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#include #include #include using namespace std; typedef struct student { unsigned m_id; string m_name; unsigned m_age; string m_sex; string m_address; string m_contact; string m_dormitory; struct student *m_next; }student; class CStudent { private : student *head; public : CStudent() { head = new student; head->m_id = 0; head->m_name = "noname"; head->m_next = NULL; } ~CStudent() { student *p = head,*q; while(p) { q = p; p = q->m_next; delete q; } } student readdata(int model); // model = 1:读取号 2:读取姓名其读取所信息 void entering(); bool insert(const student &astu); student *findid(unsigned id) const; student *findname(const string &name) const; student *findsex(const string &sex) const; student *finddormitory(const string &dormitory) const; unsigned boys() const; unsigned girls() const;
unsigned headcount() const; bool eraseid(); bool erasename(); bool modifyid(); bool modifyname(); void Show() const; void query() const; void friend statistics(const CStudent &aclss); void friend erase(CStudent &aclss); void friend modify(CStudent &aclss); }; string readstring() { string str; while(cin.get() != '\n'); cin >> str; return str; } 号: "; cin >> tmp.m_id; } 名: "; tmp.m_name = readstring(); } 别: "; student CStudent::readdata(int model) { student tmp; if(model != 1) { cout << " if(model != 2) { cout << "姓 cin >> tmp.m_age; cout << "性 tmp.m_sex = readstring(); cout << "住 tmp.m_address = readstring(); cout << "联系式: "; tmp.m_contact cout << "寝 tmp.m_dormitory = readstring(); return tmp; =readstring(); 室: "; 址: "; } void CStudent::entering() { student tmp; cout << "号(0 to return): "; cin >> tmp.m_id; while(tmp.m_id) { if(findid(tmp.m_id) == NULL) { cout << "姓 tmp.m_name = readstring(); cout << " 龄: "; 名: ";
址: "; 室: "; 别: "; cin >> tmp.m_age; cout << "性 tmp.m_sex = readstring(); cout << "住 tmp.m_address = readstring(); cout << "联系式: "; tmp.m_contact = readstring(); cout << "寝 tmp.m_dormitory = readstring(); insert(tmp); } else cout << "重复号:" << tmp.m_id << endl; cout << "号(0 to return): "; cin >> tmp.m_id; } } student *CStudent::findid(unsigned id) const { student *p; for(p = head; p->m_next; p = p->m_next) if(p->m_next->m_id == id) return p; return NULL; } student *CStudent::findname(const string &name) const { student *p; for(p = head; p->m_next; p = p->m_next) if(p->m_next->m_name == name) return p; return NULL; } student *CStudent::findsex(const string &sex) const { student *p; for(p = head; p->m_next; p = p->m_next) if(p->m_next->m_sex == sex) return p; return NULL; } student *CStudent::finddormitory(const string &dormitory) const { student *p; for(p = head; p->m_next; p = p->m_next) if(p->m_next->m_dormitory == dormitory) return p; return NULL;
} bool CStudent::insert(const student &astu) { student *newnode,*p = head; if(p->m_next == NULL) { p->m_next = new student(astu); p->m_next->m_next = NULL; return true; } while(p->m_next) { if(p->m_next->m_id == astu.m_id) { cout << "重复号插入失败!\n"; return false; } if(p->m_next->m_id > astu.m_id) { newnode = new student(astu); newnode->m_next = p->m_next; p->m_next = newnode; return true; } p = p->m_next; } p->m_next = new student(astu); p->m_next->m_next = NULL; return true; } unsigned CStudent::boys() const { unsigned cnt = 0; student *p; for(p = head->m_next; p; p = p->m_next) if(p->m_sex == "男") ++cnt; return cnt; } unsigned CStudent::girls() const { unsigned cnt = 0; student *p; for(p = head->m_next; p; p = p->m_next) if(p->m_sex == "") ++cnt; return cnt; } unsigned CStudent::headcount() const {
