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2022-2023 年江西九江市修水县六年级上册期末英语试卷及 答案(人教 PEP 版) 说明:教师可根据学生答题情况、练习难易程度和班级学情酌情对学生进行等级评定。 听力部分(40 分) 一、听录音,选择你所听到的选项。每小题读两遍。(5 分) ( ( ( ( ( )1.A.subway B.straight C.street )2.A.sad B.bad C.sled )3.A.singing B.swimming C.dancing )4.A.postman B.businessman C.fisherman )5.A.angry B.worry C.hungry 二、听录音,标序号。每小题读两遍。(5 分) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) 三、听对话,选答语。每小题读两遍。(10 分) ( ( ( )1.A.On foot. B.By bike. C.By bus. )2.A.A police officer. B.A coach. C.A fisherman. )3.A.Doing kung fu. B.Reading stories. C.Writing an email. ( )4.A.Behind the cinema. B.Near the cinema. C.In front of the cinema. ( )5.A.I’m so worried. B.He feels better. C.She’s sick. 四、听录音,根据录音内容判断正误,正确的写“T”,错误的写“F”。每小题读两遍。(10 分) ( ( ( ( )1.Sarah should see a doctor in the morning. )2.Mike’s mother works near the sea. )3.Jack is going to the bookstore to buy a new comic book. )4.Wu Binbin is writing an email to his new pen pal in Australia.
( )5.We are going to Beijing next Tuesday. 五、听短文录音,选择正确答案。短文读三遍。(10 分) ( )1.Where is John from? A.USA. B.Australia. C.Canada. ( )2.What does John do? A.A businessman. B.A fisherman. C.A head teacher. ( )3.What’s John like? A.Tall and strong. B.Short and thin. C.Old and funny. ( )4.Does John often go to work by taxi every day? A.No, he doesn’t. B.yes, he does. C.Yes, he is. ( )5.What’s John going to do on Saturday evening? A.Dance. B.See a film. C.Do kung fu. 笔试部分(60 分) 语音。 1. 读一读,下列词汇画线部分标出的字母发音朗读时失去了,是(T)否(F)正确:next day can’t go count to ( ) 2. 判断下列单词画线部分为重读音节是(T)否(F)完全正确:together hospital tonight ( ) 3. 读一读,判断句子“ ”用“︶”标出的连读现象是(T)否(F)正确: ( ) 【答案】1. F 2. F 3. T 【解析】 【1 题详解】 所给单词画线部分的发音均为[t],故答案为 F。 【2 题详解】 所给三个单词的音标分别为/təˈɡeðə(r)/,/ˈhɒspɪtl/,/təˈnaɪt/,together 重读音节标的 错误,正确的是 together,故答案为 F。 【3 题详解】 Stop at a red light.在红灯处停。stop 和 at 连读,at 和 a 连读,故答案为 T。
单项选择。 4. 读一读,选出句子“He lives on a farm.”中重读的单词 ( ) B. on; a C. lives; farm A. He 【答案】C 【解析】 【详解】本题考查重读。句子中名词,动词,形容词和副词等需要重读,该句中 lives 和 farm 需要重读,故选 C。 5. “How can I get to the restaurant?”正常情况下朗读时的语调为 ( ) A. 升调 【答案】B 【解析】 B. 降调 【详解】本题考查句子语调。How can I get to the restaurant?我怎么去餐馆?句子是特 殊疑问句,用降调,故选 B。 读一读,根据句子意思选择正确的单词填空。 6. —How does cold weather make John feel? —It makes John feel (worry; worried). 【答案】 【解析】 【详解】句意:—寒冷的天气让约翰感觉怎么样?—这让约翰感到担心。本题考查形容词的 用法。worry 担心,动词;worried 担心的,形容词。feel 在这里是系动词,后面跟形容词 做表语,故答案为 。 7. My cousin Jack is going to (visit / will visit) me next week. 【答案】 【解析】 【详解】句意:我的堂弟杰克下周将要看我。本题考查时态辨析和动词的形式。next week 下周,是一般将来时的标志词,一般将来时的结构为:be going to/will+动词原形,故答
案为 。 8. John lives in Australia, but he (study / studies) Chinese. 【答案】 【解析】 【详解】句意:约翰住在澳大利亚,但他学习汉语。本题考查动词的形式。study 是动词原 形,studies 是动词的第三人称单数,主语 he 是第三人称单数,后面的动词用第三人称单 数形式,故答案为 。 9. I usually go to school on (foot, feet), sometimes by bike. 【答案】 【解析】 【详解】句意:我通常步行去上学,有时骑自行车。本题考查介词固定搭配,on foot 步行, 故答案为 。 10. My uncle works at sea. He sees lots of fish every day. He’s a (fish / fisherman). 【答案】 【解析】 【详解】句意:我叔叔在海上工作。他每天看到很多鱼。他是一名_______。本题考查名词 辨析,fish 鱼,fisherman 渔民,fisherman 符合题意,故答案为 。 单项选择。 11. Amy is very ______. Because her mother buys her a new dress. ( ) A. tired 【答案】B 【解析】 B. happy C. sad 【详解】句意:艾米很______。因为她妈妈给她买了一条连衣裙。本题考查形容词辨析,A 累的,B 高兴的,C 伤心的,选项 B 符合同意,故选 B。
12. My father feels ill. He should ______. ( ) A. read a book B. do homework C. see a doctor 【答案】C 【解析】 【详解】句意:我爸爸感觉生病了。他应该______。本题考查动词短语,A 看书,B 做作业, C 看医生,选项 C 符合题意,故选 C。 13. If you want to buy some food, you can go to the _____. ( ) B. supermarket C. hospital A. cinema 【答案】B 【解析】 【分析】 【详解】句意:假如你想买一些食物,你可以去_____。A 电影院;B 超市;C 医院;根据前 半句可知要去超市,故选 B。 【点睛】 14. —Does Oliver like swimming? ( ) —______ He also likes singing. A. Yes, he does. B. No, he doesn’t. C. Good idea. 【答案】A 【解析】 【详解】句意:—奥利弗喜欢游泳吗?—_______ 他也喜欢唱歌。本题考查一般疑问句的答 语,根据答语后一句可知前面是肯定回答,故选 A。 15. — I’m going to take a trip this weekend. ( ) — A. Thank you. B. Have a good time! C. Not well. 【答案】B 【解析】 【详解】略 按要求改写句子。 16. I, can, the, cinema, get, to, how (?)
