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2020 年山东省中国海洋大学英语翻译基础考研真题 1. Directions: Translate the following words, abbreviations or terminology into their target language respectively. There are together 30 items in this part ofthe test, 15 in English and 15 in Chinese, with one point for each.(30 points) 1.diplomatic corps 2. civil affairs 3.supply-side structural reform 4. prudent monetary policy 5. exchange rate 6.emerging industries 7.the replacement of old growth drivers 8.State Council 9.natural gene pool 10.trade flow 11.listed companies 12.multilateralism 13.European Commission 14.ASEAN 15.stocks of bilateral investment 16.自贸试验区 17.义务教育 18.开展扫黑除恶专项斗争 19.全面从严治党 20.小微企业 21.小康社会 22.深度贫苦地区 23.反腐败斗争 24.违法违规行为 25.“一带一路” 26.21 世纪海上丝绸之路 27.实体经济 28.命运共同体 29.新亚欧大陆桥 30.中巴经济走廊
I. Directions: Translate the following two source texts into their target language respectively. Ifthe source text is in English, its target language is Chinese. If the source text is in Chinese, its targer language is English.(120 points) Source Text 1: It amazes me every time I encounter superstitions or old wives'tales that get in the way of good things happening, even though I grew up with them. It has taken me a long time to realize that I was afraid to embrace my dreams for fear of warding them off my confidence. When I was growing up, we avoided speaking about what we longed for out of fear that focusing on it too much would "jinx"it. It was a complicated and very insidious way of dealing with life. You never spoke about what you wanted most. You erected great, elaborate defenses around your wishes and desires in order to stave off disappointment if they failed to materialize. I sometimes wondered why certain desired outcomes didn't happen even when I followed this course of avoidance(which was most of the time), but I never really challenged my outlook. I now maintain that I compromised both my success and my happiness by negating that which I both knew I wanted and would make me happy. How can you attract something to yourself if you affect indifference and deny our wishes? This mindset comes from the western ethic of humbling yourself and being satisfied with what life provides you. Asking for what you want is considered arrogant, or overreaching. Remember what happened to Icarus, who flew too close to the sun, was punished by having the wax melt off his wings, and plunged to his death. But there is another part of the Western tradition that honors directness of purpose."Ask and you shall receive"is the part that rings true to me. What you want may not arrive in precisely the shape or form that you imagined, but it will surely fulfill your requirements. You only need to expect it to arrive at all, and affirm your intention to have it. With so much power at your disposal, why not use it?(322 words) Source Text 2: 青岛之美不在山而在水。汇泉的海滩宽广而水浅,坡度缓,作为浴场据说是东亚第一。每当 夏季,游客蜂涌而至,一个个一双双的玉体横陈,在阳光下干晒,晒得两面焦,扑通一声下 水,冲凉了再晒。其中有佳丽,也有老丑。玩得最尽兴的莫过于夫妻俩携带着小儿女阖第光 临。小孩子携带着小铲子小耙子小水桶,在沙滩上玩沙土,好像没个够。
汇泉在冬天是被遗弃的,却也别有风致。在一个隆冬里,我有一回偕友在汇泉闲步,在 沙滩上走着走着累了,便倒在沙上晒太阳,和风吹着我们的脸。整个沙滩属于我们,没有旁 人,最后来了一个老人向我们兜售他举着的冰糖葫芦。我们在近处一家餐厅用膳,还喝了两 杯啤酒。尽一日欢,永不能忘。我在青岛居住四年,往事如烟。(298 字)