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2022 年宁夏中卫中考英语真题及答案 选择题(共 50 分) 一、完形填空(共 10 小题;每小题 1 分,满分 10 分) 阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的 A、B、C 和 D 四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最 佳选项。 I was expecting to have a quiet day, but it turned out (结果是) to be just the opposite. It was Saturday morning ____1____ I was reading on the sofa when the phone rang. “Come quickly, Sam, I need your ____2____!” It was my best friend George, so I couldn’t ____3____. “Where are you?” I asked. “I’m ____4____ home, watching the house opposite. Come quickly, through the back garden.” I ____5____ there. George told me two men were stealing things from Simon’ s house. They were moving the TV and the computers onto their van(客货车). “But George, it’s clear,” I said impatiently (不耐烦地). “They ____6____ be moving house.” “That’s impossible! You know Simon’s in our class, but he has said ____7____ about it!” said George. I realized he was right. So we phoned the ____8____. They soon arrived and took the two men ____9____. “You are so brave!” said one policeman. Later, Simon’ s parents learned what we had done and they were so _____10_____. They took us out for dinner that night. Sometimes, a small act can mean a lot to others. 1. A. and 2. A. book 3. A. refuse 4. A. with 5. A. swam 6. A. need B. but B. time B. try B. at B. walked B. will C. if C. answer C. forget C. on C. rushed C. might D. or D. help D. run D. by D. flew D. must 7. A. something B. nothing C. anything D. everything 学科 网(北 京)股 份有限 公司
8. A. police B. classmates C. teachers D. family 9. A. in B. off C. away D. up 10. A. serious B. thankful C. famous D. clever 【答案】1. A 2. D 3. A 4. B 5. C 6. D 7. B 8. A 9. C 10. B 【解析】 【导语】本文是一篇记叙文。主要讲述了我和乔治发现并确认同学西蒙家中进贼后,机智、 勇敢地选择报警,最终警察将小偷缉拿归案的故事。 【1 题详解】 句意:那是星期六的早晨,我正在沙发上看书,电话铃响了。 and 并且;but 但是;if 如果;or 否则。根据“It was Saturday morning...I was reading on the sofa”可知前后两句是并列关系,用 and 连接。故选 A。 【2 题详解】 句意:我需要你的帮助。 book 书本;time 时间;answer 答案;help 帮助。根据“Come quickly, Sam, I need your” 可知是让作者快点去,因为他需要作者的帮助。故选 D。 【3 题详解】 句意:那是我最好的朋友乔治,所以我无法拒绝。 refuse 拒绝;try 尝试;forget 忘记;run 奔跑。根据“It was my best friend George” 可知他是作者最好的朋友,所以作者不能拒绝他的求助。故选 A。 【4 题详解】 句意:我在家,看着对面的房子。 with 带有; at 在(某处);on 在……上面;by 通过。at home“在家”。故选 B。 【5 题详解】 句意:我冲到那儿。 swam 游泳;walked 行走;rushed 冲,奔;flew 飞。根据“Come quickly”可知他让作者 快点去,所以作者是冲到那里。故选 C。 【6 题详解】 句意:他们一定在搬家。 学科 网(北 京)股 份有限 公司
need 需要;will 将要;might 可能;must 肯定。根据“it’s clear”可知作者觉得西蒙 家一定在搬家。故选 D。 【7 题详解】 句意:你知道西蒙在我们班,但他对此只字不提! something 某事;nothing 没有什么;anything 任何事物;everything 每件事物。根据“That’ s impossible! You know Simon’s in our class, but he has said...about it”可知 乔治认为西蒙家不可能在搬家,因为西蒙对于这件事什么都没说。故选 B。 【8 题详解】 句意:所以我们给警察打电话。 police 警察;classmates 同学;teachers 教师;family 家庭成员。根据“They soon arrived and took the two men”可知他们是给警察打电话,警察把坏人带走了。故选 A。 【9 题详解】 句意:他们很快就到了,把那两个人带走了。 in 在里面;off 离开;away 离开,去别处;up 在上面。根据“They soon arrived and took the two men”可知警察把坏人带走了,take away“带走”。故选 C。 【10 题详解】 句意:后来,西蒙的父母知道了我们所做的事,他们很感激。 serious 严肃的;thankful 感激的;famous 著名的;clever 聪明的。根据“Simon’s parents learned what we had done and they were so”可知西蒙的父母知道作者他们所做的事情 之后,对他们很感激。故选 B。 二、阅读理解(共 20 小题;每小题 2 分,满分 40 分) 阅读下列短文,从每题所给的 A、B、C 和 D 四个选项中,选出最佳选项。 Guang Hua Community Activities A The Dragon Boat Festival is coming along with Children’s Day. Our community is going to hold some parent-child activities to celebrate the two festivals. Come and make zongzi with your child! Each child will get a gift if they tell a story about the Dragon Boat Festival. Families with children under 14 are welcome. Welcome to take part in our community activities! 学科 网(北 京)股 份有限 公司
