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操作系统实习报告 日期: 实习题目: 读者写者问题 完 成 人 实习 内容 简要 描述 主 要 代 码 结构 ( 附 注 释) 姓名:陈明明 组号: 学号 0843041112 创建一个控制台进程。此进程包含 n 个线程。用这 n 个线 程来表示 n 个读者或写者。每个线程按相应测试数据文件 (后面有介绍)的要求进行读写操作。用信号量机制分别实 现读者优先和写者优先的读者-写者问题 #include "stdafx.h" #include"windows.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #define READER 'R' #define WRITER 'W' #define INTE_PER_SEC 1000 #define MAX_THREAD_NUM 64 //#define MAX_FILE_NUM 32 //#define MAX_STR_LEN 32 readcount=0; int int writecount=0; //int r_i = 1; //int w_j = 1; //读者 //写者 //每秒时钟中断数目 //最大线程数目 //最大数据文件数目 //字符串长度 //读者数目 //写者数目 CRITICAL_SECTION RP_Write; CRITICAL_SECTION CS_Write; CRITICAL_SECTION CS_Read; struct ThreadInfo//------------------------------定义线程的结构 //临界区 //--临界区写 //--临界区读 { serial; int char entity; double delay; double persist; //线程序号 //线程类别(判断是读者线程还是写者线程) //线程延迟 //线程读写操作持续时间 }; void RP_ReaderThread(void * p) //---------------------------读者优先--读者线程 { HANDLE h_Mutex; //互斥变量
m_persist = //延迟等待,然 //等待互斥变量所有权 //OpenMutex 函数功能:为现有的一个已命名互斥体对象创建一个新句柄 h_Mutex = OpenMutex(MUTEX_ALL_ACCESS,FALSE,"mutex_for_readcount"); DWORD wait_for_mutex; DWORD m_delay; DWORD m_persist; int m_serial; //从参数中获得信息 m_serial = ((ThreadInfo *)(p)) -> serial; m_delay = (DWORD)(((ThreadInfo *)(p)) -> delay * INTE_PER_SEC); //读文件持续时间 //线程序号 //延迟时间 (DWORD)(((ThreadInfo *)(p)) -> persist * INTE_PER_SEC); 后发出对共享资源的读(写)申请。 Sleep(m_delay); printf("Reader thread %d sents the reading require.\n",m_serial); wait_for_mutex = WaitForSingleObject(h_Mutex,-1); readcount++; if(readcount == 1){ //读者数目增加 EnterCriticalSection(& RP_Write); //第一个读者,等待资源 } ReleaseMutex(h_Mutex); //释放互斥信号 printf("Reader thread %d begins to read file.\n",m_serial); //读文件 Sleep(m_persist); printf("Reader thread %d finished reading file.\n",m_serial); wait_for_mutex = WaitForSingleObject(h_Mutex,-1); readcount--;//读者数目减少 if(readcount == 0){ //退出线程 LeaveCriticalSection(& RP_Write); } ReleaseMutex(h_Mutex); //释放互斥信号 } void RP_WriterThread(void * p) //--------------------------读者优先--写者线程 { //线程序号 //延迟等待 //延迟时间 //写文件持续时间 DWORD m_delay; DWORD m_persist; int m_serial; m_serial = ((ThreadInfo *)(p)) -> serial; //从参数中获得信息 m_delay = (DWORD)(((ThreadInfo *)(p)) -> delay * INTE_PER_SEC); m_persist = (DWORD)(((ThreadInfo *)(p)) -> persist * INTE_PER_SEC); Sleep(m_delay); printf("Writer thread %d sents the writing require.\n",m_serial); EnterCriticalSection(& RP_Write); printf("Writer thread %d begins to write to the file.\n",m_serial); Sleep(m_persist); printf("Writer thread %d finishing writing to the file.\n",m_serial); LeaveCriticalSection(& RP_Write); //释放资源 //等待资源 //写文件 //退出线程 }
