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2020 年广西民族大学英美文学与文化考研真题 B 卷 I. Identify the authorship of the following writings: (30 points, 3 for each) 1.The Canterbury Tales 2.Robinson Crusoe 3.Hamlet 4.Dr. Faustus 5.Moby Dick 6.Paradise Lost 7.The Sketch Book 8.Tess of the d'Urbervilles 9.Walden 10.“Ode to the West Wind” AI.Choose any SIX of the following terms and briefly explain them: (30 points, 5 for each) 1. tone 2. style 3.Separation of the Three Powers 4. omniscient narration 5.Neoclassical Literature 6. figurative language 7. denotation 8. conflict
9. round character 10. protagonist III. Translate the following passage into Chinese: (20 points) 我从小喜欢阅读大人物的传记和回忆录,慢慢归纳出一个公式:凡是大人物都是受苦受难 的,他们的生命几乎就是“人生不如意事十之八九”的真实证言,但他们在面对苦难时也 都能保持正向的思考,能“常想一二”。他们超越苦难,苦难便化成为生命最肥沃的养料。 使我深受感动的不是他们的苦难,因为苦难到处都有;使我感动的是,他们面对苦难时的 坚持、乐观与勇气。 VI. Read the following writings and fulfill the tasks required: There’s a certain Slant of light, Winter Afternoons— That oppresses, like the Heft Of Cathedral Tunes— Heavenly Hurt, it gives us— We can find no scar, But internal difference, Where the Meanings, are— None may teach it—Any— ’Tis the Seal Despair— An imperial affliction Sent us of the Air— When it comes, the Landscape listens— Shadows—hold their breath— When it goes, ’tis like the Distance
On the look of Death— 1.What is the title of the poem, and who is the author? (10 points) 2.Give a full analysis of this poem. (20 points) V. Write a short essay on any TWO of the following topics: (40 points, 20 for each) 1.John Milton is regarded as an important religious poet. Please discuss Milton with examples from his writings. 2.Please talk about the characteristics of the works of Geoffrey Chaucer. 3.Say something about the American Black writers that you know.