Time: 9:00 a.m. to 11:00 a.m, Saturday, May 29 Place: the community service center Price for a family:¥28 For questions or more information, call us at 415-3778. 11. The purpose of the community activities is to ________. A. eat zongzi B. get a gift C. celebrate Children’s Day D. celebrate the two festivals 12. How can a child get a gift? A. By making zongzi. C. By playing games. B. By telling a story. D. By singing a song. 13. How long will the activities last(持续)? A. Half an hour. C. Two hours. B. One hour. D. Three hours. 14. If you want to know more information, you can ________. A. make a call C. write a letter B. go online D. send an e­mail 【答案】11. D 12. B 13. C 14. A 【解析】 【导语】本文是一篇应用文。主要介绍了光华社区为庆祝端午节和儿童节计划举办的活动 安排。 【11 题详解】 细节理解题。根据“Our community is going to hold some parent­child activities to celebrate the two festivals.”可知社区活动的目的是庆祝两个节日。故选 D。 【12 题详解】 细节理解题。根据“Each child will get a gift if they tell a story about the Dragon Boat Festival.”可知孩子讲一个关于端午节的故事,就会得到一份礼物。故选 B。 【13 题详解】 细节理解题。根据“Time: 9:00 a.m. to 11:00 a.m, Saturday, May 29”可知活动时间 学科 网(北 京)股 份有限 公司
是 5 月 29 日星期六上午 9 点到 11 点。故选 C。 【14 题详解】 细节理解题。根据“For questions or more information, call us at 415-3778”可知, 如有问题或了解更多信息,请致电 415-3778。故选 A。 B My aunt Nancy is a truck driver. When she left school, she didn’t know what she wanted to do, so she went to work in a supermarket. One day, she was talking to one of the truck drivers at the supermarket, and she got the idea to drive a truck herself. She went home and told her parents (my grandparents), and they thought it was a good idea. Nancy’s journeys are different every day, and she goes to every part of the country. She enjoys the driving, but she says that one day, she would like to get a job with a different company(公司)so that she can drive to more places. Nancy says she likes being out on the road, seeing new towns all the time, but the best thing about driving trucks for her is talking to everyone she sees during her working day. She also says the trucks are comfortable, so she doesn’t mind sleeping in them. For her, they are her home on wheels! I asked my grandparents what they thought about Nancy’s job. They are happy that Nancy is happy, so they don’t want her to change jobs. But they worry about her because it’s sometimes a dangerous job and she spends a lot of time away from home. 15. Where did Nancy get the idea to be a truck driver? A. At school. C. In her truck. B. At the supermarket. D. On the road. 16. What does Paragraph 2 tell us about Nancy’s job? A. She drives all around the world. B. She often drives to the same places. C. She would like to be a taxi driver. D. She hopes to work for a different company in the future. 学科 网(北 京)股 份有限 公司
