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2013 年浙江高考自选模块试题及答案 题号:01 科目:语文 “中国古代是个散文欣赏”模块(10 分) 阅读下面的诗歌,然后回答问题。 悲落叶 (北朝)萧综 悲落叶,联翩下重叠,重叠落且飞,从横去不归。长枝交荫昔何密,黄鸟关关动相失。夕蕊 杂凝露,朝花翻乱日。乱春日,起春风,春风春日此时同,一霜两霜犹可当。五晨六旦已飒黄, 乍逐惊风举,高下任飘飏。悲落叶,落叶何时还。夙昔共根本,无复一相关。各随 灰土去,高枝难重攀。 1. 简要分析这首诗的语言特点。(5 分) 2. 简要分析这首诗所蕴含的思想感情。(5 分) 题号:02 科目:语文 “中国古代是个散文欣赏”模块(10 分) 阅读下面的诗歌,然后回答问题。 幸存者 高凯 昨夜外面走过去一场暴风雨 一颗大树被拦腰撞倒 清晨 一只小鸟 独自在我的窗外唧唧喳喳说个不停 我一推窗就飞走了 一整天我都想去问那只孤单的小鸟 是不是想找人诉说自己一生的命运 其实 我能想象得出昨夜的情景 一场巨大的暴风雨 突然将一窝小鸟 噼哩叭啦打翻在地 结果只有一只小鸟幸运地活了下来 无枝可依 内心都是人世没有的伤痛
1.这首诗第一句用“走”描写暴风雨,为什么? 2.赏析这首诗的艺术手法。 题号:03 科目:数学 “数学史与不等式选将”模块(10 分) (1) 解不等式丨 x-1 丨+丨 x-4 丨≥5 (2) 求函数 y=丨 x-1 丨+丨 x-4 丨+ 2x -4x 的最小值 题号:04 科目:数学 “矩阵与变换和坐标系与参数方程“模块(10 分) (1)以极坐标 Ox 为 x 轴建立平面直角坐标系 xOy,并在两种坐标系中取相同的长度单位,把 极坐标方程 cos p  2 sin  1  化成直角坐标方程 x  2 cos  (3) 在直角坐标系 xOy 中,曲线 C: (为参数),过点 P(2,1)的 y  sin 直线与曲线交与 A,B 两点,若丨 PA 丨·丨 PB 丨= 题号:05 科目:英语 8 3 ,求丨 AB 丨的值 阅读理解(分两节,共 5 小题;每小题 2 分,共 10 分) 阅读下面短文,并根据短文后的要求答题。 Our cultural backgrounds influence how we make choices in nearly every area of our lives. Form early on, members of individualist societies are taught the importance of choice. As soon as children can talk,or perhaps as soon as they can accurately point,they are asked, “Which one of these would you like?” By the age of four ,he may well be expected to both Understand and respced to the challenging question, “what do you want to be when you grow up?”From this children learn that they should be able to figure out what they like and dislike , what will make them happy and what won`t ① By contrast, members of collectivist societies place greater emphasis on duty .Children are often told, :If you`re a good child , you`ll do what your parents tell you. “ ② As you grow older , instead of being asked what you want , you may
be asked ,”How will you take care of your pareents` needs and wants? How will you make them proud?’’ It is believed that your parents, and olders in general, will show you the right way to live your life so that you will be paotected from a costly mistake. ③ Get a piece of paper and the from write down all the aspects of your life in which you like having choice .On the back , list all the aspects in which you would prefer not to have choice , or to have someone clse choose for you ,Take a few extra minutes to make sure you have`t left anyching out When I had 100 American and Japanese college students do this exercise , the front sides of the American` pages were often completely filled with answers such as “my job” “where I live “ and “who I vote for “In contrast , the backs , without exception, were either completely blank or contained only a single item , most commomly “when I like or “when my loved ones die “ The Japanese a very different pattern of results , with not a single one wishing to have choice all or nearly all of the times ④ Comparing responses between the two ,Americans destred personal choice in four as many domains of life as the Japanese 第一节 根据短文内容。