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2006-2007 年福建师范大学写作与翻译考研真题 2006 I、Translation(75 points) 1. Put the following passage into Chinese:(35 points) It is a curiosity of our inelectual history that cognitive structures developed by the mind are generally regarded and studied very differntly from physical structures developed by the bodyThere is no reason why a neutral scientist,unencumbered by traditional doctrine,should adopt this view.Rather,he would,or should,approach cognitive strucures such as human language more or less as he would investigate an organ such as the eye or heart,seking to determinc: its character in a particular individual; its general properties,invariant across the species apart from gross defect; its place in a system of such structures; he course of its development in the individual; the genetically detemmined basis for this development; the factors that gave rise to this mental organ in the course ofevoltion.The expectation that consruction of sensorimotor inelligence determmine the character of a mental organ such as language seems to me hardly more plausible than a proposal that the fundamental properties of the eye or the heart develop on this basis.Furthermore,when we turn to specific properties of this menal organ,we find littlejustification for any such belief ,so far as Ican see. I wil not attempt adetiled argument here,but will merelysketch the kind ofreasoming that leads me to the conclusions just expressed。
2.Put the following passage into English;(40 points) 在十九世纪,由于欧洲在技术上面有了进一步的发展,这些文明地区相继沦为欧洲的殖民地, 或至少是半殖民地。东方研究原本发端于教会,现在它成了一种更具有世俗色彩的活动,并 最终进入大学,在不断演进的学科结构中赢得了一席之地。事实上,在东方研究被制度化以 前,对古代地中海世界的研究也已经被制度化了,出现了一门在英语中称为 classic(古典 学)的学科,专门研究欧洲自身的古代。古典学也是研究一种不同于现代欧洲的文明形式, 不过人们并不把它与东方研究同等看待。相反,按照当时人们的看法,古典学展示了那些被 确定为现代欧洲人祖先的民族的历史,完全不同于譬如说对古代埃及的研究。古代文明被解 释为一个单一、连续的发展过程的早期阶段,它发展到顶点,便产出了现代"西方"文明。它 被看成是一部单篇英雄故事的一章∶先是古代;随后是野蛮人的征服,通过教会确保了连续 性;然后是文艺复兴,希腊一罗马的遗产被重新吸收进来;最后是现代世界的建立。在这个意 义上,古代没有自身的历史,它不过是现代社会的前奏而已。于此形成对比但却遵循相同的 逻辑,其他的文明也没有自身的历史,而是由众多的史实所构成的故事,僵化,没有进步, 最终未能步入现代社会。 II、Writing (75 points) 1.Write an ssay of about200 words,making comments on thestatement"Television is doing irreparable harm".(25 points) 2. Write an essay of about 200 words,making comments on the statement"Examination should be bannedas itexerts apernicious influence on education".(25 poins) 3. Write anessay of about 200 words,making comments on the statement"People should be rewarded according to ability,not toageandexperience".(25 points)
2007 I、Translation (75 points) 1. Put the following passage into Chinese:(35 point) One rason for the persistenc of the discssion between quantitative and qualitative research is that the two approaches represent different ways of thinking about and undersanding the world around us.Underying the development of different research traditions and methods is a debate on the nature of knowledge and thestatus of assertions about the word,and the debate itselfis ultimately a philosophical one。 It is commonly assumed that the function of research is to add to our knowledge of the world and to demonstrate the "truth"of the commonsense notions we have about the world.(you might recall he statements madeby students of research methods,some of which are reproduced at the beginning of this chapter)In developing one'sown philosophy on rescarch,it is important todetemine how the notion of"ruth"rltes toresearch.Whatis truth?(Even more basically,do we accept that there is such athing as"truth"?)what is evidence? Can weever"prove"anything? what evidence should compel us to accept the ruth of anassertion or proposition? These are questions which need to be borne in mind constantly as one reads and evaluates research。 2. Put the following passage into English: (40 points) 在讨论任何道德观是否最终于人类幸福有关这一问题时,我并没有假设这个问题是跟以下问 题一样的,即所有的道德观都必须是功利主义的这样或那样的一种版本。如果我们从功利主 义最狭隘的意义上来说,很明显,它们不是同一个问题。这种最狭隘的功利主义认为,只有 一个道德原则,即寻找最多最大的幸福,这里的幸福就是快乐,没有痛苦;而这样的一种道
德原则可以用在任何的个人身上。很明显,我们可以用各种各样的方式把某种道德最终与人 类幸福联系起来,但不用将这二者等同起来。但同时我也认为,我们可以有一些方法把道德 与人类幸福联系在一起,而不把道德同广义的功利主义联系起来。 II、Writing (75 points) 1. Make comments of about250 words on he assrtion that there are superior as wellas infeior cultures. (35 points) 2.In what wayis the3 year's postgraduate ife worthwhile ? wrie an essay of about 300 words on this topic.(40 points)