less power and have a much longer life, this development alone was responsible for second-generation computers. Components became smaller, as did inter-component spacings, and the system became much less expensive to build. improved machines called the 4. Integrated Circuits Late in the 1960s the integrated circuit, or IC (See Figure 1A-2), was introduced, making it possible for many transistors to be fabricated on one silicon substrate, with interconnecting wires plated in place1. The IC resulted in a further reduction in price, size, and failure rate. The microprocessor became a reality in the mid-1970s with the introduction of the large-scale integrated (LSI) circuit and, later, the very large-scale integrated thousands of interconnected transistors etched into a single silicon substrate. (microchip), with many (VLSI) circuit Figure 1A-2: An integrated circuit To return, then, to the switching capabilities of a modern computer: computers in the 1970s were generally able to handle eight switches at a time. That is, they could deal with eight binary digits, or bits, of data, at transistor / trAn5sistE / n. 晶体管 advent / 5Advent / n. 出现,到来 versatile / 5vE:sEtail / a. 多用途的, 通用的 logical element 逻辑元件 fabricate / 5fAbrikeit / v. 制作 silicon / 5silikEn / n. 硅 substrate / 5sQbstreit / n. 衬底,基底 microprocessor / 7maikrEu5prEusesE / n. 微处理器 microchip / 5maikrEutFip / n. 微芯片 etch / etF / v. 蚀刻 binary / 5bainEri / a. 二进制的 bit / bit / n. 位,比特 1 making it possible for many transistors to be fabricated on one silicon substrate, with interconnecting wires plated in place:从而有可能将许多晶体管制作在一块硅衬底上,晶体管之间用镀在那里的导线相连接。