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Final assignment leolei In this final assignment, we respectively attempt to build a complete ofdm system and the following is a combine summary of our each’s work. part one -->code: -->main.m clc clear close all %% 基础信息 m = 2;%调制等级(QAM) N = 100;%发射 OFDM 块个数 num_bit = N*m*48/2;%输入二进制比特个数 pilot_out = zeros(N,52)';%插入导频输出 map_out = zeros(N,64)';%mapping 输出 %insert-pilot&mapping 索引 %############### DataSubcPatt = [1:5 7:19 21:26 27:32 34:46 48:52]; PilotSubcPatt = [6 20 33 47]; UsedSubcIdx = [7:32 34:59]; Reorder = [33:64 1:32]; %############### %% 测试 N_tn2 = 250; snr = 12:0.1:16; for tn1=1:length(snr) counter = 0; for tn2=1:N_tn2 %% %%%%%%%%%%%%################发射端########################### %%%%%%%信道编码 in_bit = randi([0,1],1,num_bit);%输入随机二进制流 trellis = poly2trellis(7,[133,171]);%生成卷积编码码树 conv_encode_bit = convenc(in_bit,trellis);%1/2 卷积信道编码 %%%%%%%交织 interleaved_bits = tx_interleaver(conv_encode_bit,48, m); %%%%%%%m 阶 QAM 调制 qam_in = reshape(interleaved_bits,num_bit*2/m,m);%串并转换 qam_out = qammod(bi2de(qam_in),2.^m,'UnitAveragePower',true);%qam 调制 %%%%%%%mapping %插入导频
pilot_in = reshape(qam_out,48,N);%串并转换 pilot_out(DataSubcPatt,:) = pilot_in; pilot_out(PilotSubcPatt,:) = 1;%映射 %映射至子载波 map_out(UsedSubcIdx,:) = pilot_out;%映射 map_out(Reorder,:) = map_out;%重新排序 %%%%%%%IFFT(ofdm-mod) ofdm = ifft(map_out,64,1); %%%%%%%add_cp s_cp = [ofdm(64-15:64,:);ofdm]; s_cp = reshape(s_cp,N*80,1); %%%%%%%training [trained_sent,longtrain] = trainning(s_cp); %% %%%%%%%%%%%%################信道############################## SNR = snr(tn1); h = [1,0.1,0.2]; %%%%%%%加入空白前缀 zero_time = 200; add_zeroinfo = [zeros(1,zero_time)';trained_sent;zeros(1,1000)']; %%%%%%%加入频偏 period = length(add_zeroinfo); axis_time = 1:period; bias = 0.01; fre_bias = exp(-1i*2*pi/64*axis_time*bias)'; add_fre_bias = add_zeroinfo.*fre_bias; %%%%%%%%过多径信道 after_h = filter(h,1,add_fre_bias); %%%%%%%%加噪声 after_noise = awgn(after_h,SNR,'measured'); %% %%%%%%%%%%%%################接收端############################ %%%%%%%包检测 ok pkt_detect_index = pkt_detect(after_noise); %%%%%%%频率同步 ok freq_synq_out = freq_synq(after_noise,pkt_detect_index); bias_detect = 2*freq_synq_out/pi; bias_detect_perf(tn2) = bias-bias_detect; freq_compensation = exp(-1i*2*pi/64*axis_time*bias_detect)'; after_freq_compen = after_noise.*freq_compensation; %after_freq_compen = after_noise; err_fre_synq = sum((add_zeroinfo - after_freq_compen).^2)/period; %%%%%%%%精准时间同步 ok start_time = fine_time_synq(after_freq_compen,trained_sent(257:320)); r_cp = after_freq_compen(start_time+128:start_time+128+80*N-1); %%%%%%%remove_cp
r_cp = reshape(r_cp,80,N); r = r_cp(17:end,:); %%%%%%%FFT(ofdm-demod) iofdm = fft(r,64,1); %%%%%%%demapping demap_in(Reorder,:) = iofdm;%排序恢复 demap_out = demap_in(UsedSubcIdx,:); %%%%%%%信道估计 ok [HK_esti,err_esti] = channel_esti(h,after_freq_compen(start_time:start_time+127),longtrain); channel_esti_perf(tn2) = err_esti; %%%信道均衡 for n=1:length(demap_out) after_equa(:,n) = demap_out(:,n)./HK_esti; end %%%%%%%% depilot_out = after_equa(DataSubcPatt,:); pilot_syms_out = after_equa(PilotSubcPatt,:); %%%%%%%%相位补偿 phase_esti = angle(sum(pilot_syms_out)); phase_comp = exp(-j*phase_esti); after_phase_comp = depilot_out.*repmat(phase_comp,48,1); %%%%%%%m 阶 QAM 解调 deqam_in = reshape(after_phase_comp,num_bit*2/m,1); deqam_bit = de2bi(qamdemod(deqam_in,2.^m,'UnitAveragePower', true)); deqam_out = reshape(deqam_bit,1,num_bit*2); %%%%%%%解交织 deint_bits = rx_deinterleave(deqam_out, 48, m); %%%%%%%信道译码 conv_decode_bit = vitdec(deint_bits,trellis,35,'trunc','hard'); %%%%%%%输出检测误码率和丢包率 out_bit = conv_decode_bit; BER_tn2(tn2) = sum(abs(in_bit-out_bit))/num_bit; if BER_tn2(tn2)~=0 counter = counter+1; end BER_tn2(tn2) = BER_tn2(tn2) + 1e-20; end BER_tn1(tn1) = sum(BER_tn2)/N_tn2; PER(tn1) = counter/N_tn2; MSE_bias(tn1) = sum(bias_detect_perf.^2)/N_tn2; MSE_channel_esti(tn1) = sum(channel_esti_perf.^2)/N_tn2; disp(tn1); end figure;
