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作者:聂飞 转载请注明出处 在终端下使用vim进行编辑时,默认情况下,编辑的界面上是没有显示行号、语法高亮度显示 工作,需要手动设置一个配置文件:.vimrc。 在启动vim时,当前用户根目录下的.vimrc文件会被自动读取,该文件可以包含一些设置甚至 前用户的根目录下比较方便,即创建的命令为: $vi ~/.vimrc 设置完后 $:x 或者 $wq 进行保存退出即可。 下面给出一个例子,其中列出了经常用到的设置,详细的设置信息请参照参考资料: “双引号开始的行为注释行,下同 “去掉讨厌的有关vi一致性模式,避免以前版本的一些bug和局限 set nocompatible “显示行号 set nummber “检测文件的类型 filetype on “记录历史的行数 set history=1000 “背景使用黑色 set background=dark “语法高亮度显示 syntax on “下面两行在进行编写代码时,在格式对起上很有用; “第一行,vim使用自动对起,也就是把当前行的对起格式应用到下一行; “第二行,依据上面的对起格式,智能的选择对起方式,对于类似C语言编 “写上很有用 set autoindent set smartindent “第一行设置tab键为4个空格,第二行设置当行之间交错时使用4个空格
set tabstop=4 set shiftwidth=4 “设置匹配模式,类似当输入一个左括号时会匹配相应的那个右括号 set showmatch “去除vim的GUI版本中的toolbar set guioptions-=T “当vim进行编辑时,如果命令错误,会发出一个响声,该设置去掉响声 set vb t_vb= “在编辑过程中,在右下角显示光标位置的状态行 set ruler “默认情况下,寻找匹配是高亮度显示的,该设置关闭高亮显示 set nohls “查询时非常方便,如要查找book单词,当输入到/b时,会自动找到第一 “个b开头的单词,当输入到/bo时,会自动找到第一个bo开头的单词,依 “次类推,进行查找时,使用此设置会快速找到答案,当你找要匹配的单词 “时,别忘记回车 set incsearch “修改一个文件后,自动进行备份,备份的文件名为原文件名加“~“后缀 if has(“vms”) set nobackup else set backup endif 如果去除注释后,一个完整的.vimrc配置信息如下所示: set nocompatible set nummber filetype on
set history=1000 set background=dark syntax on set autoindent set smartindent set tabstop=4 set shiftwidth=4 set showmatch set guioptions-=T set vb t_vb= set ruler set nohls set incsearch if has(“vms”) set nobackup else set backup endif 如果设置完后,发现功能没有起作用,检查一下系统下是否安装了vim-enhanced包,查询命令 $rpm –q vim-enhanced 参考资料: 1.vim的完全翻译版在下面连接处可以找到 http://vimcdoc.sourceforge.net/ 可以下栽其中的一个PDF版本,里面介绍的很详细,强烈推荐:) 2.更详细的vim信息可以访问: http://www.vim.org/ 3.一个带有英文注释的.vimrc例子 http://www.vi-improved.org/vimrc.php
主要实现自动缩进,换行等功能。 一个很简单的.vimrc 主要实现自动缩进,换行等功能。 set nocompatible set columns=80 set tabstop=4 set ruler set noexpandtab set number set ignorecase set wrapmargin=15 set cindent set shiftwidth=4 syntax on "关掉备份文件 set nobackup "暂时没用,留着吧 hi CursorLine guibg=LightBlue "高亮当前行 set cursorline "设置颜色方案 colorscheme torte "显示行号 set number "关掉工具条 set go=e Windows 和 Linux 下适用,无需更改,除了要重新设置用到的程序路径; GUI 和 Console 或终端下适用,无需更改。 可在我的站点上下载/查看: _vimrc, _vimrc.txt, _vimrc.html http://linxiao.li.googlepages.com/vim http://www.leal.cn 使用前需要先下载一些 scripts, 见 _vimrc 或 plugin_list.txt, plugin_list.html 同上网址。 使用前先查看 vimrc 的使用说明。 Good Luck! 附 _vimrc
"================================================================================ " Description: My daily vimrc with dozens of plugins. " Originally derived from MetaCosm's http://vi-improved.org/vimrc.php " Last Change: 0 14/05/2006 20:54:07 Leal@RAINT:_vimrc " " Author: Leal " http://www.leal.cn " Version: 1.0065 " " Usage: 1. Prepare necessary dirs and files " $VIMDATA X:\Vim\vimdata on Win, ~/vimdata on Linux " | " |-- temp to put swap files " |-- backup to put backup files " |-- diary to save calendar.vim's diaries " |-- GetLatest to save GetLatestVimScripts.vim's " | | " | `-- GetLatestVimScripts.dat to store GLVS's items " | " |-- _vim_fav_files to store favmenu.vim's items " `-- _vim_mru_files to store mru.vim's items " " 2. Get all scripts you favor on www.vim.org better with GLVS " " 3. Get all needed utilities, especially on Windows, e.g. " wget -- WGET for Windows (win32) http://users.ugent.be/~bpuype/wget/ " ctags -- Exuberant Ctags http://ctags.sf.net/ " " 4. If you have no idea of some option, just press K () on it. " " 5. HTML file is produced with :TOhtml, with colo default. " "============================================================================ "---------------------------------------------------------------------------- " TODO List "---------------------------------------------------------------------------- " 1. Install Chinese Vim help helplang -> cn "---------------------------------------------------------------------------- " general "---------------------------------------------------------------------------- set nocompatible " use vim as vim, should be put at the very start set history=1000 " lines of Ex-mode commands, search history set browsedir=buffer " use directory of the related buffer for file browser set clipboard+=unnamed " use clipboard register '*' for all y, d, c, p ops set viminfo+=! " make sure it can save viminfo set isk+=$,%,#,- " none of these should be word dividers set confirm " raise a dialog confirm whether to save changed buffer set ffs=unix,dos,mac " favor unix ff, which behaves good under bot Winz & Lin set fenc=utf-8 " default fileencoding set fencs=utf-8,ucs-bom,euc-jp,gb18030,gbk,gb2312,cp936 map Q gq " don't use Ex-mode, use Q for formatting
