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在您的电脑上安装帮助指南 通过从IC录音机的内置存储器安装帮助指南到您的电脑,在发生问题时您可搜索详 细的操作和可能的解决方法。 ˎ滑动IC录音机后面的USBˎDIRECT滑杆,然后将USB接头插⼊到运⾏中的电脑 的USB端口。 ˎ在Windows中 :单击[计算机](或[我的电脑]),然后双击[ICˎRECORDER] [FORˎWINDOWS]。ˎ 在Mac中 :双击桌面上的[ICˎRECORDER]。 ˎ安装帮助指南。 在Windows中 :双击[Help_Guide_Installer](或[Help_Guide_Installer. exe])。 在Mac中 :双击[Help_Guide_Installer_for_mac.app]。(v10.5.8或更高版本) 按照屏幕上出现的指示继续安装。 ˎ安装完成之后,双击桌面(Windows)上(或查找程序(Mac)中)的[Help_ Guide_icdsx3_cn.htm]图标 将显示帮助指南。 您也可在以下SonyˎIC录音机用户支持主页上查阅帮助指南 : http://rd1.sony.net/help/icd/sx3/cn/ 将文件从IC录音机复制到电脑 可以将IC录音机的文件和文件夹复制到电脑上进⾏保存。 ˎ将IC录音机连接到电脑上。 ˎ将要传输的文件或文件夹复制到电脑上。 其他功能 录音、播放和编辑等其他功能的详细信息包括在帮助指南中。 ˎˎ 场景选择 ˎˎ 添加/覆盖/录音前 ˎˎ 降噪 ˎˎ TRACKˎMARK(曲目标记) ˎˎ DPCˎ(DigitalˎPitchˎControl) ˎˎ A-B重复 ˎˎ VORˎ(VoiceˎOperatedˎRecording) ˎˎ 声效 ˎˎ 简易搜索 ˎˎ 分隔 ˎˎ SoundˎOrganizer编辑软件 ˎˎ 若有任何固体或液体落⼊本机,在进一步 操作前,请取出电池并请有资格的人员进 ⾏检查。 如果对本机有任何疑问或问题,请向最近的 Sony经销商咨询。 注意事项 电源 仅限使用3.7ˎVˎDC的内置可充电锂电池操作 本机。 安全 驾车、骑车或操作任何机动车时请勿操作本 机。 操作管理 ˎˎ 请勿将本机靠近热源或放置于阳光直射、 灰尘很多或有机械振动的地方。 制造商 :ˎ 索尼(中国)有限公司 地 址 :ˎ 北京市朝阳区 ˎ ˎ 产 地 :ˎ 广东省东莞市 产品标准 :Q/CYSNC0007 出版日期 :2013年1月 太阳宫中路12号楼 冠城⼤厦701 将要复制的文件或文件夹从“ICˎRECORDER”或“MEMORYˎCARD”拖放到电脑的本 地磁盘上。 锂电池用户不可自⾏更换,如电池损坏需要更换,请联系专业人员。 复制文件或文件夹(拖放) 警告 请勿将电池(已安装的电池组或电池)长时间暴露于例如阳光,⽕等极热的地方。 单击并按住, 拖移, 然后放下。 USBˎAC适配器 :AC-UD10 额定电流 :1500ˎmA ICˎRECORDER或 MEMORYˎCARD 电脑 ˎ将IC录音机从电脑上断开。 安装SoundˎOrganizer 在电脑上安装SoundˎOrganizer。  注 SoundˎOrganizer只兼容WindowsˎPC。不兼容Mac。 ˎ¼安装SoundˎOrganizer时,以管理员权限登录。 ˎ请从您电脑上访问以下SonyˎService网站 : ˎ http://service.sony.com.cn ˎ在以上网站的搜索框中输⼊“SoundˎOrganizer”,就能够找到Soundˎ Organizer的下载页面。 ˎ按照下载页面的步骤下载并安装SoundˎOrganizer。 也可以连接适用本型号的SonyˎUSB充电交流电源适配器(另购)对电池进⾏充电。 容量(可用容量*) ICD-SX734 :8ˎGB(约6.40ˎGBˎ=ˎ6871947674字节) ICD-SX1000 :16ˎGB(约12.80ˎGBˎ=ˎ13743895347字节) *少量内置存储被用于文件管理,因而不可用于用户存储。 产品中有毒有害物质或元素的名称及含量 (:不含有,:含有) 有毒有害物质或元素 铅 汞 镉 六价铬 (Pb) (Hg) (Cd) (Cr(VI)) 多溴联苯 (PBB) 多溴二苯醚 (PBDE)                                     部件名称 内置线路 板 外壳 显示板 扬声器 电池 附件  :ˎ表示该有毒有害物质在该部件所有均质材料中的含量均在SJ/T11363- 2006标准规定的限量要求以下。  :ˎ表示该有毒有害物质至少在该部件的某一均质材料中的含量超出SJ/ˎ T11363-2006标准规定的限量要求。 让我们来试用您的新IC录音机 与电脑组合使用 CS GB 感谢阁下选用SonyˎIC录音机! 您可使用快速⼊门指南获取有关IC录音机的基本操作说明。 请仔细阅读本指南。希望新的SonyˎIC录音机能为阁下带来快乐。 使用产品前请仔细阅读本使用说明书,并请妥善保管。 检查附件。 ˎˎ IC录音机(1) ˎˎ 立体声耳机(1) ˎˎ USB连接支持线(1) ˎˎ 携带箱ˎ(1) 选购附件 ˎˎ USB交流适配器AC-UD10 ˎˎ 支架(1) ˎˎ 挡风屏(1)(仅限 ICD-SX1000) ˎˎ 快速⼊门指南(1) ˎˎ 帮助指南(存储在内置存 储器中的HTML文件,您可 方便地将其复制到您的电 脑。)  注 根据所在国家或地区,可能不会提供一些配件。 部件和控制按钮  USBˎDIRECT滑杆  (话筒)插孔(PLUGˎINˎPOWER)(*1)  (耳机)插孔  M2/microSD存储卡槽(卡槽位于盖下)。 (*2)  DPC(SPEED)/KEYˎCTRL(控制)开关  RESET按钮 *1ˎ这些按钮及插孔均设有触点。可将其用作操作 的参考点,或用以识别各个端口。 *2ˎ在此快速⼊门指南中,M2和microSD卡通常 是指“存储卡”。M2/microSD卡槽通常是指 “存储卡槽”。  内置话筒(立体声)(L/R)  内置可调话筒(单声道)  峰值灯(仅限ICD-SX1000)  显示窗口  SCENE按钮  (文件夹)按钮  STOP按钮  存取指示灯  (播放/确认)按钮(*1)  扬声器  控制按钮(,,(回放/快退),ˎ (提示/快进))  腕带安装孔(不附带腕带。)  USB接口舱(里面有USB接口。)  POWERˎON/OFF•HOLD开关  VOLˎ-/+ˎ(音量-/+)按钮(*1)  MENU按钮  ˎA-Bˎ(重复A-B)按钮  ERASE按钮  REC/PAUSEˎ(录音/暂停)按钮,录音 指示灯  TRACKˎMARK按钮  注 本快速⼊门指南中的示意图基于ICD-SX1000型号。 这些示意图可能与您使用的型号不同,但是,用于操作的按钮和控制相同。 1.充电。 2.打开电源。 ˎ给IC录音机充电。 朝箭头(-A)方向滑动USBˎDIRECT滑杆,然后将 USB接头插⼊到运⾏中的电脑的USB端口(-B)。 充电开始。 电池完成充电后,电池指示灯会指示“ ”。 ˎ断开IC录音机。 确保存取指示灯没有亮起。然后参阅帮助指南安全取 下IC录音机。 ˎ打开电源。 朝“POWERˎON/OFF”方向滑动并按住POWERˎON/ OFF•HOLD开关,直到出现窗口显示为止。 