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C 语言实现 24 位图转为 8 位灰度图 2010-05-28 11:50:26| 分类: 图像处理 |字号 订阅 #ifndef BMP_H_2_INCLUDED #define BMP_H_2_INCLUDED typedef unsigned short WORD; typedef unsigned long DWORD; typedef long LONG; typedef unsigned char BYTE; typedef struct tagBITMAPFILEHEADER { // bmfh WORD DWORD WORD WORD DWORD bfType; bfSize; bfReserved1; bfReserved2; bfOffBits; }BITMAPFILEHEADER; typedef struct tagBITMAPINFOHEADER { // bmih DWORD biSize; biWidth; LONG biHeight; LONG WORD biPlanes; WORD biBitCount; DWORD biCompression; DWORD biSizeImage; LONG LONG DWORD biClrUsed; DWORD biClrImportant; biXPelsPerMeter; biYPelsPerMeter; }BITMAPINFOHEADER; typedef struct tagRGBQUAD { // rgbq BYTE BYTE BYTE BYTE rgbBlue; rgbGreen; rgbRed; rgbReserved; }RGBQUAD; typedef struct tagBITMAPINFO
{ BITMAPINFOHEADER bmiHeader; RGBQUAD bmiColors[1]; }BITMAPINFO; #endif // BMP_H_2_INCLUDED #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "bmp_2.h" BITMAPFILEHEADER bmfh; BITMAPINFOHEADER bmih; BITMAPFILEHEADER bf8; BITMAPINFOHEADER bi8; BYTE *imgData; BYTE *NewImgData; void readData(); int ReadFileHeader(BITMAPFILEHEADER *); int ReadInfoHeader(BITMAPINFOHEADER *); int ReadPixelData(BYTE *); void PrintFileHeader(BITMAPFILEHEADER *); void PrintInfoHeader(BITMAPINFOHEADER *); LONG GetLineBytes(int,int); int ConVerTo8BitGray(char *); void readData() { int i,k,h; DWORD dwLineBytes; i = ReadFileHeader(&bmfh); if(i == 0) { printf("Read file header successful!\n"); } k = ReadInfoHeader(&bmih);
if(k == 0) { printf("Read info header successful!\n"); } dwLineBytes = GetLineBytes(bmih.biWidth,bmih.biBitCount); imgData = (BYTE*)malloc(dwLineBytes*bmih.biHeight*sizeof(BYTE)); h = ReadPixelData(imgData); if(h == 0) { printf("Read pixel data successful!\n"); } if(i==0&&k==0&&h==0) { printf("Read datas successful!\n"); } } int ReadFileHeader(BITMAPFILEHEADER *bmfh) //读文件头文件 { FILE *dataFile; dataFile = fopen("shuaige.bmp","r"); if(fread(&bmfh->bfType,sizeof(WORD),1,dataFile)!=1) //读入文件头文件中的文件类型元 素 { } printf("Can not read bfType in the file header.\n"); fclose(dataFile); return -1; if(fread(&bmfh->bfSize,sizeof(DWORD),1,dataFile)!=1) { printf("Can not read bfSize in the file header.\n"); fclose(dataFile); return -1; } //读入文件大小元素 if(fread(&bmfh->bfReserved1,sizeof(WORD),1,dataFile)!=1) //必须设置为 0 { printf("Can not read bfReserved1 in the file header.\n");
fclose(dataFile); return -1; } if(fread(&bmfh->bfReserved2,sizeof(WORD),1,dataFile)!=1) //必须设置为 0 { printf("Can not read bfReserved2 in the file header.\n"); fclose(dataFile); return -1; } if(fread(&bmfh->bfOffBits,sizeof(DWORD),1,dataFile)!=1) //从文件头开始到实际图像数据 之间的字节偏移量 { } printf("Can not read bfOffBits in the file header.\n"); fclose(dataFile); return -1; fclose(dataFile); return 0; } int ReadInfoHeader(BITMAPINFOHEADER *bmih) //读信息头文件 { FILE *dataFile; dataFile = fopen("shuaige.bmp","r"); fseek(dataFile,14,SEEK_SET); //文件指针跳过文件头 if(fread(&bmih->biSize,sizeof(DWORD),1,dataFile)!=1) //读入信息头文件结构所需要的字 节数 { } printf("Can not read biSize in the info header.\n"); fclose(dataFile); return -1; if(fread(&bmih->biWidth,sizeof(LONG),1,dataFile)!=1) //读入图像宽度 { printf("Can not read biWidth in the info header.\n"); fclose(dataFile);
