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2016 年 6 月雅思真题回忆及解析 所有的成功都来自于行动,只有付诸行动,才能一步步走向成功。无忧考网搜集整理了 2016 年 6 月雅思真题回忆及解析,希望对大家有所帮助。2016 年 6 月举行了 4 场考试,时间分 别为 6 月 4 日、6 月 16 日、6 月 18 日、6 月 25 日。以下内容仅供参考。 6 月 4 日雅思口语真题回忆: Part 1 考题总结 考题总结: House & Apartment Study & work Hometown Music & singing Evening activities/events Stay at home Country Plant / flowers Noise Walking Hats Art/painting Communicating Gift Sunny days Birthday
Advertisement Patience Handcraft Science Public transport Dancing Bicycles Computers Weekends Park Movies Color Emails and letters Outdoor activities Museum Teamwork Magazine or newspaper TV Snack Part 2&3 考题总结 考题总结: People
Describe one of your best friends Describe a person who has apologized to you Describe a family member that you mostly close to Describe a person who likes to travel by plane Describe a person who just moved to live with you Describe a creative person that you admire Describe a leader who you admire Describe a person you enjoy spending time with Describe an old person who you admire Describe a family that you like Object Describe something that you shared with others Describe a piece of clothes that was given by someone Describe something you bought that pleasing you Describe a program or app in your computer or phone Describe an old thing that you have kept for a long time Describe a childhood toy you liked Place Describe a place you visited that has been affected by pollution Describe a place near water (such as a river, lake or the ocean) that you enjoy visiting Describe an interesting public place that you like to visit
Describe a favorite park in your city (hometown) Event Describe an activity that you do in your school Describe a piece of good news that you received Describe a short journey that you disliked Describe a wedding you have been to Describe a situation that you got angry Describe a mistake that you once made Describe an occasion that you ate a kind of food for the first time Describe a time that you had to get up early Describe an happy family event from your childhood Describe a dinner that you had with your friends Describe a difficult decision that you once made Describe a situation (or a time) when you helped someone. Describe a recent happy event that you had Describe a special trip you would like to go on in the future Describe the first time you talked with someone in a foreign language Describe a time when bad weather changed your plan Media Describe an interesting local news people are interested in Describe an interesting story from a TV program Describe an article that you read from a newspaper or magazine
Describe a story or a novel that was particularly interesting to you Describe a photo of yourself you have taken Describe a song that means something special to you Describe a photo you like in your family Others Describe a big company you are interested in/want to work in Describe an activity that you do to keep fit Describe a perfect job that you want to have in the future Describe a new skill you want to learn Describe a goal you want to achieve in the future Describe an interesting animal Describe a positive change you have had Describe a method that helps you save money Describe an interesting tradition in your country Describe your favorite season or time of the year Describe a course that you want to learn Describe an important skill that you learned when you were a child Describe a character or personality of yours Describe a sport you like to try for the first time/you want to learn 雅思口语趋势分析和备考指导 本次考试为 6 月份首次考试,本次回顾将分析例题——省钱的方法。 一个帮你省钱的方法
