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2021-2022 年山东省临沂市平邑县六年级上册期末英语试卷 及答案(人教 PEP 版) 1. Listen and number. 听音排序,用 1-10 进行标号。 ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) 【答案】 ①. 5 ②. 3 ③. 4 ④. 2 ⑤. 1 ⑥. 8 ⑦. 7 ⑧. 6 ⑨. 9 ⑩. 10 【解析】 2. Listen and choose. 听对话,判断与所听内容是(T)否(F)一致。【此处可播放相关音频, 请去附件查看】 ( ( ( ( ( ) 1. Mike by taxi ) 2. Sarah take a trip ) 3. Oliver comic book ) 4. Amy worried ) 5. John No. 58bus 【答案】 ①. F ②. T ③. T ④. F ⑤. F 【解析】
3. Listen and choose. 听对话后回答问题。【此处可播放相关音频,请去附件查看】 ( ) 1. Is Grandpa there? A. Yes, he is. B. No, he isn’t. ( ) 2. How does father feel now? A. Sorry. B. Happy. ( ) 3. Who will come to school? A. Sarah’s father. B. Sarah’s mother. ( ) 4. What does the man look like? A. Big and tall. B. Thin and short. ( ) 5. Where is Amy going? A. Cinema. B. Museum. 【答案】 ①. B ②. A ③. B ④. A ⑤. A 【解析】 4. Listen, choose and write. 听选单词并填在横线上。【此处可播放相关音频,请去附件 查看】 Jack is my new _________ (pen pal / friend). He lives in the USA. His father is a businessman. He often goes to other countries _________ (by ship / by train). He likes _________ (swimming / singing). His mother is a _________ (doctor / police officer). She often walks to her office, but on _________ (Mondays / Tuesdays) she goes there by car. We are very different. Jack likes playing basketball, but I like _________ (writing funny stories / doing word puzzles). He usually _________ (studies Chinese / cooks Chinese food) on the weekend, but I _________ (go hiking / go to the supermarket) with my dad. I write an e-mail to Jack every week. Jack says his family will visit China _________ (next week / tomorrow). I am very _________ (happy / excited). He will buy a football book for me. 【答案】 ①. pen pal ②. by ship ③. singing ④. police officer ⑤.
Mondays ⑥. doing word puzzles ⑦. studies Chinese ⑧. go to the supermarket ⑨. next week ⑩. excited 【解析】 Read and judge. (读一读,判断划线部分发音是(T)否(F)相同) 5. —Where is the hospital? —It's near the crossing. ( ) 6. —How do you come to school, by bus or by subway? —By subway. ( 7. —What are you going to do tonight? —I'm going to see a film. ( ) ) 8. —Wait. Don't sit on me. I am afraid. —Little ant. I won't sit on you. ( ) 9. —What does your father do? —He is a factory worker. ( ) 【答案】5. T 6. T 7. F 8. T 9. T 【解析】 【5 题详解】 hospital 划线部分发音为[ɒ],crossing 划线部分发音为[ɒ],故答案为 T。 【6 题详解】 bus 划线部分发音为[ʌ],subway 划线部分发音为[ʌ],故答案为 T。 【7 题详解】 tonight 划线部分发音为[aɪ],film 划线部分发音为[ɪ],故答案为 F。 【8 题详解】 Wait 划线部分发音为[eɪ],afraid 划线部分发音为[eɪ],故答案为 T。 【9 题详解】 father 划线部分发音为[ə],worker 划线部分发音为[ə],故答案为 T。 Look and write. 根据题前的图片写出相应的职业,并选写出工作地点。 I have some friends. They have different (不同的) jobs and work at different
places. university sea gym plane pet hospital 1. Lee is a ___10___, and he works in a ___11___. 2. Ann is a ___12___, and she works in a ___13___. 3. Tim is a ___14___, and he works at ___15___. 4. ZhouJing is a ___16___, and she works in a ___17___. 5. Jack is a ___18___, and he works on a rescue ___19___. 【答案】10. doctor 11. hospital 12. scientist 13. university 14. fisherman 15. sea 16. coach 17. gym 18. pilot 19. plane 【解析】 【导语】本文通过表格的形式介绍了作者的一些朋友的工作及工作地点。 【10 题详解】