return -1; } if(fread(&bmih->biHeight,sizeof(LONG),1,dataFile)!=1) //读入图像高度 { printf("Can not read biHeight in the info header.\n"); fclose(dataFile); return -1; } if(fread(&bmih->biPlanes,sizeof(WORD),1,dataFile)!=1) //读入位图平面数,总是设置为 1 { printf("Can not read biPlanes in the info header.\n"); fclose(dataFile); return -1; } if(fread(&bmih->biBitCount,sizeof(WORD),1,dataFile)!=1) //读入比特数,即位图的位数 { printf("Can not read biBitCount in the info header.\n"); fclose(dataFile); return -1; } if(fread(&bmih->biCompression,sizeof(DWORD),1,dataFile)!=1) //说明图像数据压缩类型 { printf("Can not read biCompression in the info header.\n"); fclose(dataFile); return -1; } if(fread(&bmih->biSizeImage,sizeof(DWORD),1,dataFile)!=1) //读入图像大小 { printf("Can not read biSizeImage in the info header.\n"); fclose(dataFile); return -1; } if(fread(&bmih->biXPelsPerMeter,sizeof(LONG),1,dataFile)!=1) //说明水平分辨率 { printf("Can not read biXPelsPerMeter in the info header.\n"); fclose(dataFile); return -1; }
if(fread(&bmih->biYPelsPerMeter,sizeof(LONG),1,dataFile)!=1) //说明垂直分辨率 { printf("Can not read biYPelsPerMeter in the info header.\n"); fclose(dataFile); return -1; } if(fread(&bmih->biClrUsed,sizeof(DWORD),1,dataFile)!=1) //说明位图实际使用的彩色表中 颜色索引数 { } printf("Can not read biClrUsed in the info header.\n"); fclose(dataFile); return -1; if(fread(&bmih->biClrImportant,sizeof(DWORD),1,dataFile)!=1) //说明对图像显示有重要影 响的颜色索引数 { } printf("Can not read biClrImportant in the info header.\n"); fclose(dataFile); return -1; fclose(dataFile); return 0; } int ReadPixelData(BYTE *imgData) //读取像素数据 { BYTE *data; FILE *dataFile; DWORD dwLineBytes; dwLineBytes = GetLineBytes(bmih.biWidth,bmih.biBitCount); data = (BYTE *)malloc(dwLineBytes*bmih.biHeight*sizeof(BYTE)); dataFile = fopen("shuaige.bmp","rb"); if(bmih.biBitCount==8) { fseek(dataFile,bmfh.bfOffBits,SEEK_SET);
} else if(bmih.biBitCount==24) { fseek(dataFile,bmfh.bfOffBits,SEEK_SET); } else { } printf("Only Support: 8 or 24 bits.\n"); free(data); fclose(dataFile); return -1; if(fread(data,dwLineBytes*bmih.biHeight*sizeof(BYTE),1,dataFile)!=1) { printf("Can not read the pixel data.\n"); free(data); fclose(dataFile); return -1; } memcpy(imgData,data,dwLineBytes*bmih.biHeight*sizeof(BYTE)); free(data); fclose(dataFile); return 0; } void PrintFileHeader(BITMAPFILEHEADER *ibmfh) //打印文件头信息 { printf("The contents in the file header of the BMP file:\n"); printf("bfOffBits: %ld\n",ibmfh->bfOffBits); printf("bfReserved1: %ld\n",ibmfh->bfReserved1); printf("bfReserved2: %ld\n",ibmfh->bfReserved2); printf("bfSize: %ld\n",ibmfh->bfSize); printf("bfType: %ld\n",ibmfh->bfType); } void PrintInfoHeader(BITMAPINFOHEADER *ibmih) //打印信息头信息 { printf("The content in the info header of the BMP file:\n"); printf("biBitCount: %ld\n",ibmih->biBitCount); printf("biClrImportant: %ld\n",ibmih->biClrImportant);
printf("biClrUsed: %ld\n",ibmih->biClrUsed); printf("biCompression: %ld\n",ibmih->biCompression); printf("biHeight: %ld\n",ibmih->biHeight); printf("biPlanes: %ld\n",ibmih->biPlanes); printf("biSize: %ld\n",ibmih->biSize); printf("biSizeImage: %ld\n",ibmih->biSizeImage); printf("biWidth: %ld\n",ibmih->biWidth); printf("biXPelsPerMeter: %ld\n",ibmih->biXPelsPerMeter); printf("biYPelsPerMeter: %ld\n",ibmih->biYPelsPerMeter); } LONG GetLineBytes(int imgWidth,int bitCount) //计算每行像素所占的字节数 { return (imgWidth*bitCount+31)/32*4; } int ConVerTo8BitGray(char *filepath) //24 位图转换 8 位图 { int i,j,k; FILE *dataFile; DWORD dwLineBytes8; DWORD dwLineBytes24; RGBQUAD pal[256]; dwLineBytes24 = GetLineBytes(bmih.biWidth,24); dwLineBytes8 = GetLineBytes(bmih.biWidth,8); NewImgData = (BYTE *)malloc(dwLineBytes8*bmih.biHeight*sizeof(BYTE)); for(i=0; i