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2006 年 3 月翻译资格中级英语口译实务真题及答案 英译中 As a scourge of the modern society, obesity has become the world's biggest public-health issue today--the main cause of heart disease, which kills more people these days than AIDS, malaria, war. Since the World Health Organization labeled obesity an "epidemic" in 2000, reports on its fearful consequences have come thick and Fast. Will public-health warnings, combined with media pressure, persuade people to get thinner, just as they finally put them off tobacco? Possibly. In the rich world, sales of healthier foods are booming and new figures suggest that over the past year Americans got very slightly thinner for the first time in recorded history. But even if Americans are losing a few ounces, it will be many years before the country solves the health problems caused by half a century’s dining to excess. And, everywhere else in the world, people are still piling on the pounds. That’s why there is now a consensus among doctors that governments should do something to stop them. 中译英 上海是一座朝气蓬勃、充满活力、多姿多彩的国际大都市,改革开放以来,上海变化之 大令世人瞩目。经济高速发展,社会秩序稳定,人民安居乐业,呈现出一片繁华气象。 今天,尽管上海还有着不少色彩斑斓的过去可以留恋和回味,但城市日新月异的面貌却 使越来越多的世人折服。浦西展示了上海的辉煌岁月,浦东展现了上海的美好前景。上海就 像一轮红日,光芒四射,鲜艳夺目。上海的明天充满希望。 英译中 【参考译文】 作为现代社会的一个祸害,肥胖已成为当今世界最大的公共健康问题。肥胖是引起心脏 病的主要原因,现今因心脏病致死的人数已超过死于艾滋病、疟疾、战争的人数。自从世界 卫生组织于 2000 年将肥胖症定为“流行病”以来,已经连篇累牍地发表了有关肥胖症引起 可怕后果的报告。 对肥胖症发出的公共卫生警示,加上传媒宣传所形成的压力,是否会像最终促使烟民们戒烟 那样,说服人们去减肥呢?这有可能。在富裕国家,健康食品的销量正在大幅上升,而且新 的数据表明,在过去的一年美国人的体重有史以来首次略有下降。 但是即使美国人是瘦了一点,美国要解决因半个世纪以来饮食过度而造成的健康问题,还需 要许多年时间。况且,在世界各地,人们的体重仍在增加。这就是为什么现在医生们一致认
为各国政府应采取措施来制止人们发胖。 中译英 【参考译文】 Shanghai is an international metropolis full of vigor, vitality and variety. Since the adoption of the reform and opening-up policy, Shanghai has attracted worldwide attention for its tremendous changes. The economy is developing rapidly, the social order is stable, and the people live and work in peace and contentment, presenting a scene of prosperity. Today, while Shanghai still has many remnants of its colorful past for people to ponder over, its ever-changing outlook has filled more and more people with great admiration. Puxi exhibits the city’s glorious past, and Pudong unfolds its bright future. Like a rising sun, Shanghai is shining with boundless radiance and brilliant color. Shanghai’s tomorrow is full of hope.