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2011 年福建省莆田市中考英语真题及答案 (满分:150;考试时间:120 分钟) 注意:本试卷分为试题和答题卡两部分 听力部分(满分 30 分) Ⅰ. 听音选图,听句子,根据你所听到的内容,选择正确的图画顺序。每个句子读两遍。 1.______ 2. ______3. ______4. ______ 5. ______ 6. ______ Ⅱ. 听对话 根据你所听到的内容,选择正确的答案。每段对话读两遍。(12 分) 第一节 听下面 4 段对话,每段对话后有 1 个小题,从题中所给的 A、B、C 三个选项中 选出最佳选项。(6 分) ( ) 7. When will the film begin? B. At 9:30. A. At 9:00. C. At 10:00. ( ( ( ) 8. Who can mend the hike? A. Tom B. Kangkang. C. Jack. ) 9. What does Jim want for breakfast? A. Bread and milk. B. Rice and vegetables. C. Cakes and juice. ) 10. How much should the woman pay the man now? A. ¥22. B. ¥108. C. ¥194. 第二节 听下面 2 段对话,每段对话后有 2 个小题,从题中所给的 A、B、C 三个选项中 选出最佳选项。(6 分) 听第 5 段材料,回答 11、12 题。 ( ( ( ( ) 11. Which sport does Tony like best? A. Running. B. Swimming. C. Skating. ) 12. Whom does Tony often go with? A. His friend. B. His brother. C. His neighbor. 听第 6 段材料,回答 13、14 题。 ) 13. Where does the man want to go? A. A hospital. B. A museum. C. A bookstore. ) 14. How can the man get there? B. On foot. A. By taxi. C. By bus. Ⅲ. 听短文 根据你所听到的内容,选择正确的答案。短文读两遍。(6 分) ( ) 15. What is Peter? A. A teacher. B. A student. C. A worker. ( ) 16. Where does Peter's father work?
A. In a bank. B. In a school. C. In a zoo. ( ( ) 17. How often does Peter go to the zoo? A. Once a week. B. Twice a week. C. Every day. ) 18. What do Peter's classmates think of him? A. Great. B. Fun. C. Lazy. Ⅳ. 听短文填表格 根据你所听到的内容,按要求填写表格,每空限填一词。短文读两遍。 (6 分)注意:请把第 19-22 小题的答案填写在答题卡笔试部分(写)的上面。 笔试部分(满分 120 分) B. an ) 23. It is_________ popular way among the young people Part one: 语言知识御用(35 分) Ⅰ. 选择填空 从体重所给的 A、B、C 三个选项中选出能填入句中空格的最佳选项。(15 分) 【2011 福建莆田】( to chat on the Internet now. A. a 答案 A 【解析】冠词的考查。Popular 是以辅音开始的单词,一种流行的方式应用冠词 a. 【2011 福建莆田】( A. nothing B. something C. anything 答案 A ) 24. David is new here, so we know_________ about him. C. the 【解析】不定代词的考查。句意为“大卫是新来的,所以我们对他一无所知”,故选 A. Could you ) 25. —I want a_________ to cut the big apple. 【2011 福建莆田】( pass me one? —Certainly, here you are. A. fork B. knife C. spoon 答案 B 【解析】词义辨析。句意为“我想要一个____来切苹果”所以应该是刀子。 【2011 福建莆田】( —You can go to the Men's Wear Section on the_________ floor. A. two 答案 C 【解析】序数词的考查。The 后面接序数词,意为“第……”. B. twice C. second ) 26. —Excuse me, where can I buy a jacket?
