
ucos官方移植手册 an-1018.pdf

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1.00 Introduction
2.00 The ARM Cortex-M3 programmer’s model
3.00 µC/OS-II Port for the ARM Cortex-M3 processors
3.01 Directories and Files
3.02 OS_CPU.H
3.02.01 OS_CPU.H, macros for ‘externals’
3.02.02 OS_CPU.H, Data Types
3.02.03 OS_CPU.H, Critical Sections
3.02.04 OS_CPU.H, Stack growth
3.02.05 OS_CPU.H, Task Level Context Switch
3.02.06 OS_CPU.H, Function Prototypes
3.03 OS_CPU_C.C
3.03.01 OS_CPU_C.C, OSInitHookBegin()
3.03.02 OS_CPU_C.C, OSTaskCreateHook()
3.03.03 OS_CPU_C.C, OSTaskStkInit()
3.03.04 OS_CPU_C.C, OSTaskSwHook()
3.03.05 OS_CPU_C.C, OSTimeTickHook()
3.04.01 OS_CPU_A.ASM, OS_CPU_SR_Save()
3.04.02 OS_CPU_A.ASM, OS_CPU_SR_Restore()
3.04.03 OS_CPU_A.ASM, OSStartHighRdy()
3.04.04 OS_CPU_A.ASM, OSCtxSw()
3.04.05 OS_CPU_A.ASM, OSIntCtxSw()
3.04.06 OS_CPU_A.ASM, OSPendSV()
3.05 OS_DBG.C
4.00 Exception Vector Table
4.01 Exception / Interrupt Handling Sequence
4.02 Interrupt Controllers
4.03 Interrupt Service Routines
5.00 Application Code
5.01 APP.C, APP.H and APP_CFG.H
6.00 BSP (Board Support Package)
6.01 BSP (Board Support Package) – LED Management
6.02 BSP (Board Support Package) – Clock Tick
7.00 Conclusion
Micriµm © Copyright 2006, Micriµm All Rights reserved µC/OS-II ARM Cortex-M3 Processors and Application Note AN-1018 www.Micrium.com
µC/OS-II for the ARM Cortex-M3 Processors 1.00 2.00 3.00 3.01 3.02 3.02.01 3.02.02 3.02.03 3.02.04 3.02.05 3.02.06 3.03 3.03.01 3.03.02 3.03.03 3.03.04 3.03.05 3.04 3.04.01 3.04.02 3.04.03 3.04.04 3.04.05 3.04.06 3.05 4.00 4.01 4.02 4.03 5.00 5.01 5.02 Table of Contents Introduction ..................................................................................... 4 The ARM Cortex-M3 programmer’s model ..................................... 6 µC/OS-II Port for the ARM Cortex-M3 processors ........................ 9 Directories and Files ..................................................................... 10 OS_CPU.H.................................................................................... 11 OS_CPU.H, macros for ‘externals’................................................ 11 OS_CPU.H, Data Types ............................................................... 11 OS_CPU.H, Critical Sections ........................................................ 12 OS_CPU.H, Stack growth ............................................................. 12 OS_CPU.H, Task Level Context Switch........................................ 13 OS_CPU.H, Function Prototypes.................................................. 13 OS_CPU_C.C ............................................................................... 14 OS_CPU_C.C, OSInitHookBegin() ............................................... 14 OS_CPU_C.C, OSTaskCreateHook()........................................... 15 OS_CPU_C.C, OSTaskStkInit().................................................... 16 OS_CPU_C.C, OSTaskSwHook()................................................. 18 OS_CPU_C.C, OSTimeTickHook()............................................... 18 OS_CPU_A.ASM .......................................................................... 19 OS_CPU_A.ASM, OS_CPU_SR_Save() ...................................... 19 OS_CPU_A.ASM, OS_CPU_SR_Restore().................................. 19 OS_CPU_A.ASM, OSStartHighRdy() ........................................... 20 OS_CPU_A.ASM, OSCtxSw() ...................................................... 21 OS_CPU_A.ASM, OSIntCtxSw() .................................................. 22 OS_CPU_A.ASM, OSPendSV().................................................... 22 OS_DBG.C ................................................................................... 26 Exception Vector Table ................................................................. 27 Exception / Interrupt Handling Sequence...................................... 28 Interrupt Controllers ...................................................................... 28 Interrupt Service Routines............................................................. 28 Application Code ........................................................................... 29 APP.C, APP.H and APP_CFG.H .................................................. 30 INCLUDES.H ................................................................................ 33 2
