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ficials motoring, cars for private purposes, violating the self-discipline regulations, and even lead to traffic accidents. According to statistics from related departments, since 2004, the correct investigation in our County serves nearly 30 cars for private purposes, only the first half of this year, cars for private purposes or 2013 年湖北省咸宁市中考语文真题及答案 考生注意:1.本试卷分试题卷(共 6 页)和答题卷;全卷 27 小题,总分 120 分;考试时间 120 分钟。 2.考生答题前,请将自己的学校、姓名、考号填写在答题卷指定的位置,同时认真阅读答题卷 上的注意事项。 3.考生答题时,请按照题号顺序在答题卷上各题目的答题区域内作答,写在试题卷上无效。考 试结束时,只交答题卷。 试 题 卷 一、积累运用。(20 分) 1、下列词语中,加点字读音和字形全都正确的一项是(2 分) A.撮.合(cuō) 颚.骨(é) 褶.皱(zhě) 在劫.难逃(jié) B.挑衅.(xìn) 洗濯.(zhuó) 狡黠.(xiá) 春华.秋实(huá) C.贮.蓄(zhù) 虔.信(qián) 瘠.薄(jǐ) 筋.疲力竭(jīn) D.睥.睨(pì) 愧怍.(zuò) 技.俩(jì) 吹毛求疵.(cī) 2、按课文默写古诗。(4 分) (1)荷笠带斜阳, 。(刘长卿《送灵澈上人》) (2) ,猎马带禽归。(王绩《野望》) (3)王维在《竹里馆》一诗中运用拟人化手法,把明月当成心心相印的知己朋友,显示出他新颖而独 到的想象力的两句是: , (4)杜甫的《登楼》一诗中,“ 。 , ”两句诗人由登楼所见之春色联想到 古今世势的纷纭变化,饱含着诗人对祖国山河的赞美和对民族历史的追怀。 3、下列表述正确的一项是(2 分) A.“辛勤劳动”“资源匮乏”“空气污染”“道德高尚”这四个短语中,“辛勤劳动”与其他三个结 构不同。 B.“他们的心在战栗,只不过还想尽量安慰自己罢了——就像鲁滨孙在荒岛上发现陌生人的脚印时竭 力想把它看作是自己的脚印一样。”句中的破折号表示话题转变。 C.“秋日的艳阳在森林的树梢上欢乐地跳跃,把林子里墨绿的松、金色的唐棋、橘黄的杨、火红的枫, 打扮得五彩缤纷。”这个句子的主干是:艳阳跳跃。 D.“她们不但是表现神和人,就是草木禽兽:如莲花的花开瓣颤、小鹿的疾走惊跃、孔雀的高视阔步, 都能形容尽致,尽态极妍!”该句运用了比喻、排比、拟人的修辞手法。 宜都市认真贯彻省、宜昌市安全生产教育培训工作有关精神,按照继续深入开展“安全生产年”活动要求,扎实推进安全生产宣传教育行动,以全市经济发展为首要,努力拓展培训空间leaders driving a vehicle accident caused by road accidents, 1, 1 people killed and direct economic losses amounting to more than 100,000 yuan. Third, high efficiency and low cost of the bus. Surveys show that, the operating costs of taxis for the 8200/... Is a fundamental priority of the reform, it is a difficult problem that must be solved in the reform process. Clearly, the post consumption averages three years before as a base and fine-tuned on the basis of this single practices must be improved. Improvements to adhere to three principles: first, under the existing policy provisions approved for public servants ' duty consumption standards, calibration, is not contrary to policy. Second, according to the local financial situation and people's sustainability, public servants ' duty consumption standards approved, both financial reach, and people passing through. Third, according to the operational needs of civil servants responsible for authorized public servants ' duty consumption standards, both high and low positions, but also the nature of the work and the workload. unified, and small dispersed" suitable, that most positions consumption project should according to policy provides proposed unified standard, consider to ranks, and units and the work task of differences sex, unified of standard should has elastic of and dynamic of, makes regions, and units in implementation unified standard Shi has must of flexible disposal right; but since set of standard must after financial, and audit, sector audit approved Hou to implementation. (C) reform package. Public servants ' duty consumption elasticity of consumption to limit consumption, turning mess into kitchen after dinner, follow the civil servant with ahow to use personal title subsidies, or how to manage a personal duty consumption use of subsidies. Therefore, we must establish and perfect with public servants ' duty consumption monetization reform support of the series of governance systems such as the civil service examination of responsibility, system, low fault investigation system, the report said. While other measures to keep up. servants ' duty consumption monetization reform progress, to strengthen the reform of public servants ' duty consumption monetization system, measures to develop and monitor the implementation of inspection, not consumption as required, even shifting consumer behavior to stop, serious cases to deal with. Three ideas, public servants ' duty consumption monetization reform of politics, the economy and the deepening of the reform, public servants ' duty consumption as somewhere between a reform also demonstrated its importance and urgency. First of all, civil servants especially party and Government leaders and public servants ' duty consumption there are big drawbacks. NPC deputies and CPPCC members and the broad masses are concerned about. Secondly, the In reform of method Shang , approved civil servants positions consumption standard to "big Discipline inspection and supervision organs, financial, auditing departments should strengthen supervision and inspection of public
position-related consumption of civil servants has been swept by finance, consumer, regardless of cost, extravagance and waste in the civil service position-related consumption, abuse, corruption and embezzlement, corruption is important. Then, under the conditions of market economy, how to reform the existing civil duty consumption management, explores a source to prevent and curb the post consumption corruption way, is currently a major issue faced by honest work. Recently, I conducted research on this issue, this problem on some humble opinions. First, the existing public servants ' duty consumption the main problems seen from the investigation and reasons, in recent years, public servants ' duty consumption caused by the abuses and not a person of integrity, is one of the major problems in the party in Government, its operation order have a negative effect on the party and Government organs, seriously damaging the image of the party and the Government, undermining the relationship between party and the masses, effect, opening up and economic construction. From I County in recent years of governance situation see, positions consumption in the produced of "two not" phenomenon rendering four a features: a is positions consumption system lost has due of