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TOMLAB/PROPT 学习笔记 (---最优控制问题的求解方法 2) 1. PROPT 语法 简介: 包含状态方程、初始或终端条件、代价函数,其他方程和变量 1.1 标准函数、运算符语法: 1. collocate — Expand a propt tomSym to all collocation points on a phase.扩展到全部配置点上 格式:y = collocate(phase, x) 2. dot 微分 格式:dot(p,x) 如果已经调用 setPhase(p),可简化为 dot(x)。适用于其他?y = collocate(phase, x)? 3. final — Evaluate a propt tomSym at the final point of a phase.估算最后点的值 y = final(phase, 4. icollocate — Expand a propt tomSym to all interpolation points on a phase 扩展到全部插值点上 与 collocate 类似,除了插值点是用来代替搭配点。 这在构造初始猜测时通常很有用。 5. initial — Evaluate a propt tomSym at the initial point of a phase.计算初值 y = initial(phase, 6. integrate — Evaluate the integral of an expression in a phase. 计算积分值 y = integrate(phase, 7. mcollocate — Expand to all collocation points, endpoints and midpoints on a phase. 扩展到全部配置点、终点、 x) x) x) 中间点上,用于设置涉及状态变量的不等式。应注意确保不与任何初始或最终条件冲突。 x) y = mcollocate(phase, 8. setPhase — Set the active phase when modeling PROPT problem.设置 phase 阶段 格式:setPhase(p) 可以省略 tomState,tomControl,initial,final,integrate 等命令的阶段参数。 9. tomControl — Generate a PROPT symbolic state. 定义控制变量
scalar PROPT control with a x = tomControl ,creates x = tomControl(phase,label) , creates a x = tomControl(phase,label,m,n) ,creates x = tomControl(phase,[],m,n) , creates x = tomControl(phase,label,m,n,’int’) , creates x = tomControl(phase,label,m,n,’symmetric’), creates 10. tomControls a matrix an x y z an scalar control with a m-by-n matrix automatic the of control with integer matrix controls. an symbol. symmetric matrix a tomControls — Create tomControl objects 定义控制变量 name. provided name. name. automatic symbol. 等效于: x = tomControl(’x’); y = tomControl(’y’); z = tomControl(’z’); 11. tomPhase — Create a phase struct 产生配置点 n) phase = tomPhase(label, phase = tomPhase(label, ipoints, 如:p = tomPhase('p', t, 0, tf, 30);0-tf时间内,划分30个点 If n > 128 then Chebyshev points are used instead.) phase = tomPhase(label, t, tstart, tdelta, n, [], 'cheb') tdelta, tdelta, tstart, tstart, t, t, cpoints) an name. creates automatic a creates scalar PROPT state with creates 12. tomState — Generate a PROPT symbolic state ,定义状态变量 x = tomState a x = tomState(phase,label) x = tomState(phase,label,m,n) a matrix x = tomState(phase,[],m,n) creates creates an x = tomState(phase,label,m,n,’int’) x = tomState(phase,label,m,n,’symmetric’) symbol. creates 13 tomStates — Create tomState objects as toms create tomSym objects ,定义状态变量 如:tomStates the scalar state with state. a m-by-n matrix state with an integer matrix automatic symbol. symmetric matrix provided name. name. x y z a 补充: 14. toms 定义时间变量 toms t t_f 15. ezsolve 求解 Solution = ezsolve (objective, constraints) [solution, result] = ezsolve(objective, {cbox, cbnd, ceq}, x0, options);
t, x) Ezsolve 调用 tomDiagnose 来确定问题类型,使用 getSolver 找到合适的求解器,然后调用 sym2prob、tomRun、 getSoluton 依次获得解决方案。 1.2 高级函数(运算符)语法 1. atPoints — Expand a propt tomSym to a set of points on a phase.拓展/插值 y = atPoints(phase, y =atPoints(phase, t, x, solution) 2. interp1p — Polynomial interpolation.多项式插值 yi = interp1p(x,y,xi),根据(x,y)得到多项式,对 xi 处估算其 yi 值 3. proptGausspoints — Generate a list of gauss points. 生成高斯点列表。 [r, w] = gausspoints(nquad) = proptGausspoints(n) Input: n - The number of points requested Output: r - n 阶勒让德多项式的根;w -高斯求积的权重。 4. proptDiffMatrix — Differentiation matrix for interpPoly. M = proptDiffMatrix(X,XI,N) 1.3 Screen output 屏幕输出 options . PriLevOpt 1.4 结果输出 ,结构体 solution = 1; % or for more higher output 2 案例 2.1 A Linear Problem with Bang Bang Control Find u over t in [0; tF] to minimize: J = tF subject to: Problem setup:
Solve the problem: 编程方法总结,步骤: 1.时间变量定义,toms t t_f ,由于t_f自由,须定义它 2.配置点定义, p = tomPhase('p', t, 0, t_f, 30);固定格式 setPhase(p); 3.控制变量和状态变量定义, tomStates x1 x2
tomControls u 4.初值定义 x0 = { t_f == 20 icollocate({x1 == 300*t/t_f; x2 == 0}) %在插值点上。 x1怎么不是0? collocate(u==1-2*t/t_f) %在配置点上对u设定初值 }; 5. Box(?)取值范围约束 cbox = { 10 <= t_f <= 40 mcollocate(-2 <= u <= 1) %u适用于全部点 }; %tf范围? 6.边界约束 cbnd = { initial({x1 == 0; x2 == 0}) %初值 final({x1 == 300; x2 == 0}) %终值 }; 7.ODE 方程组 ceq = collocate({dot(x1) == x2; dot(x2) == u});%用collocate,适用于配置点上? 8.目标函数 objective = t_f; 9.求解 options = struct; options.name = 'Bang-Bang Free Time'; [solution, result] = ezsolve(objective, {cbox, cbnd, ceq}, x0, options); 10.结果输出 t_plot = linspace(0,subs(t_f,solution),100);subs替换作用 x1_plot = atPoints(t_plot,x1,solution);根据t_plot位置拓展/插值x1 x2_plot = atPoints(t_plot,x2,solution); u_plot = atPoints(t_plot,u,solution);
2.2 Batch Fermentor Problem description: Find u(t) and t f over t in [t0; t f ] to maximize subject to: J = x2(tf )∗ x4(tf ) where x1, x2, and x3 are the biomass, penicillin and substrate concentrations (g=L), and x4 is the volume (L). The initial conditions are: path constraints: x(t0) = [1.5 0 0 7]’ 0 <= x1 <= 40 0 <= x3 <= 25 0 <= x4 <= 10 The upper and lower bounds on the only control variable (feed rate of substrate) are: 0 <= u <= 50 Solving the problem on multiple grids: 网格点从小到大,连续计算,具体步骤: 1.时间定义 toms t t_f 2. 配置点定义 采用不同网格数方法,nvec = [35 70 100]; for i=1:length(nvec) .......一次计算 end 其中: n = nvec(i); p = tomPhase('p', t, 0, t_f, n, [], 'spline3'); 配点定义与前面类似,多了i的循环
setPhase(p); 3.变量定义 tomStates x1 x2 x3 x4 %状态变量 tomControls u 4.初值定义 if i==1 %控制变量 x0 = {t_f == 126 猜测 icollocate(x1 == 1.5)%与给定的初值一致 icollocate(x2 == 0) icollocate(x3 == 0) icollocate(x4 == 7) collocate(u==11.25)};猜测 else end % Copy the solution into the starting guess 以前次计算结果为初值 x0 = {t_f == tf_init icollocate(x1 == x1_init) icollocate(x2 == x2_init) icollocate(x3 == x3_init) icollocate(x4 == x4_init) collocate(u == u_init)}; 5.Box 约束 (变量取值范围约束) cbox = {1 <= t_f <= 256 mcollocate({ 1e-8 <= x1 <= 40 %避免分母出现0 0 0 1 0 }; <= x2 <= 50 <= x3 <= 25 <= x4 <= 10 %避免分母出现0 <= u <= 50}) 6.边界约束(定义两点初始点/终点的约束) cinit = initial({x1 == 1.5; x2 == 0 x3 == 0; x4 == 7}); cfinal = final(h2.*x1-0.01*x2) == 0; 7. 中间量/表达式描述 h1 = 0.11*(x3./(0.006*x1+x3)); h2 = 0.0055*(x3./(0.0001+x3.*(1+10*x3))); 8.微分方程组 ceq = collocate({ dot(x1) == h1.*x1-u.*(x1./500./x4) dot(x2) == h2.*x1-0.01*x2-u.*(x2./500./x4) dot(x3) == -h1.*x1/0.47-h2.*x1/1.2-x1.*... (0.029*x3./(0.0001+x3))+u./x4.*(1-x3/500)
dot(x4) == u/500}); 9.目标函数 objective = -final(x2)*final(x4); 10.求解 options = struct; options.name = 'Batch Fermentor'; options.Prob.SOL.optPar(30) = 20000; %options.scale = 'auto'; %if i==1 % % %end solution = ezsolve(objective, {cbox, cinit, cfinal, ceq}, x0, options); options.solver = 'multiMin'; options.xInit = 20; 11.返回计算结果给初值 x1_init = subs(x1,solution); x2_init = subs(x2,solution); x3_init = subs(x3,solution); x4_init = subs(x4,solution); u_init = subs(u,solution); tf_init = subs(t_f,solution); 2.3 Continuous State Constraint Problem Problem description: Problem setup: 1.时间定义 toms t 2. 配置点定义 p = tomPhase (’p’, t, 0, 1, 50);