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2021-2022 年江西省赣州市石城县六年级下册期末英语试卷 (人教 PEP 版) 1. 请听录音,选出你所听句子中含有的单词。每小题你将有 3 秒钟的答题时间,每小题听 两遍。 ( ( ( ( ( ) 1. A. nice ) 2. A. before ) 3. A. cloudy ) 4. A. front B. night B. beside B. clear B. fall C. nine C. behind C. clever C. forest ) 5. A. bread and meat B. bread and milk C. sandwich and milk 【答案】 ①. B ②. C ③. A ④. C ⑤. B 【解析】 2. 请根据你所听到的句子或对话,给图片标上 1—5 的数字序号。每小题你将有 3 秒钟的答 题时间,每小题听三遍。 【此处可播放相关音频,请去附件查看】 ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) 【答案】 ①. 5 ②. 1 ③. 3 ④. 2 ⑤. 4 【解析】 3. 请根据你所听到的问句,选择正确的答语。每小题你将有 3 秒钟的答题时间,每小题听 三遍。 【此处可播放相关音频,请去附件查看】 ( ( ) 1. A. Yes, I will. ) 2. A. Playing games. B. Yes, I am. B. Yesterday. C. No, I won’t. C. At home.
( ( ( ) 3. A. Here you are. B. No, thank you. C. You have two books. ) 4. A. It is late. B. It is a dog. C. It is raining. ) 5. A. Yes, I like coffee. B. No, I don’t like tea. C. Yes, I’d like to. 【答案】 ①. B ②. C ③. A ④. C ⑤. C 【解析】 【详解】 1. Are you going to swim now? 2.Where are you now? 3.Can I use your book? 4.What is the weather like today? 5.Would you like to see a film tonight? 4. 请根据你所听到的内容及其后面的问题,选择正确答案。每小题你将有 3 秒钟的答题时 间,每小题听三遍。 【此处可播放相关音频,请去附件查看】 ( ( ( ( ( ) 1.A. Tina. B. Tom. C. Tom and Tina. ) 2. A. In the bedroom. B. In the living room. C. In the bathroom ) 3. A. Jack ) 4. A. Cows. ) 5. A. Cabbage. B. Mike B. Ducks. B. Beef. C. Jack and Mike. C. Sheep. C. Carrots. 【答案】 ①. A ②. B ③. A ④. B ⑤. C 【解析】 5. 请听一段短文,判断句子正误,对的打“T”,错的打“F”,并把它写在题前括号内,短 文听三遍。 【此处可播放相关音频,请去附件查看】 ( ( ( ( ( ) 1. Tom is my classmate. ) 2. Tom is in London now. ) 3. Tom has big blue eyes. ) 4. Tom’s hair is black and yellow. ) 5. Tom and I often play football after class.
C. work C. orange C. hope C. slow C. what 【答案】 ①. T ②. F ③. T ④. F ⑤. F 【解析】 选出下列划线部分读音不同于其他两个的单词。 B. world B. bag B. body B. down B. whose 7. C 8. B 9. C 10. B 6. A. horse 7. A. hand 8. A. note 9. A. flower 10. A. white 【答案】6. A 【解析】 【6 题详解】 A,B,C 项划线部分发音分别为[ɔ:],[ɜ:],[ɜ:],故选 A。 【7 题详解】 A,B,C 项划线部分发音分别为[æ],[æ],[ɪ],故选 C。 【8 题详解】 A,B,C 项划线部分发音分别为[əʊ],[ɒ],[əʊ],故选 B。 【9 题详解】 A,B,C 项划线部分发音分别为[aʊ],[aʊ],[əʊ],故选 C。 【10 题详解】 A,B,C 项划线部分发音分别为[w],[h],[w],故选 B。 根据所给的音标,写出单词。 11. [ gra:s] _________ 12. [ 'si:zn] _________ 13. [ku:l] _________ 14. [kæmp] _________ 15. [fiʃ ] _________ 【答案】11. grass 12. season 13. cool 14. camp 15. fish
【解析】 【11 题详解】 根据音标[gra:s]可知考查名词 grass,意思是草,故答案为 grass。 【12 题详解】 根据音标[ 'si:zn]可知考查名词 season,意思是季节,故答案为 season。 【13 题详解】 根据音标[ku:l]可知考查形容词 cool,意思是凉爽的,故答案为 cool。 【14 题详解】 根据音标[kæmp]可知考查名词 camp,意思是野营,故答案为 camp。 【15 题详解】 根据音标[fiʃ ]可知考查名词 fish,意思是鱼,故答案为 fish。 A. I often play basketball. B. No, I didn’t. C. No, they aren’t. D. It’s Jack’s. E. He is tall and strong. 16. Did you read books last night? ( ) 17. What do you often do after school? ( ) 18. What is your father like? ( ) 19. Are these in your bedroom? ( ) 20. Whose book is this? ( ) 【答案】16. B 17. A 19. C 18. E 20. D 【解析】 【16 题详解】 句意:你昨晚看书了吗?did 问 did 答,选项 B“不,我没有。”符合语境,故选 B。 【17 题详解】
句意:放学后你经常做什么?答句回答经常做的事情,选项 A“我经常打篮球。”符合语境, 故选 A。 【18 题详解】 句意:你父亲长什么样?答句回答长相,选项 E“他又高又壮。”符合语境,故选 E。 【19 题详解】 句意:这些在你的卧室里吗?are 问 are 答,选项 C“不,他们不是。”符合语境,故选 C。 【20 题详解】 句意:这是谁的书?答句回答是谁的,选项 D“ 它是杰克的。”符合语境,故选 D。 单项选择。 21. My father works in a post office. He is a _______. ( ) B. police officer C. head teacher A. postman 【答案】A 【解析】 【分析】 【详解】句意:我爸爸在邮局工作。他是一位邮递员。A 邮递员,B 警察,C 班主任,邮局 工作的是邮递员,故选 A。 【点睛】 22. Would you like some _______. ( ) B. bread C. banana A. egg 【答案】B 【解析】 【分析】 【详解】句意:你想要来点面包吗?A 鸡蛋,可数名词单数,B 面包,不可数名词,C 香蕉, 可数名词单数,some 后接可数名词复数或不可数名词,故选 B。 【点睛】 23. Look, the boys ________ football in the playground. ( ) A. are playing 【答案】A 【解析】 B. played C. play 【详解】句意:看,男孩子们正在操场上踢足球。look 是现在进行时的标志词,其结构:主