binding, right is greater than rules, and right is greater than method of phenomenon more highlight; II is in positions consumption in the Camera Obscura operation, using terms, will positions consumption into has personal consumption, will corporate points to into personal points to, makes positions consumption in some aspects has into positions enjoy and self-dealing of means; three is to positions consumption for name, fraud, false impersonator, Trend of negative corruption phenomena such as corruption and misappropriation; four palaces, follow the fashion, rivalries, wasteful, and post consumption became a symbol of showing off their individual capacities. Caused by public servants ' duty consumption of many "two" phenomenon in which people reflect the biggest problems are: (a) the official car problems. Mainly in three aspects: one is the larger buses cost expenditure. According to statistics, until November 2003, XX County township Department bus 159 cars, which department owns the bus 145 vehicles, and showed an increasing trend. Financial expenses cost per bus per year to 35,000 yuan, and in fact every cost up to 50,000 yuan. Some units also hiring temporary drivers and expenditure on wages and subsidies. Necessary to "keep acar", but also "dependants", leading to larger expenses. Second, gongchesiyong breed unhealthy tendencies. Some people believe that now some bus drivers use one-third, one-third leading private one-third used for official purposes. Some public servants, especially leading officials motoring, cars for private purposes, violating the self-discipline regulations, and even lead to trafficaccidents. According to statistics from related departments, since 2004, the correct investigation in our County serves nearly 30 cars for private purposes, only the first half of this year,cars for private purposes or 4、下列表述不正确...的一项是(2 分) A.《海底两万里》描绘的是人们在大海里的种种惊险奇遇,《格列佛游记》讲述的是英国船医格列佛因 海难等原因流落到小人国、大人国、飞岛及马国等地的经历。 B.“但他终于不放心,怕茶房不妥帖,颇踌躇了一会。”句中的“终于”“不”“颇”都是副词。 C.“由于长江流域连续干旱,导致洞庭湖、鄱阳湖水面大面积缩小,给人们的生产和生活带来很大影 响。”是个病句,应删掉“由于”,或去掉“给”并把“带来”改为“受到”。 D.自传和小传都要真实地写出人物的诞生地、出生年月、主要经历等,也可以写成传记体小说或故事。 5、填入下面横线处的句子,与上下文衔接最恰当的一组是(2 分) 去年暑假,爸爸带我去潜山爬山。 ;山顶上,电视塔高高矗立,煞是雄伟。 A.这里的景色真美!山脚下,温泉河静静流淌,碧波粼粼 B.这里的景色真美!山脚下,静静流淌的温泉河,碧波粼粼 C.那儿的景色真美!山脚下,温泉河静静流淌,碧波粼粼 D.那儿的景色真美!山脚下,静静流淌的温泉河,碧波粼粼 6、名著导读。(3 分) 我忐忑着,拿了书来了。他使我同坐在堂中央的桌子前,教我一句一句地读下去。我担着心,一句一 句地读下去。两句一行,大约读了二三十行罢,他说:“给我读熟。背不出,就不准去看会。”他说完, 便站起来,走进房里去了。我似乎从头上浇了一盆冷水。但是,有什么法子呢? 上面这段话选自《朝花夕拾》中的《五猖会》,父亲说“背不出,就不准去看会”,父亲要求我背的书 是《 》。“我似乎从头上浇了一盆冷水”表达了“我” 的心情。由此可见,儿时的“我” 认为父亲是一个 的人。 7、综合性学习。(5 分) 学校开展一次以“看漫画,学语文”为主题的综合实 践活动。下面是这次活动中的一些问题,请你参与解决。 (1)仔细观察右边一幅漫画,并根据它下面的提示 语,用一个成语概括出漫画的寓意。(1 分) (2)你的表哥能力很强,但他在公司里职位很低, 一直不被重用,内心感到很郁闷。这时如果要你劝劝你 表哥,请你想想应该怎么说(运用比喻的修辞手法或引 用一句俗语)。(2 分) 提示:砍下这么大一棵树,仅 宜都市认真贯彻省、宜昌市安全生产教育培训工作有关精神,按照继续深入开展“安全生产年”活动要求,扎实推进安全生产宣传教育行动,以全市经济发展为首要,努力拓展培训空间leaders driving a vehicle accident caused by road accidents, 1, 1people killed and direct economic losses amounting to more than 100,000 yuan. Third, high efficiency and low cost of the bus. Surveys show that, the operating costs of taxis for the 8200/... Is a fundamental priority of the reform, it is a difficult problem that must be solved in the reform process. Clearly, the post consumption averages three years before as a base and fine-tuned on the basis of this single practices must be improved. Improvements to adhere to three principles: first,under the existing policy provisions approved for public servants ' duty consumption standards, calibration, is not contrary to policy. Second, according to the local financial situation and people's sustainability,public servants ' duty consumption standards approved, both financial reach, and people passing through. Third, according to the operational needs of civil servants responsible for authorized public servants ' duty consumption standards, both high and low positions, but also the nature of the work and the workload. unified, and small dispersed" suitable, that most positions consumption project should according to policy provides proposed unified standard, consider to ranks, and units and the work task of differences sex, unified of standard should has elastic of and dynamic of, makes regions, and units in implementation unified standard Shi has must of flexible disposal right; but since set of standard must after financial, and audit, sector audit approved Hou to implementation. (C) reform package. Public servants ' duty consumption elasticity of consumption to limit consumption, turning mess into kitchen after dinner, follow the civil servant with a how to use personal title subsidies, or how to manage a personal duty consumption use of subsidies. Therefore, we must establish and perfect with public servants ' duty consumption monetization reform support of the series of governance systems such as the civil service examination of responsibility, system, low fault investigation system, the report said. While other measures to keep up. In reform of method Shang, approved civil servants positions consumption standard to "big Discipline inspection and supervision organs, financial, auditing departments should strengthen supervision and inspection of public servants ' duty consumption monetization reform progress, to strengthen the reform of public servants ' duty consumption monetization system, measures to develop and monitor the implementation of inspection, not consumption as required, even shifting consumer behavior to stop, serious cases to deal with. Three ideas, public servants ' duty consumption monetization reform of politics, the economy and the deepening of the reform, public servants ' duty consumption as somewhere between a reform also demonstrated its importance and urgency. First of all, civil servants especially party and Government leaders and public servants ' duty consumption there are big drawbacks. NPC deputies and CPPCC members and the broad masses are concerned about. Secondly, the2