) 27. —Why do you like this TV program? 【2011 福建莆田】( —_________ it’s very interesting and exciting. A. Though B. Because C. So 答案 B 【解析】连词的考查。Why 开始的特殊疑问句应用 because 来回答。23. ) 28. Actions speak _________ than word s. 【2011 福建莆田】( A. loud B. louder C. loudest 答案 B 【解析】形容词比较等级的考查。Than 前面应该是形容词或副词的比较级。 【2011 福建莆田】( ) 29. —What a nice coat! I’ ll take it. —But you'd better _________ first. A. try it on B. pay for it C. put it on 答案 A 【解析】词义辨析。根据句意“多么漂亮的上衣啊!我买了”“但您最好试一试,它可能有 点小”。故选择 A。 【2011 福建莆田】( please. —Sorry. I won't take photos any more ) 30. —Excuse me! Look at the sign _________on the wall, I’ m afraid it may be small for you. ) 31. —Do you know the song Come on, Haixi!—Yes, and I ) 32. Mrs. Weng came back from France in 2010. She _________ 答案 C 【解析】图解题。根据句意“我不会再拍照了”可知,应该是禁止照相的。 【2011 福建莆田】( _________sing it well. A. must B. can C. need 答案 B 【解析】情态动词的考查。Must 意为“必须”,can 能够;need 需要,根据句意应该是“能 够”。 【2011 福建莆田】( there for four years. A. works B. worked C. has worked 答案 C 【解析】时态的考查。For 加时间段应该是现在完成时态的标志。 【2011 福建莆田】( —Yes. Her classes are_________ lively and interesting. A. always B. sometimes C. hardly 答案 A 【解析】副词的考查。张老师很受学生的欢迎,是因为她的课总是很生动有趣。而不是有时 或几乎不。 【2011 福建莆田】( of the CPC (中国共产党) ) 33. —Miss Zhou is very popular with the students. ) 34. We'll hold a party in celebration of the 90th birthday
_________ Friday. A. in B. on C. at 答案 B 【解析】介词的考查。在周几前面应该用介词 at. 【2011 福建莆田】( —Of course. She's a great tennis player_________ comes from Hubei, China. A. who B. what C. which 答案 A ) 35. —Do you know Li Na? 【解析】关系代词的考查。定语从句中当先行词是人时关系代词应该用 who 或 that. ) 36 . —I'm sorry I forgot to bring your MP4. 【2011 福建莆田】{ —_________ You can bring it here next time. A. Sounds good B. Thank you C. It doesn't matter 答案 C 【解析】交际用语。句意为“对不起,我忘了把你的 MP4 带来”。对于别人的道歉,应该说 没有关系。 【2011 福建莆田】( —He asked me_________, A. when my sister came back B. when did my sister come back C. when will my sister come back 答案 A 【解析】宾语从句的考查。宾语从句应该是陈述句语序,主句中 he asked me 是一般过去时, 故从句也应该是过去时态总的一种。 【2011 福建莆田】Ⅱ. 补全对话 从方框中所给的选项中选择正确的句子补全对话。(10 分) ) 37. —What did he say just now? A. How often should 1 take the medicine? B. Yes, I do. C. I have a bad cold. D. Good afternoon, young man . E. About two days. 38 39 40 41 I cough now and then. What's wrong with you? And I'm feeling terrible now. A: Good afternoon, Doctor Huang. B: A: B: Do you have a cough? A: B: How long have you been like this? A: B: Let me check you over. Oh, you have a fever, too. A: Is it serious? B: Nothing serious. Take this medicine and drink more water. A: B: Three times a day. Have a good rest and you'll be all right soon. A; Thanks a lot. B: Not at all. 38. _________39. _________ 40. _________ 41. _________ 42. _________ 38—42 DCBEA 42
【2011 福建莆田】Ⅲ. 完形填空 从题中所给的 A、B、C、D 四个选项中选出能填入相应空 白处的最佳答案。(10 分) The lady with the white fence(篱笆)taught me to leave the gale to life open.. . My husband died in an accident and I became very angry. I hated being alone. One down a busy street, I suddenly noticed a new fence around a that I was deeply day, as I was house. I pulled off to really watch it. It was such a good touched. I could not send 45 away. The fence still smelled of fresh paint. 44 43 “Hello!" I came up and said to a lady in the back garden, “I came to see the fence. It's so beautiful!" “Oh! The fence is not there for me," the lady explained to me in a calm voice, “I live alone. _ 46_ so many people pass by every day, and I think they may be pleased to see something really attractive. stop like you and come up to have a chat. " 47 "But weren't you sad when they expanded (拓宽) the road and everything changed so much?" "Change is part of life and takes part in 48 us who we are. When something we do not like happens to us, we have two choices—to become a a better person." 