void ReaderPriority(char * file) //-------------------------读者优先处理函数- { //线程数目 //线程 ID //等待所有线程结束 DWORD n_thread = 0; DWORD thread_ID; DWORD wait_for_all; HANDLE h_Mutex; h_Mutex = CreateMutex(NULL,FALSE,"mutex_for_readcount"); HANDLE h_Thread[MAX_THREAD_NUM]; //线程对象的数组 ThreadInfo thread_info[MAX_THREAD_NUM]; readcount = 0; InitializeCriticalSection(& RP_Write); ifstream inFile; inFile.open(file); if(! inFile){ //初始化临界区 //初始化 readcount //互斥对象 //打开文件 printf("error in open input file\n"); } printf("Reader Priority:\n\n"); while(inFile){//读入每一个读者、写者的信息 inFile >> thread_info[n_thread].serial; inFile >> thread_info[n_thread].entity; inFile >> thread_info[n_thread].delay; inFile >> thread_info[n_thread++].persist; inFile.get(); } for(int i = 0; i < (int)(n_thread); i++){ if(thread_info[i].entity == READER || thread_info[i].entity == 'R'){ h_Thread[i] = CreateThread(NULL,0,(LPTHREAD_START_ROUTINE)(RP_ReaderThread),& thread_info[i],0,& thread_ID); }else{//创建写者线程 h_Thread[i] = CreateThread(NULL,0,(LPTHREAD_START_ROUTINE)(RP_WriterThread),& thread_info[i],0,& thread_ID); } } wait_for_all = WaitForMultipleObjects(n_thread,h_Thread,TRUE,-1); printf("All reader and writer have finished operating\n"); } void WP_ReaderThread(void * p) //----------------------------写者优先--读者线程 { //互斥变量 HANDLE h_Mutex1; h_Mutex1 = OpenMutex(MUTEX_ALL_ACCESS,FALSE,"mutexl"); HANDLE h_Mutex2; h_Mutex2 = OpenMutex(MUTEX_ALL_ACCESS,FALSE,"mutex2"); DWORD wait_for_mutex1; DWORD wait_for_mutex2; //等待互斥变量所有权
//延迟时间 //读文件持续时间 DWORD m_delay; DWORD m_persist; int m_serial; //线程序号 m_serial = ((ThreadInfo *)(p)) -> serial; //从参数中获得信息 m_delay = (DWORD)(((ThreadInfo *)(p)) -> delay * INTE_PER_SEC); m_persist = (DWORD)(((ThreadInfo *)(p)) -> persist * INTE_PER_SEC); Sleep(m_delay); printf("Reader thread %d sents the reading require.\n",m_serial); wait_for_mutex1 = WaitForSingleObject(h_Mutex1,-1); EnterCriticalSection(& CS_Read); //进入读者临界区 wait_for_mutex2 = WaitForSingleObject(h_Mutex2,-1); readcount++; if(readcount == 1){ //修改读者数目 //如果是第一个读者,等待写者写完 //延迟等待 EnterCriticalSection(& CS_Write); //释放互斥信号 mutex2 } ReleaseMutex(h_Mutex2); LeaveCriticalSection(& CS_Read); //让其他读者进人临界区 ReleaseMutex(h_Mutex1); printf("Reader thread %d begins to read file.\n",m_serial); Sleep(m_persist); //退出线程 printf("Reader thread %d finished reading file.\n",m_serial); wait_for_mutex2 = WaitForSingleObject(h_Mutex2,-1); readcount--; if(readcount == 0){//最后一个读者,唤醒写者 LeaveCriticalSection(& CS_Write); } ReleaseMutex(h_Mutex2); //释放互斥信号 //读文件 } void WP_WriterThread(void * p) //---------------------------写者优先--写者线程 { //线程序号 //延迟等待 //延迟时间 //写文件持续时问 DWORD m_delay; DWORD m_persist; int m_serial; DWORD wait_for_mutex3; HANDLE h_Mutex3; //互斥对象 h_Mutex3 = OpenMutex(MUTEX_ALL_ACCESS,FALSE,"mutex3"); m_serial = ((ThreadInfo *)(p)) -> serial; //从参数中获得信息 m_delay = (DWORD)(((ThreadInfo *)(p)) -> delay * INTE_PER_SEC); m_persist = (DWORD)(((ThreadInfo *)(p)) -> persist * INTE_PER_SEC); Sleep(m_delay); printf("Writer thread %d Sents the writing require.\n",m_serial); wait_for_mutex3 = WaitForSingleObject(h_Mutex3,-1); writecount++; if(writecount == 1){ //修改写者数目
