
论文研究 - 人口老龄化对储蓄,资本形成和经济增长的影响.pdf

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The Impacts of Population Aging on Saving, Capital Formation, and Economic Growth
1. Introduction
2. Literature Reviews
3. Model Specification and Methodology
4. Empirical Estimation and Simulations
5. Discussions and Policy Implications
Conflicts of Interest
American Journal of Industrial and Business Management, 2019, 9, 2231-2249 https://www.scirp.org/journal/ajibm ISSN Online: 2164-5175 ISSN Print: 2164-5167 The Impacts of Population Aging on Saving, Capital Formation, and Economic Growth Yuan-Ho Hsu1*, Huei-Chun Lo2 1Department of Economics, National Cheng Kung University, Taiwan 2National Open College of Continuing Education, Taichung University of Science and Technology, Taiwan How to cite this paper: Hsu, Y.-H. and Lo, H.-C. (2019) The Impacts of Population Aging on Saving, Capital Formation, and Economic Growth. American Journal of Industrial and Business Management, 9, 2231-2249. https://doi.org/10.4236/ajibm.2019.912148 Received: November 25, 2019 Accepted: December 21, 2019 Published: December 24, 2019 Copyright © 2019 by author(s) and Scientific Research Publishing Inc. This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution International License (CC BY 4.0). http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/ Open Access Abstract The evolving population aging scenarios of the industrialized countries can be attributed to two major demographic dynamics: the declining fertility and fast aging population. The increasing old age dependency ratio, decreasing young dependency ratio, and shrinking share of working-age population in the aging economies generate substantial impacts on individual as well as ag- gregate consumption, saving and employment. Because retired people save less, an aging society with increasing proportion of retirees would experience a decline in aggregate savings, which in turn leads to lower capital formation and reduces economic growth. This paper focuses on the effect of population aging on aggregate saving, physical capital formation, and economic growth in Japan. The current study theorizes the effect of aging demographic dy- namics on savings and capital formation. Taking into account the effects of population dynamics, saving, and capital formation together, this paper steps further in examining the implications of population aging for economic growth and discusses policy implications for the aging economy. Keywords Population Aging, Saving, Capital Formation, Economic Growth 1. Introduction The evolving population aging scenarios of the industrialized countries can be attributed to two major demographic dynamics: the declining fertility and fast aging population. The increasing old age dependency ratio, decreasing young dependency ratio, and shrinking share of working-age population in the aging economies generate substantial impacts on individual as well as aggregate con- sumption, saving and employment. Since retired people save less, an aging so- DOI: 10.4236/ajibm.2019.912148 Dec. 24, 2019 2231 American Journal of Industrial and Business Management
Y.-H. Hsu, H.-C. Lo ciety with increasing proportion of retirees would experience a decline in aggre- gate savings, which in turn leads to lower capital formation and reduced eco- nomic growth. This paper focuses on the effect of population aging on aggregate saving, physical capital formation, and economic growth in Japan. The newborn population in Japan peaked at 2,091,983 in 1973 and then stea- dily declined to 1,071,304 in 2010. In 2017, the number of newborn population further declined to 946,065. On the other hand, the proportion of people aged 65 and over has reached 23% in 2010 and is expected to reach 32% by 2030. In or- der to analyze the effect of this demographic development on aggregate eco- nomic performance, this paper adopts Japanese population statistics published by the Statistics Bureau, Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications, to- gether with the latest population projection made by National Institute of Popu- lation and Social Security Research (IPSS), Japan. Figure 1 illustrates the age compositions of historical and forecasted Japanese population from 1946 to 2065. A vertical line drawn on year 2016 in Figure 1 divides the Japanese popu- lation scenarios into historical and forecasted parts; to the left of this vertical line is the historical data adopted from Statistical Bureau of Japan and to its right is the forecasted series taken from National Institute of Population and Social Se- curity Research, Japan. In this graph, a data labeled with suffix “H” signifies his- torical data (e.g., POPH) and data labeled with suffix “F” represents forecasted series. The left panel of Figure 1 indicates that Japanese aggregate population had reached its climax around 2010. However, the working age population, people with age 16 to age 64, had already reached its peak circa 1995 (see AGE1564H in the right panel). The