position-related consumption of civil servants has been swept by finance, consumer, regardless of cost, extravagance and waste in the civil service position-related consumption, abuse, corruption and embezzlement, corruption is important. Then, under the conditions of market economy, how to reform the existing civil duty consumption management, explores a source to prevent and curb the post consumption corruption way,is currently a major issue faced by honest work. Recently, I conducted research on this issue, this problem on some humble opinions. First, the existing public servants ' duty consumption the main problems seen from the investigation and reasons, in recent years, public servants ' duty consumption caused by the abuses and not a person of integrity,is one of the major problems in the party in Government, its operation order have a negative effect on the party and Government organs, seriously damaging the image of the party and the Government, undermining the relationship between party and the masses, effect, opening up and economic construction. From I County in recent years of governance situation see, positions consumption in the produced of "two not" phenomenon rendering four a features: ais positions consumption system lost has due of binding, right is greater than rules, and right is greater than method of phenomenon more highlight; II is in positions consumption in the Camera Obscura operation, using terms, will positions consumption into has personal consumption, will corporate points to into personal points to, makes positions consumption in some aspects has into positions enjoy and self-dealing of means; three is to positions consumption for name, fraud, false impersonator, Trend of negative corruption phenomena such as corruption and misappropriation; four palaces, follow the fashion, rivalries, wasteful, and post consumption became a symbol of show ing off their individual capacities. Caused by public servants ' duty consumption of many "two" phenomenon in which people reflect the biggest problems are: (a) the official car problems. Mainly in three aspects: one is the larger buses cost expenditure. According to statistics, until November 2003, XX County township Department bus 159 cars, which department owns the bus 145 vehicles, and showed an increasing trend. Financial expenses cost per bus per year to 35,000 yuan, and in fact every cost up to 50,000 yuan. Some units also hiring temporary drivers and expenditure on wages and subsidies. Necessary to "keep a car", but also "dependants", leading to larger expenses. Second, gongchesiyong breed unhealthy tendencies. Some people believe that now some bus drivers use one-third, one-third leading private one-third used for official purposes. Some public servants, especially leading officials motoring, cars for private purposes, violating the self-discipline regulations, and even lead to traffic accidents. According to statistics from related departments, since 2004, the correct investigation in our County serves nearly 30 cars for private purposes, only the first half of this year, cars for private purposes or (3)学校要举办一次漫画展览,请你从寓意、构思 仅只是为了做一双小小的筷子! 等角度为这幅漫画写一段推荐语。(2 分) (这与环保无关哦!) 二、阅读理解。(50 分) (一)阅读下面的文字,完成 8~12 题。(14 分) 掌声/高军 ⑴在教室门外,我听到,像往日一样,上课铃一响,教室里一下子静了下来。 ⑵走进教室,就感到安静里好像潜伏着一种与平日不同的气氛。但我还是平静地走上讲台,还没开口 讲课,就发现全班五十多个同学都直勾勾地盯着我身后的黑板。 ⑶为了把学生的注意力吸引到我的讲课中,我立即以平静的语调导入新课: ⑷“同学们,今天,我们上——” ⑸我一边说一边转身准备往黑板上板书。 ⑹班上的女学生王娜娜边站边喊道:“报告老师,你看黑板上——” ⑺我一下子惊呆了,原来黑板有一行清楚的粉笔字:“高老师是个——”后边有一个不太清晰的“坏” 字。 ⑻这是我教学十年来从未出现过的情况,过去每次上语文课时,黑板总是擦得干干净净。这几个字, 显然是我有什么得罪学生的地方,他们是在公开向我挑战。 ⑼我仔细一看,这字体像是我昨天批评过的李晓写的。 ⑽我心里的火一下子蹿得老高,感到头皮都“啪啪”炸响。但是瞬间我就控制住了自己,并决定改变 教学内容。 ⑾我面带笑容说道:“同学们,今天,我们上说话课,题目有些同学已经知道,并替我写在黑板上, 谢谢这位同学。” ⑿尽管我的话里透着真诚,很多同学还是一脸的不安。 ⒀我用粉笔把不太清晰的“坏”字重描了一下,并添上了“老师吗?”。 ⒁许多同学这才发出了善意的笑声,课堂气氛已转入正常。 ⒂我立即一口气说了下去:“我,就是你们的高老师,是个坏老师吗?今天,我愿意把一个真实的我 向同学们介绍一下。” ⒃接着我详细地介绍我的生活和工作的情况,也坦诚地承认了自己的一些弱点和缺点。
position-related consumption of civil servants has been swept by finance, consumer, regardless of cost, extravagance and waste in the civil service position-related consumption, abuse, corruption and embezzlement, corruption is important. Then, under the conditions of market economy, how to reform the existing civil duty consumption management, explores a source to prevent and curb the post consumption corruption way, is currently a major issue faced by honest work. Recently, I conducted research on this issue, this problem on some humble opinions. First, the existing public servants ' duty consumption the main problems seen from the investigation and reasons, in recent years, public servants ' duty consumption caused by the abuses and not a person of integrity, is one of the major problems in the party in Government, its operation order have a negative effect on the party and Government organs, seriously damaging the image of the party and the Government, undermining the relationship between party and the masses, effect, opening up and economic construction. From I County in recent years of governance situation see, positions consumption in the produced of "two not" phenomenon rendering four a features: a is positions consumption system lost has due of binding, right is greater than rules, and right is greater than method of phenomenon more highlight; II is in positions consumption in the Camera Obscura operation, using terms, will positions consumption into has personal consumption, will corporate points to into personal points to, makes positions consumption in some aspects has into