17. What does Nancy like best about her job? A. Talking with different people. B. Travelling to different places. C. Sleeping in the trucks. D. Tasting delicious food. 18. What do Nancy’s parents think about her job? A. They don’t like her job at all. B. They are glad that it’s a perfect job. C. They believe the job has some problems. D. They would like Nancy to do a different job. 【答案】15. B 16. D 17. A 18. C 【解析】 【导语】本文是一篇记叙文。主要讲述了我的姑姑 Nancy 作为一名卡车司机的故事,包括 Nancy 如何产生开卡车的想法以及 Nancy 与她的家人对这份工作的态度。 【15 题详解】 细节理解题。根据“One day, she was talking to one of the truck drivers at the supermarket, and she got the idea to drive a truck herself.”可知 Nancy 在超市和 一个卡车司机聊天,然后产生了开卡车的想法。故选 B。 【16 题详解】 细节理解题。根据第二段内容可知 Nancy 的旅程每天都不一样,她去了全国的每一个地方。 她喜欢开车并且她想去一家不同的公司,以便能去更多的地方。故选 D。 【17 题详解】 细节理解题。根据“but the best thing about driving trucks for her is talking to everyone she sees during her working day.”可知,对她来说开卡车最棒的就是能和工 作期间见到的每个人交谈。故选 A。 【18 题详解】 推理判断题。根据最后一段内容可知,父母很高兴 Nancy 满意自己的工作,所以父母并不 想让她换一份工作。但同时他们也担心 Nancy,因为这有时是一份危险的工作,她要离开家 很长时间。说明他们认为这份工作还有些问题。故选 C。 C 学科 网(北 京)股 份有限 公司
Hi Li Ming, I just start my life at a new school. Yesterday, I found that we all have to do sports on Wednesday afternoons. As you know, I’m not interested in sports. Now I need to choose one event from volleyball, tennis and running, but I have never tried any of them. Have you done any of these? Which is the easiest? Which do you think I should choose? Can you give me some advice please? Write soon. Hi He Wei, He Wei In my opinion (看法), I think you needn’t worry too much about doing any sports. Anyway, just remember that doing sports is a great way to make friends, so it should be a positive (积极的) experience in the end! I’ve played a lot of tennis, and learning it takes plenty of time. It’s very hard, so perhaps I advise you to do something else. I think running is a little boring, and you need to keep practicing it every day. For that reason, you’d better avoid it. Why don’t you take up volleyball? I suggest a team sport because you’ll surely meet lots of people. And it is a good thing for you at a new school. Also, unlike tennis and running, it is not so difficult to learn volleyball. You can also have fun even if you don’t play it very well. Good luck with everything! Hope my advice can help you. Li Ming 19. What does He Wei have to do on Wednesday afternoons? A. Take history classes. B. Go to the English club. C. Visit the museums. D. Do sports. 20. Why did He Wei write to Li Ming? A. To ask for advice. B. To invite Li Ming to his home. C. To thank Li Ming for his help. D. To tell him good news. 学科 网(北 京)股 份有限 公司
21. Why doesn’t Li Ming advise He Wei to learn tennis? A. Because it is boring. B. Because it is difficult. C. Because it costs a lot of money. D. Because He Wei has no time. 22. What does the underlined word “it” refer to (指)? A. Tennis. B. Running. C. Volleyball. D. Basketball. 【答案】19. D 【解析】 20. A 21. B 22. C 【导语】本文是两篇书信。主要讲述了何伟向李明写信寻求关于选择一项体育运动的建议, 以及李明回信给出自己的想法与建议。 【19 题详解】 细节理解题。根据“Yesterday, I found that we all have to do sports on Wednesday afternoons.”可知何伟必须在星期三下午做运动。故选 D。 【20 题详解】 细节理解题。根据“Can you give me some advice please?”可知何伟想要李明给自己一 些建议。故选 A。 【21 题详解】 细节理解题。根据“I’ve played a lot of tennis, and learning it takes plenty of time. It’s very hard, so perhaps I advise you to do something else.”可知李明 认为学网球要花很多时间,而且这很难,所以他建议何伟做点别的。故选 B。 【22 题详解】 词义猜测题。根据“Why don’t you take up volleyball? ... And it is a good thing for you at a new school.”可知,it 指代的是 volleyball“排球”。故选 C。 D Science and technology help people a lot. Check out how fast China is developing. Driverless (无人驾驶) helpers You can see different kinds of driverless cars at the 2022 Beijing Winter Olympics. For example, when you feel tired, you can have a rest in a driverless minibus. When you feel hungry, you can buy food from a “driverless car store”. 学科 网(北 京)股 份有限 公司