filetype on " enable file type detection filetype plugin on " enable loading the plugin for appropriate file type "---------------------------------------------------------------------------- " platform dependent "---------------------------------------------------------------------------- if has("win32") let $VIMDATA = $VIM.'/vimdata' let $VIMFILES = $VIM.'/vimfiles' let PYTHON_BIN_PATH = 'd:/foo/python/python.exe' " ensure the path right else let $VIMDATA = $HOME.'/vimdata' let $VIMFILES = $HOME.'/.vim' let PYTHON_BIN_PATH = '/usr/bin/python' set guifont=courier\ 10 endif "---------------------------------------------------------------------------- " path/backup "---------------------------------------------------------------------------- set backup " make backup file and leave it around set backupdir=$VIMDATA/backup " where to put backup file set directory=$VIMDATA/temp " where to put swap file set runtimepath+=$VIMDATA " add this path to rtp, support GetLatestVimScripts set path=.,/usr/include/*,, " where gf, ^Wf, :find will search set tags=./tags,tags,$VIMRUNTIME/doc/tags,$VIMFILES/doc/tags " tags files CTR set makeef=error.err " the errorfile for :make and :grep "---------------------------------------------------------------------------- " colors "---------------------------------------------------------------------------- set background=dark " use a dark background syntax on " syntax highlighting "---------------------------------------------------------------------------- " gui-only settings "---------------------------------------------------------------------------- if has("gui_running") colo inkpot " colorscheme, inkpot.vim set lines=40 " window tall and wide, only if gui_running, set columns=120 " or vim under console behaves badly endif "---------------------------------------------------------------------------- " Vim UI "---------------------------------------------------------------------------- set linespace=1 " space it out a little more (easier to read) set wildmenu " type :h and press to look what happens set ruler " always show current position along the bottom set cmdheight=2 " use 2 screen lines for command-line set lazyredraw " do not redraw while executing macros (much faster) set nonumber " don't print line number set hid " allow to change buffer without saving
set backspace=2 " make backspace work normal set whichwrap+=<,>,h,l " allow backspace and cursor keys to wrap set mouse=a " use mouse in all modes set shortmess=atI " shorten messages to avoid 'press a key' prompt set report=0 " tell us when anything is changed via :... set fillchars=vert:\ ,stl:\ ,stlnc:\ " make the splitters between windows be blank "---------------------------------------------------------------------------- " visual cues "---------------------------------------------------------------------------- set showmatch " show matching paren set matchtime=5 " 1/10 second to show the matching paren set nohlsearch " do not highlight searched for phrases set incsearch " BUT do highlight where the so far typed pattern matches set scrolloff=10 " minimal number of screen lines to keep above/below the cur set novisualbell " use visual bell instead of beeping set noerrorbells " do not make noise set laststatus=2 " always show the status line set listchars=tab:\|\ ,trail:.,extends:>,precedes:<,eol:$ " what to show whil set statusline=%{VimBuddy()}\ %F%m%r%h%w\ [%{&ff}]\ [%Y]\ [\%03.3b\ \%02.2B]\ "---------------------------------------------------------------------------- " text formatting/layout "---------------------------------------------------------------------------- set ai " autoindent set si " smartindent set cindent " do C-style indenting set fo=tcrqn " see help (complex) set tabstop=4 " tab spacing (settings below are just to unify it) set softtabstop=4 " unify set shiftwidth=4 " unify set noexpandtab " real tabs please! set smarttab " use tabs at the start of a line, spaces elsewhere set nowrap " do not wrap lines set formatoptions+=mM " so that vim can reformat multibyte text (e.g. Chinese "---------------------------------------------------------------------------- " folding "---------------------------------------------------------------------------- set foldenable " turn on folding set foldmethod=indent " make folding indent sensitive set foldlevel=100 " don't autofold anything (but I can still fold manually) set foldopen -=search " don't open folds when you search into them set foldopen -=undo " don't open folds when you undo stuff "---------------------------------------------------------------------------- " plugin - a.vim "---------------------------------------------------------------------------- " alternate files quickly (.c --> .h etc) "---------------------------------------------------------------------------- " plugin - c.vim
"---------------------------------------------------------------------------- "set makeprg=g++\ % let g:C_AuthorName = 'Leal' let g:C_Email = 'linxiao.li NOSPAM gmail DOT com' "---------------------------------------------------------------------------- " plugin - runscript.vim (for Python) "---------------------------------------------------------------------------- "let PYTHON_BIN_PATH = ... "---------------------------------------------------------------------------- " plugin - calendar.vim "---------------------------------------------------------------------------- let g:calendar_diary = $VIMDATA.'/diary' " where to store your diary "---------------------------------------------------------------------------- " plugin - mru.vim (most recently used files) "---------------------------------------------------------------------------- let MRU_File = $VIMDATA.'/_vim_mru_files' " which file to save mru entries let MRU_Max_Entries = 20 " max mru entries in _vim_mru_files "---------------------------------------------------------------------------- " plugin - favmenu.vim "---------------------------------------------------------------------------- let FAV_File = $VIMDATA.'/_vim_fav_files' " which file to save favorite entri "---------------------------------------------------------------------------- " plugin - minibufexpl.vim "---------------------------------------------------------------------------- let g:miniBufExplTabWrap = 1 " make tabs show complete (no broken on two line let g:miniBufExplModSelTarget = 1 "---------------------------------------------------------------------------- " plugin - taglist.vim "---------------------------------------------------------------------------- if has("win32") let Tlist_Ctags_Cmd = $VIMFILES.'/ctags.exe' " location of ctags tool else let Tlist_Ctags_Cmd = '/usr/local/bin/ctags' endif let Tlist_Sort_Type = "name" " order by let Tlist_Use_Right_Window = 1 " split to the right side of the screen let Tlist_Compart_Format = 1 " show small meny let Tlist_Exist_OnlyWindow = 1 " if you are the last, kill yourself let Tlist_File_Fold_Auto_Close = 0 " do not close tags for other files let Tlist_Enable_Fold_Column = 0 " do not show folding tree "---------------------------------------------------------------------------- " plugin - matchit.vim "---------------------------------------------------------------------------- let b:match_ignorecase = 1