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例 2- 1 %周期信号(方波)的展开,fb_jinshi.m close all; clear all; N=100; %取展开式的项数为2N+1项 T=1; fs=1/T; N_sample=128; %为了画出波形,设置每个周期的采样点数 dt = T/N_sample; t=0:dt:10*T-dt; n=-N:N; Fn = sinc(n/2).*exp(-j*n*pi/2); Fn(N+1)=0; ft = zeros(1,length(t)); for m=-N:N ft = ft + Fn(m+N+1)*exp(j*2*pi*m*fs*t); end plot(t,ft) 例 2- 4 利用 FFT 计算信号的频谱并与信号的真实频谱的抽样比较。 脚本文件 T2F.m 定义了函数 T2F,计算信号的傅立叶变换。 function [f,sf]= T2F(t,st) %This is a function using the FFT function to calculate a signal's Fourier %Translation %Input is the time and the signal vectors,the length of time must greater %than 2 %Output is the frequency and the signal spectrum dt = t(2)-t(1); T=t(end); df = 1/T; N = length(st); f=-N/2*df:df:N/2*df-df; sf = fft(st); sf = T/N*fftshift(sf); 脚本文件 F2T.m 定义了函数 F2T,计算信号的反傅立叶变换。 function [t st]=F2T(f,sf) %This function calculate the time signal using ifft function for the input %signal's spectrum
df = f(2)-f(1); Fmx = ( f(end)-f(1) +df); dt = 1/Fmx; N = length(sf); T = dt*N; %t=-T/2:dt:T/2-dt; t = 0:dt:T-dt; sff = fftshift(sf); st = Fmx*ifft(sff); 另写脚本文件 fb_spec.m 如下: %方波的傅氏变换, fb_spec.m clear all;close all; T=1; N_sample = 128; dt=T/N_sample; t=0:dt:T-dt; st=[ones(1,N_sample/2), -ones(1,N_sample/2)]; %方波一个周期 subplot(211); plot(t,st); axis([0 1 -2 2]); xlabel('t'); ylabel('s(t)'); subplot(212); [f sf]=T2F(t,st); plot(f,abs(sf)); hold on; axis([-10 10 0 1]); xlabel('f');ylabel('|S(f)|'); %方波频谱 %根据傅氏变换计算得到的信号频谱相应位置的抽样值 sff= T^2*j*pi*f*0.5.*exp(-j*2*pi*f*T).*sinc(f*T*0.5).*sinc(f*T*0.5); plot(f,abs(sff),'r-') 例 2- 5 %信号的能量计算或功率计算,sig_pow.m clear all; close all; dt = 0.01; t = 0:dt:5; s1 = exp(-5*t).*cos(20*pi*t); s2 = cos(20*pi*t);
E1 = sum(s1.*s1)*dt; %s1(t)的信号能量 P2 = sum(s2.*s2)*dt/(length(t)*dt); %s2(t)的信号功率s [f1 s1f]= T2F(t,s1); [f2 s2f]= T2F(t,s2); df = f1(2)-f1(1); E1_f = sum(abs(s1f).^2)*df; %s1(t)的能量,用频域方式计算 df = f2(2)-f2(1); T = t(end); P2_f = sum(abs(s2f).^2)*df/T; %s2(t)的功率,用频域方式计算 figure(1) subplot(211) plot(t,s1); xlabel('t'); ylabel('s1(t)'); subplot(212) plot(t,s2) xlabel('t'); ylabel('s2(t)'); 例 2- 6 %方波的傅氏变换,sig_band.m clear all; close all; T=1; N_sample = 128; dt=1/N_sample; t=0:dt:T-dt; st=[ones(1,N_sample/2) -ones(1,N_sample/2)]; df=0.1/T; Fx = 1/dt; f=-Fx:df:Fx-df; %根据傅氏变换计算得到的信号频谱 sff= T^2*j*pi*f*0.5.*exp(-j*2*pi*f*T).*sinc(f*T*0.5).*sinc(f*T*0.5); plot(f,abs(sff),'r-') axis([-10 10 0 1]); hold on; sf_max = max(abs(sff)); line([f(1) f(end)],[sf_max sf_max]); line([f(1) f(end)],[sf_max/sqrt(2) sf_max/sqrt(2)]); %交点处为信号功率下降3dB处 Bw_eq = sum(abs(sff).^2)*df/T/sf_max.^2; %信号的等效带宽