subplot(211); plot(snr,PER); title('PER'); xlabel('snr'); ylabel('PER'); subplot(212); semilogy(snr,BER_tn1,'rd--'); title('BER'); xlabel('snr'); ylabel('BER'); grid on; figure; plot(snr,MSE_bias); title('CFO'); xlabel('snr'); ylabel('CFO-detect-MSE'); figure; plot(snr,MSE_channel_esti); xlabel('snr'); ylabel('channel-esti-MSE'); title('channel-esti'); used functions: -->trainning.m function [trained_bit,longtrain] = trainning(in_bits) map_s = zeros(1,64); map_l = zeros(1,64); trained_l = zeros(1,160); UsedSubcIdx = [7:32 34:59]; Reorder = [33:64 1:32]; shorttrain_bit = [0 0 1+1i 0 0 0 -1-1i 0 0 0 1+1i 0 0 0 -1-1i 0 0 0 -1-1i 0 0 0 1+1i 0 0 0 0 0 0 -1-1i 0 0 0 -1-1i 0 0 0 1+1i 0 0 0 1+1i 0 0 0 1+1i 0 0 0 1+1i 0 0]; shorttrain_bit = shorttrain_bit/sqrt(13/6); longtrain_bit = [1 1 -1 -1 1 1 -1 1 -1 1 1 1 1 1 1 -1 -1 1 1 -1 1 -1 1 1 1 1 1 -1 -1 1 1 -1 1 -1 1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 1 1 -1 -1 1 -1 1 -1 1 1 1 1]; map_s(UsedSubcIdx) = shorttrain_bit; map_s(Reorder) = map_s; map_l(UsedSubcIdx) = longtrain_bit; map_l(Reorder) = map_l; sent_s = ifft(map_s,64); sent_s = sent_s(1:16);
trained_s = sent_s; sent_l = ifft(map_l,64); for i=1:9 trained_s = [trained_s sent_s]; end trained_l(1:32) = sent_l(33:64); trained_l(33:96) = sent_l; trained_l(97:160) = sent_l; x = reshape([trained_s trained_l],320,1); trained_bit = [x;in_bits]; longtrain = longtrain_bit; -->pkt_detect.m function pkt_detect_index = pkt_detect(in_bits) LA = 32; count = 1; standard = 0.85; detect_time = 1000; for n=1:detect_time C(n) = abs(sum(in_bits(n:(n+LA-1)).*conj(in_bits((n+16):(n+15+LA))))); P(n) = sum(abs(in_bits((n+16):(n+LA+15))).^2); if ((C(n)/P(n))>standard)&(count==1) count = n; end end axis = 1:detect_time; m = C./P; % plot(axis,m); % title(sprintf('pkt-start-time: %d',count)); pkt_detect_index = count; -->freq_synq.m function freq_synq_out = freq_synq(in_bits,pkt_detect_index) offset = 20; synq_bit = in_bits(pkt_detect_index:end); R = sum(synq_bit(offset:(16*2+offset)).*conj(synq_bit((offset+16):(3*16+offset)))); angle_R = angle(R); freq_synq_out = angle_R; -->fine_time_synq.m function fine_time_index = fine_time_synq(in_bits,train_sequence)
match_filter =conj(train_sequence); detect_time = 1000; for n=1:detect_time time_synq_out(n) = sum(in_bits(n:n+63).*match_filter); end axis = 1:detect_time; [B,I] = maxk(time_synq_out,2); % plot(axis,time_synq_out); % title(sprintf('start-time: %d,%d',I)); fine_time_index = min(I); -->channel_esti.m function [HK_esti,err] = channel_esti(hn,Yn,longtrain) Reorder = [33:64 1:32]; UsedSubcIdx = [7:32 34:59]; HK(Reorder) = fft(hn,64); HK = HK(:,UsedSubcIdx); Yn = reshape(Yn,64,2); iofdm = fft(Yn,64,1); reorder(Reorder,:) = iofdm; extract = reorder(UsedSubcIdx,:); fre_tr_syms = mean(extract,2); HK_esti = reshape(longtrain,52,1).*fre_tr_syms; axis = 1:52; % plot(axis,HK,'b');hold on % plot(axis,real(0.99*HK_esti),'r'); % legend('HK','HK-esti'); err = sum(abs(HK-HK_esti').^2)/52; end
output of simulation: 1.package detect snr = 20dB (with 200 zero symbols ahead) 2.frequency synchronization the bias between the cfo detected and theory 3.fine time synchronization
snr = 20dB (with 200 zero symbols ahead) 4.channel estimation single estimation