
计算机组成原理实验报告 CPU设计.doc

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计算机组成原理实验报告 ——CPU 综合实验 姓名:赵悦梅 学号:2008432002 专业:网络工程 成绩: 实验地点:主楼 502 时间:2010-10-18 指导老师: 张芳 一、 实验要求: 用 VHDL 语言编写具有一定功能的 CPU. 二、 实验目的: 使学生掌握计算机整机的工作原理,通过 CPU 设计实例,使学生能够深 入的掌握计算机的整机的工作原理。 三、 实验原理: 实验 CPU 采用 16 位字长,指令系统只有 15 条指令。 0000 DR SR 0000 0111 (1)设指令名为 IR,从左到右的编号从 15 到 0. IR[ 15]到 IR[12]代表执行是 什么功能的指令,DR、SR 为所要操作的数.IR[15]为 0 时,运算指令;IR[15]、 IR[14]为 10 时转移指令;IR[15]、IR[14]为 11 时存储指令。算术逻辑指令 的 IR14 到 IR12 对应运算器 ALU 的 3 为运算操作。当 IR[0]=1 时,本指 令中有对 DR 的写操作;当 IR[1] =1 时,本指令影响标志位 Z;IR[2]=1 时, 本指令影响标志位 C. (2)一条指令执行需要 3 拍时间。T1: 取值。在 t2 的上升沿,奖从存储器 取出的指令写入指令寄存器 IR 中。T2:根据指令寄存器 IR 的内容进行指 令译码;根据指令译码得到的控制信号进行运算和其他操作。T3:存储 器读、写操作;在 t3 的下降沿将运算结果写入目的寄存器,改变 C 标志 和 Z 标志;在 T3 的下降沿,改变 PC 的值,为取下一条指令做准备。 (3)CPU 由五部分组成,包括取指部分、指令译码部分、执行部分、存 储器部分和通用寄存器组。还有一个程序包,将各低层设计实体作为元件 存储,供各个设计实体使用。还有一个顶层设计实体完成 5 部分的链接。 四、 实验内容: 完成具有简单功能的 CPU,主要进行的运算指令有加法、自加 1、减法、 自减 1、与、或、取反、算术左移一位的功能。还有转移指令,包括 JMP、 JNC、JNZ。还包括存储功能,包括 MVRD、LDR、STR、和 NOP。 (1) 先执行 MVRD DR,DATA 指令即 1100 0000 0000 0000,摁两个节拍, 然后输入想要运算的数,在摁一个节拍,便把这个数存进去了,代表 为 R0;如果想将值存进 R1 中,便将上述指令 1100 0100 0000 0000。 (2) 然后再想做执行的操作,例如,R1 和 R2 进行加操作,则需要的输入 指令 0000 0001 0000 0111,然后摁三个节拍,便可显示结果。 (3) 用 R5—R0,可以分别查看 R0,R1,R2,R3,R4,PC,IR 在任意时刻的值。 五、 程序源码 decoder_2_to_4.cs Library ieee; use ieee.std_logic_1164.all; entity decoder_2_to_4 is
port ( in std_logic_vector(1 downto 0); sel: sel00: out std_logic; sel01: out std_logic; sel02: out std_logic; sel03: out std_logic ); end decoder_2_to_4; architecture Behavioral of decoder_2_to_4 is begin sel00 <= (not sel(1)) and (not sel(0)); sel01 <= (not sel(1)) and sel(0) ; sel02 <= sel(1) and (not sel(0)) ; sel03 <= sel(1) and sel(0) ; end Behavioral; decoder_unit.cs library ieee; use ieee.std_logic_1164.all; use ieee.std_logic_arith.all; use ieee.std_logic_unsigned.all; use work.exp_cpu_components.all; entity decoder_unit is port (IR: in std_logic_vector(15 downto 0); out std_logic_vector(1 downto 0); out std_logic_vector(1 downto 0); SR: DR: op_code: out std_logic_vector(3 downto 0); zj_instruct: out std_logic; cj_instruct: out std_logic; lj_instruct: out std_logic; buffer std_logic; DRWr: out std_logic; Mem_Write: buffer std_logic; DW_intruct: out std_logic; change_z: change_c: out std_logic; sel_memdata: out std_logic; r_sjmp_addr: out std_logic_vector(15 downto 0) --相对转移地址 ); end decoder_unit; --为 1 时写 DR 寄存器 architecture behav of decoder_unit is --为 1 时存储器的读出数据作为写入 DR 的数据