根据图片可知 Lee 是一位医生,医生 doctor 故答案为 doctor。 【11 题详解】 根据图片可知 Lee 是一位医生,他在医院工作。医院 hospital,故答案为 hospital。 【12 题详解】 根据图片可知 Ann 是一个科学家,科学家 scientist,故答案为 scientist。 【13 题详解】 根据图片可知 Ann 是一个科学家,她在一所大学里工作。大学 university。故答案为 university。 【14 题详解】 根据图片可知 Tim 是一个渔夫,渔夫 fisherman,故答案为 fisherman。 【15 题详解】 根据图片可知 Tim 是一个渔夫,他在海上工作。大海 sea,故答案为 sea。 【16 题详解】根据图片可知周静是一个教练,教练 coach,故答案为 coach。 【17 题详解】 根据图片可知周静是一个教练,他在体育馆工作。体育馆 gym,故答案为 gym。 【18 题详解】 根据所给图片可知杰克是一个飞行员。飞行员 pilot,故答案为 pilot。 【19 题详解】 根据所给图片可知杰克是一个飞行员。他在一个救援机上工作。飞机 plane,故答案为 plane。 Read and think. 读短文,想一想划线部分如何提问(疑问词提示:Who When What How where)。 20. Mary has a cat. (划线部分提问) _____ does he _____? 【答案】 ①. What ②. have 【解析】 【详解】原句句意:玛丽有一只猫。划线部分为一只猫,可知要问:玛丽有什么?what 什 么,符合题意,句首大写为 What。句子前面有助动词 does,后面的动词 has 要改用原形 have。 故答案为 What;have。 21. She goes to school by bus. (划线部分提问) _____ does she _____ to school? 【答案】 ①. How ②. go
【解析】 【详解】句意:她乘公交车去上学。划线部分是乘公交车,对交通方式提问,疑问词用 how, 放句首,首字母大写,句式 How does+主语+动词原形+其它?故答案为 How;go。 22. Her mom works in a gym. (划线部分提问) _____ does her mom _____? 【答案】 ①. Where ②. work 【解析】 【详解】原句句意:她妈妈在健身房工作。划线部分为地点,要用 Where 哪里来提问,由于 前面有助动词 does,后面的动词 works 要改用原形 work,故答案为 Where;work。 23. She likes playing with her friends. (划线部分提问) _____ does she _____ playing with? 【答案】 ①. Whom ②. play 【解析】 【详解】句意:她喜欢和她的朋友一起玩。划线部分是她的朋友,表示人,且放在介词后, 疑问词用 whom,句式:Whom +助动词+主语+动词原形+其它?故答案为 Whom;play。 24. She buys apples on the weekends. (划线部分提问) _____ does she _____ apples? 【答案】 ①. When ②. buy 【解析】 【详解】句意:在周末她买了苹果。划线部分在周末,表示时间,疑问词用 when,放句首, 首字母大写。句式:When+助动词+主语+动词原形+其它?does 助动词后用动词原形 buy,故 答案为 When;buy。 Think and do. 当“我”在以下情境时,给出合理的建议,只填选项。 A. You should go to bed early. B. You should be quiet. C. You should see a doctor. D. You should take a deep breath and count to ten. E. You should share with your friends.
F. You should slow down and wait. G. You should wear a life jacket. H. You should wear a helmet. I. You should take an umbrella or a raincoat. J. You should keep your desk clean. 25. When I feel ill. ( ) 26. When I feel angry. ( ) 27. When I feel tired at night. ( ) 28. When I feel happy. ( ) 29. When I read in the library. ( ) 30. When it is rainy outside. ( 31. When it is a yellow light. ( ) ) 32. When I go home by ferry. ( ) 33. When I ride a bike. ( ) 34. When I draw pictures. ( ) 【答案】25. C 26. D 27. A 28. E 29. B 30. I 31. F 32. G 33. H 34. J【解析】 【25 题详解】 句意:当我感觉生病的时候。根据语境,要建议 You should see a doctor.你应当去看医 生。故选 C。 【26 题详解】 句意:当我生气的时候。根据语境,要建议 You should take a deep breath and count to ten.你应该深呼吸,数到十。故选 D。 【27 题详解】 句意:当我晚上感到疲倦的时候。根据语境,要建议 You should go to bed early.你应该 早点睡觉。故选 A。 【28 题详解】 句意:当我感到快乐的时候。根据语境,要建议 You should share with your friends.你
应该和你的朋友分享。故选 E。 【29 题详解】 句意:当我在图书馆看书的时候。根据语境,要建议 You should be quiet.你应该保持安 静。故选 B。 【30 题详解】 句意:当外面下雨的时候。根据语境,要建议 You should take an umbrella or a raincoat. 你应该带把伞或件雨衣。故选 I。 【31 题详解】 句意:当黄灯亮的的时候。根据交通规则,要建议 You should slow down and wait.你应 该慢下来等待。故选 F。 【32 题详解】 句意:当我乘渡船回家的时候。根据语境,要建议 You should wear a life jacket.你应 该穿救生衣。故选 G。 【33 题详解】 句意:当我骑自行车的时候。根据语境,要建议 You should wear a helmet.你应该戴头盔。 故选 H。 【34 题详解】 句意:当我画画的时候。根据语境,要建议 You should keep your desk clean.你应该保 持你的桌子干净。故选 J。 Read and do. 读一读,按逻辑关系组成完整的对话,只填序号。 Oliver: ____35____ Zhang: He likes reading stories. He lives a farm, so sometimes he reads to cows. Oliver: ____36____ Zhang: ____37____ Oliver: Really? Me too! Zhang: ____38____ Oliver: Oh, you like singing, too. Zhang: Yes. ____39____ Oliver: Good idea. A. He likes doing kungfu and swimming.