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2016 年 9 月雅思真题回忆及解析 备考是一种经历,也是一种体验。每天进步一点点,基础扎实一点点,通过考试就会更容 易一点点。无忧考网搜集整理了 2016 年 9 月雅思真题回忆及解析,希望对大家有所帮助。 2016 年 9 月举行了 4 场考试,时间分别为 9 月 3 日、9 月 10 日、9 月 15 日、9 月 24 日。 以下内容仅供参考。 9 月 3 日雅思口语真题回忆: Part 1 1.Do you like some guests to visit your home? 个人喜好题,一般疑问句式,首先在开头给出肯定或否定的直接答案,然后根据自己 所选择的方向进行解释,可结合个人的实际情况以及相关的背景信息作为内容的扩充。不 需要担心如果自己给了否定的答案是否会显得个人过分消极,言之成理即可。 I don’t like others to visit my home, actually. To tell the truth, I am really afraid of all troublesome tasks, among which, cleaning the house would definitely rank among the top 5. If someone comes to my house, I have to do all the cleanings, which is really nerve-wrecking for me . 2. Do you like to play with your friend at home or outside? 个人喜好题,一般疑问句式,同样还是给出肯定或否定的直接答案,然后根据自己选 择的方向进行解释。注意这道题不一定非要选择单一的答题方向,可以选择分情况讨论: 什么情况下选择在家玩,什么情况下会选择户外。 For most of time I would like to stay at home and watch some movies with my friends indoors, especially in summer when the temperature soars to the peak. Shopping, however, also constitutes one of the major entertainments of my life, hence I will also go out for shopping with my friends occasionally. 3. Do you think it is necessary for all children to learn how to swim? 个人选择题,是否所有的孩子都需要去学游泳。同样也可以分情况讨论,按照区域划 分,含有绝对词的题目都不太建议给出过分偏向性的意见,具体情况具体分析即可。 For children born and living in seaside places, it is definitely necessary for them to learn swimming since they would have more chances to get access to the sea and swimming will serve as a quite practical skill for them. For children who are born in inland cities, they may have quite limited opportunities to get close to the sea, and they do not need to rely on swimming to earn a living or save their
own life. Part 2&3 九月换题季已经到来,从本次机经开始将重点针对 9 月题库中出现的新题进行思路讲 解和分析,各位同学在查看题库的过程中也可以积极思考整理一下这些新题和自己之前准 备过的题目之间的关联性,素材是否能够修改套用。 1. P2 Describe something you learn from a mistake you have made. 个人经历题,负面信息内容,描述从一个错误中学到的知识。从 2014 年开始 Part2 部 分开始出现各种含有负面信息和负面内容的话题,例如“描述一次忘东西的经历”;“描述 和某人的一次争吵”;“描述一个不喜欢上的课”;“描述一个之前不喜欢但是现在喜欢的 课程”;“描述一次失败”等。比起常规的积极经历题来说,负面信息题会让一些习惯于套 模板的学生无法在其中套用常见的 relaxed, enrich my views 等积极态度,那么在处理这 类负面信息题目的时候,可以通过以下两种方式:1. 突出从 mistake、failure 等经历中 的收获的积极感悟;2. 突出犯错的过程和修正错误的过程。 P3 What are the mistakes children will easily make at school. 列举题,选择一些学校的学生可能会犯的错误,题目本身还是比较简单的,设想几个 场景分别描述即可,注意在回答的过程中还要适当加入相应的解释(为什么会犯错)。 First and foremost, since the most essential task for students is fulfilling their assignments, the mistakes they will make at school is the ones they make in their homework and examinations, which are caused due to the lack of sufficient knowledge or carelessness. Second, some students will also do something wrong concerning about their interpersonal relationship. In shortage of enough communicating experience with peers, students are easy to meet difficulties or even fall into quarrels with their classmates. Meanwhile some disrespectful students may even have conflicts with their teachers since they lack the basic understandings of proper manners. 2. P2 Describe a piece of equipment in your home.
