
intel opencl sdk安装手册.docx

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Hi, Please note below PC/Laptop installation requirement and verification:  PC/Laptop installation environment for the Workshop a. b. c. PC requirement: 64bit CPU, >4GB DDR, Windows 7; Is any Altera board needed? No, this workshop only needs PC. Board (Atlas-SoC kit) is for demo purpose; About install PC environment 1. Obtain Licenses for Quartus and Altera SDK for OpenCL, set LM_LICENSE_FILE environment variable to the license. 2. (including Stratix V and Cyclone V device families) Install the Quartus II software v. 16.0 subscription edition  Please install at c:\altera\16.0 (for run script later, otherwise you need modify the .bat in the test project) Install the Visual C++ 2010 Professional version of Microsoft Visual 3. Download and install the Altera SDK for OpenCL version 16.0 4. Studio with support for C++ from https://my.visualstudio.com/Downloads?q=visual studio 2010&pgroup= .   Register an account first, and download the “[Trail] Visual Studio 2010 Professional (released date:8/26/2010)” Please note the trail version will only be available for 30 days. Make sure you have enough time for the workshop  About verify the PC environment, please refer to attached “TestOpenCL_Q15.0.zip” 1. Unzip into a directory 2. 3. In a windows command prompt, navigate to the directory Type setoclenv.bat a. This sets the environment for the board 4. Type aoc –-board s5_ref –march=emulator SimpleKernel.cl a. Make sure .aocx file is produced i. Possible Problems: License issues, hld\bin not part of the path 5. 6. 7. 8. Start Visual Studio 2010 and open project “OpenCLExercise_soln.sln” Set Configuration to “AlteraOpenCL” instead of the default Debug Set Platform to x64 instead of the default Win32 Compile the host code by Pressing F7
a. Make sure this is error free. (There will be warnings which is fine) i. Possible Problems: 1. 2. Windows SDK 7.1 not installed properly. (Make sure in the ALTERAOCLSDKROOT not set correctly Configuration Properties Platform Toolset is set to Windows7.1SDK) In the Source Files Folder Open main.cpp and put a breakpoint on the last line 9. which is “return 1” 10. Press F5 to Run a. Make sure you see VERIFICATION PASSED!!! In the output messages. i. Possible Problem 1. hld\windows64\bin not in the path If you have any question regarding OpenCL workshop environment installation, please contact local FAE or send email to me. We will be happy to help you out.