right panel of Figure 1 also shows that the number of young-age population (AGE0014) has been shrinking rapidly while the old-age people (AGE65up) has increased rapidly between 1950 and 2010. The size of old-age population will continue to increase up to the time circa 2050 and decline 130,000 120,000 110,000 100,000 90,000 80,000 1970 1980 1990 2000 2010 2020 2030 2040 2050 2060 Total Population POPH POPF 90,000 80,000 70,000 60,000 50,000 40,000 30,000 20,000 10,000 0 1950 1960 1970 1980 1990 2000 2010 2020 2030 2040 2050 2060 Figure 1. Total population and the size of three age-groups. Data Source: Population Estimates of Japan, 1920-2015, Statistics Bureau Japan; Population Projections for Japan (2016-2065), National Institute of Population and Social Security Research, Japan. DOI: 10.4236/ajibm.2019.912148 American Journal of Industrial and Business Management 2232 AGE0014H AGE0014F AGE1564H AGE1564F AGE65UPH AGE65UPF
Y.-H. Hsu, H.-C. Lo slowly thereafter. The forecasted size of young generation, people aged 0 - 14 (AGE0014F), shows a continuous declining trend in the future. Comparing the forecasted age compositions of Japanese population, it is noticeable that the con- tinuing decline in the proportion of the working-age population (i.e., people aged 15 - 64) is an alarming signal for future economic development and social welfare expenditures in Japan. Various studies have examined the implications of these evolving demo- graphic dynamics in Japan. Some addressed aging effect on saving behavior (Horioka [1]; Iwaisako and Okada [2]); others focused on its labor market effects (Ito [3]; Ogawa et al. [4]), and some others investigated overall macroeconomic effects of population aging in Japan (e.g. Muto et al. [5]). Razin et al. [6] and Bloom et al. [7] investigated the implications of population aging on social wel- fare and old-age health care. Of all these published works, one issue that has not been fully investigated is the effect of demographic transition on capital accu- mulation and its consequence on labor productivity and economic growth. Therefore, the current paper wishes to bridge the gap and focuses on the ma- croeconomic effect of population aging on capital formation and economic growth in the aged economy. It is recognized that capital accumulation enhances overall quality of the na- tion’s workforce and thus contributes to economic growth and national compe- titiveness. The effect of aging population on capital formation is an issue worth exploring. In order to have a better understanding of the dynamic interactions among various macroeconomic variables, this paper use Japan as an example to explore the effects of population aging on national saving, and thus national saving on capital formation and economic growth. This research adopts data from National Tax Agency of Japan, Penn World Table (PWT) version 9.1, and the 2019 Revision of the World Population Pros- pects,1 ranged 1968-2100. The study first builds a theoretical growth model which takes into account of life-cycle saving behavior, life-cycle income capabil- ity, and age-composition dynamics to investigate the effect of population aging on aggregate savings. Then, it goes further to elaborate the effect of age structure change on savings, physical capital formation, and economic growth, respec- tively, under alternative hypothetical scenarios. The remainder of this paper is organized as follows. Section 2 reviews pre- vious literatures of population aging, saving and economic growth. Section 3 il- lustrates the specification of theoretical model and methodology employed in this study. Section 4 presents the major findings of this work and discusses poli- cy implications drawn from this study. Section 5 draws conclusions from this study and presents extension to discuss policy implications from this research. 2. Literature Reviews The research interest of this study focuses on the effects of demographic struc- 1Population Division, Department of Economics and Social Welfare, United Nations. Available at: http://esa.un.org/wpp/. 2233 American Journal of Industrial and Business Management DOI: 10.4236/ajibm.2019.912148
Y.-H. Hsu, H.-C. Lo DOI: 10.4236/ajibm.2019.912148 ture change on national saving and economic growth in Japan. The existing knowledge doesn’t have consensus on the effects of population change on eco- nomic performances; some argue that population has positive effect on econom- ic growth whereas others maintain opposite argument. Furthermore, most ex- isting literatures in economic development studies relate population growth to economic growth, not on the correlation between population aging and eco- nomic growth. This section first reviews existing literatures on the relationship between aging and saving, and then on the relationship between saving and economic growth. The canonical work of Modigliani and Brumberg [8] developed a theory of consumer expenditure based on life-cycle income and consumption of house- holds, which is known as the