若要关闭电源,请朝“POWERˎON/OFF”方向滑动并按住 POWERˎON/OFF•HOLD开关,直到显示“关机”动画为止。 ˎ¼如果上次关闭电源后4小时内打开电源,电源将迅速恢复。 防止误操作(HOLD) ˎ¼要取消IC录音机的HOLD状态,朝中心方向滑动POWERˎON/ OFF•HOLD开关,以使开关上的凸出物对准“•”标记。 3.设置日期和时间。 未设置时钟时,“请设置日期时间”动画会出现,之后 “确定时钟设定?”确认信息出现。 ˎ按或选择“是”,然后按(播放/确认)。 年份部分开始闪烁。 ˎ按或设置年份(年份的后两位数字),然后按 (播放/确认)。重复该步骤,依次设置月份、日 期、小时和分钟。 设置分钟并按(播放/确认)后,时钟即反映设置。 4.选择显示语言。 ˎ按MENU。 ˎ按,按或选择 ,然后按(播放/确认)。 ˎ按或选择“语言(Language)”,然后按ˎ (播放/确认)。 ˎ按或选择想要在显示窗口中使用的语言,然后 按(播放/确认)。 您可以选择以下语言:ˎ *、English(英文) * 默认设置 ˎ按STOP。 ˎ¼在开始使用IC录音机之前,确保朝中心方向滑动POWERˎ ON/OFF•HOLD开关,以使开关上的凸出物对准“•”标记以 取消HOLD状态。 ˎ放置IC录音机时,应将内置话筒正对所要录制的声 源方向。 ˎ按REC/PAUSE。 录音开始,录音指示灯()呈红色亮起。 ˎ¼可以按REC/PAUSE暂停录音。再次按REC/PAUSE可重 新开始录音。 ˎ按STOP(-A)停止录音。 访问灯(-B)闪烁橙色,录音停止。 ˎ按(播放/确认)。 播放开始。 ˎ按VOLˎ-/+调整音量。 ˎ按STOP停止播放。  文件一旦删除,则将无法恢复。 ˎ按ERASE。 “确定删除?”显示,播放要删除的文件以供您确认。 ˎ使用或选择“执⾏”,然后按(播放/确认)。 在删除所选文件的同时,显示“正在删除...”动画。 5.录音。 6.聆听。 7.删除。 4-447-267-11(1)© 2013 Sony Corporation Printed in ChinaICD-SX734/SX1000IC Recorder数码录⾳棒快速入门指南
Additional features Details of these additional features for recording, playback, and editing are included in the help guide. ˎ Scene Selection ˎ Add/Overwrite/Pre recording ˎ Noise Cut ˎ TRACK MARK (Track mark) ˎ DPC (Digital Pitch Control) ˎ A‑B Repeat ˎ VOR (Voice Operated Recording) ˎ Sound Effects ˎ 简易搜索 (Easy Search) ˎ Divide ˎ Sound Organizer editing software Precautions On power Operate the unit only on 3.7 V DC with the built‑in rechargeable lithium‑ion battery. On safety Do not operate the unit while driving, cycling or operating any motorized vehicle. On handling ˎ Do not leave the unit in a location near heat sources, or in a place subject to direct sunlight, excessive dust or mechanical shock. ˎ Should any solid object or liquid fall into the unit, remove the battery and have the unit checked by qualified personnel before operating it any further. If you have any questions or problems concerning your unit, please consult your nearest Sony dealer. WARNING Do not expose the batteries (battery pack or batteries installed) to excessive heat such as sunshine, fire or the like for a long time. Capacity (User available capacity*) ICD‑SX734 : 8 GB (approx. 6.40 GB = 6,871,947,674 Byte) ICD‑SX1000 : 16 GB (approx. 12.80 GB = 13,743,895,347 Byte) * A small amount of the built‑in memory is used for file management and therefore not available for user storage. RATED CURRENT CONSUMPTION: 1500 mA AC adaptor: AC‑UD10 GB CS Welcome to your new Sony IC recorder! This is the Quick Start Guide, which provides you with instructions on the basic operations of the IC recorder. Please read it carefully. We hope you enjoy using your new Sony IC recorder. Check the supplied items. ˎ Carrying case (1) ˎ IC Recorder (1) ˎ Stand(1) ˎ Stereo headphones (1) ˎ Wind Screen (1) (ICD‑SX1000 ˎ USB connection support cable (1) only) ˎ Quick Start Guide (1) ˎ Help Guide (HTML file stored in the built‑in memory so it can easily be copied to your computer.) Optional accessories ˎ USB AC adaptor AC‑UD10  Note Depending on the country or region, some of the optional accessories are not available. Let’s try out your new IC recorder Utilizing Your Computer 1. Charge. 2. Power on.  