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2008 年江西财经大学英语语言文学专业理论知识考研真题 Part A Linguistics(50%) 1. Explain the following terms(共 20 分,每题 2 分) (1) Synchronic study (2) Diachronic study (3) Semantics (4) Phonology (5) Morphology (6) Antonymy (7) Mode of discourse (8) Locutionary act (9) Illocutionary act( 10)Lexicon 2.Fill in the blanks(共 15 分,每空 1.5 分) (1)Language is_____ in the sense that there is no intrinsic connection between the word pen and the thing we use to write with. (2)family includes many Chinese languages and some Southeast Asia languages. (3)Types of illocutionaryacts are_,directives,____,expressives, (4)Language has at least seven basic functions:___directive,informative,__ and. Performative. (5)__is one that may appear with at least one other morpheme.such"-s''in "dogs", (6)Language is_____in the sense that users can understand and produce sentences they have never heard before. 3.Questions (15 分) Illustrate the differenges between human language and animal communication systems in terms of displacement and cultural transmission. Party B Literature (共 20 分)
I.Read the quoted speech carefully and answer the following questions In English. (10 分) "Do you think I can stay to become nothing to you? So you think I am an automation?ma machine without feelings?And can bear to have my morsel of bread snatched fram my lips,and my drop of living water dashed from my cup?boyou think. because I am poor,obscure,plain,and little.I am soulless and heartless?~You thinwrong!--I have as much soulas you—and full as mchheart!And if God hadgifted 0Van0 考研加油站占 me with some beauty,and much wealth,I shouldhave made it as hard for you to leave me,as it is now for me to leave you.Iam not talking to you now through the mdium of custom,conventionalities,or even of mortal flesh: — — it is m spirit that addresses your spirit; just as if both had passed through the grave,andwe stood at God's feet,equal—as we are!" Quest ions: 1.Identify the author and the title of the novel from which this passage is taken. (4 分) 2.Who is the narrator? (2 分) 3. What does this declaration show? (4 分) IT.Give a brief answer to the following question in English.(1 0 分) What makes Mark Twain one of the giant figuresin worlditerature?Discuss the question from his major works, his language and his style Part C Translation (共 80 分) I. Define the following terms.(共 10 分每题 2 分) (1) translat ion (2) free translation (3) literal translation (4) Foreignization (5)hypotax is II.The following sentences have two versions.Which one is correct?State your reasons in Chinese. (共 10 分。每题 2 分) 1.It IS no use inviting the politician or the professional or businessman who has
been working or worrying about serious things for six days,to work or worry about trifling things at the weekend. VersionA∶对于政治家或职业人士或商人,他们六天来一直工作或为严肃的事情操心,使他 们在周末还为零碎琐事而工作或操劳,这样也是不行的。 Version B∶ 对于政治家、专家和商人,他们六天来一直工作或为严肃的事情操心,使他们 在周末还为零碎琐事而工作或操劳,这样也是不行的。 2. The engine did not stop because the fuel was finished. Version A∶发动机因为 燃料用完而没有停止。 Version B∶ 发动机不是因为燃料用完而停止的。 3. They donot consider thatpurgsdience is moreimportant thanapplied science. Version A∶ 他们并不认为理论科学比应用科学重要。 Version B∶他们认为理论科学并不比应用科学重要。 4.Activemetals,orgnic substances,andother'oxidizablematerialsarealways subject to slow attack by oxygen when exposed tO the ai r. VersionA∶活泼金属、有机物和其他可氧化的物质,当暴露在空气中时,总是氧缓慢进攻的 对象。 Version B∶ 活泼金属、有机物和其他可氧化的物质,当暴露在空气中时,总是容易受到氧 缓慢的侵蚀。 5.1 haven't heard from him since he wasill. Version A∶ 自从他生病以来,我就没有 收到他的来信。 Version B∶自从他病好以来,我就没有收到他的来信。 III Translate the following paragraphs.(共 60 分,每题 20 分) 1.我们党自诞生之日起就勇敢担当起带领中国人民创造幸福生活、实现中华民族伟大复兴的 使命。为了完成这个历史使命,一代又一代中国共产党人前赴后继,无数革命先烈献出了宝 贵生命。当代中国共产党人必须继续承担好这个历史使命。我们党正在带领全国各族人民进 行的改革开放和社会主义现代化,是新中围成立以后我国社会主义建设伟大事业的继承和发 展,是近代以来中国人民争取民族独立、实现国家富强伟大事业的继承和发展。抚今追昔, 我们深感肩负的使命神圣而光荣。展望未来,我们对实现推进现代化建设、完成祖国统一、 维护世界和平与促进共同发展这三大历史任务充满信心。 2.推进文化创新,增强文化发展活力。在时代的高起点上推动文化内容形式、体制机制、传
播手段创新,解放和发展文化生产力,是繁荣文化的必由之路。要坚持为人民服务、为社会 主义服务的方向和百花齐放、百家争鸣的方针,贴近实际、贴近生活、贴近群众,始终把社 会效益放在首位,做到经济效益和社会效益相统一。创作更多反映人民主体地位和现实生活、 群众喜闻乐见的优秀精神文化产品。深化文化体制改革,完善扶持公益性文化事业、发展文 化产业、鼓励文化创新的政策,营造有利于出精品,出人才、出效益的环境。坚持把发展公 益性文化事业作为保障人民基本文化权益的主要途径,加大投入力度,加强社区和乡村文化 设施建设。 3.没有风。淡青色的天幕上停着几朵白云,月亮的笑脸从云罅中探视下界的秘密。黄浦像一 条发光的灰黄带子,很和,很快乐。一条小火轮缓缓地冲破那光滑的水面,威风凛凛地叫了 一声。船面甲板上装着红绿小电灯的灯彩,在那清凉的夜色中和天空的繁星争艳。这是一条 快乐的船。 这里正是高桥沙一带,浦面宽阔;小火轮庄严地朝北驶去,工业的金融的上海市中心渐离渐 远。水电厂的高烟囱是工业上海最后的步喃,一眨眼就过去了。两岸沉睡的田野在月光下像 是罩着一层淡灰色的青烟。