life-cycle hypothesis (LCH). Based on the well-known life-cycle consumption and savings, households accumulate their wealth in the middle-age when they are at the peak of earnings capability and make precautionary saving for the needs after retirement. On the retirement ages they de-cumulate their asset holdings for consumption. According to the LCH, the age-saving profile is hump-shaped which represents worker’s saving capability across life span. That is, people save less at young and old age, com- paring to their savings in the working ages. Population aging signifies a relative increase in the size of low saving old-age group, which naturally leads to a downward pressure on aggregate saving. Ando and Modigliani [9] examined the Modigliani & Brumberg [8] life-cycle hypothesis in the United States for the period of 1929-1959 and found evidences to support that hypothesis. Higgins [10] found that youth dependency ratio and old dependency ratio are significant determinants of saving rate in a sample of 100 countries. Higgins’ investigation coincided with much of the prior litera- tures surveyed in Ando and Modigliani [9] and Horioka [1] in which demo- graphic transition has substantial effects on national savings rates in Japan and United States, so that it predicted that Japan’s saving rate would decline sharply in the coming decades due to rapid population aging. However, Iwaisako and Okada [2] argued the monotonic trend of population aging alone can’t explain the nonlinear movement in Japanese household saving rate, though household saving rate showed accelerated decline after the economic crisis in 1997-1998 as predicted yet the same rate decelerated around 2004-2005 and thereafter. They maintained that the scenario of sharp saving rate decline are due to decline in household income growth, not population aging. Li et al. [11] investigated the effects of China’s demographic changes on labor supply and the effects of hu- man capital improvement on savings and investment. They found that the in- creasing savings and investment rates of Chinese aging population fostered eco- nomic growth in China. Wong and Tang [12] examined the effect of population aging on private saving in a panel data of 22 OECD countries from 1961 to 2010 and concluded that longevity has a significant positive impact on savings, while the effect of old-aged dependency rate is not obvious. 2234 American Journal of Industrial and Business Management
Y.-H. Hsu, H.-C. Lo We have reviewed the literature on the effects of population aging on national saving; we proceed to review literatures exploring the correlation between saving and economic growth. The acknowledged theoretical investigation of the effect of saving on economic growth dated back to Harrod [13], Domar [14] [15], and Solow [16]. Given that aggregate output is the function of physical capital and labor inputs, these models proposed that economic growth depends on saving rate and that higher saving rate contributes to higher economic growth. In the exploration of source of economic growth, the extended model incorporated one demographic variable, population growth rate, and investigated the effect of population growth on economic growth. However, in these growth models pop- ulation growth rate is assumed to be positive and constant. Neither a negative growth rate of the population, nor a shift in the age structure is considered in these models. Over the later decades, studies of economic growth model have extended previous works by taking into account additional factors, such as technology, human capital, urbanization, institutions, openness to international trade, and geographic factors, in the determination of economic growth.2 Most recent development in growth theory, the endogenous growth theory whose pioneer studies are Romer [24], Lucas [25], and Rebelo [26], considers saving rate as one of the key determinants of economic growth. It predicts that an increase in the saving rate will lead to a permanently higher growth rate. However, these empirical studies on the relationship between economic growth and savings have not reached unanimous conclusion, due to their difference in the methods, periods of study, and countries being selected for studied. Miller [27] found the cointegrated relation between national saving and domestic in- vestment rate in the US only existed prior to 1971. Kim and Lee [28] used panel Vector-Auto Regressive (VAR) model and found negative effects of population aging on national saving and current account balances in East Asia. Kumar Na- rayan [29] used the bound testing approach of cointegration analysis to investi- gate the correlation between saving and investment for Japan over the period 1960-1999; the empirical results indicated that saving and investment are coin- tegrated with bidirectional causality. Andrei and Huidumac-Petrescu [30] ex- amined the long-run relationship between saving and the real economic growth for Euro area countries. Their empirical results showed the