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1. Translate the following paragraph about Michael Jackson. (fyr: U7A4) Michael Jackson is one of the world’s most prominent humanitarians and philanthropists. Many of Michael Jackson’s lyrics reflect his hopes for and love of peace. Off stage, Jackson was a shy and reclusive person. Most tabloid headlines focused on his eccentricities and the alleged accusation of child molestation. These stories of his odd behavior started to overshadow Jackson’s talent. In 2009, Jackson passed away and the entire world seemed to stop to moan his death. 1. Translation Translate the following instruction about a type of meditation: Over the past 20 years, mindfulness-based programs have become increasingly important to Westerners and in the Western medical and psychological community as a means of helping people, whether they be clinically sick or healthy. Several methods are used during time set aside specifically for mindfulness meditation, such as body scan techniques or letting thought arise and pass, and also during our daily lives, such as being aware of the taste and texture of the food that we eat. Scientifically demonstrated benefits of mindfulness practice include an increase in the body's ability to heal and a shift from a tendency to use the right prefrontal cortex instead of the left prefrontal cortex, associated with a trend away from depression and anxiety, and towards happiness, relaxation, and emotional balance. 请同学们自行翻译第一篇英文, 通过收取同学反馈,针对上面第二篇翻译作业,请大家完成,我们会在下节课对该翻译 稍作检查及讲评 请注意已经第十一周,每个小组的微课应该材料搜集完整并开始确定框架,作为小组任 务请尽早确定,万勿拖延 请 课 外 思 考 : why do not we have many superheroes in China, while there are a lot in America? 这是一个很有启发性的问题,建议大家多找几个方面入手思考,例如传统文化上、政治 结构上、家庭构成上以及教育思维等。下节课将课堂讨论。