从 A、B、C、D 和 E 中选出最适合填入短文空白处的选项,并将序号及相 应答案写在答题纸上,选项中有一项是多余选项。 A.It is evident from an early age that we absorb different ideas about choice from the world around us B.Let` try are excreise to explore how these different approacties rich have our daily lives C.Because their happiness is on the line ,their own opingions truly matter ,and they figure out how to judge the outcomes of their choices D.In fact , on average they listed twice as many areas in which they did not want choice ad compared to areas in which they did E.From what you eat to what you study ,it is what you`re supposted to do that`s most important 第二节 根据短文所给信息,用一个完整的句子回答下面的问题,并将序号及相应答案写在答题 纸上。 ⑤ According to the passage ,what`s the major difference the USA and Japan in
children`s education? 题号:06 科目:英语 填空(共 10 小题,每小题 1 分,共 10 分) 阅读下面的短文,在标有序号的空白处填入一个适当的词,或填入括号中所给单词的正确形 式,并将序号及相应的答案写在答题纸上。 Last summer my family moved to a new neighborhood. Ramon , a boy li ving right across the street from our new house , came by to ① hello When school started , I was happy that Ramon was in my class. One day Mr Rosen ,our teacher, told us about the big Art and Music Festval coming up at school. He said , “ho wants to be in the show? Raise your hands The class became restless ,About a dozen hands went up .I stared to raise my hand, ② I stopped and put it down .I couldn’say a word .I just sat there while the others Volunteered. “There is a piano in the hall we could use a piano player” said Mr Rosen.Still I said nothing ,And ③ asked me to perform at the festval, for I had never even told that I could play the piano Every day when I went home to learn the sonata in C Major(C 大调奏鸣曲) by Mozart , I told him I had to do my homework .Every day it ④ (sound)better and better and I grew more and more disppointed that I had not volunteered to paly at the festval. One afternoon I was practicing as usual. Suddenly there was a ⑤ at the door.I was in the middle of Mozart’s Sonata, so I kept on playing. My mom opened the door and told me it was Ramon. “What nice ⑥ ”I heard him say. Then he walked into the living room and saw me ⑦ (play)the piano. When I finished, Ramon jumped up and clapped. He ran over to me and gave me a pat on the back. “Matthew,” he said, “that was great! I never even knew you could play the piano! ⑧ were you keeping this a secret?” I didn’t know ⑨ to say. I felt foolish. Ramon had stopped by to borrow my math book because he had left his at school ⑩ mistake. Now he knew I played the piano. The next day in school, Ramon told Mr. Rosen that I was a great pianist. The rest is history.