物品题,描述家中的一个仪器,看到这道题目之后不要单纯地认为素材的选择只能局 限于家用电器等大件物品,小型的电子设备、健身设备、甚至是家中的电脑和钟表等都可 以作为这道题目的答题素材。注意对于这种题目的处理过程中,切记不要过分重视对于各 种仪器外观外貌的描述,这个部分对于整体答题的作用其实并不大,过分注重的结果往往 只能导致需要记忆大量跟仪器特征相关的专有名词,增加无谓的备考负担。建议将更多的 描述重点放在围绕仪器的用途以及自己了解、接触、使用这个仪器的过程展开。 P3 Which group of people have higher preference on using different machines, the young or the old? 对比类的题目,讲解青年人和老年人对于各种设备使用的偏好性,二者选其一类的提 问方法。这道题大家看到之后第一反应应该是选择青年人作为这道题目的主体和答案,因 为针对于科技产品来说的话确实年轻人的掌握程度和使用程度是更高的。但是要注意题目 关键词是 machine,对于各种机器来说,老年人也是有一定的使用的,这里如果能够想得到 老年人可能会使用的各种 physiotherapeutic instruments 理疗仪器作为附加亮点来提一 句的话,可以增加内容的表现力。 It seems that the young adults have greater enthusiasms on the usage of different machines, especially the high-tech products. Machines and facilities like the laptops, smart phones and other innovative products never fail to attract the attention of the young with their great convenience and benefits. The senior citizens, however, shall never be ignored in the fields of machine users. Apart from the group of olds who can catch up with the trend of technology, they are also enthusiastic lovers of different physiotherapeutic instruments that can relieve their pains caused by the aging problems. 3. P2 Describe a small business you would like to operate. 抽象物品题,未来经历规划。5-8 月的题库中曾经出现“Describe a company you want to take part in”; “Describe a creative leader you have ever met”其实谈论的是 相关的话题,在这里就能够将相关的素材背景内容加以迁移,将之前客观介绍的信息作为 自己主观构想中的内容进行呈现即可。当然也可以结合更加传统的题目 “Describe a restaurant you like.”; “Describe a cafe you like to visit.”; “Describe a shop in your neighborhood.” 等内容,将自己想要经营的小生意和餐馆以及某个小店结合起 来,将自己在这个餐馆或者小店曾经获得的某种正面积极的反馈以及经历转化为自己未来 想要为顾客提供的服务内容,即可。
P3 What are the required skills for operating a small business. 列举题,和上面“学生容易犯哪些错误”的出题类型是一致的,同样也需要给出相关 的技能清单,并给出相应的解释分析,条款不需要太多。如果针对每个技能的解释无法特 别详尽的话,就尽可能多列出几个技能的名称;如果可以在给出技能要求之后稍加分析,那 么所需技能不超过 3 个即可。 Higher level of patience is definitely the top priority for anyone who wants to run a small business since the quality of in-and-after services are greatly measured by the amount of patience the servers and owners possess. Besides, the communicative skills are also greatly demanded since people have to ensure the correct delivery of information as well as to better convince consumers of the quality and necessities of products. What is more, to guarantee the smooth operation of the small business, each business owner should equip themselves with enough knowledge of the financial and economic realm. 9 月 3 日雅思听力真题回忆: Section 1 版本号:新题 场景:工作流程 题型:Completion 内容简介:讲一个女的要到澳洲来工作,填一些基本信息和选择邮寄的东西。 详细回忆: 1. The lady staring a Job to Australia. 2 a short time 3. Lady use a friend address in firat. 4. It is free in total 2 months. 5. Jeniffer Simmons. 6. 22nd September
7. 16 Ocean Drive 8. 邮编:176358 9.选择 files 10. 选择 diving equipment Section 2 版本号:新题 场景:旅游场景 题型: Map/ Table Completion 内容简介:介绍旅游地图 详细回忆: 11—14 地图题 11. ships (K 最左边,即在 museum 左下角环形的海里) 12. Market (E 在图右上角连个框下面的一个,上方一条什么 road 上面码头下面的矩 形) 码头下面的矩形) 13. Living music (竖折那条路左上角那地方是 music 地点) 14. meeting ( meeting place 在 rail-way station 上面,什么 road 的尽头) 15—20 表格填空题 15. silver (一个奥运会的 sailing 的银牌得主来参加开幕式) 16. India 17. police 18. songs 19. 40 minutes