existence of a unidi- rectional causality from real GDP growth rate to gross national saving rate. Bayar [31] used panel cointegration tests and vector error correction model in the study and found that domestic savings, domestic investment and foreign di- rect investment had positive effect on economic growth in emerging Asian economies for the period 1982-2012. Many empirical studies address the effect of demographic transition on household savings behavior and economic growth. Most findings support the predictions of the LCH and OLG models, particularly with respect to the posi- tive influence of the proportion of working-age population on national saving 2For example, see Becker et al. [17], Romer [18], Barro [19], Barro and Lee [20]; Mankiw et al. [21], Jones [22], and Bloom et al. [23]. 2235 American Journal of Industrial and Business Management DOI: 10.4236/ajibm.2019.912148
Y.-H. Hsu, H.-C. Lo rates, while the effect of old-age population on saving is less conclusive. For ex- ample, Braun et al. [32] found the Japanese demographic factors account for the decline in Japan’s national saving rate in the 1990s. Bloom et al. [33] demon- strated the demographic dividends of the working-age population for economic growth. Li et al. [11] examined the effects of demographic structure on economic growth by using 29 provincial panel dataset in China and found that the old age dependency ratio has a positive effect on savings, investment, and economic growth rate. Bloom et al. [7] argued population aging will lower labor force par- ticipation and savings rates, which leads to decline in economic growth. 3. Model Specification and Methodology According to Harrod [13], Domar [14] and Solow [16], saving is a key driver to economic growth. The current study investigates the effects of population aging on economic growth based on the idea of the life-cycle hypothesis of Modigliani and Brumberg [8] and the saving-growth connection of Harrod-Domar-Solow schema. Since saving varies with individual’s age-specific position in his/her life span and working-age population are the major savers of the economy, it is fore- seeable that population aging alters relative share of working-age cohort and hence the economy’s aggregate savings. As a result, the current study assumes that changes in demographic structure exert potentially effects on national saving. The current study theorizes the effect of demographic dynamics on savings and capital formation in an aging economy. Taking into account the effects of population dynamics, saving, and capital formation together, this effort allows us to go one step further in examining the implications of population aging for economic growth. With this endeavor, the current study modifies Solow’s growth model and allows saving rate to vary with change in age structure of population, which is in accordance to the life-cycle hypothesis of saving. This revision of age-related saving behavior would allow us to analyze the effect of population aging on aggregate savings and per capita income. t t t = Y C I t Consider a simple closed economy with no government that all output ( tY ) is either used for consumption ( tC ) or investment ( tI ). The national income iden- tity is + . Investment ( tI ) is used to create new units of physical capital ( tC from both sides 1tKδ − ). Subtracting tK ) or to replace old, worn-out capital ( of the national income identity, one obtains national saving: . In S equilibrium, the amount saved equals to the amount invested. Investment makes new injection to existing capital stock whereas depreciation wipes out a certain portion of existing capital. Assume that the capital stock wears out at a constant depreciation rate δ. Savings finance investment projects so that the amount of capital accumulation is determined by proportion of income saved; that is, the saving rate s. At any given level of income, higher saving rate implies higher sav- ing and investment. ≡ Y C t t − = I t DOI: 10.4236/ajibm.2019.912148 Assume that aggregate output is a function of technology, physical capital, and labor with a standard Cobb-Douglas aggregate production function of constant 2236 American Journal of Industrial and Business Management
returns to scale: Y t = AF K N , t ( Y.-H. Hsu, H.