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2016 年浙江农林大学植物保护学考研真题 《农业昆虫学》 1.试解释下列农业昆虫学概念(每小题 3 分,共 15 分) (1)经济危害允许水平(EIL) (2)经济阈值(ET)又称防治指标 (3)植物的抗虫性的三个机制 (4)水平抗性和垂直抗性 (5)羽化始盛期 2.试解释下列昆虫分类学概念(每小题 3 分,共 15 分) (1)优先原则 (2)同物异名 (3)完全变态 (4)发育起点温度 (5)滞育与休眠的差别 3.试述害虫综合治理有哪几类措施,为什么防治害虫应采取综合治理的措施?(10 分) 4.以主要农作物为例(水稻、棉花、蔬菜、果树以上作物中任选一种),试述目前害虫防治 生产实践上有哪些重要措施?为什么这样做?(10 分)
《农业植物病理学》 5、填空题(每空 1 分,共 10 分) (1) 德国的 deBary 是植物病理学的创始人,被尊称为_______。 (2) 蔬菜根结线虫病主要由_______、_______、_______和_______虫 4 种线虫引起。 (3)十字花科蔬菜三大病害指霜霉病、_______ 和_______ 。 (4)水稻稻瘟病叶瘟病斑有 4 种类型,即慢性型、_______、_______和_______。 6、简答题(每小题 10 分,共 20 分) (1)以水稻条纹叶枯病为例说明病毒病害的传播方式及主要防治措施。 (2)简述茄科蔬菜黄萎病与青枯病的异同。 7、阅读题(每小题 10 分,共 20 分) A century ago the science of plant pathology was just being born and L. R. Jones wondered, at a meeting in Atlanta (亚特兰大) in 1913, whether it was a good thing to separate plant pathology as a discipline from botany (植物学). This was only a few decades after the idea that fungi were causal agents of plant diseases had been accepted and that the concept of "spontaneous generation", which regarded fungi as symptoms(症状) on plants suffering from bad environmental conditions, had been on its way out. This new concept of germs being causal agents of disease had its earliest supporters among plant pathologists like Tillet for bunt(腥黑穗病) in 1755, Prevost for smut(黑粉病) in 1807, Berkeley and deBary for the late blight fungus of potatoes in the 1850s. Unfortunately, the broader significance of these findings was not recognized, and it was only in the 1860s that the work of Pasteur and Koch on human pathogens led to the break through of the germ theory. Therefore, it is not surprising that the understanding and the standard of fungicides a century ago was very rudimentary(基本的). 请阅读上面的一段文章后,完成以下任务: (1)将这段话翻译成中文。 (2)从 Tillet、deBary、Pasteur 和 Koch 中任选 2 位,分别列举他们各自在植物病理学 或微生物领域所作的至少 2 项杰出贡献。 《农药学》
8、名词解释(每小题 3 分,共 15 分) (1)农药 (2)LC95 (3)害虫抗药性 (4)昆虫生长调节剂 (5)MRL 9、简答题(每小题 5 分,共 25 分) (1)请写出下列农药对靶标生物的主要毒作用机制。 ①毒死蜱--- ②吡蚜酮--- ③除虫脲--- ④阿维菌素--- ⑤氯磺隆--- (2)简述除草剂的作用机制。 (3)简述杀菌剂的作用机理。 (4)简述害虫抗药性治理的基本原则。 (5)简述农药科学使用的基本原则。 10、阐述题(10 分) 说明除草剂在现代农业生产中的作用。