49 person or to become 52 51 50 Her reply changed my life. I carefully left the gate open and drove on ) 43. A. walking B. riding C. driving D. running ) 44. A. street B. paint C. house D. job ) 45. A. it B. them C. myself D. her ) 46. A. But B. Thus C. And D. As ) 47. A. Few B. A few C. Everyone D. None ) 48. A. finding B. telling C. catching D. making ) 49. A. fitter B. bitter C. smarter D. sweeter ) 50. A. with B. for C. to D. by ) 51. A. when B. where C. who D. what ) 52. A. beyond B. once C. instead D. though a it was, but I could feel the thick new feeling inside me. I could not tell stone wall around my angry heart breaking off. And a pretty white fence was built. I decided that I would keep the gate open for everything and everyone that came my way. ( ( ( ( ( { ( ( ( ( 文章大意:在“我”经历了丧夫之痛后,对生活失去了信心。但一个妇女的话给了我很大的 启迪,让“我”明白了:只要你敞开心扉,人人都可以走进你的生活。 43.C 【解析】从文章中最后一段的第一句话可知“我”在开车。 44. D【解析】句意是“那是如此好的一项工作以至于我被深深地打动了”。 45.C【解析】根据上一句的意思,“我”有点乐不思蜀了。Send sb, a way 把某人送走。 46.A【解析】根据句意应该是转折关系。 47. B【解析】肯定句应用 a few 意为“有一些人”。 48. D【解析】句意为“改变是生活中的一部分,并使我们明白我们是谁。” 49.B【解析】对比关系,由后面的 better 推测它的反义词 bitter. 50. A【解析】带有,具有用 with.
51. D【解析】句意是“我说不出它是什么”。应该用 what. 52. C【解析】句意是“相反,建立了一个漂亮的白色的栅栏”。 Part Two:阅读理解 (40 分) 【2011 福建莆田】(判断正误型)A Last Friday after I got my pay, I went shopping on my way home. In the crowded supermarket, I lost my purse and my money was gone with it. I felt very angry and sad. We were not rich and the money was important for us. How could I tell my wife about it? I felt really sorry for losing the money. When I got home, I cleaned the house and prepared a nice meal. I hoped what I did could comfort(安慰) my wife. When she came back, she was surprised to see the clean house and the nice meal. Then I began to tell my story when we were at table, but my wife didn't respond (反映) as if she had not heard my words. Maybe she was trying hard to hide her anger, I thought. “I've lost my pay." I said to her again. “I see.” She didn't seem to be angry with me. For a moment, she said nothing but enjoyed the meal with me. “I've lost my money," I could not help asking, “why don't you blame (责备) me?" “Oh, my dear," she raised her eyes, looked at me and said, "I'm thinking about ) 53. I got my pay last Monday. ) 54. In the supermarket I lost my purse and money. ) 55. I cleaned the house because I liked doing it. ) 56. My wife was surprised to see what I did. ) 57. When my wife heard my story, she became very angry. how to comfort you. It's the thief who is to be blamed!" 根据短文内容,判断句子正误,正确的写“T”,错误的写“F” ( ( ( ( ( 文章大意:丈夫在超市把钱丢了,为了安慰妻子,他打扫了房间并做了一顿美餐,在向妻子 解释之后,妻子并没有生气,反而安慰了丈夫。体现了夫妻间相互理解,和睦相处。 53—57 FTFTF 【2011 福建莆田】(选择型)B As we know, Meizhou Island is a famous place of interest in Putian. My pen pal from Australia, Sam, would like to visit it very much. He is coming here for a holiday next week. He is planning to stay here for seven days. He has never come to Putian before, so he needs to know something about it. The weather is the most important thing that he would like to know. He wants to know what he should get ready for the trip and what kinds of clothes he has to take with him. Here is the seven-day weather report for Putian.