positions enjoy and self-dealing of means; three is to positions consumption for name, fraud, false impersonator, Trend of negative corruption phenomena such as corruption and misappropriation; four palaces, follow the fashion, rivalries, wasteful, and post consumption became a symbol of showing off their individual capacities. Caused by public servants ' duty consumption of many "two" phenomenon in which people reflect the biggest problems are: (a) the official car problems. Mainly in three aspects: one is the larger buses cost expenditure. According to statistics, until November 2003, XX County township Department bus 159 cars, which department owns the bus 145 vehicles, and showed an increasing trend. Financial expenses cost per bus per year to 35,000 yuan, and in fact every cost up to 50,000 yuan. Some units also hiring temporary drivers and expenditure on wages and subsidies. Necessary to "keep acar", but also "dependants", leading to larger expenses. Second, gongchesiyong breed unhealthy tendencies. Some people believe that now some bus drivers use one-third, one-third leading private one-third used for official purposes. Some public servants, especially leading officials motoring, cars for private purposes, violating the self-discipline regulations, and even lead to trafficaccidents. According to statistics from related departments, since 2004, the correct investigation in our County serves nearly 30 cars for private purposes, only the first half of this year,cars for private purposes or ⒄由于是说自己,我说得非常流畅,一句多余的话也没有,口才比平常显得更好。我说完了,教室里 一片沉静。我感到,同学们被我的真诚感动了。果然,一阵热烈的掌声响了起来,全班同学都在热烈地鼓 掌。连李晓眼中也有点晶莹,他的手也拍得非常起劲。 ⒅——主课是从来不兴鼓掌的,这在我的教学生涯中是第一次。 ⒆我心中为自己即兴设计的教学方案陶醉了。 ⒇我潇洒地将“高老师”三个字底下画上了一道横线,擦掉了“高老师”三个字,将题目改成 “ 是个 吗?”要求道:“请各位同学考虑一下,完善题目,并以这个题目说一段话。” (21)李晓第一个举起了手,我让他站了起来。 (22)他说:“我的题目是——李晓是那个写‘高老师是坏’这几个字的学生吗?” (23)我心中一惊,学生的眼光是多么犀利啊!尽管我自认为表现得很潇洒,但还是被学生一眼看穿了。 (24)李晓讲得也非常流畅,否定了黑板上的字是他写的。尽管我心中不相信他的话,但对他的说话艺术 还是赞许的。学生们又鼓起掌来,这掌声似乎比给我的更热烈。 (25)掌声一落,女学生王娜娜举起了手,她说:“我说话的题目是‘王娜娜是个坏学生吗’。”王娜娜 承认那行字是她写的,主要是想看一下老师是否有雅量,到底有多大的雅量。她说她不是个坏学生,高老 师也不是个坏老师。今天,她感到老师的形象更加高大了。 (26)我非常惊喜,为她的大胆活泼而高兴,更为她的说话水平而高兴。全班同学的掌声又一次热烈地响 了起来。 (27)此事过去又快十年了。如今,李晓已成为一个著名作家;王娜娜在法国留学,已获得博士学位,正 在读博士后。这个班的学生见到我或者来信时,说最佩服的是我处理这节课的方式,这节课是他们印象最 深刻的一堂语文课。 (28)其实,近十年来,这三次掌声也仍然时时回响在我的耳边。 8、请用简要的语言概括这篇小说的主要内容。(3 分) 9、体会文中画线句“我一下子惊呆了”和“我心中一惊”,说说两个“惊”字表现的人物心理有何不同。 (2 分) 10、下列有关本文的分析不恰当...的一项是(3 分) A.第⑵段中“安静里好像潜伏着一种与平日不同的气氛”一句的作用是为接下来矛盾的突然出现蓄 势。 B.从高老师对突发事件的处理上,我们可以看出他是一个不仅有理性,而且有智慧,善于克制自己又 能随机应变的老师。 宜都市认真贯彻省、宜昌市安全生产教育培训工作有关精神,按照继续深入开展“安全生产年”活动要求,扎实推进安全生产宣传教育行动,以全市经济发展为首要,努力拓展培训空间leaders driving a vehicle accident caused by road accidents, 1, 1people killed and direct economic losses amounting to more than 100,000 yuan. Third, high efficiency and low cost of the bus. Surveys show that, the operating costs of taxis for the 8200/... Is a fundamental priority of the reform, it is a difficult problem that must be solved in the reform process. Clearly, the post consumption averages three years before as a base and fine-tuned on the basis of this single practices must be improved. Improvements to adhere to three principles: first,under the existing policy provisions approved for public servants ' duty consumption standards, calibration, is not contrary to policy. Second, according to the local financial situation and people's sustainability,public servants ' duty consumption standards approved, both financial reach, and people passing through. Third, according to the operational needs of civil servants responsible for authorized public servants ' duty consumption standards, both high and low positions, but also the nature of the work and the workload. unified, and small dispersed" suitable, that most positions consumption project should according to policy provides proposed unified standard, consider to ranks, and units and the work task of differences sex, unified of standard should has elastic of and dynamic of, makes regions, and units in implementation unified standard Shi has must of flexible disposal right; but since set of standard must after financial, and audit, sector audit approved Hou to implementation. (C) reform package. Public servants ' duty consumption elasticity of consumption to limit consumption, turning mess into kitchen after dinner, follow the civil servant with a how to use personal title subsidies, or how to manage a personal duty consumption use of subsidies. Therefore, we must establish and perfect with public servants ' duty consumption monetization reform support of the series of governance systems such as the civil service examination of responsibility, system, low fault investigation system, the report said. While other measures to keep up. In reform of method Shang, approved civil servants positions consumption standard to "big Discipline inspection and supervision organs, financial, auditing departments should strengthen supervision and inspection of public servants ' duty consumption monetization reform progress, to strengthen the reform of public servants ' duty consumption monetization system, measures to develop and monitor the implementation of inspection, not consumption as required, even shifting consumer behavior to stop, serious cases to deal with. Three ideas, public servants ' duty consumption monetization reform of politics, the economy and the deepening of the reform, public servants ' duty consumption as somewhere between a reform also demonstrated its importance and urgency. First of all, civil servants especially party and Government leaders and public servants ' duty consumption there are big drawbacks. NPC deputies and CPPCC members and the broad masses are concerned about. Secondly, the4