语+be+doing+其他,主语 the boys 是复数形式,be 动词用 are,故选 A。 24. Tom _______ early because he was so tired yesterday. ( ) A. sleep 【答案】C 【解析】 B. sleeps C. slept 【详解】句意:汤姆昨天睡得很早,因为他太累了。根据 yesterday,可知句子是一般过去 时,谓语动词用过去式,slept 是 sleep 的过去式,故选 C。 25. Look. _______ a big dog in the street. It _______ big eyes and long ears. ( ) A. There is; has B. There are; has C. There is; have 【答案】A 【解析】 【分析】 【详解】句意:看。街上有一只大狗。它有大眼睛和长耳朵。a 不定冠词,用于名词单数前, 系动词用 is,It 第三人称单数,动词用第三人称单数,故选 A。 【点睛】 按要求转换句型。 26. Mary plays the pipa every morning. (变否定句) Mary _________ _________ the pipa every morning. 【答案】 ①. doesn’t ②. play 【解析】 【详解】原句句意:玛丽每天早上弹琵琶。句子含实义动词 plays,变否定句需要借助 doesn't, 后跟动词原形 play,故答案为 doesn’t;play. 27. Sam can do some housework. (变一般疑问句) _________ Sam _________ any housework? 【答案】 ①. Can ②. do 【解析】 【详解】原句句意:山姆会做一些家务。句子含情态动词 can,变一般疑问句放到主语前, 故答案为 Can;do。 28. This coat is sixty-five yuan. (对划线部分提问) _________ _________ is this coat?
【答案】 ①. How ②. much 【解析】 【详解】原句句意:这件大衣是六十五元。划线部分是价格,用 how much 提问,首字母大 写,故答案为 How;much。 29. There is a child playing on the playground. (单数变复数) There _________ some _________ playing on the playground. 【答案】 ①. are ②. children 【解析】 【详解】原句句意:操场上有一个孩子在玩。要求单数变复数,所以 is 要换成 are,child 要 换成 children,a 要换成 some,题干已给出,故答案为 are; children。 30. class, We, at, o’clock, our, finish, four (.) ______________________________________ 【答案】We finish our class at four o’clock. 【解析】 【详解】class 课,We 我们,at 在,our 我们的,finish 结束,four o’clock 四点,根据所给的 句号和单词,可知句子是一个陈述句的肯定形式,根据所给词义可以连成句子:我们四点钟 下课。故答案为 We finish our class at four o’clock. 阅读对话,判断正(T) 误 (F)。 Mary: I can’t find the way to the Xinhua Hospital. I think we are lost (迷路的)。 Fiona: Let’s go and ask the policeman for help. Mary: OK. Excuse me. Could you please tell me the way to the Xinhua Hospital? Policeman: Of course. Go straight, then turn right. You can see a cinema. Turn right at the cinema and go straight. You can see a museum. The Xinhua Hospital is Opposite (在……的对面) the museum. You can’t miss it. Mary&Fiona: Thank you very much. Policeman: You’re welcome. Good luck. 31. Mary and Fiona are going to a library. ( ) 32. Mary and Fiona are lost. ( ) 33. Mary and Fiona ask the policeman for help. ( )
34. Mary and Fiona should turn left at the cinema and go straight. ( ) 35. The Xinhua Hospital is next to the museum. ( ) 【答案】31. F 32. T 34. F 33. T 35. F 【解析】 【导语】本文玛丽和 Fiona 要去新华医院迷路了向警察寻求帮助。 【31 题详解】 题干句意:玛丽和 Fiona 要去图书馆。根据“Could you please tell me the way to the Xinhua Hospital?”可知要去医院,题干表述不正确,故答案为 F。 【32 题详解】 题干句意:玛丽和 Fiona 迷路了。根据“I think we are lost (迷路的)。”可知题干表述正确,故 答案为 T。 【33 题详解】 题干句意:玛丽和 Fiona 向警察求助。根据“Let’s go and ask the policeman for help.”可知题干 表述正确,故答案为 T。 【34 题详解】 题干句意:玛丽和 Fiona 应该在电影院左转,然后直走。根据“Turn right at the cinema and go straight.”可知要右转,题干表述不正确,故答案为 F。 【35 题详解】 题干句意:新华医院在博物馆旁边。根据“The Xinhua Hospital is Opposite (在……的对面) the museum.”可知在博物馆对面,题干表述不正确,故答案为 F。 阅读短文,选择正确答案。 The Greens live in an old small town. Grandpa Henry is seventy years old. He is very healthy and he likes to go fishing and plays Chinese chess with his friends. Jim is fourteen years old. His favourite sport is baseball. He often plays it after class at school. Maria is Jim’s sister. She likes skiing very much. She often skis in winter with her friends. Tom is Jim’s father. He is an English teacher in Jim and Maria’s school. He is good at football. He is in the football team of the town. Jim’s mother, Dana, likes sports, too. She is good at playing tennis. She often goes shopping with Maria. She often buys pretty clothes and healthy food for the family.