Charge the IC recorder. Slide the USB DIRECT slide lever in the direction of the arrow (‑ A), and insert the USB connector into the USB port of a running computer (‑B). Charging starts. When the battery is fully charged, the battery indicator will indicate “ .”  Disconnect the IC recorder. Make sure that the access lamp does not light. Then refer to the help guide to remove the IC recorder safely.  Turn the power on. Slide and hold the POWER ON/OFF•HOLD switch in the direction of “POWER ON/OFF” until the window display appears. To turn the power off, slide and hold the POWER ON/OFF•HOLD switch in the direction of “POWER ON/OFF” until the “关机” animation is displayed. ¼ When you turn the power on again within 4 hours after the last time you turned the power off, the power will come on quickly. To prevent unintentional operations (HOLD) ¼ To release the IC recorder from the HOLD status, slide the POWER ON/ OFF•HOLD switch towards the center so that the projection on the switch is aligned to the “•“ mark. 3. Set the date and time. Installing the help guide on your computer By installing the help guide on your computer from the built‑in memory of the IC recorder, you can search for detailed operations and possible solutions when a problem occurs.  Slide the USB DIRECT slide lever on the back of the IC recorder, and insert the USB connector into the USB port of a running computer.  In Windows: Click [Computer] (or [My Computer]), then double-click [IC RECORDER]  [FOR WINDOWS]. In Mac: Double-click [IC RECORDER] on the desktop.  Install the help guide. In Windows: Double‑click [Help_Guide_Installer] (or [Help_Guide_Installer.exe]). In Mac: Double‑click [Help_Guide_Installer_for_mac.app]. (v10.5.8 or higher) Follow the instructions that appear on the screen to proceed with installation.  After the installation completes, double-click the [Help_Guide_icdsx3_cn.htm] icon in the desktop for Windows (or in Finder for Mac). The help guide is displayed. You can also view the help guide on the following Sony IC Recorder customer support home page: http://rd1.sony.net/help/icd/sx3/cn/ Copying files from the IC recorder to your computer You can copy the files and folders from the IC recorder to your computer to store them.  Connect the IC recorder to your computer.  Copy files or folders you want to transfer to your computer. Drag and drop the files or folders you want to copy from “IC RECORDER” or “MEMORY CARD” to the local disk on your computer. To copy a file or folder (Drag and drop) When the clock is not set, the “请设置日期时间” animation appears, then the “确定时钟设定?” confirmation message appears.  Press  or  to select “是,” and then press (play/enter). The year section begins to flash.  Press  or  to set the year (the last two digits of the year), and then press (play/enter). Repeat this procedure to set month, day, hour, and minute in sequence. When you set the minute and press  (play/enter), the clock reflects the setting.  Click and hold,  drag,  and then drop. IC RECORDER or MEMORY CARD Your computer  Disconnect the IC recorder from your computer. Installing Sound Organizer Install Sound Organizer on your computer.  