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2010 年上海海事大学综合英语考研真题 1. Fill in each blank with an appropriate preposition or adverb particle∶(15 分) 1.They like to map ________the whole plan in advance. 2.The speaker tried to liven _______ his lecture by cracking some jokes. 3.Frank felt let_______ when Mary did not phone him. 4.The two professors are poles ________ in their attitude to education. 5 The ailing man alternated two hours of work _______ one hour of rest. 6. The team gave________ theirlast chance of winning the match. 7.Free gratification of man's instinctual need is incompatible_____ civilized society. 8.Hotels seem to revel _______ their multilingual signs. 9.They had to decide________surrender and starvation. 10.Every one must adhere_______ the rules set by the local government. 11.That movie was adapted ________a novel________Dan Brown. 12.I couldn't persuade him________my way______thinking. 13.Once you've made your promise, don't try to back________. 2. Correct errors, if any, in the following sentences without altering the basic intended meaning. Leave out those you deem acceptable∶(15 分) 1. The first English immigrants to what is now the United States crossed the Atlantic long after Spanish colonies had been established in Mexico, the West Indies and South America. 2. This time Williams had to stay a week longer than is expected but he had brought is family some special gifts to make up for it. 3. Ifour friends cannot take us, we must have made alternative arrangements to get to the airport. 4. Every paper and magazine were lying in wait with exhaustive stories about the royal split between the Prince and Princess of Wales. 5. So effective these technical are that considerable experimentation is now being
done in teaching by means of television. 6. Spare the rod, and spoil the child. 7. To be tabled in the legislature for preliminary review is number of other draft laws-involving enterprises with exclusive investments, public bidding, placing troops in the Macao Special Administrative Region and the prevention of juvenile delinquency. 8. These are some of the key issues about bringing up and educating girls discussing in Professor Simpons's talks and confidence-building workshop for women. 9. Last year, it was recommended that farmers waited to get tobacco planted before planting barley. 10. The reason why James Bond movies are so popular is because they combine the appeal of traditional spy stories with the appeal of technological devices. 11. A knowledge of several languages is essential to the study of comparative literature because without them one can read books only in translation. 12.In debating, one must correct the opponent's facts, deny the relevance ofhis proof, or deny that what he presents as proof, however relevant, is sufficient. 13.Health activists welcomed the removal of tobacco billboards which they have long claimed designed to appeal to children and teenagers. 14. He had turned down something he wanted to do because he was scared, and had ended up feeling depressive. 15.Casualties are said to be very high and in some villages, where older and less substantial buildings predominate, it is said that not a house remained standing. 3.Put the verbs(in the brackets)into the proper forms∶(30 分) 1. The two gunmen____(report)___(shoot) dead on the spot. 2. She studied very hard at the university for fear that she_(fall) behind. 3. The machine___(produce) in our factory these days is a new type of electronic computer. 4.I_____(attend) your wedding if you___(invite)me the other day. 5. Ifhe___(be) a British prime minister,he remarked, he___(throw)out of offie. 6. He_(arrest) because hee____ (cheat) the taxman for years.
7. The second stage in the decision-making is to search for a set of possible course of action that might enable the objectives ____(achieve). 8. The weather___(be) fine, we decided to go out for a stroll. 9. Here the dynastic inheritance seemed _____(bless) with riches. 10.He____(work), but he ____(engage) otherwise in doing something else. So thatmade theboss angy; 3.Combine each group of sentences into one by means of subordination in the most logical and coherent way∶ (20 分) 1.Batteries should be kept in a dry place. Electricity leaks away. 2.There is absolutely no reason for saying that there are no regularities in Nature. Our statements of natural law correspond with the regularities. 3.The juvenile offender should find ajob immediately and stay out of trouble for six months. The juvenile offender was released from custody. 4.What happened in that developed country sounds like science fiction. It could occur elsewhere in the world. 5.The restaurant belonged to him. He walked into the restaurant. Translate the following into Chinese∶(20 分) 4.Culture cannot be simply a matter of politics, of course. Politics, after all, is concerned with influencing the institutions of the state and these are of limited use in affecting the culture. Not even the totalitarian state has been able to achieve the cultural goals it set itself; the democratic state is an even less likely agent of cultural change,and indeed, in the American tradition of democracy, it should not aim to be that. Consequently, a cultural agenda cannot be a political agenda only. It will have to be pursued in many different institutions,most importantly in the institutions of civil society.All the same, every one of the major cultural issues is also a political issue, because of the way in which the immense powers of the state have been used to promote various
ideological purposes. The courts have played a quite deplorable role in this. Not surprisingly, then much of American politics in recent decades has been over the so called"social"or"values"ssues, which in effect are cultural issues. That is, these issues have involved conflicts over the questions of who we are and how we are to live together. 5Translate the following into English∶(20 分) 在深圳转了几天后,闻惊雷发现工作不好找,于是正月初五坐车赶到东莞。第二天,他到了 美鑫工业园区附近转,看到一张某电子厂的招聘广告。他决定试试。拨打电话后,一个女孩 把他接到了附近路边的一个门面房里面,简陋的办公室里还有三张电脑桌和三名男子。女孩 给了他一叠印着工作信息的资料让他自己挑。按照上面的信息,闻惊雷发现"储备干部"的职 位待遇不错,每月底薪 1500 元,有奖金和补助,食宿双包,还享受医疗保险。闻惊雷庆幸 自己来东莞来对了。 VI. Write a composition entitled"Who will be more promising in the future: a specialist or an all-rounder?"(in 500 words)(30 分)