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2014 广东省阳江市中考英语真题及答案 说明:1.全卷共 10 页,满分为 120 分,考试用时为 100 分钟。 2.答卷前,考生务必用黑色字迹的签字笔或钢笔在答题卡填写自己的准考证号、姓 名、考场号、座位号。用 2B 铅笔把对应该号码的标号涂黑。 3.选择题每小题选出答案后,用 2B 铅笔把答题卡上对应题目选项的答案信息点涂 黑,如需改动,用橡皮擦干净后,再选涂其他答案,答案不能答在试题上。 4.非选择题必须用黑色字迹钢笔或签字笔作答、答案必须写在答题卡各题目指定区 域内相应位置上;如需改动,先划掉原来的答案,然后再写上新的答案;不准使用铅笔和涂 改液。不按以上要求作答的答案无效。 5.考生务必保持答题卡的整洁:考试结束时,将试卷和答题卡一并交回。 一、听力理解(本大题分为 A、B、C、D 四部分,共 25 小题,每小题 1 分,共 25 分) A.听句子(本题有 5 小题,每小题 1 分,共 5 分) 根据所听句子的内容和所提的问题,选择符合题意的图画回答问题,并将答题卡上对应 题目所选的选项涂黑。每小题听一遍。 l. What does John usually do in the morning? A B C 2. Which festival is the speaker talking about? A B 3. What does Peter like to eat after lunch? A B 4. Where is Mary going this weekend7 C C
A B C 5. How did Barry feel when he heard the news? A B C B.听对话(本题有 10 小题,每小题 1 分,共 10 分) 回答每段对话后面的问题,在每小题所给的三个选项中选出一个最佳答案,并将答题卡上对 应题目所选的选项涂黑。每段对话听两遍。 听第一段对话,回答第 6 小题。 6. How is the weather now? A. Windy B. Snowy C. Cloudy 听第二段对话,回答第 7 小题。 7. When will the man come back? A. In October. B. In November. C. In December. 听第三段对话,回答第 8 小题。 8. What does the woman d0? A. A story writer. B. A sports reporter. C. A football coach. 听第四段对话,回答第 9 小题。 9. Why did the man get a stomachache? A. Because he had some iced tea after doing sports. B. Because he drank much iced water after doing sports. C. Because he ate too much ice cream after doing sports. 昕第五段对话,回答第 10 小题。 10. What is Kati interested in? A. Cooking. B. Teaching. C. Learning Chinese. 听第六段对话,回答第 11-12 小题。 11. Which room would the man like? A. A double room facing the lake. B. A single room facing the garden. C. A double room facing the garden.
12. What does the man want to do first? A. Pay for the room. B. Check in at the hotel. C. Have a look at the room. 听第七段对话,回答第 13 -15 小题。 13. Where did the woman buy the glasses? A. In a store. B. On the Internet C. In a supermarket. 14. What's special about the glasses? A. There is a camera and a computer inside. B. There is a GPS and a video camera inside. C. There is a smart phone and a recorder inside. 15. How soon will the man get the glasses? A. In two days. B. In three days. C. In five days. C.听短文(本题有 5 小题,每小题 1 分,共 5 分) 请根据所听内容,在每小题给出的三个选项中,选出一个能完成句子的最佳答案,并将 答题卡上对应题目所选的选项涂黑。短文听两遍。 16.________ set up the radio station in Sunshine Village in 2010. A. The speaker B. Five students C. Some villagers 17. The villagers can hear the weather report and the news at______. A. 7:00 am B. 7:30 am C. 8:00 am 18. Children can get some information about_______on Saturday nights. A. the village culture B. the radio station C. personal safety 19. The radio station welcomes visitors by _______. A. talking about farming B. introducing the village C. playing songs 20. Julie has to leave the radio station because_______. A. she wants to relax herself B. she will go to high school C. it will be closed D.听填信息(本题有 5 小题,每小题 1 分,共 5 分) 你将听到的是一篇关于为度假而购物的短文,请你根据所听内容填写下面的信息卡,并将答 案写在答题卡相应题目的答题位置上。短文听两遍。 Who: Jane and her family Place to go: Hong Kong Time to stay: For (21)_____________in July People Father go swimming Things they want to do Things they bought a swimming cap a red and (22)___ swim ring (23)_____________ a pair of sports shoes Price 120 yuan 199 yuan Mother do sports on the beach Jane 24) ( beautiful sea ____of the a camera ( 25)______ yuan
二、单项填空(本大题有 20 小题,每小题 1 分,共 20 分) 在每小题所给的四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳答案,并将答题卡上对应题目所选 的选项涂黑。 26. Eric is not going to Nanjing by____ plane. Instead, he is taking ____train. A. /; a B. a; / C. a; the D. the; a 27. - Hello, Linda speaking. Who's______? - Hello, this is Martin. A. he B. one C. that D. this 28. Katherine was excited to receive a dozen of roses from her husband on _____ Day. A. Woman B. Women C. Woman's D. Women's 29. It's never too old to learn. Karl Marx began to learn English in his______. A. the fiftieth B. fiftieth C. fifty D. fifties 30. - Shall we go for a picnic in the forest park tomorrow? - Yes, ______it rains heavily. A. if B. unless C. until D. when 31. - I didn't