position-related consumption of civil servants has been swept by finance, consumer, regardless of cost, extravagance and waste in the civil service position-related consumption, abuse, corruption and embezzlement, corruption is important. Then, under the conditions of market economy, how to reform the existing civil duty consumption management, explores a source to prevent and curb the post consumption corruption way,is currently a major issue faced by honest work. Recently, I conducted research on this issue, this problem on some humble opinions. First, the existing public servants ' duty consumption the main problems seen from the investigation and reasons, in recent years, public servants ' duty consumption caused by the abuses and not a person of integrity,is one of the major problems in the party in Government, its operation order have a negative effect on the party and Government organs, seriously damaging the image of the party and the Government, undermining the relationship between party and the masses, effect, opening up and economic construction. From I County in recent years of governance situation see, positions consumption in the produced of "two not" phenomenon rendering four a features: ais positions consumption system lost has due of binding, right is greater than rules, and right is greater than method of phenomenon more highlight; II is in positions consumption in the Camera Obscura operation, using terms, will positions consumption into has personal consumption, will corporate points to into personal points to, makes positions consumption in some aspects has into positions enjoy and self-dealing of means; three is to positions consumption for name, fraud, false impersonator, Trend of negative corruption phenomena such as corruption and misappropriation; four palaces, follow the fashion, rivalries, wasteful, and post consumption became a symbol of show ing off their individual capacities. Caused by public servants ' duty consumption of many "two" phenomenon in which people reflect the biggest problems are: (a) the official car problems. Mainly in three aspects: one is the larger buses cost expenditure. According to statistics, until November 2003, XX County township Department bus 159 cars, which department owns the bus 145 vehicles, and showed an increasing trend. Financial expenses cost per bus per year to 35,000 yuan, and in fact every cost up to 50,000 yuan. Some units also hiring temporary drivers and expenditure on wages and subsidies. Necessary to "keep a car", but also "dependants", leading to larger expenses. Second, gongchesiyong breed unhealthy tendencies. Some people believe that now some bus drivers use one-third, one-third leading private one-third used for official purposes. Some public servants, especially leading officials motoring, cars for private purposes, violating the self-discipline regulations, and even lead to traffic accidents. According to statistics from related departments, since 2004, the correct investigation in our County serves nearly 30 cars for private purposes, only the first half of this year, cars for private purposes or C.第(27)段写李晓成为作家和王娜娜在法国留学且博士后在读这一结果,印证了这两个学生都不是“坏 学生”。 D.从这篇小说的主旨来看,是要告诫同学们要尊重老师,不要随意损害老师的人格尊严,只有这样, 才能使师生关系更加和谐。 11、仔细揣摩本文第(25)段写王娜娜发言的文字,体会它对推动小说的情节发展起到什么作用。(3 分) 12、本文的标题若改为“一堂难忘的语文课”好不好?请简述理由。(3 分) (二)阅读下面的文字,完成 13~16 题。(12 分) ①蝙蝠是昼伏夜出的动物。不论是在茫茫暮色之中,还是在伸手不见五指、漆黑一团的岩洞里,它都能穿梭般飞 来飞去,从不会撞在什么东西上。蚊虫如果不迅速逃跑,想凭借黑暗隐身,那它一定逃脱不了被吃掉的命运。这是因 为蝙蝠有一双特别敏锐的夜视眼吗?不是的。因为即使将其双眼完全封死或弄瞎,蝙蝠仍能自由自在地飞翔。经过长 时间的研究,人们终于搞清楚,蝙蝠的视力是很差的,它之所以有接近于“明察秋毫”的本领,是因为它有一套优异 的“回声定位”的声纳系统。 ②第一次世界大战期间发明的声纳,是海军侦察潜水艇的有效装置,后来又应用在测量海深、探测鱼 群等方面。声纳是利用超声波工作的,它是英文缩写字的音译,原意是“声音导航和测距”。蝙蝠也生有 类似的天然声纳系统,它比人造声纳更小巧,性能更优越。 ③蝙蝠的喉咙可以发出很强的超声波,通过它的嘴巴和鼻孔向外发射出来。当遇到物体时,超声波便 被反射回来,蝙蝠的耳朵听到回声,就能判明物体的距离和大小,是食物还是敌人,或是障碍物。我们把 这种根据回声探测物体的方式,叫做“回声定位”。蝙蝠的耳朵很大,内耳特别发达,能够接收频率很高 的超声波和低密度的回声。令人吃惊的是,它们竟能在一秒钟内捕捉和分辨 250 组回声,同时也发出同一 数目的超声波。蝙蝠声纳的分辨本领很高。它能分辨用十分之一毫米粗的线织成的网,并能根据网洞大小 而收缩两翼敏捷穿过。它能把昆虫反射的声信号与地表、树木等反射的声信号区分开来,同时探测出几个 目标的形状、外貌和位置。它能区分十字形与圆形物体,能区分是虫子还是纸片。更令人惊叹的是,它们 能做到这些,靠的只是分析极其微弱的回声,那些回声甚至用极灵敏的人造微音器也收听不到。蝙蝠声纳 的抗干扰能力也特别强。即使人为地去干扰蝙蝠,哪怕干扰噪声比它发出的超声波强一二百倍,它仍能有 效地工作。千万只甚至上亿只蝙蝠同住一个岩洞,它们都使用声纳,但互不干扰。而人造声纳,却难于排 除声波折射和水下反响的干扰,抗噪声能力比蝙蝠差了很多。而且,蝙蝠声纳系统最多也不过几克重,它 的小巧程度真要使上百千克笨重的人造声纳或雷达的设计者们瞠目结舌了。 ④正是凭着这独特的本领,蝙蝠在捕食昆虫时,有着惊人的灵活性和准确性,有时一分钟之内竟能捕 食十几只蚊子,简直可以做到“无一漏网”。
position-related consumption of civil servants has been swept by finance, consumer, regardless of cost, extravagance and waste in the civil service position-related consumption, abuse, corruption and embezzlement, corruption is important. Then, under the conditions of market economy, how to reform the existing civil duty consumption management, explores a source to prevent and curb the post consumption corruption way, is currently a major issue faced by honest work. Recently, I conducted research on this issue, this problem on some humble opinions. First, the existing public servants ' duty consumption the main problems seen from the investigation and reasons, in recent years, public servants ' duty consumption caused by the abuses and not a person of integrity, is one of the major problems in the party in Government, its operation order have a negative effect on the party and Government organs, seriously damaging the image of the party and the Government, undermining the relationship between party and the masses, effect, opening up and economic construction. From I County in recent years of governance situation see, positions consumption in the produced of "two not" phenomenon rendering four a features: a is positions consumption system lost has due of binding, right is greater than rules, and right is greater than method of phenomenon more highlight; II is in positions consumption in the Camera Obscura operation, using terms, will positions