例 2- 7 %带通信号经过带通系统的等效基带表示,sig_bandpass.m clear all; close all; dt = 0.01; t = 0:dt:5; s1 = exp(-t).*cos(20*pi*t); %输入信号 [f1 s1f]= T2F(t,s1); %输入信号的频谱 s1_lowpass = hilbert(s1).*exp(-j*2*pi*10*t); %输入信号的等效基带信号 [f2 s2f]=T2F(t,s1_lowpass); %输入等效基带信号的频谱 h2f = zeros(1,length(s2f)); [a b]=find( abs(s1f)==max(abs(s1f)) ); %找到带通信号的中心频率 h2f( 201-25:201+25 )= 1; h2f( 301-25:301+25) = 1; h2f = h2f.*exp(-j*2*pi*f2); %加入线性相位, [t1 h1] = F2T(f2,h2f); %带通系统的冲激响应 h1_lowpass = hilbert(h1).*exp(-j*2*pi*10*t1); %等效基带系统的冲激响应 figure(1) subplot(521); plot(t,s1); xlabel('t'); ylabel('s1(t)'); title('带通信号'); subplot(523); plot(f1,abs(s1f)); xlabel('f'); ylabel('|S1(f)|'); title('带通信号幅度谱'); subplot(522) plot(t,real(s1_lowpass)); xlabel('t');ylabel('Re[s_l(t)]');title('等效基带信号的实部'); subplot(524) plot(f2,abs(s2f)); xlabel('f');ylabel('|S_l(f)|');title('等效基带信号的幅度谱'); %画带通系统及其等效基带的图 subplot(525) plot(f2,abs(h2f)); xlabel('f');ylabel('|H(f)|');title('带通系统的传输响应幅度谱'); subplot(527) plot(t1,h1); xlabel('t');ylabel('h(t)');title('带通系统的冲激响应'); subplot(526)
[f3 hlf]=T2F(t1,h1_lowpass); plot(f3,abs(hlf)); xlabel('f');ylabel('|H_l(f)|');title('带通系统的等效基带幅度谱'); subplot(528) plot(t1,h1_lowpass); xlabel('t');ylabel('h_l(t)');title('带通系统的等效基带冲激响应'); %画出带通信号经过带通系统的响应 及 等效基带信号经过等效基带系统的响应 tt = 0:dt:t1(end)+t(end); yt = conv(s1,h1); subplot(529) plot(tt,yt); xlabel('t');ylabel('y(t)');title('带通信号与带通系统响应的卷积') ytl = conv(s1_lowpass,h1_lowpass).*exp(j*2*pi*10*tt); subplot(5,2,10) plot(tt,real(yt)); xlabel('t');ylabel('y_l(t)cos(20*pi*t'); title('等效基带与等效基带系统响应的卷积×中心频率载波') 例 3- 6 %例:窄带高斯过程,文件 zdpw.m clear all; close all; N0=1; fc=10; B=1; %双边功率谱密度 %中心频率 %带宽 dt=0.01; T=100; t=0:dt:T-dt; %产生功率为N0*B的高斯白噪声 P = N0*B; st = sqrt(P)*randn(1,length(t)); %将上述白噪声经过窄带带通系统, [f,sf] = T2F(t,st); figure(1) plot(f,abs(sf)); %高斯信号频谱 %高斯信号的幅频特性 [tt gt]=bpf(f,sf,fc-B/2,fc+B/2); %高斯信号经过带通系统 glt = hilbert(real(gt)); %窄带信号的解析信号,调用hilbert函数得到解析信号 glt = glt.*exp(-j*2*pi*fc*tt);
