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2006 年湖北工业大学西方语言与文化及透视与制图原理考 研真题 西方语言与文化 1. Explanation (60 %) 1.1.the lndustrial Revolution 1.2.the Elizabethan Age 1.3.William Shakespeare 1.4.English Reserve 1.5.The Times 1.6.the Commonwealth of Nations 1.7.the B.B.C
1.8.Slavery in the U.S 1.9.Mayflower 1.10.American Dream 2.Answer the Following in English (90%) 2.1.Explain the characteristics of the uniformity in American culture and give your cwn evaluation. 2.2.What is the greatest argument about public schools in Britain?Why are the public schools today no longer as superior and exclusive as they used to be? 2.3.Based on your own knowledge,write a short essay in the title of Language and Culture.(200 words) 透视与制图原理
题一∶已知光源为前面光,作出一竖立圆板的投影。 要求画出透视辅助线。(本题 50 分) 题二∶见下图,按已定光源作室内灯光阴影图。 要求画出透视辅助线。(本题 100 分)