consumption into has personal consumption, will corporate points to into personal points to, makes positions consumption in some aspects has into positions enjoy and self-dealing of means; three is to positions consumption for name, fraud, false impersonator, Trend of negative corruption phenomena such as corruption and misappropriation; four palaces, follow the fashion, rivalries, wasteful, and post consumption became a symbol of showing off their individual capacities. Caused by public servants ' duty consumption of many "two" phenomenon in which people reflect the biggest problems are: (a) the official car problems. Mainly in three aspects: one is the larger buses cost expenditure. According to statistics, until November 2003, XX County township Department bus 159 cars, which department owns the bus 145 vehicles, and showed an increasing trend. Financial expenses cost per bus per year to 35,000 yuan, and in fact every cost up to 50,000 yuan. Some units also hiring temporary drivers and expenditure on wages and subsidies. Necessary to "keep acar", but also "dependants", leading to larger expenses. Second, gongchesiyong breed unhealthy tendencies. Some people believe that now some bus drivers use one-third, one-third leading private one-third used for official purposes. Some public servants, especially leading officials motoring, cars for private purposes, violating the self-discipline regulations, and even lead to trafficaccidents. According to statistics from related departments, since 2004, the correct investigation in our County serves nearly 30 cars for private purposes, only the first half of this year,cars for private purposes or 13、揣摩第①段中画线的句子,完成①②小题。(3 分) 它都能穿梭般飞来飞去,从不会撞在什么东西上。 ①这句话说明蝙蝠飞行的哪两个特点?a. b. ②该句表意很准确,你认为哪个词语最能体现 b 特点? 14、文中第③段画线句使用的是什么说明方法?请在本段中再找一例。(3 分) 说明方法: 例句: 15、下列各项中的例句与前面的概括不一致...的一项是(3 分) A.体积小 “蝙蝠声纳系统最多也不过几克重” B.速度快 “能在一秒钟之内捕捉和分辨 250 组回声” C.区分准 “能区分十字形与圆形物体,能区分是虫子还是纸片” D.抗扰强 “耳朵听到回声,就能判明物体的距离和大小” 16、下面有关选文的分析不正确...的一项是(3 分) A.本文主要说明了蝙蝠有一套优异的“回声定位”的声纳系统,从而使它具备夜间飞行和捕食昆虫的 独特本领。 B.第③段中“它能分辨用十分之一毫米粗的线织成的网,并能根据网洞大小而收缩两翼敏捷穿过。” 一句主要是为了说明蝙蝠反应敏捷这一特点。 C.第②段用人造声纳与蝙蝠的天然声纳作对比,是为了突出后者更小巧,性能更优越。 D.第③段中介绍蝙蝠回声定位的过程是:发射超声波→超声波被反射→接收回声→分辨物体。 (三)阅读下面的文字,完成 17~21 题。(12 分) 浅谈态度/姜以刚 ①一群蚂蚁为了挪动一粒饭或一条虫,忍受着难以想象的重负,前推后搡,齐心协力。一只蜜蜂为了 采一点花蜜,在花朵之间往返无数次,翻飞起舞,不辞辛劳。一株野草为了显示生命的力量,艰难地从石 缝中钻出, , 。蚂蚁、蜜蜂和小草的个体虽小,但它们那认真的态度却给了我 们很多感动。 ②接下来说说我们人本身吧。营业员态度热情,让顾客心满意足,这家店的生意就会更好。父母态度 真诚,让子女心服口服,这样的教育效果就会更佳。教师态度认真,让学生耳濡目染,这样的教学就会有 潜移默化的效果…… ③精诚所至,金石为开。孟冬是中国古代的一大孝子。一年冬天,大雪纷飞。其母卧病在床,突然想 吃竹笋。孟冬很久也没找到竹笋,他便抱着雪地里的竹子痛哭。他终于感动了天地,竹林里冒出了竹笋, 宜都市认真贯彻省、宜昌市安全生产教育培训工作有关精神,按照继续深入开展“安全生产年”活动要求,扎实推进安全生产宣传教育行动,以全市经济发展为首要,努力拓展培训空间leaders driving a vehicle accident caused by road accidents, 1, 1people killed and direct economic losses amounting to more than 100,000 yuan. Third, high efficiency and low cost of the bus. Surveys show that, the operating costs of taxis for the 8200/... Is a fundamental priority of the reform, it is a difficult problem that must be solved in the reform process. Clearly, the post consumption averages three years before as a base and fine-tuned on the basis of this single practices must be improved. Improvements to adhere to three principles: first,under the existing policy provisions approved for public servants ' duty consumption standards, calibration, is not contrary to policy. Second, according to the local financial situation and people's sustainability,public servants ' duty consumption standards approved, both financial reach, and people passing through. Third, according to the operational needs of civil servants responsible for authorized public servants ' duty consumption standards, both high and low positions, but also the nature of the work and the workload. unified, and small dispersed" suitable, that most positions consumption project should according to policy provides proposed unified standard, consider to ranks, and units and the work task of differences sex, unified of standard should has elastic of and dynamic of, makes regions, and units in implementation unified standard Shi has must of flexible disposal right; but since set of standard must after financial, and audit, sector audit approved Hou to implementation. (C) reform package. Public servants ' duty consumption elasticity of consumption to limit consumption, turning mess into kitchen after dinner, follow the civil servant with a how to use personal title subsidies, or how to manage a personal duty consumption use of subsidies. Therefore, we must establish and perfect with public servants ' duty consumption monetization reform support of the series of governance systems such as the civil service examination of responsibility, system, low fault investigation system, the report said. While other measures to keep up. In reform of method Shang, approved civil servants positions consumption standard to "big Discipline inspection and supervision organs, financial, auditing departments should strengthen supervision and inspection of public servants ' duty consumption monetization reform progress, to strengthen the reform of public servants ' duty consumption monetization system, measures to develop and monitor the implementation of inspection, not consumption as required, even shifting consumer behavior to stop, serious cases to deal with. Three ideas, public servants ' duty consumption monetization reform of politics, the economy and the deepening of the reform, public servants ' duty consumption as somewhere between a reform also demonstrated its importance and urgency. First of all, civil servants especially party and Government leaders and public servants ' duty consumption there are big drawbacks. NPC deputies and CPPCC members and the broad masses are concerned about. Secondly, the6