begin SR <= IR(9 downto 8); DR <= IR(11 downto 10); sel_memdata <= IR(15) and IR(14) and (not IR(13)); change_z <= not IR(15) and IR(1); change_c <= not IR(15) and IR(2); DRWr_proc: process(IR) begin if IR(15) = '0' then if IR(0) ='1' then DRWr <= '1'; else DRWr <= '0'; end if; elsif IR(14) = '1' and IR(13) = '0' then else DRWr <= '1'; DRWr <= '0'; end if; end process; sj_addr_proc: process(IR) begin if IR(7) ='1' then --条件转移指令的相对转移地址从 8 位扩展到 16 位 else r_sjmp_addr <= "11111111" & IR(7 downto 0); r_sjmp_addr <= "00000000" & IR(7 downto 0); end if; end process; M_instruct:process(IR) begin case IR(15 downto 12) is when "1000" | "1100" => --jmp addr;mvDR dr,data Mem_Write <= '0'; DW_intruct <= '1'; when "1110" => -- str dr,sr Mem_Write <= '1'; DW_intruct <= '0'; when others => Mem_Write <= '0'; DW_intruct <= '0';
end case; end process; ALUOP_CODE_PROC:PROCESS(IR) begin if IR(15) = '0' then op_code <= IR(15 downto 12); else op_code <= "1111"; end if; end process; Jinstruct_PROC: begin process(IR) case IR(15 downto 12) is when "1000" => --jmp adr zj_instruct <= '0'; cj_instruct <= '0'; lj_instruct <= '1'; when "1001" => --jnc addr zj_instruct <= '0'; cj_instruct <= '1'; lj_instruct <= '0'; when "1010" => --jnz addr zj_instruct <= '1'; cj_instruct <= '0'; lj_instruct <= '0'; when others => zj_instruct <= '0'; cj_instruct <= '0'; lj_instruct <= '0'; end case; end process; end behav; library ieee; use ieee.std_logic_1164.all; use ieee.std_logic_arith.all; use ieee.std_logic_unsigned.all; use work.exp_cpu_components.all; exe_unit.cs
entity exe_unit is port( --为 1 时,写存储器 out std_logic; out std_logic; in std_logic_vector(15 downto 0); --以前指令产生的进位 C --以前指令产生的 Z t1: in std_logic; op_code: in std_logic_vector(3 downto 0); zj_instruct: in std_logic; cj_instruct: in std_logic; pc: in std_logic_vector(15 downto 0); pc_inc: c_in: in std_logic; z_in: in std_logic; Mem_Write: in std_logic; c_tmp: z_tmp: c_z_j_flag: out std_logic; --为 1 时进行条件转移 r_sjmp_addr: DW_intruct: in std_logic; sjmp_addr: SR_data: in std_logic_vector(15 downto 0); DR_data: in std_logic_vector(15 downto 0); Mem_Addr: out std_logic_vector(15 downto 0); result: out std_logic_vector(15 downto 0) ); in std_logic_vector(15 downto 0); --相对转移地址 out std_logic_vector(15 downto 0); --条件转移指令的转移地址 --运算结果 end exe_unit; architecture behav of exe_unit is signal A,B :std_logic_vector(15 downto 0); signal result_t: std_logic_vector(16 downto 0); begin c_z_j_flag <= ( (not c_in) and cj_instruct) or ((not z_in) and zj_instruct); A <= DR_data; B <= SR_data; sjmp_addr <= pc_inc + r_sjmp_addr; Mem_Addr_proc: process(t1,SR_DATA,pc,DW_intruct) begin if t1 = '1' then Mem_Addr <= pc; else if DW_intruct = '1' then Mem_Addr <= pc_inc; elsif Mem_Write = '1' then Mem_Addr <= DR_data;
else Mem_Addr <= SR_data; end if; end if; end process; alu_proc:process(op_code,A,B) begin case op_code is when "0000" => result_t <= ('0' & A) + ('0' & B); when "0001" => result_t <= ('0' & A) + '1'; when "0010" => result_t <= ('0' & A) - ('0' & B); when "0011" => result_t <= ('0' & A) - '1'; when "0100" => result_t <= ('0' & A) and ('0' & B); when "0101" => result_t <= ('0' & A) or ('0' & B); when "0110" => result_t <= not ('0' & A); when "1111" => result_t <= ('0' & B); when "0111"=> result_t<=('0'&A(14 downto 0)&A(0)); when others=> result_t<=('0'&X"0000"); end case; end process; result <= result_t(15 downto 0); c_tmp <= result_t(16); z_tmp <= (not result_t(15)) and (not result_t(14)) and (not result_t(13)) and (not result_t(12)) and (not result_t(11)) and (not result_t(10)) and (not result_t(9)) and (not result_t(8)) and (not result_t(7)) and (not result_t(6)) and (not result_t(5)) and (not result_t(4)) and (not result_t(3)) and (not result_t(2)) and (not result_t(1)) and (not result_t(0)); end behav;
exp_cpu.cs library ieee; use ieee.std_logic_1164.all; use work.exp_cpu_components.all; entity exp_cpu is port --//系统时钟 --//系统复位信号 in std_logic; in std_logic; in std_logic_vector(5 downto 0); --选择寄存器 ( clk: reset: reg_sel: reg_content: out std_logic_vector(15 downto 0); --寄存器输出 c_flag: z_flag: WE: AR: OB: ); out std_logic_vector(15 downto 0); inout std_logic_vector(15 downto 0) out std_logic; out std_logic; out std_logic; --//读写内存控制信号 --//读写内存地址 --//外部总线 end exp_cpu; architecture behav of exp_cpu is --instru_fetch out signal t1,t2,t3: std_logic; signal pc,pc_inc,IR: std_logic_vector(15 downto 0); --decoder_unit out signal SR,DR: std_logic_vector(1 downto 0); signal op_code: std_logic_vector(3 downto 0); signal zj_instruct,cj_instruct,lj_instruct: std_logic; signal DRWr,Mem_Write,DW_intruct,change_z: signal change_c,sel_memdata: std_logic; signal r_sjmp_addr: std_logic_vector(15 downto 0); std_logic; --exe_unit out signal c_tmp,z_tmp,c_z_j_flag: std_logic; signal Mem_Addr,result,sjmp_addr: std_logic_vector(15 downto 0); --memory out signal data_read,DR_data_out: std_logic_vector(15 downto 0); --regfile out std_logic_vector(15 downto 0); std_logic_vector(15 downto 0); signal R0,R1,R2,R3: signal output_DR,output_SR: signal c_out,z_out: std_logic; begin c_flag <= c_out; z_flag <= z_out;
TEST_OUT: process(reg_sel) begin case reg_sel is --被测信号以寄存器内容输出 when "000000" => reg_content <= R0; when "000001" => reg_content <= R1; when "000010" => reg_content <= R2; when "000011" => reg_content <= R3; when "000100" => reg_content <= "0000000" & t3 & "000" & t2 & "000" & t1; when "111110" => reg_content <= pc; when "111111" => reg_content <= IR; when others => reg_content <= x"0000"; end case; end process; G_INSTRU_FETCH: instru_fetch port map --存储器读出的数 (reset => reset, clk => clk, data_read => data_read, lj_instruct => lj_instruct, --来自 decoder 的长转移指令标志 DW_intruct => DW_intruct, --来自 decoder 的双字指令标志 c_z_j_flag => c_z_j_flag, --为 1 时进行条件转移,来自 EXE sjmp_addr => sjmp_addr, --条件转移指令的转移地址,来自 EXE t1 => t1, t2 => t2, t3 => t3, pc => pc, pc_inc => pc_inc, IR => IR ); G_DECODER: decoder_unit port map (IR => IR, --来自 instru_fetch --源寄存器号 SR => SR, DR => DR, --目的寄存器号 op_code => op_code, zj_instruct => zj_instruct, --为 1 时是如果 Z=0 则转移指令 --ALU 运算的操作码