unsigned cnt = 0; student *p; for(p = head->m_next; p; p = p->m_next,++cnt); return cnt; } bool CStudent::eraseid() { student *q,*p; unsigned id; cout << "输入要删除号:"; cin >> id; p = findid(id); if(p == NULL) { cout << "没找号\"" << id << "\"删除失败!\n"; return false; } q = p->m_next; p->m_next = q->m_next; delete q; return true; } bool CStudent::erasename() { student *q,*p; string name; cout << "输入要删除姓名:"; name = readstring(); p = findname(name); if(p == NULL) { cout << "没找姓名\"" << name << "\"删除失败!\n"; return false; } q = p->m_next; p->m_next = q->m_next; delete q; return true; } bool CStudent::modifyid() { student tmp,*p; unsigned id; cout << "输入要修改号:"; cin >> id; p = findid(id); if(p == NULL) {
cout << "没找号\"" << id << "\"修改失败!\n"; return false; } tmp = readdata(1); tmp.m_id = id; *p = tmp; return true; } bool CStudent::modifyname() { student *p,tmp; string name; cout << "输入要修改姓名:"; name = readstring(); p = findname(name); if(p == NULL) { cout << "没找姓名\"" << name << "\"修改失败!\n"; return false; } tmp = readdata(2); tmp.m_name = name; *p = tmp; return true; } int menu() { int choice; do { system("cls"); cout << "\t****************************\n"; cout << "\t* 基本信息管理系统 *\n"; cout << "\t*==========================*\n"; cout << "\t* cout << "\t* cout << "\t* cout << "\t* cout << "\t* cout << "\t* cout << "\t* cout << "\t* cout << "\t****************************\n"; cout << "\n\t 请选择:"; cin >> choice; }while(choice < 0 || choice > 7); 1、录入信息 2、显示信息 3、查询信息 4、添加信息 5、统计信息 6、删除信息 7、修改信息 0、退管理系统 *\n"; *\n"; *\n"; *\n"; *\n"; *\n"; *\n"; *\n";
return choice; } void show(student *p) { cout << p->m_id << " " << p->m_name << " " << p->m_age << " "; cout << p->m_sex << " " << p->m_address << " "; cout << p->m_contact << " " << p->m_dormitory << endl; } void CStudent::Show() const { student *p; cout << "----------------------------------------------------------\n"; for(p = head->m_next; p; p = p->m_next) show(p); cout << "----------------------------------------------------------\n"; system("pause"); } void CStudent::query() const { int select; unsigned id; string name; student *p; cout << "1、按号查询\n2、按姓名查询\n0、返\n"; cin >> select; switch(select) { case 1 : cout << "请输入号:"; cin >> id; if(p = findid(id)) show(p->m_next); break; case 2 : cout << "请输入姓名:"; name = readstring(); if(p = findname(name)) show(p->m_next); break; case 0 : return; default : cout << "选择错误\n"; } system("pause"); } void statistics(const CStudent &a) { unsigned total = a.headcount(); unsigned boys = a.boys(); unsigned girls = a.girls(); cout << "总数:" << total << "\n"; cout << "其男:" << boys << "名"; cout << ":" << girls << "名\n";
system("pause"); } void erase(CStudent &a) { int select; unsigned id; string name; student *p,*q; cout << "1、按号删除\n2、按姓名删除\n0、返\n"; cin >> select; switch(select) { case 1 : cout << "请输入号:"; cin >> id; if(p = a.findid(id)) { q = p->m_next; p->m_next = q->m_next; delete q; cout << "功删除 " << id << " 信息\n"; } break; case 2 : cout << "请输入姓名:"; name = readstring(); if(p = a.findname(name)) { q = p->m_next; p->m_next = q->m_next; delete q; cout << "功删除 " << name << " 信息\n"; } break; case 0 : return; default : cout << "选择错误\n"; } system("pause"); } void modify(CStudent &a) { int select; cout << "1、按号修改\n2、按姓名修改\n0、返\n"; cin >> select; switch(select) { case 1 : if(a.modifyid()) cout << "修改功\n"; break; case 2 : if(a.modifyname()) cout << "修改功\n"; break; case 0 : return; default : cout << "选择错误\n"; } system("pause");