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2019 年福建闽南师范大学写作翻译及中外美术史考研真题 写作翻译 I. Translation: translate the following passage into Chinese (40 points) The two most commonly used types of language tests are Achievement and Proficiency tests. Achievement tests are based on a particular language syllabus, part of a syllabus, or chapters in a textbook that learners are known to have studied. They are tests of how well learners what they have been taught. The Chinese College Entrance Examination taken by students leaving Senior High School and Mid-term tests for University English Majors are examples of large-scale and small-scale achievement tests, respectively. The former is based on the Senior High School English Syllabus while the latter may be based on just a few chapters from a textbook. Proficiency tests do not claim to be based on any particular Syllabus or textbook. They aim to show the overall level of a learner’s language ability at a given moment. They are often given to see whether or not a learner's language ability is sufficient to be able to perform a particular task, or work in a specific role, using the L2. Examples of such test are the Chinese English Proficiency Test (EPT), the American Test of English as a Foreign Language (TOEFL) and the British International English Language Testing Service (IELTS) test, all of which, although different, aim to show whether a learner has sufficient ability in English to be able to study successfully in an English speaking country. II. Translation: translate the following passage into English (35 points) 语言不仅是社会交际和求知的重要工具、体现和保持文化特性的基本手段,而 且是国家核心竞争力和软实力的一种文化资本和战略资源,在综合国力中占有一席之 地。任何语言优势的获得和发展都依赖于推动语言教育的政策纲领性文件的指导。语言的发 展依靠教育,语言的可传性特质决定语言政策在其本质上是语言教育政策。一个国家的语言 教育政策,与经济发展、社会稳定和国家安全息息相关,关涉语言教育服务于国家经济发展 和社会安全稳定的重要措施。因此,语言教育政策成为维护、强化国家核心竞争力和软实力 的重要手段,其制定与实施成为国家发展战略基本组成部分。 III. Discuss and illustrate the following topic in terms of theories of second language Acquisition. Give examples if necessary. (No less than 300 words, 40 points) On the role of learning environment
IV. Write a composition about the following topic with writing skills of exposition or argumentation. (No less than 250 words, 35 points) On the Cultural Transmission of Language 中外美术史 一、名词解释(每题 6 分,共计 30 分) 1、瘦金体 2、古典主义 3、哥特式 4、甲骨文 5、清代四王 二、简答题(每题 12 分,共计 60 分) 1、请列举新古典主义代表画家及作品。 2、请列举宋代山水画家及作品。
3、请分析野兽主义绘画风格并列举代表画家及作品。 4、请列举青铜器的分类及代表器物。 5、徐悲鸿的绘画观念及代表作品。 三、论述题(每题 20 分,共计 60 分) 1、山水画家李可染在谈到传统与创新的时候曾说:“用最大的力气打进去,再用最大的勇气 打出来。”请分析这句话的意涵。 2、谈谈现实主义绘画的代表画家及作品,并结合现实主义理念分析其对中国油画的影响。 (结合画家与作品分析) 3、扬州八怪的绘画风格、代表画家及作品,并谈谈扬州画派的创新意义。