EnterCriticalSection(& CS_Read); //第一个写者,等待读者读完 } ReleaseMutex(h_Mutex3); EnterCriticalSection(& CS_Write); //进入写者临界区 printf("Writer thread %d begins to write to the file.\n",m_serial); //写文件 Sleep(m_persist); printf("Writer thread %d finishing writing to the file.\n",m_serial); //退出线程 LeaveCriticalSection(& CS_Write); //离开临界区 wait_for_mutex3 = WaitForSingleObject(h_Mutex3,-1); writecount--; if(writecount == 0){ LeaveCriticalSection(& CS_Read); } ReleaseMutex(h_Mutex3); } void WriterPriority(char * file) //-----------------------------写者优先处理函 { //线程数目 //线程 ID //等待所有线程结束 DWORD n_thread = 0; DWORD thread_ID; DWORD wait_for_all; HANDLE h_Mutex1; //互斥对象 h_Mutex1 = CreateMutex(NULL,FALSE,"mutexl"); HANDLE h_Mutex2; h_Mutex2 = CreateMutex(NULL,FALSE,"mutex2"); HANDLE h_Mutex3; h_Mutex3 = CreateMutex(NULL,FALSE,"mutex3"); HANDLE h_Thread[MAX_THREAD_NUM]; //线程对象 ThreadInfo thread_info[MAX_THREAD_NUM]; readcount = 0; writecount = 0; InitializeCriticalSection(& CS_Write); InitializeCriticalSection(& CS_Read); ifstream inFile; inFile.open(file); printf("writer Priority:\n\n"); while(inFile){//读入每一个读者、写者的信息 //打开文件 //初始化 readcount //初始化 writecount //初始化临界区 inFile >> thread_info[n_thread].serial; inFile >> thread_info[n_thread].entity; inFile >> thread_info[n_thread].delay; inFile >> thread_info[n_thread++].persist; inFile.get(); } for(int i = 0;i < (int)(n_thread);i++){ if(thread_info[i].entity == READER || thread_info[i].entity == 'R'){//创建读者线程
h_Thread[i] = CreateThread(NULL,0,(LPTHREAD_START_ROUTINE)(WP_ReaderThread),& thread_info[i],0,& thread_ID); }else{//创建写者线程 h_Thread[i] = CreateThread(NULL,0,(LPTHREAD_START_ROUTINE)(WP_WriterThread),& thread_info[i],0,& thread_ID); } }//等待所有线程结束 wait_for_all = WaitForMultipleObjects(n_thread,h_Thread,TRUE,-1); printf("All reader and writer have finished operating.\n"); } int main(int argc,char * argv[]) { char ch; while(true){ //打印提示信息 printf("\t\t\t**************选项菜单************\n"); printf("\t\t\t* printf("\t\t\t* printf("\t\t\t* printf("\t\t\t**********************************\n"); printf("Enter your choice(1,2 or 3):"); do//如果输入信息不正确,继续输入{//getch()功 能: 从控制台无回显地取一个字符 1:Reader Priority 2:Writer Priority 3:Exit to Windows *\n"); *\n"); *\n"); ch = (char)getch(); }while(ch != '1' && ch != '2' && ch != '3'); system("cls"); if(ch == '3') //选择 3,返回 return 0; else if(ch == '1') //选择 l,读者优先 ReaderPriority("thread.dat");//选择 2,写者优先 else WriterPriority("thread.dat"); printf("\nPress Any Key To Continue:"); getch(); system("cls"); } return 0; }
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