Note Sound Organizer is compatible with the Windows PC only. It is not compatible with Mac. ¼ When installing Sound Organizer, log in to an account with administrator privileges.  Access the following Sony Service web site from your computer: http://service.sony.com.cn  On the above web site, enter "Sound Organizer" in the search box to locate the Sound Organizer download page.  Follow the procedures instructed on the download page to download and then install the Sound Organizer. Parts and controls 4. Select the display language.  Press MENU.  Press , press  or  to select (play/enter). , and then press  Press  or  to select “语言(Language),” and then press (play/enter).  Press  or  to select the language that you want to use in the display window, and then press (play/enter). You can select the following languages: (Chinese)*, English * Default setting  Press STOP. ¼ Before you start using the IC recorder, make sure that you slide the POWER ON/OFF•HOLD switch towards the center so that the projection on the switch is aligned to the “•“mark to release the HOLD status.  Place the IC recorder so that the built-in microphones face the direction of the source to be recorded.  Press REC/PAUSE. Recording starts and the recording lamp () lights in red. ¼ You can pause recording by pressing REC/PAUSE. Press REC/ PAUSE again to restart recording.  Press STOP (-A) to stop recording. The access lamp (‑B) flashes in orange and the recording stops.  Press (play/enter). Playback starts.  Adjust the volume by pressing VOL –/+.  Press STOP to stop playback.  Once a file is erased, you cannot restore it.  Press ERASE. “确定删除?” is displayed and the file to be erased is played back for confirmation.  Select “执行” using  or , and then press (play/enter). The “正在删除...” animation appears while the selected file is being erased. 5. Record. 6. Listen. 7. Erase.  USB DIRECT slide lever   (microphone) jack (PLUG IN POWER) (*1)   (headphones) jack  M2/microSD memory card slot (The card slot is in the cover.) (*2)  DPC (SPEED)/KEY CTRL (control) switch  RESET button *1 These buttons and the jack have a tactile dot. Use it as a reference point for operations, or to identify each terminal. *2 In this Quick Start Guide, M2 and microSD cards are generally referred to as a “memory card.” The M2/ microSD card slot is referred to as the “memory card slot.”  Built‑in microphones (stereo) (L/R)  Built‑in zoom microphone (monaural)  Peak lamp (ICD‑SX1000 only)  Display window  SCENE button  (folder) button  STOP button  Access lamp   (play/enter) button (*1)  Speaker  Control button (, ,  (review/fast backward),  (cue/fast forward))  Strap hole (A strap is not supplied.)  USB connector compartment (The USB connector is stored inside.)  POWER ON/OFF•HOLD switch  VOL –/+ (volume –/+) buttons (*1)  MENU button  A‑B (repeat A‑B) button  ERASE button  REC/PAUSE (record/pause) button, recording lamp  TRACK MARK button  Note The illustrations used in this Quick Start Guide are based on the ICD‑SX1000 model. These illustrations may look different from the model you are using, however, the buttons and controls used for operations are the same. IC RecorderQuick Start GuideICD-SX734/SX1000