position-related consumption of civil servants has been swept by finance, consumer, regardless of cost, extravagance and waste in the civil service position-related consumption, abuse, corruption and embezzlement, corruption is important. Then, under the conditions of market economy, how to reform the existing civil duty consumption management, explores a source to prevent and curb the post consumption corruption way,is currently a major issue faced by honest work. Recently, I conducted research on this issue, this problem on some humble opinions. First, the existing public servants ' duty consumption the main problems seen from the investigation and reasons, in recent years, public servants ' duty consumption caused by the abuses and not a person of integrity,is one of the major problems in the party in Government, its operation order have a negative effect on the party and Government organs, seriously damaging the image of the party and the Government, undermining the relationship between party and the masses, effect, opening up and economic construction. From I County in recent years of governance situation see, positions consumption in the produced of "two not" phenomenon rendering four a features: ais positions consumption system lost has due of binding, right is greater than rules, and right is greater than method of phenomenon more highlight; II is in positions consumption in the Camera Obscura operation, using terms, will positions consumption into has personal consumption, will corporate points to into personal points to, makes positions consumption in some aspects has into positions enjoy and self-dealing of means; three is to positions consumption for name, fraud, false impersonator, Trend of negative corruption phenomena such as corruption and misappropriation; four palaces, follow the fashion, rivalries, wasteful, and post consumption became a symbol of show ing off their individual capacities. Caused by public servants ' duty consumption of many "two" phenomenon in which people reflect the biggest problems are: (a) the official car problems. Mainly in three aspects: one is the larger buses cost expenditure. According to statistics, until November 2003, XX County township Department bus 159 cars, which department owns the bus 145 vehicles, and showed an increasing trend. Financial expenses cost per bus per year to 35,000 yuan, and in fact every cost up to 50,000 yuan. Some units also hiring temporary drivers and expenditure on wages and subsidies. Necessary to "keep a car", but also "dependants", leading to larger expenses. Second, gongchesiyong breed unhealthy tendencies. Some people believe that now some bus drivers use one-third, one-third leading private one-third used for official purposes. Some public servants, especially leading officials motoring, cars for private purposes, violating the self-discipline regulations, and even lead to traffic accidents. According to statistics from related departments, since 2004, the correct investigation in our County serves nearly 30 cars for private purposes, only the first half of this year, cars for private purposes or 成全了他的这份孝心。 ④综观古今中外的名人,都有一种持之以恒的精神。海伦·凯勒主动向命运挑战,克服了自身的盲聋 哑的生理缺陷,成为了一位作家。霍金全身瘫痪,只有一根手指能活动,凭着对物理学研究的满腔热情, 成为了继爱因斯坦之后的又一位物理学研究领域的泰斗。 ⑤要成就一番事业,还得有一种谦虚的态度。三国时期的杨修非常有才,但终因恃才放旷,被曹操所 杀。一个人不论天赋的高低,都要不断学习。王安石笔下的方仲永,虽为文学神童,但每天“环谒于邑人”, 错过了很多学习机会,最终“泯然众人矣”。 ⑥要获得更多的成功,既要胜不骄,更要败不馁。诺贝尔经过很多次实验的失败,甚至连自己的弟弟 和助手都在实验中丧生,自己也差点被炸死。但功夫不负有心人,他终于发明了高效炸药。 ⑦要实现人生理想,还要坚持自己的志趣,有矢志不渝、坚韧不拔的态度,才能终成大器。努力不分 早晚,出身不论贫富。齐白石年轻时是一名木匠,但他有种“咬定青山不放松”的精神,经常自学,最终 成为一位极负盛名的大画家。唐朝大书法家柳公权,幼年丧父,家贫无纸习字,其母便以沙地为纸,以树 枝当笔,教他练字。这些都没有阻碍他日后成为大书法家。 ⑧前中国男足主教练米卢先生说过“态度决定一切”的名言。态度是学业和事业的催化剂,在学习和 工作时,有了好的态度,你的人生就会更精彩。 ⑨生活就像一面镜子,它能反射你的喜怒哀惧。保持一种平和的态度,用一颗真诚的心去理解生活, 你将会从生活中提炼更多的灵感。保持一种积极的态度,微笑面对生活,生活也会对你微笑。你对生活失 望,生活也会懒得理你。不要关闭自己心灵的窗户,打开它,可以让更多的新鲜空气吹进来,让更多的美 景扑入你的胸怀。 17、请仔细揣摩第①段前两句的表达特点,在画线处填写两个四字短语,使句意一致,句式相同。(2 分) 18、第③自然段列举孟冬的例子,其作用是什么?(2 分) 19、结合全文,下列分析不正确...的一项是(3 分) A.这篇文章的中心论点是:态度是学业和事业的催化剂,在学习和工作时,有了好的态度,你的人生 就会更精彩。 B.第⑤段是从反面来举例证明分论点的,而其他段落是从正面举例论证。 C.本文都是运用举例论证的方法来证明中心论点的。 D.第⑤段中列举方仲永的例子是为了论证一个人即使有再高的天赋,也要不断学习,才能有所成就, 否则一事无成。 20、本文有些句子语言优美、含义隽永,试对最后一段的画线句子作点赏析。(2 分)
position-related consumption of civil servants has been swept by finance, consumer, regardless of cost, extravagance and waste in the civil service position-related consumption, abuse, corruption and embezzlement, corruption is important. Then, under the conditions of market economy, how to reform the existing civil duty consumption management, explores a source to prevent and curb the post consumption corruption way, is currently a major issue faced by honest work. Recently, I conducted research on this issue, this problem on some humble opinions. First, the existing public servants ' duty consumption the main problems seen from the investigation and reasons, in recent years, public servants ' duty consumption caused by the abuses and not a person of integrity, is one of the major problems in the party in Government, its operation order have a negative effect on the party and Government organs, seriously damaging the image of the party and the Government, undermining the relationship between party and the masses, effect, opening up and economic construction. From I County in recent years of governance situation see, positions consumption in the produced of "two not" phenomenon rendering four a features: a is positions consumption system lost has due of binding, right is greater than rules, and right is greater than method of phenomenon more highlight; II is in positions consumption in the Camera Obscura operation, using terms, will positions consumption into has personal consumption, will corporate points to into personal points