-C. Lo ) t = AK Nα t 1 α− t (1) tK and tY is aggregate output or gross domestic product (GDP); A denotes a where “Hicks-neutral” technological progress. The input factors, tN , represent physical capital and labor, respectively. α and 1 α− are the partial production elasticities of physical capital and labor and they are also the shares of physical capital and labor in income. Economic growth is determined by the growth of three elements: technological progress (A), physical capital ( tK ) and labor input ( tN ). Assume population grows at a constant rate of n and labor grows at the same rate as aggregate population. Technological advancement as well as increase in physical capital and labor inputs raises production productivity. Define k as the stock of physical capital per unit of labor ( t ty as the level of k output per unit of labor ( ). One can re-write (1) in terms of output per capita and yields3 ) and K N Y N t y t = = t t t Taking natural logarithms of (2) and calculating the first difference, one ob- y t = Akα t (2) tains growth rate of output per capita: A ∆ A y ∆ y = + ⋅ α k ∆ k (3) ) k k ( α⋅ ∆ the growth rate of technological progress ( A A∆ elasticity of capital and the growth rate of physical capital per labor ( Equation (3) shows that the growth rate of GDP per capita is determined by ) and the product of output ). In Solow’s model, saving contributes to the accumulation of the physical capi- tal stock which increases the labor efficiency of production. However, the saving rate in Solow’s model is assumed to be constant over time. According to life-cycle hypothesis (LCH) individual saving varies with age; the empirical data from “Family Income and Expenditure Survey” of Japan also shows that saving and consumption is age-dependent. As a result, it would be confidently to take household head as a representative individual in the economy and relate his/her age to income and expenditure at different ages. Figure 2 illustrates the profile of income and expenditure of the average household at different ages in 2018. The figures shown in Figure 2 are yearly average of monthly income and disburse- ments per household of various age groups in 2018, which is adopted from Japa- nese Family Income and Expenditure Survey of Two-or-more-person House- holds.4 Although income and expenditure may differ across years due to eco- nomic fluctuations, both series reveal a common pattern across age groups. That is, both income and expenditure are hump-shaped which increase with ages up to age 55 and decline thereafter. A young representative household 3 y t = t Y N t = α t AK N N t 1 − α t = A    K N t t α    ⋅ N 1 1 − − + α α t = Ak α t DOI: 10.4236/ajibm.2019.912148 4The data series is available at: https://www.e-stat.go.jp/dbview?sid=0002070011. 2237 American Journal of Industrial and Business Management
Y.-H. Hsu, H.-C. Lo n e y e s e n a p a J 700000 650000 600000 550000 500000 450000 400000 350000 300000 250000 200000 Age34 &Less Income 479323 Expenditure 328837 Age 35- 39 Age 40- 44 Age 45- 49 Age 50- 54 Age 55- 59 Age 60- 64 Age 65- 69 557425 384702 576919 413252 625361 464539 651265 489723 634748 475245 428320 386596 439213 352842 Age 70up 380100 310978 Figure 2. Monthly income and expenditure per household head by age groups in 2018. Source: Yearly Average of Monthly Receipts and Disbursements per Household in Family Income and Expenditure Survey by Statistical Survey Department, Statistics Bureau, Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications. earns monthly income of ¥479,323 and spends ¥328,837 monthly in 2018. As age increases earning capability increases and expenditure increases as well. Both income and expenditure series show an increasing trend up to age 55 and drop after age 55 - 59. For people with old age, though both income and expenditure decreased, expenditure shows a smoother scenario than scenario of income. This scenarios difference is due to the Japanese job market convention and public pension provision. In the post-WWII era, the conventional retirement age in Ja- pan is 55 and the government pension provision starts at age 60. As a result, many retirees are forced to search for various kinds of works to earn provisional income to cover the income shortage in this 5-year gap. Re-entrée of the old age workers is difficulty in Japanese economy because most jobs are for young or middle age workers. Due to this institutional factor, income drops sharply for Japanese people aged 60 - 64. Figure 3 illustrates the life-cycle scenario of average propensity to save (APS, the ratio of surplus to income) per Japanese household head from 2015-2018. Comparing with other years, 2018 is the year that people save more out of their income. However, the saving behavior of a typical household head at different ages shows similar saving pattern across years. Moreover, young people tends to have a higher APS than the middle-aged and the elders. In 2018, the young co- hort (age 34 and less), though has the lowest income comparing to the other middle-age cohorts, has the highest saving rate which is 34.2%. When people approaches retirement age of 55, APS increases slightly and then drops sharply around age 60. In 2018, the APS for the retiree cohort (age 60 - 64) is only 9.1%, whereas the APS of this age cohort is less than 3% in the previous three years. From the Japanese household survey data one observes that both household’s income and expenditure reveal an inverted U-shape. One also notices that the Japanese household saving rates decrease with age, up to the middle-age around age 50 - 54, and then increase while approaching to the brink of retirement age 2238 American Journal of Industrial and Business Management DOI: 10.4236/ajibm.2019.912148