题号:07 科目:思想政治 “经济学常识”模块(10 分) 2013 年 4 月 ,英国前首相撒切尔夫人去世,引起世界各方人士关注。撒切尔夫人信奉自由 市场原则,在上个世纪七、八十年代担任英国首相期间放松政府管制,促成国有资产私有化,大 幅消减福利开支,打击工会力量。面对凯思斯主义给资本注意国家带来的“滞涨”现象,她一再 表示:政府不能解决问题,政府本身就是问题“撒切尔夫人的经济主张和经济政策对英国乃至整 个西方国家经济的复苏起到了一定的推动作用,斯人已去,却为后人留下了一笔颇富争议的思想 遗产。 结合材料,指出撒切尔夫人的经济主张和经济政策体现的新自由主义经济思想。 题号:08 科目:思想政治 “生活中的法律常识“模块(10 分) 张三在 2007 年 8 月以 40 万元的借个购买了本市阳关小区的一套商品房。因生意资金周转 需要。2008 年 12 月张三委托房产中介出售该商品房。李四对张三的商品房非常满意,并与张三 签订了房屋买卖合同,约定于 2009 年 8 月 16 日之前付清房款 50 万元。张三看到房价快速上涨, 2009 年 8 月 5 日以 80 万元的价格将该商品房卖给王五,双方签订购房合同并到房产登记部门办 理了过户登记手续。李四得知这一情况后,向法院起诉,要求确认张三与王五的买卖行为无效。 根据以上案情回答以下问题。 (1) 李四和王五谁该取得商品房的所有权?为什么?(5 分) (2) 未取得所有权的一方是否有权获得赔偿?为什么?(5 分) 题号:09 科目:历史 “历史上重大改革回眸“,模块(10 分) 16 世纪上半期欧洲掀起宗教改革运动。阅读材料,回答问题。 材料一:马丁路德说:“世俗的世界,由宝剑统治,能够被眼睛看到;精神世界,由恩典统 治,并宽恕罪。” 材料二:恩格斯说:“在路德遭到失败的地方,加尔文却获得了胜利……加尔文的教会的组 织是完全民主的和共和的;而在上帝的王国已经共和化了的地方,人间的王国还能够仍然从属君 主、主教和领主吗?当德国的路德教变成诸侯手中的驯服工具的时候,加尔文教在荷兰创立了共 和国……” (1) 下列说法不符合材料一中马丁路德原意的是(3 分,答题序号写在答题纸上) A.上帝建立了两个世界:精神的和世俗的
B.精神的世界归上帝统治 C.世俗的世界与上帝无关,归世俗统治者统治 D.上帝用恩典统治,世俗统治者用强权统治 (2)结合材料二所学知识,概括加尔文对“人间王国”的贡献。(4 分) (3)比较材料,结合所学知识,指出马丁路德的历史局限性。(3 分) 题号:10 科目:历史 阅读材料,回答问题。 材料一:整个村落以敬爱堂为中心布局设计,前后两天溪流成弧形绕敬爱堂而过,流经家家户户 门前,形成“门外青山如屋里,东家流水入西邻”的格局。在村西的西溪出口处,挖了一亩大的 水塘,修建水口,在周围修筑亭台楼阁和石拱桥,广植树木,以蓄水挡风。 材料二:第 35 届世界遗产大会将州西湖文化景观列入世界文化遗产名录。西湖申遗成功后,杭州 市承诺“六个不”“还湖于民”目标不改变;门票不涨价;博物馆不收费;土地不出让;文物不破 坏;公共资源部侵占,西湖是人民的西湖。 (1) 材料一反映的是哪一古村落的风貌?结合所学只是,写出这一古村落水系的作用。 从人与自然关系的角度指出古人利用和改造这一水系所体现的思想。(7 分) (2) 分析材料二。回答申报世界遗产的目的应该是什么。(3 分) 题号:11 科目地理 “城乡规划”模块(10 分) 2008 年 5 月杭州推出公共自行车租赁项目,如今越来越多的市民选择自行车出行。下图为 杭州某区域公共自行车租赁点分布示意图。完成(1)---(3)题。 (1)杭州推出公共自行车项目主要是为了(单选,3 分)
①缓解交通拥堵 ②吸引外来游客 ③倡导低碳出行 ④减少汽车尾气排放 ⑤促进自行车产业发展 A.①②③ C.①④⑤ B.①③④ D.②④⑤ (2)下列场所附近适合设置公共自行车租赁点的是(单选,2 分) ①地铁口 ②学校、医院 ③高架路口 ④住宅小区 ⑤隧道口 A.①②③ C.②④⑤ B.①②④ D.③④⑤ (3)分别说出大、小型自行车租赁点布局与道路的关系.(5 分) 题号:12 科目:地理 “自然灾害”模块(10 分) 下图为我过西南地区某区域地质灾害风险评估略图。更具相关知识完成(1)——(3)题。 (1)影响图中地质灾害高风险区分布的主要因素是 。(2 分) (2)如果该区域出现暴雨,山区易引发泥石流、滑坡、 、 等自然灾害。 当你遭遇泥石流时,应采取的避险措施是 。(4 分) (3)为减轻滑坡带来的危害,你认为甲城市应采取的主要防灾措施是什么?(4 分) 题号:13 科目:物理 “物理 3——3”模块(10 分) 一定质量的理想气体,从初始状态 A 经状态 B、C、D 再回到 A,起体积 V 与温度 T 的 关系如图所示。图中 AT 、 AV 和 DT 为已知量。
(1)从状态 A 到 B,气体经历的是 过程(填“等温”、“等容”或“等压”);(2 分) (2)从 B 到 C 的过程中,气体的内能 (填“增大”、“减小”或“不变”); (2 分) (3)从 C 到 D 的过程中,气体对外 (填“做正功”、“做负功”或“不做功”), 同时 (填“吸热”或“放热”);(4 分) (4)气体在状态 D 时的体积 DV = 。(2 分) 题号:14 科目物理 “物理 3——5”模块(10 分) 小明用金属铷为阴极的光电管,观测光电效应现象,实验装置示意如图甲所示。已知普朗 克常量 h=6.63× 34 10  J·s (1)图中电极 A 为光电管的 (填“阴极”或“阳极”);(3 分) (2)实验中测得铷的遏止电压 CU 与入射光频率 V 之间的关系如图乙所示,则铷的截止频率 CV = Hz,逸出功 0W = J;(4 分) (3)如果实验中入射光的频率 V=7.00× 1410 Hz ,则产生的光电子的最大初动能 KE = J.(3 分) 题号:15 科目:化学