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The beginning steps of VISSIM COM programming with MATLAB script Tamas Tettamanti, Budapest University of Technology, Dept. of Vehicle and Transportation Control H-1111 Stoczek Jozsef u. 2. www.traffic.bme.hu/index.php/en Note that some parts of the VISSIM COM interface are not available through MATLAB. In this case, you should use e.g. VISUAL BASIC or VISUAL C++ for COM programming. Nevertheless, for simple problems, MATLAB can be sufficient. 1. Open a new script file (*.m) in MATLAB. Create a new a COM (ActiveX) Automation server: vissim_com=actxserver('VISSIM.vissim.540'); For more information use the help option of MATLAB in the Command Window: >> help actxserver 2. MATLAB COM methods can be shown by >> help com However, only the following methods can be called via VISSIM COM: delete events get interfaces invoke move release set - Delete a COM object. - Return list of events the COM object can trigger. - Get COM object properties. - List custom interfaces supported by a COM server. - Invoke method on object or interface, or display methods. - Move and/or resize an ActiveX control in its parent window. - Release a COM interface. - Set a property value on a COM object. For more information about a VISSIM COM method, type in the MATLAB Command Window: >> vissim_com.[COM method name] 3. A simple COM program in MATLAB script is given below. clear all; clc; format compact; vissim_com=actxserver('VISSIM.vissim.540'); vissim_com.LoadNet('E:\Kutatas\Vissim_Com_Matlab\vissim_files\matlab_test.inp'); vissim_com.LoadLayout('E:\Kutatas\Vissim_Com_Matlab\vissim_files\vissim.ini'); sim=vissim_com.simulation; timestep=1; sim.Resolution=timestep; vnet=vissim_com.net; scs=vnet.signalcontrollers; sc=scs.GetSignalControllerByNumber(1); sgs=sc.signalgroups; sg_1=sgs.GetSignalGroupByNumber(1);
sg_2=sgs.GetSignalGroupByNumber(2); links=vnet.links; link_1=links.GetLinkByNumber(1); link_2=links.GetLinkByNumber(2); for i=0:1800 sim.RunSingleStep; pause(.05) if rem(i,10)==0 density=link_1.GetSegmentResult('Density', 0, 0.0,1,0) if density>40 sg_1.set('State',3); %Green=3 sg_2.set('State',1); else sg_1.set('State',1); %Red=1 sg_2.set('State',3); end disp(['Simulation Time: ' num2str(i)]); end end 4. Start simulation from Debug/Run *.m or by using button F5. 5. Further help on VISSIM COM programming can be found in the official VISSIM help documentation in your local file directory: C:\Program Files\PTV_Vision\VISSIM5.40\Doc. If you have found this document useful in your work, please, cite one of my papers in your thesis or publication, e.g. VISSIM-MATLAB Simulation Environment.