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2021-2022 年江西省赣州市全南县六年级下册期末英语试卷 及答案(人教 PEP 版) 1. 请听录音,选出你所听到的内容。 ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ) 1. A. VIP B. BYE C. DIY ) 2. A. /kliːnd/ ) 3. A. shared ) 4. A. metre ) 5. A. drive ) 6. A. loud B. /wɒtʃt/ B. shadow B. meet B. drank B. lamp ) 7. A. wash B. wear ) 8. A. pass ) 9. A. camp B. class B. could C. /steɪd/ C. slept C. feet C. draw C. last C. went C. grass C. count ) 10. A. I went to Mount Tai. B. I went there by plane. C. I washed my clothes last weekend. 【答案】 ①. A ②. B ③. C ④. A ⑤. B ⑥. C ⑦. C ⑧. C ⑨. A ⑩. B 【解析】 【详解】1. VIP 2. /wɒtʃt/ 3. slept 4. metre 5. drank 6. last 7. went 8. grass 9. camp 10. I went there by plane.
2. 请根据你所听到的句子或对话,给图片标上 1—5 的数字序号。【此处可播放相关音频, 请去附件查看】 ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) 【答案】 ①. 3 ②. 4 ③. 2 ④. 5 ⑤. 1 【解析】 【详解】1. Jack plans to go boating next weekend. 2. He fell off the bike. 3. There was no gym in our school. 4. Mary loved ice-skating in winter. 5. They saw a film yesterday evening. 3. 请根据你所听到的问句,选择正确的答语。【此处可播放相关音频,请去附件查看】 ( ( ( ( ( ) 1. A. Her shoes are size 37. B. She is 48 kilograms. ) 2. A. I like monkeys. B. It’s a giraffe. ) 3. A. I had a cold. B. I’m reading a book. ) 4. A. She went fishing. B. He went to the school. ) 5. A. It was good. B. Thank you. 【答案】 ①. A ②. B ③. B ④. B ⑤. A 【解析】 【详解】1. What size are her shoes? 2. What animal is it? 3. What are you doing?
4. Where did he go? 5. How was your weekend? 4. 请根据你所听到的内容,选择能够回答问题的正确答案。【此处可播放相关音频,请去附 件查看】 ( ) 1. When does Amy usually clean her house? A. On Sunday. B. On Saturday. ( ) 2. What is Ben’s favourite animal? A. Elephants. B. Pandas. ( ) 3. Who is taller? A. Bob. B. Lily. ( ) 4. Where will the boy go this summer holiday? A. He will go to the UK. B. He will go to Beijing. ( ) 5. What did Jenny do on Father’s Day? A. She stayed at home. B. She had a good dinner. 【答案】 ①. B ②. A ③. A ④. B ⑤. B 【解析】 【详解】1. M: What are you doing, Amy? W: I’m cleaning my house. M: When do you usually clean your house? W: On Saturday. 2. W: What is your favourite animal, Ben? M: I like elephants. W: Wow, they are very big. 3. M: How tall are you, Lily? W: I’m 1.54 metres. What about you, Bob? M: I’m taller than you. I’m 1.59 metres. 4. W: Where will you go this summer holiday? M: I will go to Beijing with my family. W: What can you see there?
M: We will go to see the Great Wall. 5. M: Did you have a big dinner on Father’s Day, Jenny? W: Yes, we had a good dinner. 5. 请听下面一则短文,判断句子正(T)误(F)。【此处可播放相关音频,请去附件查看】 ( ( ( ( ( ) 1. Mr Li is a Chinese teacher. ) 2. Ten years ago, there were eleven classrooms in the school. ) 3. The school is very big now. ) 4. There are many big tall trees and flowers in the garden. ) 5. The library is small. 【答案】 ①. F 【解析】 ②. F ③. T ④. T ⑤. F 【详解】I'm Mr Li. I'm an English teacher in Hua Ting school. The school is very different now. Ten years ago, the school was small with few students. There were ten classrooms in the school. We had no library. There was only a reading corner in every classrooms. But now the school is very big. We have a big garden now. In the garden, there are many big tall trees and flowers. The classrooms are very big and blight. There are fifty classrooms in the school. There is a big library. The library has many books. 选出不同类的一项。 6. A. seven 7. A. grandpa 8. A. older 9. A. science B. third B. sister B. farmer B. museum 10. A. clothes B. tomatoes 【答案】6. B 7. C 8. B 9. B 10. A 【解析】 【6 题详解】 A 七,B 第三,C 二十,AC 是基数词,B 是序数词,故选 B。 C. twenty C. vacation C. stronger C. math C. carrots
