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1GP APDU 指令参考(GlobalPlatform 第九章)
1.1State Returned
2.2State Returned
3.2State Returned
1 GP APDU 指令参考(GlobalPlatform 第九章) 1.1 State Returned meaning Logical Channel already closed Card Life Cycle State is CARD_LOCKED More data available No specific diagnosis Memory failure Wrong length in Lc Logical channel not supported or is not active sw2 00 83 10 00 81 00 81 82 Secure messaging not supported 82 Security status not satisfied 85 Conditions of use not satisfied Sw1 62 62 63 64 65 67 68 68 69 69 6A 80 6A 81 Function not supported e.g. card Life Cycle State is CARD_LOCKED 6A 82 Selected Application / file not found 6A 84 Not enough memory space 6A 86 6A 88 Referenced data not found 6D 00 6E 00 94 Incorrect values in command data Incorrect P1 P2 Invalid instruction Invalid class 84 Algorithm not supported 1.2 基本指令 CLA INF command (80\84) E4 Delete command (00\80\84) CA GET DATA Command (80\84)F2 GET STATUS Command (80\84)E6 INSTALL Command (80\84)E8 LOAD Command MANAGE CHANNEL Command 00 70 (80\84)D8 PUT KEY Command SELECT Command 00 A4 (80\84)F0 SET STATUS Command STORE DATA Command (80\84)E2 (9.2) (9.3) (9.4) (9.5) (9.6) (9.7) (9.8) (9.9) (9.10) (9.11)
2 PBOC 指令参考(中国金融集成电路 1、2) 2.1 基本指令 command CLA INF APPLICATION BLOCK 84 1E APPLICATION UNBLOCK 84 18 CARD BLOCK 84 16 EXTERNAL AUTHENTICATION 00 82 GET CHALLENGE 00 84 GET RESPONSE 00 C0 INTERNAL AUTHENTICATION 00 88 PIN UNBLOCK 84 24 READ BINARY READ RECORD SELECT (00\04)B0 (00\04)B2 00 A4 UPDATE BINARY (00\04)D6 UPDATE RECORD (00\04)DC VERIFY 00 20 说明 使当前选择的应用失效(6.2.3) 用于恢复当前应用(6.2.4) 使卡中所有应用永久失效(6.2.5) 要求 IC 卡中的应用验证密码(6.2.6) 请求一个用于安全相关过程的随机 数(6.2.7) 提供了一种从卡片向接口设备传送 APDU 的传输方法 (6.2.8) 提供了利用接口设备发来的随机数和自 身存储的相关密钥进行数据认证的功能 (6.2.9) 为发卡方提供了解锁个人密码的功能 (6.2.10) 用于读取二进制文件的内容(6.2.11) 用于读取记录文件的内容(6.2.12) 通过文件名或 AID 来选择 IC 卡中的 PSE、DDF 或 ADF(6.2.13) 报文使用命令 APDU 中给定的数据修改 EF 文件中已有的数据(6.2.14) 报文用命令 APDU 中给定的数据更改指 定的记录(6.2.15) 用于校验命令数据域中的个人密码的正 确性(6.2.16) (1) (5.2.4) 80 5E 01 00 80 52 00 00 CHANGE PIN(修改个人密码) CREDIT FOR LOAD(圈存) DEBIT FOR PURCHASE/CASH WITHDRAW(消费/取现) 80 54 01 00 DEBIT FOR UNLOAD(圈提) 80 54 03 00 GET BALANCE(读余额) 80 5C 00 0x GET TRANSACTION PROVE(取交易认证) 80 5A 00 xx INITIALIZE FOR CASH WITHDRAW(取现初始化) 80 50 02 01 INITIALIZE FOR LOAD(圈存初始化) 80 50 00 0x INITIALIZE FOR PURCHASE(消费初始化) 80 50 01 0x 80 50 05 01 INITIALIZE FOR UNLOAD(圈提初始化) INITIALIZE FOR UPDATE(修改初始化) 80 50 04 01 RELOAD PIN(重装个人密码) 80 5E 00 00 UPDATE OVERDRAW LIMIT(修改透支限额) 80 58 00 00 (5.2.2) (5.2.3) (5.2.5) (5.2.6) (5.2.7) (5.2.8) (5.2.9) (5.2.10) (5.2.11) (5.2.12) (5.2.13) (5.2.14)
2.2 State Returned (2) 性质 警告 警告 警告 警告 错误 错误 错误 错误 Sw1 sw2 meaning 61 xx 正常处理 00 无信息提供 62 81 回送数据可能出错 62 62 82 文件长度
3 7816 指令参考(7816-4) 3.1 基本指令 command CLA INF 说明 00 B0 00 D0 00 D6 00 0E 00 B2 00 D2 00 E2 00 DC 00 CA 00 DA 00 A4 00 20 READ BINARY WRITE BINARY command UPDATE BINARY command ERASE BINARY command READ RECORD(S) command WRITE RECORD command APPEND RECORD UPDATE RECORD command GET DATA command PUT DATA command SELECT FILE command VERIFY command INTERNAL AUTHENTICATE command 00 88 EXTERNAL AUTHENTICATE command 00 B2 GET CHALLENGE command MANAGE CHANNEL command 00 B4 00 70 (6.1) (6.2) (6.3) (6.4) (6.5) (6.6) (6.7) (6.8) (6.9) (6.10) (6.11) (6.12) (6.13) (6.14) (6.15) (6.16) 3.2 State Returned meaning 00 No information is given 81 Part of returned data may be corrupted 82 End of file reached befeore reading Le bytes Sw1 sw2 62 62 62 62 83 Selected file invalidated 62 84 FCI not formatted according to 5.1.5 62 CX Counter (successful writing, but after using an internal retry routine. 'X'!='0' indicates the number of retries: 'X'='0' means that no counter is provided) 63 00 No information given (verification failed) 63 CX Counter (successful storing, but after using an internal retry routine, 'X'!='0' indicates the number of retries. 'X'='0' means that no counter is provided 65 81 Memory failure (unsuccessful writing) 67 00 Wrong length (wrong Le field) 69 81 Command incompatible with file structure
69 82 Security status not satisfied 69 83 Authentication method blocked 69 84 Referenced data invalidated 69 85 Conditions of use not satisfied 69 86 Command not allowed (no current EF) 6A 80 Incorrect parameters in the data field 6A 81 Function not supported 6A 82 File not found 6A 83 Record not found 6A 84 Not enough memory space in the file 6A 85 Lc inconsistent with TLV structure 6A 86 Incorrect parameters P1-P2 6a 87 Lc inconsistent with P1-P2 6A 88 Referenced data (data objects) not found 6B 00 Wrong parameters (offset outside the EF) 6C XX Wrong length (wrong Le field: 'XX' indicates the exact length)