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2019 年湖北武汉科技大学写作与翻译考研真题及答案 Part One Translation (75 points) I. Translate the following into Chinese. (40 points, 8 points for each item) 1.I chanced to rise very early one particular morning this summer, and took a walk into the country to divert myself among the fields and meadows, while the green was new and the flowers in their bloom. 2.The autumn leaves blew over the moonlit pavement in such a way as to make the girl who was moving there seem fixed to a sliding walk, letting the motion of the wind and the leaves carry her forward. 3.I never saw in my life a man more intent on being agreeable than Mr. Elton. It is downright labour to him where ladies are concerned. With men he can be rational and unaffected, but when he has ladies to please every feature works. 4.If I had stayed in business, I might be a comparatively wealthy man today, but I do not believe I would have made a success of living. I would have given up all those intangible, those inner satisfactions that money can never buy, and that are too often sacrificed where a man’s primary goal is financial success. 5.I have visited many countries, and have been in cities without number, yet never did I enter a town which could not produce ten or twelve of those little great men; all fancying themselves known to the rest of the world, and complimenting each other upon their extensive reputation. II. Translate the following into English. (35 points, 7 points for each item) 1.他虽然经验不足,但很有进取心和创造力,而这正是在这一领域获得成功的关键。 2.三人行,必有我师焉。择其善者而从之,其不善者而改之。 3.台湾回归祖国,完成统一大业,是我们这一代人光荣的历史使命。中国的统一和富强,不 仅是祖国大陆各族人民的根本利益所在,同样也是台湾各族同胞的根本利益所在,而且有利 于远东和世界和平。 4.我想画的最高境界不是可以读得懂的。一说到读,便牵涉到文章词句,便要透过思想的程 序,而画的美妙处在于透过视觉而直接诉诸人的心灵。 5.人生在世,无论做什么,无论生活的浪涛把我们抛向哪一边,其实都有我们的风景与可为 之处。别忘了,上苍随时都在为我们准备着另一扇门。 Part Two Writing (75 points) I. Write an email on the basis of the following information. (25 points) Xiao Chen, one of your closest friends, is going to graduate from university soon. She is wondering whether she should go to find a job or further her studies with a postgraduate program. Please write her an email and give your own advice. You should write at least 150 words. Do NOT write your address and your real name. II. Write an essay on the basis of the following information. (50 points) In some parts of the world, it is becoming popular to research the history of one’ s own family. Why might people want to do this? Is it a positive or negative
development? Please give your own opinions. You should write at least 300 words. For the above two writing tasks, grading will be based on content, organization, language and appropriateness. Failure to follow the above instructions may result in a loss of marks. Write your compositions on the ANSWER SHEET The End 答案 Part One Translation (75 points) I. Translate the following into Chinese. (40 points, 8 points for each item) 1. 今年夏天的一个清晨,我偶然起了个大早,信步走向乡间,期望在田间和草丛之间寻求 一份惬意。其时,绿草茵茵,百花吐艳。 2. 秋风吹落叶,卷过月光流照的人行道。袅袅婷婷的一位姑娘仿佛并未移步,而是乘风履 叶,若飞若扬。 3. 我还从没见过一个比埃尔顿先生更想讨人喜欢的人。对女人,他毫不掩饰地一味讨好。 在男人面前,他头脑倒还清醒,也不装腔作势,可是一见了女人,整副面孔不知有多么做作。 4. 假如我当初坚持做生意的话,今天也许会是一个相对富有的人,但我觉得我的人生不会 是成功的。我可能就抛弃了那一切无形的东西,那种金钱永远买不来的心灵的满足。一个人 把获取金钱视为主要目标,往往就会牺牲掉这种心灵的满足。 5. 我造访过许多国家,到过无数城市。然而在我踏入的城市中,没有一处不能招出十余名 诸如此类的小小大人物,个个自以为已名扬四海,互相恭维对方的鼎鼎大名。 II. Translate the following into English. (35 points, 7 points for each item) 1. Though inexperienced, he is highly motivated and creative, which is exactly the key to success in this field. 2. Even walking in a party of no more than three I can always be certain of learning from those I am with. There will be good qualities that I can select for imitation and bad ones that will teach me what requires correction in myself. 3. The return of Taiwan to the embrace of the Motherland and the accomplishment of national reunification is the great and glorious historical mission of us this generation. The reunification of China and her prosperity and power not only represent the vital interests of the people of different nationalities on the mainland and those of the compatriots of the various nationalities in Taiwan, but also favour the peace in the Far East and the world. 4. To my mind, the best of paintings is not to be read so as to be understood. Reading entails words and texts. It is possible only through the processes of thinking, while what is beautiful and unique about a painting appeals, by way of visualization, direct to the heart. 5. Whatever we do in our lifetime, wherever life’s storm tosses us, there must be something we can achieve, some shore we can land, that opens up new vistas to us. Don’t forget God always keeps an alternative door open for everyone.
Translation Scoring Guidelines 7-8: EXCELLENT TRANSLATION The translation faithfully reflects the original text with only 1 or 2 minor errors in vocabulary, syntax, punctuation or spelling. The translation is elegant (appropriate choice of words, a variety in sentence patterns). 5-6: GOOD TRANSLATION WITH FEW INACCURACIES The translation reflects almost the original text with relatively few significant errors of vocabulary, syntax, spelling or punctuation. The translation is readable (generally clear, smooth and cohesive). 3-4: PASSABLE TRANSLATION WITH SOME INACCURACIES The translation adequately reflects most of the original text with occasional errors of vocabulary, syntax, spelling or punctuation. The translation is, for the most part, readable. 1-2: INADEQUATE TRANSLATION WITH FREQUENT INACCURACIES The translation only reflects a small part of the original text with frequent errors of vocabulary, syntax, spelling or punctuation. The translation is, in some parts, unreadable. Part Two Writing (75 points) I. Write a letter on the following topic (25 points). (Omitted) II. Write an essay on the following topic (50 points). (Omitted) Writing Scoring Guidelines 46-50: EFFECTIVE COMMUNICATION WITH ACCURACIES The writing effectively addresses the writing task. It demonstrates a well developed logical organizational structure with clearly stated main ideas and sufficient supporting details. It has almost no errors of vocabulary, spelling, punctuation or syntax, and it displays an adequate ability to use the language with appropriacy. 36-45: GOOD COMMUNICATION WITH FEW INACCURACIES The writing adequately addresses almost all of the writing task, though it deals with some parts more effectively than others. It demonstrates a generally well developed logical organizational structure with main ideas and supporting details. It has relatively few significant errors of vocabulary, spelling, punctuation or syntax, and it displays an ability to use the language with appropriacy. 26-35: PASSABLE COMMUNICATION WITH SOME INACCURACIES The writing adequately addresses most of the writing task. On the whole, it demonstrates an adequately developed organizational structure, though there may occasionally be a lack of relevance, clarity, consistency or support. It has occasional errors of vocabulary, spelling, punctuation or syntax, which may, from time to time, obscure meaning, and for the most part it displays some ability to use the language with appropriacy. 16-25: The writing only addresses some of the writing task. It demonstrates an inadequate organizational structure, and there may quite often be a lack of relevance, clarity, consistency or support. It has frequent errors of vocabulary, spelling, punctuation or syntax, and it displays a limited ability to use the language with appropriacy. PROBLEMATIC COMMUNICATION WITH FREQUENT INACCURACIES