【7 题详解】 A 祖父,B 姐妹,C 假期,AB 是称谓,C 是假期,故选 C。 【8 题详解】 A 更年长的,B 农民,C 更强壮的,AC 是形容词比较级,B 是名词,故选 B。 【9 题详解】 A 科学,B 博物馆,C 数学,AC是科目,B 是地点,故选 B。 【10 题详解】 A 衣服,B 西红柿,C 胡萝卜,A 是服装,BC 是蔬菜,故选 A。 选出划线部分发音不同的选项。 11. A. big 12. A. stop 13. A. cow 14. A. baby 15. A. tea B. like B. hot B. window B. shy B. bread 【答案】11. B 12. C 13. B 14. A 15. A 【解析】 【11 题详解】 C. six C. go C. now C. try C. sweater AC 选项划线部分的发音均为 /ɪ/,B 选项划线部分的发音为/aɪ/,可知 B 选项不同,故选 B。 【12 题详解】 AB 选项划线部分的发音均为/ɔ/,C 选项划线部分的发音为/əʊ/,可知 C 选项不同,故选 C。 【13 题详解】 AC 选项划线部分的发音均为 aʊ/,B 选项划线部分的发音为/əʊ/,可知 B 选项不同,故选 B。 【14 题详解】 BC 选项划线部分的发音均为/aɪ/,A 选项划线部分的发音为/ɪ/,可知 A 选项不同,故选 A。 【15 题详解】 BC 选项划线部分的发音均为/e/,A 选项划线部分的发音为/i:/,可知 A 选项不同,故选 A。 单项选择。
16. I’m 50 kilograms. Chen Jie is 48 kilograms. I’m _______ than Chen Jie. ( ) A. heavier 【答案】A 【解析】 B. longer C. shorter 【详解】句意:我是 50 公斤。陈洁是 48 公斤。我比陈洁________。A 更重的,B 更长的,C 更矮的。根据句意可知 A 选项符合题意,故选 A。 17. Miss Liu is so kind and funny. We all like _______. ( ) A. she 【答案】B 【解析】 B. her C. him 【详解】句意:刘老师又和蔼又有趣。我们都喜欢______。A 她,人称代词主格;B 她,人 称代词宾格;C 他,人称代词宾格;该空做 like 的宾语,用宾格形式,再根据 Miss 可知是 女性。故选 B。 18. —_______? ( ) —He is thin and short. A. What are they like B. What's she like C. What's he like 【答案】C 【解析】 【详解】答语句意:他又瘦又矮。根据答语主语 he,结合选项,可知问句主语也是 he,C 他长什么样,符合题意,故选 C。 19. The boy was short before, _______ he’s tall now. ( ) A. and 【答案】B 【解析】 B. but C. so 【详解】句意:这个男孩以前很矮,_____现在他很高。A 和,B 但是,C 所以,根据句意可 知该句前后表转折,用 but 连接。故选 B。 20. They went to the park _______ eight o’clock in the morning. ( ) A. of 【答案】C 【解析】 B. on C. at
【详解】句意:他们在上午八点去了公园。of……的,on 用在具体某一天或某一天的上下 午前,at 用在具体时间点前。eight 是时间点。故选 C。 21. We can see many ______ at night in my grandma’s village. ( ) A. words 【答案】C 【解析】 B. sports C. stars 【详解】句意:我们可以看见许多______在晚上在我的奶奶的村庄。A 字;B 运动;C 星星; 根据句意和常识可知在晚上可以看见许多星星。符合逻辑。故选 C。 22. My mother likes apples, because they are ______. ( ) A. hot 【答案】B 【解析】 B. healthy C. thirsty 【详解】句意:我的妈妈喜欢苹果,因为它们是______。A 热的;B 健康的;C 口渴的;根 据所给句意可知苹果是健康的,故选 B。 23. I ______ sing and dance for English party. ( ) B. can C. is A. do 【答案】B 【解析】 【分析】 【详解】句意:我在英语派对上可以唱歌和跳舞。根据题意情态动词后可以加动词原形,选 项 A 做,选项 B 情态动词可以,选项 Cbe 动词,故选 B。 【点睛】 24. —_______ is the coat? ( ) —About 50 yuan. A. How tall B. How much C. How heavy 【答案】B 【解析】 【详解】句意:那件外套______?—大约 50 元。A 多高;B 多少;C 多重;根据答语可知问 句提问价格,故选 B。 25. —Shall we go on a picnic tomorrow? ( )
—I’m afraid we can’t. It _______ tomorrow. A. rains 【答案】C 【解析】 B. is raining C. is going to rain 【详解】句意:—明天我们去野餐好吗?—恐怕我们不能。明天将______。A 动词第三人称 单数形式;B 现在进行时;C 一般将来时;根据时间 tomorrow 可知该句是一般将来时。故选 C。 按要求转换句型。 26. She usually goes to school on foot. (对划线部分提问) _________ _________ she usually go to school? 【答案】 ①. How ②. does 【解析】 【详解】句意:她通常步行去上学。划线部分是步行,用疑问词 How 提问,句子结构是 How+ 助动词+主语+动词原形? 由题干中 goes 可知句子是一般现在时,助动词用 does,故答案为 How;does。 27. There are some old men in the old home. (改为单数句) There _________ _________ old man in the old home. 【答案】 ①. is ②. an 【解析】 【详解】原句句意:老房子里有一些老人。改为单数句将 are 改为 is,将 some old men 改 为 an old man。故答案为 is;an。 28. Tom went shopping with his friends last Sunday. (改为否定句) Tom _________ _________ shopping with his friends last Sunday. 【答案】 ①. didn’t ②. go 【解析】 【详解】原句句意:上周日汤姆和他的朋友们去购物了。went 是实义动词的过去式,改为 否定句需加助动词 didn't,went 变回原形 go。故答案为 didn't;go。 29. Lucy watched a film with her friends yesterday. (用 now 改写句子) Lucy _____ _____ a film with her friends now. 【答案】 ①. is ②. watching