[ff,glf]=T2F( tt, glt ); figure(2) plot(ff,abs(glf)); xlabel('频率(Hz)'); ylabel('窄带高斯过程样本的幅频特性') figure(3) subplot(411); plot(tt,real(gt)); title('窄带高斯过程样本') subplot(412) plot(tt,real(glt).*cos(2*pi*fc*tt)-imag(glt).*sin(2*pi*fc*tt)) title('由等效基带重构的窄带高斯过程样本') subplot(413) plot(tt,real(glt)); title('窄带高斯过程样本的同相分量') subplot(414) plot(tt,imag(glt)); xlabel('时间t(秒)'); title('窄带高斯过程样本的正交分量') %求窄带高斯信号功率;注:由于样本的功率近似等于随机过程的功率,因此可能出现一些 偏差 P_gt=sum(real(gt).^2)/T; P_glt_real = sum(real(glt).^2)/T; P_glt_imag = sum(imag(glt).^2)/T; %验证窄带高斯过程的同相分量、正交分量的正交性 a = real(glt)*(imag(glt))'/T; 用到的子函数 function [t,st]=bpf(f,sf,B1,B2) %This function filter an input at frequency domain by an ideal bandpass filter %Inputs: % % % % f: frequency samples sf: input data spectrum samples B1: bandpass's lower frequency B2: bandpass's higher frequency %Outputs: % % t: frequency samples st: output data's time samples df = f(2)-f(1); T = 1/df; hf = zeros(1,length(f)); bf = [floor( B1/df ): floor( B2/df )] ;
bf1 = floor( length(f)/2 ) + bf; bf2 = floor( length(f)/2 ) - bf; hf(bf1)=1/sqrt(2*(B2-B1)); hf(bf2)=1/sqrt(2*(B2-B1)); yf=hf.*sf.*exp(-j*2*pi*f*0.1*T); [t,st]=F2T(f,yf); 例 4- 1 %显示模拟调制的波形及解调方法DSB,文件mdsb.m %信源 close all; clear all; dt = 0.001; fm=1; fc=10; T=5; t = 0:dt:T; %时间采样间隔 %信源最高频率 %载波中心频率 %信号时长 mt = sqrt(2)*cos(2*pi*fm*t); %信源 %N0 = 0.01; %白噪单边功率谱密度 %DSB modulation s_dsb = mt.*cos(2*pi*fc*t); B=2*fm; %noise = noise_nb(fc,B,N0,t); %s_dsb=s_dsb+noise; figure(1) subplot(311) plot(t,s_dsb);hold on; %画出DSB信号波形 plot(t,mt,'r--'); %标示mt的波形 title('DSB调制信号'); xlabel('t'); %DSB demodulation rt = s_dsb.*cos(2*pi*fc*t); rt = rt-mean(rt); [f,rf] = T2F(t,rt); [t,rt] = lpf(f,rf,2*fm); subplot(312) plot(t,rt); hold on; plot(t,mt/2,'r--'); title('相干解调后的信号波形与输入信号的比较'); xlabel('t') subplot(313) [f,sf]=T2F(t,s_dsb); psf = (abs(sf).^2)/T;
plot(f,psf); axis([-2*fc 2*fc 0 max(psf)]); title('DSB信号功率谱'); xlabel('f'); function [t st]=lpf(f,sf,B) %This function filter an input data using a lowpass filter %Inputs: f: frequency samples % % sf: input data spectrum samples B: lowpass's bandwidth with a rectangle lowpass %Outputs: t: time samples % st: output data's time samples df = f(2)-f(1); T = 1/df; hf = zeros(1,length(f)); bf = [-floor( B/df ): floor( B/df )] + floor( length(f)/2 ); hf(bf)=1; yf=hf.*sf; [t,st]=F2T(f,yf); st = real(st); 例 4- 2 %显示模拟调制的波形及解调方法 AM,文件 mam.m %信源 close all; clear all; dt = 0.001; fm=1; fc=10; T=5; t = 0:dt:T; %时间采样间隔 %信源最高频率 %载波中心频率 %信号时长 mt = sqrt(2)*cos(2*pi*fm*t); %信源 %N0 = 0.01; %白噪单边功率谱密度 %AM modulation A=2; s_am = (A+mt).*cos(2*pi*fc*t); B = 2*fm; %带通滤波器带宽 %noise = noise_nb(fc,B,N0,t); %窄带高斯噪声产生 %s_am = s_am + noise; figure(1) subplot(311) plot(t,s_am);hold on; %画出AM信号波形 plot(t,A+mt,'r--'); %标示AM的包络