Describe a method that helps you save money You should say: What the method is When you started to use it How you knew it And explain why it is helpful 难点分析: 该题的难点在于考生一时间无法系统的例举出具体的省钱方法。当问到如何省钱时,大部 分考生们脑袋里面只有一些零散的意识和片段,例如:省钱就是克制不买东西,或者不花 冤枉钱之类的,但是关于具体的方法,就语塞了。 接下来,本文就要帮助各位考生们打开思路。 Key words NO.1——Don’t rush into buying anything (不要急于购物) Vocabulary: Consumption custom 消费习惯 Impulse shopping 冲动消费 Rational consumption 理性消费 Buyer’s remorse 买方的后悔 Buyer’s remorse, 这个术语往往指的是人们冲动购买商品,尤其是价格较贵的奢侈品之 后,出现的后悔和焦虑的心理状态。那么,为了避免这样的后悔,以及避免冲动消费从而 达到省钱的目的的话,我们推出以下这个概念:日薪原则。 日薪制原则(daily wage principles): 该方法指的是在产生欲望(buying inclination)想购买(purchase)一些东西的时候, 首先可以把它们列入“购买目标”账单(shopping list)内,标上预期的价格。然后以自 己一天可以挣到的薪资为基础,将预期的价格除以日薪资,然后可以得到一个天数。那么 就让自己等待这个天数,到时候再回过头来考虑,自己是否真的需要这个东西。从而做到 理性消费而避免冲动购物(impulse buying)。
Keywords No.2——Stick to the shopping list 遵照购物清单 基于上述的方法,将购买目标先记录在购物清单上面,经过一定时间的沉淀来判断是否真 的需要这些东西。那些,我们第二条方法指的就是,如果突如其来的想法想要购买一个东 西的时候,尤其是一些价格昂贵的奢侈品,首先需要 check 一下你的购物清单,如果不在 购物单上,那么就放弃这个想法。这样可以避免掉不必要的消费。 Keywords No. 3——Get a get-together at home 在家举办聚餐 对于一些经常喜欢周末出去聚会的人们来说,在家举办聚餐是一个很实惠的省钱方法。例 如,西方人经常会举办 potluck party, 这个类型的聚会指的是每人带一菜去参加 party。 这样的聚会一方面很热闹也很有乐趣,其实最大的好处就是将成本分摊到了每位成员的身 上,非常经济实惠。 Keywords No. 4——Choose public transportation 选择公共交通出行 Vocabulary: Economize 节约,节省 选择公共交通不仅可以环保,更实际的好处其实是可以节约交通开支(economize the cost on transportation)。 Keywords No. 5—— Buy in bulk 批量购买 Vocabulary: Wholesale 批发 Retail 零售 相信逛过山姆会员超市(Sam’s club)的人们肯定会发现,该超市是以批量购买为特色的 超市,貌似批量购买需要一下子支出更多的钱,但是核算到每件商品的单价来看,还是比 较核算的。那么,如果可以找朋友拼单 share the bill 的话,也不失为省钱的一大办法。 Keywords No. 6—— Pay bills on time 按时付账单 Vocabulary: Credit card statement 信用卡对账单 Credit card repayment date 信用卡还款日 Fine for delaying payment /late fee 滞纳金
有些人把信用卡看作是魔鬼,因为他们往往会经不住诱惑而冲动消费,有人甚至因为过渡 的消费,成为了购物狂(shopaholic),从而背上卡债(card debt)成为卡奴(card slaves)。 那么,那些可以理性使用信用卡的人们,还需要注意的是信用卡的还款日,如果超期(exceed the due date)没有还款的话,滞纳金就又是一笔不必要的开支。 Keywords No. 7——Prefer borrowed to buying and old to new 借用或者二手商品 该方法指的是对于一些不常用的东西,能借用就不要买了,例如一些工具,梯子,电钻等 等… 另 一个 例 子 就是 书 ,在 西 方 书是 很 贵的 物 品 ,可 能 随便 薄 薄 的一 本 教科 书 就 是 50dollars 甚至更贵。而大多数学生的态度无非也就是通过考试,考过之后往往不会再碰这 些书了。所以,西方学生相比我们国家的情况就不太一样了,他们往往会在学期开学之前 找到资源购买二手教科书(secondhand textbook),不仅是因为价格便宜,更是因为二手 书可以获得更多的资源,如笔记和习题的练习。所以,信价比(cost performance)非常 的可观。 Keywords No. 8——stick to bookkeeping 坚持记账 如题,记账这个方法是很多人尝试过的,也是一个比较有效的省钱的方式。该方法的瓶颈 在于如果消费的账单过于琐碎,往往会漏记和忘记。但是,随着科技的发展,手机的 app 功能越来越强大,一些实用的软件可以帮助你随手将记账。甚至,在月底的时候给出大数 据,分析出本月消费的构成比例。让你一目了然本月的消费情况,当然那些不必要的消费 也是无可盾形的。所以,通过记账的方式,一方面可以克制不必要的消费,另一方面可以 给出收支比例让你做到理性消费,也不失为一个有效的省钱方式。 基础以上思路的拓展,相信考生们已经有初步的构思,对于如何省钱已经有了许多的想法, 接下来我们挑选以上方法的某一种为例,给出该话题的 sample answer 供各位考生们参考: Sample answer: If I have to say a few words on a method that helps me save money, I’d like to bring up a method called “daily wage principle “. Someone once said, “a penny saved is a penny earned”. So to some extend, saving money sounds even more important to earning money. As for what this method is, actually it tells people to wait instead of having impulse shopping. You know, people sometimes, especially women, can really not refuse the temptations from the goods in shopping malls. For example, when someone went window-shopping and suddenly incurably addicted in a nice outfit. At this time, the method tells people to use the price of the outfit to divide the number of wage he or she can earn per day, then people should wait for certain days before finally making decision of whether they really need the outfits. Actually, I got to know this method from someone’s blog few years ago, which listed