) 58. ) 60. What will the weather be like on July 5th? B. Cloudy. C. Windy. D. Rainy. ) 59. What information does Sam most want to know? 根据短文及表格内容,从题中所给的 A、B、C、D 四个选项中,选出最佳答案。(10 分) How long will Sam stay in Putian? ( A. Two days. B. Five days. C. A week. D. A month. ( A. The food in Putian. B. The history of Putian. C. The traffic in Putian. D. The weather in Putian. ( A. Sunny. ( A. 26C. B. 28 C. 32 D. 36C. ( ) 62. What do you think Sam should wear when he stays in Putian? ) 61. On July 3rd, the high temperature is________. 文章大意:梅州是莆田一个著名的景点,“我”的笔友萨姆要来这儿旅游一周,为了能让他 玩的开心,“我”介绍了这七天的天气情况。 58. C【解析】细节理解题。根据文章中“He is planning to stay here for seven days.” 可知。 59. D【解析】细节理解题。根据文章中“The weather is the most important thing that he would like to know.”可知。 60. A【解析】细节理解题。根据文章中“July 5th”可知。 61. C【解析】细节理解题。根据文章中“July 3th”可知。 62. B【解析】推理判断题。从这七天的天气预报来看,温度都在 26℃以上,短袖即可。
【 2011 福建莆田】(选择型)C Tea, coffee and cocoa are three major drinks all over the world. Tea is drunk by the largest number of people in the world. Tea, as well as silk and porcelain, began to be known by the world over a thousand years ago and has been an important Chinese export since then. Tea has a history of over 4 , 000 years and China is the home of tea. In ancient China, tea was used as a kind of medicine, while nowadays people drink tea daily. Longjing, Pu'er, Wulong and Tieguanyin are all famous tea. Thanks to the mild climate and rich soil in Fujian, Zhejiang and Yunnan, tea is produced mainly in these provinces. ) 63. How many drinks are mentioned in this passage? B. Four. C. Five. D. Six. ) 64. Tea is produced mainly in Fujian, Zhejiang and Yunnan because__________. ) .65. The underlined sentence “ A friendship between gentlemen is like a The word for tea in different languages came from Chinese, like "cha'i" in Russian. And the Japanese character for tea is written exactly the same as it is in Chinese. Over the past centuries, Chinese people have developed their unique tea culture, which includes tea planting, tea-leaf picking, tea making, tea drinking and so on. Tea is also popular in some sayings, like "A friendship between gentlemen is like a cup of tea." In dances, songs, poems and novels, tea is often mentioned. loo. 根据短文内容,从题中所给的 A、B、C、D 四个选项中,选择最佳答案。(10 分) ( A. Three. ( A. they are all big provinces B. they are all close to the sea C. there are quite a lot of mountains there D. the climate ia mild and the soil is rich there ( cup of tea. " in the last paragraph means_________. A. 一个朋友就是一杯茶 B. 君子之交淡如水 C. 看到朋友就会想起茶 D. 绅士才能够喝茶 ( A. Tea, cocoa and silk are important Chinese exports. B. Tea has more than 1, 000 years of history. C. Japan is the home of tea. D. In ancient China, people used t ea as a kind of medicine. ( A. China's Tea Culture B. A Saying of Tea C. Drinks in the World D. Tea and Coffee 文章大意:中国作为茶的故乡,茶在中国已经有 4000 多年的历史了,龙井,普洱,乌龙和 铁观音都是中国的名茶,在过去的几个世纪以来,中国人民有着自己独特的茶文化,包括种 茶,采摘,生产,茶道等等都有了很大的发展。中国有句古话“君子之交淡如水”也说明了 茶很受欢迎。 63. A【解析】细节理解题。根据文章中第一段第一句话可知。 64. D【解析】细节理解题。根据文章中第三段可知。 ) 66. Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage? ) 67. Which is the best title for the passage?