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2021-2022 年山东省济宁市兖州区六年级上册期末英语试卷及答案(人 教 PEP 版) 一、听音,根据你所听到的语句顺序,给下面的情境图片用阿拉伯数字排序。请将排序结果写在图片下面 的括号内。(5 个知识点) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) 二、听音,为所听到的问句,选择恰当的答语。(10 个知识点) ( )1. A. It’s next to the restaurant on Xinghua Street. B. Turn right at the traffic lights. C. It’s far from here. ( )2. A. I’m going to visit my grandparents. B. I often visit my grandparents by bus. C. This Sunday. ( )3. A. He usually does word puzzles. B. He likes going swimming. C. He goes to work by car. ( )4. A. She works at a factory. B. She is a postwoman. C. She walks to work. ( )5. A. Don’t be sad. B. I don’t feel well. I’m ill. C. Please take a deep breath. 三、听音,根据你所听到的短文内容,判断对“√”错“×”。请将判断结果写在句子前面的括号内。(15 个知识点) ( ( ( )1. Wu Bing likes playing sports. )2. Wu Bing wants to work in an office. )3. Kate can type very quickly. She wants to work in an office.
( ( )4. Yifan’s grandfather is a scientist. )5. Sam likes science. He wants to work in a university. 看图片,读句子,根据图意和句意,完成句子。 1. We can see a film in it. It’s a ______. 【答案】cinema 【解析】 【详解】句意:我们可以在里面看电影。它是一家______。根据句意及图片可知考查单词 cinema 电影院, 前面有 a 修饰,用单数,故答案为 cinema。 2. It goes under the ground. It looks like a train. It’s the ______. 【答案】subway 【解析】 【详解】句意:它在地下。它看起来像一列火车。它是______。根据句意及图片,可知考查单词 subway 地 铁,根据主谓语可知用单数,故答案为 subway。 3. We send it to our family or friends on a holiday. It’s a ______. 【答案】postcard 【解析】 【详解】句意:我们在节日时把它送给家人或朋友。它是一张_____。根据句意及图片,可知考查单词 postcard 明信片,前面有 a 修饰,用单数,故答案为 postcard。 4. He can drive a plane. He is a ______. 【答案】pilot 【解析】 【详解】句意:他会开飞机。他是一名______。根据句意及首字母,可知考查单词 pilot 飞行员 ,前面有
a 修饰,用单数,故答案为 pilot。 5. He always helps the people. He catches the bad men. He is a ______. 【答案】policeman 【解析】 【详解】句意:他总是帮助人。他抓坏人。他是一名______。根据句意及图片,可知考查单词 policeman 警察,前面有 a 修饰,用单数,故答案为 policeman。 看图片,读句子。请为下列语句匹配恰当的图片,将其字母序号写在句前括号内。 A. B. C. D. E. 6. —What does the man do? ( ) —He is a coach. 7. —What are you going to do? ( ) —We are going to play football. 8. —Don’t go at the red light. You must pay attention to the traffic lights. ( ) —Oh, right! Let’s stop and wait. 9. —How can I get to the Palace Museum? ( ) —Go straight and turn right at the crossing. 10. —I feel ill. What should I do? ( ) —You should see a doctor. 【答案】6. E 7. A 8. D 9. C 10. B 【解析】 【6 题详解】 句意:—这个男人是做什么的?—他是教练。选项 E 是教练,故选 E。 【7 题详解】 句意:—你打算做什么?—我打算踢足球。选项 A 是踢足球,故选 A。
【8 题详解】句意:—红灯时不要走。你必须注意交通信号灯。—哦,对!让我们停下来等吧。选项 D 是交 通信号灯,故选 D。 【9 题详解】 句意:—我怎么去故宫博物院。—直走,在十字路口右转。选项 C 是直走、右转的标志,故选 C。 【10 题详解】 句意:—我感觉生病了。我应该做什么?—你应该看医生。选项 B 是看医生,故选 B。 补全对话。请你根据上下文,选择语句,补全对话。将所选语句的字母序号写在文中相应的横线上。 Dad: ________11________ Sam: She goes to the supermarket this morning. Dad: ________12________ Sam: She is going to buy some fruit. Mum: Sam, come here, please! Sam: ________13________ Mum: I hurt my foot. Come and help me. Sam: Oh! ________14________ Dad: ________15________ Mum: Not well. Dad: Let’s go to the hospital. A. What’s wrong? B. What is she going to buy? C. Where is your mum? D. How do you feel now? E. You should see a doctor. 【答案】11. C 12. B 13. A 14. E 15. D 【解析】 【导语】本文讲了妈妈去超市伤了脚。 【11 题详解】 下句说:她今天早上去了超市。可知这句问在哪,C 你妈妈在哪?符合语境,故选 C。 【12 题详解】 下句说:她要买一些水果。可知这句问要买什么,B 她要买什么?符合语境,故选 B。 【13 题详解】下句说:我伤了脚。可知这句问怎么了,A 怎么了?符合语境,故选 A。
【14 题详解】 结合上文,选项 E 你应该去看医生。符合语境,故选 E。 【15 题详解】 下句说:不是很好。可知这句问怎么样,D 现在你感觉怎么样?符合语境,故选 D。 阅读理解。阅读短文,根据短文内容,选择正确的答案。 Hi! I’m Li Ning. I live in Beijing. Come and see my new pen pal Daming. He lives in Wuhan. He likes reading and going hiking. Daming’s father works in a school. He is a head teacher. He likes doing sports. He goes to work by bike every day. His mother is a music teacher. She likes singing and dancing. She goes to work by bus. October in Beijing is beautiful. The weather is cool. Daming and his family are going to Beijing in October. Her mother is going to teach me the song “Jasmine Flower”! I feel very happy. 16. What are Daming’s hobbies? ( ) A. He likes skating and riding a bike. B. He likes reading and going hiking. C. He likes skating and reading. 17. How does Daming’s father go to work? ( ) A. By bike. B. By bus. C. On foot. 18. What does Daming’s mother do? ( ) A. She is a music teacher. B. She is a worker. C. She is a singer. 19. Where does Daming live? ( ) A. In Beijing. B. In Shandong. C. In Wuhan. 20. When are Daming’s family going to Beijing? ( ) A. In December. B. In November. C. In October. 【答案】16. B 17. A 18. A 19. C 20. C 【解析】 【导语】本文介绍了大明和大明的家人及他们十月要去北京。 【16 题详解】 句意:大明的爱好是什么?A 他喜欢滑冰和骑自行车。B 他喜欢阅读和去远足。C 他喜欢滑冰和阅读。根据 He likes reading and going hiking.,可知大明喜欢阅读和去远足,故选 B。 【17 题详解】
句意:大明的爸爸怎么去上班?A 骑自行车。B 坐公交车。C 步行。根据 He goes to work by bike every