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2011年山东青岛大学英语翻译基础考研真题 I.Translate the following words, abbreviations or terminology into their target language respectively. There are altogether 20 items in this part of the test, 10 in English and 10 in Chinese, with two points for each. (40 points) 1.NAFTA 2.KGB 3.Reuters 4.organizations of civil society 5.euromoney 6.HSBC 7.EU 8.ASEAN 9.nanotechnology 10.CEO 11.节约型社会 12.环保产品 13.中国入世 14.固定资产 15.人大 16.保护消费者合法权益 17.转基因食品 18.贸易壁垒
19.数字鸿沟 20.网民 II.Translate the following into Chinese. (50 points) I am delighted that the UN World Tourism Organization is celebrating this year’s World Tourism Day under the theme ‘Tourism and Biodiversity’. Tourism and biodiversity are closely intertwined. Millions of people travel each year to experience nature’s splendour. The income generated by sustainable tourism can provide important support for nature conservation, as well as for economic development. Furthermore, sustainable tourism can help to raise awareness among tourists and local communities of the importance of biodiversity to our everyday lives. Through initiatives such as its “Sustainable Tourism – Eliminating Poverty” project, and its collaboration with the UN family, national tourism authorities and the private sector, the World Tourism Organization is helping to highlight the links between tourism, poverty alleviation and biodiversity. The tourism community is becoming increasingly aware of its responsibility. And indeed there is much the sector can contribute to protecting biodiversity, including by integrating simple measures such as managing tour groups to minimize disturbance to wildlife or buying supplies only from sustainable sources. On this World Tourism Day, I commend the tourism community for its growing recognition of the importance of conserving the diversity of life on Earth, and I urge all partners to strengthen their commitment to sustainability. III.Translate the following into English. (60 points) 我很高兴出席《牛津英汉汉英词典》(Oxford Chinese Dictionary) 发 行仪式。这一词典的出版发行,对于广大学习英语的中国人,以及日益增 多的正在学习汉语的英语母语者来说,无疑是一个大好消息。因此,我要 致以热烈的祝贺。 自 100 多年前《牛津英语词典》这一“词典之帝”出版以来,可以说牛 津大学出版社一直执全球词典出版界之牛耳。“牛津”二字几乎成了高质
量英文工具书的代名词。据称,世界上每分钟就有 6 个人购买牛津出版 的词典。 牛津大学出版社又是与中方合作最多的外国出版社之一。牛津大学出版社 的系列英语词典是中国人学习英语的必备工具书,也是许多人的首选工具 书。我还记得,我年轻时就拥有一部《精选英汉汉英词典》,这是上世纪 70 年代末牛津大学出版社和中国现代历史最悠久的出版社——商务 印书馆最早合作的产物。至于两家 80 年代随后推出的《牛津高阶英汉双 解词典》,则更是风靡一时,长盛不衰,被英语学习者奉为圭臬。 语言是文化的载体。学习一个国家语言的过程,也是了解一个国家文化的 过程。因此,《牛津英汉汉英词典》的出版,其意义不仅在于为读者提供 了高质量的语言工具书,更为促进中英文化交流做出了新的贡献。 最后,我祝愿《牛津英汉汉英词典》发行取得佳绩,也祝愿牛津大学出版 社与中国出版界的合作蒸蒸日上。