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二、根据问题找出答案并连线。( 每小题5分,共5分)
三、选择正确的答案,并把答案的街号填写在题前括号内。(每小题1 分,共10分)
四、Reading comprehension.阅读理解 (每小题10分,共30分)
五、Read and write.根据提示,写一段话不少于5句,(共5分)
2022 年四川成都小升初英语真题 一、听力部分(50 分) 1.cross.听录音,根据录音内容判断图片正误,正确"√",错误的"×"。 or Listen ,tick 2.choose .听录音,根据录音内容选出正确的答案。 and Listen   (1) (2) (3)
(4) (5)     3.number.听录音,根据录音内容用数字给图片排序。 and Listen 4.write.听录音,根据录音内容选词填空。 and Listen A.interesting B.sending C.write D.miss E.China. Lingling, Dear soon. me in(4)______.Please(5)______to photos.I(3)______everyone some am (2)______you park.I the in picnic a had Saturday .We on very(1)______day a had you?I are How Love . Daming 5.choose.听录音,根据录音内容选挣所腹到的句子。 and Listen you? help I (1)A.Can it? is much B.How school? to going you are (2)A.When do? to going you are B.What you! to wishes (3)A.Best luck! B.Good Chengdu. in rain will (4)A.It Friday. on hot be will B.It dinner. eating (5)A.He's homework. her doing B.She's
        6.answer.听录音,根据录音内容选择正确的答语。 and Listen careful! (1)A.Be B.It's2 yuan. did. (2)A.Yes,I can't. B.No,I TV. watching (3)A.I'm play. lo park the to going B.I'm can't. (4)A.Sorry,I Harbin. in B.You're (5)A.Goodbye. you. B.Thank 二、根据问题找出答案并连线。( 每小题 5 分,共 5 分) 7.根据问题找出答案并连线。 you? help I (1)Can you. A.Thank hear ? she (2)Could hamburger,please. B.A school? to going we are (3)When couldn't. C.No ,she me? help can (4)Who seven. at school to going D.We're you! to luck (5)Good you. help can E.I 三、选择正确的答案,并把答案的街号填写在题前括号内。(每小题 1 分,共 10 分) 8.it?- is much -How ( ) dog,please. hot a want A.I B.It's$ 3.75. 9.drink?- to want you do -What .( ) cola,please. A.A rice,please. and B.Chicken 10.ducks The sandwiches!( ) our eating A.are B.eating 11.eat?- to going you are -When . ( ) twelve. past half A.At B.At school. 12.It Shuangliu.( ) in rain be A.will B.will 13.It yesterday( ) birthday Daning's
14.V.( ) Shenziou in work of lot Liwei______ a October 2003,Yang B.was A.is In A.do      15.she see,but couldn't Helen read.( ) A.could B.did B.couldn't 16.shouting?- you are -Why angry.( ) I'm A.But A.How 17. hamburger!( ) big a B.Because B.What . 四、Reading comprehension.阅读理解 (每小题 10 分,共 30 分) 18.阅读短文,根据短文内容判断下列句子正误,正确的打"√" ,错误的打"×"。 day. my is at 9:00.This bed to go TV.I watch or homework my do evening,I the friends.In my with football play school,I class.After English have afternoon,we the at 11:45.In sports play at 7:30.I books at 7:10.I read school to go I home.Then at breakfast eat morning.I the at 6:30 in up get days.I busy have often student.I a Peter.I'm Hello!I'm teacher. a is (1)Peter morning. the at 6:30 in up gets (2)Peter afternoon. the in class Chinese has (3)Peter friends. his with football plays (4)Peter days. busy has often (5)Peter  19.choose.读一读,选一选。 and Read time. good a had pandas.They lovely the of photos of lot a took elephant.Bob baby a and elephant mother a saw zoo.Lucy the in animals interesting many are bus.There by there went Bob.They and Mrs.Zhang,Lucy Mr.And are family.They his in people four are family.There his with zoo the to went fine.Mr.Zhang was Sunday.It was Yesterday was (1)Yesterday . A.Monday B.Sunday the to went family (2)Mr.Zhang's .
A.park B.zoo family? Mr.Zhang's in there are people many (3)How A.Four. B.Three. there? go family Mr.Zhang's did (4)How car. A.By bus. B.By do? Bob did (5)What photos. of lots took A.Bob time. good a had B.They  20.读一读,选一选。 me ? " help can shouting," Who is falling.She are eggs and apples the everything.Now carry can't food.She of lot a carrying is mother salad.Amy's for tomatoes and watermelon a washing father.He's Amy's is David.He is man phone.This the on friend her with loudly talking sister.She's Amy's is bedroom,Jane the in laughing and TV watching Amy.She's is now.This busy is family Sunday.Amy's is Today family? Amy's are (1)Where park. the A.In home. B.At sister? Amy's is (2)Who A.Lucy Jane B phone ? the on loudly talking is (3)Who A.Jane B.Tom (4)Now apples and eggs A.the tomatoes and eggs B.the doing? David is (5)What TV. watching A.He's falling. are tomatoes. and watermelon a washing B.He's
五、Read and write.根据提示,写一段话不少于 5 句,(共 5 分)  21.暑假就要来临,在这个期盼已久的假期里,你打算做些什么有意义的活动呢? bike...)a exercise,ride chess,do books,play to,read going 请你写一写(参考词汇: be to. going coming.I'm is vacation Summer