20.fishing Section 3 版本号:新题 场景:作业讨论 题型:Matching 内容介绍:小组作业分工讨论 详细回忆: 21-30 配对题 A. Greatful B. notmeet enough C. Readlots of assignment 21. C.谈到一个男生做的很好 finishing ….laboratory 22. A.谈到一个女孩总是没有 CONTACT WITH THEM 23. C. 如果没有那两个人就 fail 了。 the project will fail without Kimand ….. 24. B. 谈到让这个女孩和老师联系,因为这个女孩受欢迎。那女孩最后说〇h,I thought it’s because I’m popular 25. C 我选的是那个人读 assignment 26. (Irey) Methodology 27. (Kim) Result 28. (Jen) Abstract 29. (Bill) bibliography 30. (总不出现的那个女孩)LITERATUREREVIEW
Section 4 版本号:新题 场景:科普物品 题型:Completion 内容简介:Bird survive 的一个 presentation 关于研究目的和方法。 详细回忆: 31-40 填空题 31. protected 32. estimate 33. mapping 34. survival 35. recorders 36. frequency 37. wind 38. pollution 39. distance 40. resident research 9 月 3 日雅思阅读真题回忆: 一、考试概述 本次考试的文章是三篇旧文章,难度中等。第一篇讲了蝴蝶有保护色的研究,蝴蝶的 自我保护,身上颜色对捕食者的警告。后面讲蝴蝶的色彩和毒性及不同种类蝴蝶飞行模式 研究。第二篇讲了烟幕 smog 导致许多人死亡。一位科学家对英国的雾霾引起的死亡的人数 做了研究,发现在人们意料之外的超过 10%的人死于雾霾。第三篇讲了关于 Ekman 博士揭穿 谎言的研究。
二、具体题目分析 Passage 1 : 题目:蝴蝶颜色 题型:段落信息配对题 5 +判断题 5 +选择题 2 题号:旧题 相似文章: Copy your neighbor A THERE' S no animal that symbolises rainforest diversity quite as spectacularly as the tropical butterfly. Anyone lucky enough to see these creatures flitting between patches of sunlight cannot fail to be impressed by the variety of their patterns. But why do they display such colourful exuberance? Until recently, this was almost as pertinent a question as it had been when the 19th-century naturalists, armed only with butterfly nets and insatiable curiosity, battled through the rainforests. These early explorers soon realised that although some of the bright colours are there to attract a male, others are warning signals. They send out a message to any predators: "Keep off’, we' re poisonous." And because wearing certain patterns affords protection, other species copy them. Biologists use the term "mimicry rings" for these clusters of impostors and their evolutionary idol. B But here' s the conundrum. "Classical mimicry theory says that only a single ring should be found in any one area, explains George Beccaloni of the Natural History Museum, London The idea is that in each locality there should be just the one pattern that best protects its wearers. Predators would quickly learn to avoid it and eventually all mimetic species in a region should converge upon it. "The fact that this is patently not the case has been one of the major problems in mimicry research,” says Beccaloni. In pursuit of a solution to the mystery of mimetic exuberance, Beccaloni set off for one of the megacentres for butterfly diversity, the point where the western edge of the Amazon basin meets the foothills of the Andes in Ecuador. “It' s exceptionally rich, but comparatively well collected, so I pretty much knew what was there, says Beccaloni, The trick was to work out how all the butterflies were organized and how this related to mimicry.”