【答案】 【解析】 【详解】本题考查句子结构。I 我,can 能,get to the cinema 去电影院,how 怎样,根据 所给问号,可知句子是疑问句,根据词义连成句子:我怎么去电影院?故答案为 。 17. go, at, don’t, light, red, the (.) 【答案】 【解析】 【详解】本题考查句子结构。go 去,at the red light 在红灯处,don’t 不要,根据所给 句号和单词,可知句子是祈使句,根据词义连成句子:在红灯处不要走。故答案为 。 18. My father feels ill. (就画线部分提问) does your father ? 【答案】 , 【解析】 【详解】原句句意:我爸爸感觉不舒服。本题考查句型转换,画线部分是身体情况,用 how 提问,问句问:你爸爸感觉怎么样?助动词 does 后的动词用原形,故答案为 , 。 19. Peter’s brother is talking. He’s happy. (用 doing his homework 和 tired 改写 句子) 【答案】 【解析】
【详解】原句句意:彼得的哥哥/弟弟在交谈。他很高兴。本题考查句型转换。doing his homework 做作业,tired 累的,改写句子为:彼得的哥哥/弟弟在做作业。他很累。故答案 为 。 20. What are you going to be? (根据实际情况回答问题) 【答案】 【解析】 【详解】句意:你打算做什么工作?本题考查特殊疑问句的答语,题干要求根据实际情况回 答问题,答语可为:我打算成为一名老师。一名老师 a teacher,故答案为 。 补全对话。 (After class, Sam is talking to his classmate Bob about his new pen pal.) Sam: Hi, Bob. Come and see my new pen pal. His name is Steven. He is from Australia. Bob: ___21___ Sam: No, he doesn’t. In Canberra. Bob: ___22___ Sam: Always by bike. His home is near the school. Bob: Wow, that’s good exercise! ___23___ Sam: He likes doing word puzzles and playing basketball. Bob: I like those too.___24___ Sam: Sure. Why not? Achoo, it’s too cold today. Bob: Yes.___25___ Sam: Oh, the bell is ringing. Let’s go back to the classroom. A. How does he go to school? B. What are his hobbies?
C. You should wear warm clothes. D. Can I also be his pen pal? E. Does he live in Sydney? 【答案】21. E 22. A 23. B 24. D 25. C 【解析】 【导语】本文主要讨论了新笔友。 【21 题详解】 下句说:不,他没有。可知这句是 does 引导的一般疑问句,选项 E“他住在悉尼吗?”符 合语境,故选 E。 【22 题详解】 下句说:总是骑自行车。可知这句问交通方式,选项 A“他怎么去上学?”符合语境,故选 A。 【23 题详解】 下句说:他喜欢做字谜游戏和打篮球。可知这句问爱好,选项 B“他的爱好是什么?”符合 语境,故选 B。 【24 题详解】 下句说:当然。可知这句是请求,选项 D“我能成为他的笔友吗?”符合语境,故选 D。 【25 题详解】 结合上文,选项 C“你应该穿暖和的衣服。”符合语境,故选 C。 阅读短文,判断正(T)误(F)。 Hi, I’m Mike. New Year’s Day is coming. Different people have different plans. Lucy’s family are going to take a trip to Australia. Because it is summer there. They can swim in the sea. John is going to visit his grandparents with his mum. They will get together and have a big dinner. As for me, I am going to clean my room and wash my clothes this afternoon. Tomorrow I am going shopping with my mum. So I will welcome New Year’s Day with my family at home. 26. Different people have the same plan. ( ) 27. Lucy is going to take a trip with her family. ( ) 28. John is going to visit her mother. ( ) 29. Mike is going to clean his room and wash his clothes tomorrow. ( )