6.00 6.01 6.02 7.00 µC/OS-II for ARM Cortex-M3 Processors BSP (Board Support Package)...................................................... 34 BSP (Board Support Package) – LED Management..................... 34 BSP (Board Support Package) – Clock Tick ................................. 35 Conclusion .................................................................................... 36 Licensing....................................................................................... 37 References.................................................................................... 37 Contacts........................................................................................ 37 Notes............................................................................................. 38 3
µC/OS-II for the ARM Cortex-M3 Processors Introduction 1.00 ARM has been working on a new architecture called the Cortex for a number of years. During development, µC/OS-II was used to validate some of the design aspects and was used as a source of ideas to create new capabilities to support RTOSs. In other words, µC/OS-II was the first RTOS ported to the Cortex. This application note describes the ‘official’ Micrium port for µC/OS-II on the Cortex-M3 processor. Figure 1-1 shows a block diagram showing the relationship between your application, µC/OS-II, the port code and the BSP (Board Support Package). Relevant sections of this application note are referenced on the figure. 4
µC/OS-II for ARM Cortex-M3 Processors Your Application APP.C APP_VECT.C APP_CFG.H INCLUDES.H OS_CFG.H Section 5 µC/OS-II Book µC/OS-II OS_CORE.C OS_FLAG.C OS_MBOX.C OS_MEM.C OS_MUTEX.C OS_Q.C OS_SEM.C OS_TASK.C OS_TIME.C OS_TMR.C uCOS_II.H Section 3 µC/OS-II Cortex M3 Port OS_CPU_C.C OS_CPU_A.ASM OS_CPU.H OS DBG.C BSP BSP.C BSP.H Section 6 Section 2 ARM Cortex-M3 / Target Board Figure 1-1, Relationship between modules. 5
µC/OS-II for the ARM Cortex-M3 Processors The ARM Cortex-M3 programmer’s model 2.00 The visible registers in an ARM Cortex-M3 processor are shown in Figure 2-1. The ARM Cortex-M3 has a total of 20 registers. Each register is 32 bits wide. R0 through R12 are general purpose registers that can be used to hold data as well as pointers. Is generally designated as the stack pointer (also called the SP) but could be the recipient of arithmetic operations. There are actually two stack pointers (SP_process and SP_main) but only one is visible at any given time. SP_process is used for task level code and SP_main is used for exception processing. Is called the Link Register (LR) and is used to store the contents of the PC when a Branch and Link (BL) instruction is executed. The LR allows you to return to the caller. Is dedicated to be used as the Program Counter (PC) and points to the current instruction being executed. As instructions are executed, the PC is incremented by either 2 or 4 depending on the instruction. R0-R12 R13 R14 R15 6
xPSR µC/OS-II for ARM Cortex-M3 Processors R0 R1 R2 R3 R4 R5 R6 R7 R8 R9 R10 R11 R12 R13 (SP_process) R13 (SP_main) R14 R15 APSR IPSR EPSR Figure 2-1, ARM Cortex-M3 Register Model. There are three separate registers to hold the sate of the CPU: APSR, IPSR and EPSR. The APSR contains application status such as shown in Figure 2-2. Figure 2-2, The APSR Register. 7
µC/OS-II for the ARM Cortex-M3 Processors N Bit 31 is the ‘negative’ bit and is set when the last ALU operation produced a negative result (i.e. the top bit of a 32-bit result was a one). Z Bit 30 is the ‘zero’ bit and is set when the last ALU operation produced a zero result (every bit of the 32-bit result was zero). C Bit 29 is the ‘carry’ bit and is set when the last ALU operation generated a carry-out, either as a result of an arithmetic operation in the ALU or from the shifter. V Bit 28 is the ‘overflow’ bit and is set when the last arithmetic ALU operation generated an overflow into the sign bit. Q Bit 27 is the sticky saturation flag. The Interrupt PSR (IPSR) contains the ISR number of the current exception activation and is shown in Figure 2-3. Figure 2-3, The IPSR Register. The Execution PSR (EPSR) contains two overlapping fields: • the Interruptible-Continuable Instruction (ICI) field for interrupted load multiple and store multiple instructions • the execution state field for the If-Then (IT) instruction, and the T-bit (Thumb state bit). Figure 2-4, The EPSR Register. On entering an exception, the processor saves the combined information from the three status registers (referred to as xPSR) onto the stack. 8