to, makes positions consumption in some aspects has into positions enjoy and self-dealing of means; three is to positions consumption for name, fraud, false impersonator, Trend of negative corruption phenomena such as corruption and misappropriation; four palaces, follow the fashion, rivalries, wasteful, and post consumption became a symbol of showing off their individual capacities. Caused by public servants ' duty consumption of many "two" phenomenon in which people reflect the biggest problems are: (a) the official car problems. Mainly in three aspects: one is the larger buses cost expenditure. According to statistics, until November 2003, XX County township Department bus 159 cars, which department owns the bus 145 vehicles, and showed an increasing trend. Financial expenses cost per bus per year to 35,000 yuan, and in fact every cost up to 50,000 yuan. Some units also hiring temporary drivers and expenditure on wages and subsidies. Necessary to "keep acar", but also "dependants", leading to larger expenses. Second, gongchesiyong breed unhealthy tendencies. Some people believe that now some bus drivers use one-third, one-third leading private one-third used for official purposes. Some public servants, especially leading officials motoring, cars for private purposes, violating the self-discipline regulations, and even lead to trafficaccidents. According to statistics from related departments, since 2004, the correct investigation in our County serves nearly 30 cars for private purposes, only the first half of this year,cars for private purposes or 21、第⑦段柳公权的例子除了给我们感动外,还给我们什么启示?请再列举出一个恰当的事例予以证明。(3 分) (四)阅读文言文《隆中对》(节选),完成 22~26 题。(12 分) 时先主屯新野。徐庶见先主,先主器之,谓先主曰:“诸葛孔明者,卧龙也,将军岂愿见之乎?”先 主曰:“君与俱来。”庶曰:“此人可就见,不可屈致也。将军宜枉驾顾之。” 由是先主遂诣亮,凡三往,乃见。因屏人曰:“汉室倾颓,奸臣窃命,主上蒙尘。孤不度德量力,欲信大义于 天下,而智术浅短,遂用猖蹶,至于今日。然志犹未已,君谓计将安出?” 亮答曰:“自董卓已来,豪杰并起,跨州连郡者不可胜数。曹操比于袁绍,则名微而众寡,然操遂能 克绍,以弱为强者,非惟天时,抑亦人谋也。今操已拥百万之众,挟天子而令诸侯,此诚不可与争锋。孙 权据有江东,已历三世,国险而民附,贤能为之用,此可以为援而不可图也。荆州北据汉、沔,利尽南海, 东连吴会,西通巴、蜀,此用武之国,而其主不能守,此殆天所以资将军,将军岂有意乎?益州险塞,沃 野千里,天府之土,高祖因之以成帝业。刘璋暗弱,张鲁在北,民殷国富而不知存恤,智能之士思得明君。 将军既帝室之胄,信义著于四海,总揽英雄,思贤如渴,若跨有荆、益,保其岩阻,西和诸戎,南抚夷越, 外结好孙权,内修政理;天下有变,则命一上将将荆州之军以向宛、洛,将军身率益州之众出于秦川,百 姓孰敢不箪食壶浆以迎将军者乎?诚如是,则霸业可成,汉室可兴矣。” 先主曰:“善!”于是与亮情好日密。 22、下列语句中,加点词解释不正确...的一项是(2 分) A.由是先主遂诣.亮(告诉) B.此人可就.见(接近、趋向) C.先主器.之(器重,重视) D.欲信.大义于天下(通“伸”,伸张) 23、下列语句中加点词意义和用法相同的一项是(2 分) A.则名微而.众寡 B.此用武之.国 而.其主不能守 或置酒而招之. C.因.屏人曰:“汉室倾颓……” 高祖因.之以成帝业 D.信义著于.四海 出没于.鲸波万仞中 24、翻译下面文言语句。(4 分) ①将军宜枉驾顾之。 ②然志犹未已,君谓计将安出? 25、下列有关选段的理解分析不正确...的一项是(2 分) A.从分析天下形势,并提出对策、蓝图中,可见诸葛亮是具有远见卓识的政治家、军事家,具有天才 的预见能力。 宜都市认真贯彻省、宜昌市安全生产教育培训工作有关精神,按照继续深入开展“安全生产年”活动要求,扎实推进安全生产宣传教育行动,以全市经济发展为首要,努力拓展培训空间leaders driving a vehicle accident caused by road accidents, 1, 1people killed and direct economic losses amounting to more than 100,000 yuan. Third, high efficiency and low cost of the bus. Surveys show that, the operating costs of taxis for the 8200/... Is a fundamental priority of the reform, it is a difficult problem that must be solved in the reform process. Clearly, the post consumption averages three years before as a base and fine-tuned on the basis of this single practices must be improved. Improvements to adhere to three principles: first,under the existing policy provisions approved for public servants ' duty consumption standards, calibration, is not contrary to policy. Second, according to the local financial situation and people's sustainability,public servants ' duty consumption standards approved, both financial reach, and people passing through. Third, according to the operational needs of civil servants responsible for authorized public servants ' duty consumption standards, both high and low positions, but also the nature of the work and the workload. unified, and small dispersed" suitable, that most positions consumption project should according to policy provides proposed unified standard, consider to ranks, and units and the work task of differences sex, unified of standard should has elastic of and dynamic of, makes regions, and units in implementation unified standard Shi has must of flexible disposal right; but since set of standard must after financial, and audit, sector audit approved Hou to implementation. (C) reform package. Public servants ' duty consumption elasticity of consumption to limit consumption, turning mess into kitchen after dinner, follow the civil servant with a how to use personal title subsidies, or how to manage a personal duty consumption use of subsidies. Therefore, we must establish and perfect with public servants ' duty consumption monetization reform support of the series of governance systems such as the civil service examination of responsibility, system, low fault investigation system, the report said. While other measures to keep up. In reform of method Shang, approved civil servants positions consumption standard to "big Discipline inspection and supervision organs, financial, auditing departments should strengthen supervision and inspection of public servants ' duty consumption monetization reform progress, to strengthen the reform of public servants ' duty consumption monetization system, measures to develop and monitor the implementation of inspection, not consumption as required, even shifting consumer behavior to stop, serious cases to deal with. Three ideas, public servants ' duty consumption monetization reform of politics, the economy and the deepening of the reform, public servants ' duty consumption as somewhere between a reform also demonstrated its importance and urgency. First of all, civil servants especially party and Government leaders and public servants ' duty consumption there are big drawbacks. NPC deputies and CPPCC members and the broad masses are concerned about. Secondly, the8