see you at the beginning of the party last night. - I _____ on my biology report at that time. A. worked B. work . C. was working D. am working 32. Most people are____ building a paper factory near here. They are worried the river will get polluted. A. for B. with C. against D. beyond 33. I've heard that Zhuhai Chimelong Ocean Kingdom is one of ____ ocean parks in Asia. A. very large B. the larger C. much larger D. the largest 34. - I will miss my family when I go abroad for further study this autumn. - Don't worry. You can ______them by e-mail. A. come up with C. make friends with B. get along with D. keep in touch with 35. - Do you need more time to complete the task? - Yes. Another ten days____ enough/ A. is C. are D. were 36. - What do you think of the new foreign teacher Thomson? B. was - Pretty good. I think he ____ a great job so far. A. does B. did C. has done D. was done 37. - ______ you come with me to Lang Lang's piano concert this evening? - I'd love to, but I have to study for my math test. A. Should B. May C. Must D. Can 38. - Do you know Wang Feng? He can remember 100 groups of numbers in five minutes. - Yes. ____ man he is! A. What a smart B. How smart C. What a stupid D. How stupid
39. Although Flight MH370 has been missing for months, I do believe it _ some day in the future. A. will find B. won't find C. will be found D. won't be found 40. Take care when you are driving, ____in a summer storm like this. A. immediately B. especially C. probably D. recently 41. - I wonder whether Brazil will win the match later tonight. - Go to bed first. I will wake you up as soon as the match _____. A. starts B. started C. will start D. is starting 42. When Robinson Crusoe got to the island, the first thing ____ he did was to look for some food. A. who B. that C. which D. whom 43. In order ____ for the meeting, my sister forced herself to get up early this morning. A. not to be late B. not being late C. to be late D. being late 44. - Do you know____ ? - 8,844. 43 meters. It's a popular place with mountain climbers. A. how high is Qonolangma C. how high Qomolangma is B. how long is Qonolangma D. how long Qonolangma is 45. - I'm going to take part in China's Got Talent next month. - ____! I am sure you will win. A. Never mind B. Good luck C. What a pity D. My pleasure 三、完形填空(本大题有 10 小题,每小题 1 分,共 10 分) 通读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后在每小题所给的四个选项中,选出一个最佳答案,并将答 题卡上对应题目所选的选项涂黑。 Mike was reading in the garden when his mother came. She pointed to something , but he told her it was a 46 and asked Mike what it was. Mike felt quite sparrow(庥雀) and got back into reading. Several minutes later, his mother pointed to the same sparrow and asked the same answered her question. After question again. Mike got a little angry but a little while, his mother did the same thing once more. This time Mike could not 48 his anger. He shouted at her for him again and again. 47 49 The old lady silently 50 an old diary, turned to a page and showed it to Mike. Though a little impatient, Mike began to read it. "Today, I was watering the flowers in the garden when little Mike pointed to 51 at him, said it was a sparrow on the grass and asked me what it was. I 52 a and kissed him. After a
while Mike asked me again and I did the same. Pointing to the same sparrow, little Mike asked me what it was twenty times and I time." answering his question and kissing him every 53 Something gently touched Mike's 54 . His face turned red with 55 for being so impatient to his mother and he hugged(掬抱) her tight. Your parents have given you many things in their lifetime, but you may not realize that until they are gone. B. lonely C. proud B. leave C. control B. always C. already D. surprised D. seldom D. discover B. supporting B. took out C. encouraging C. put out 46. A. angry 47. A. still 48. A. show 49. A. refusing 50. A. set out 51. A. fox 52. A. threw 53. A. put on 54. A. face 55. A. shame 四、阅读理解(本大题有 15 小题,每小题 2 分,共 30 分) 阅读 A、B 两篇短文,从每小题所给的四个选项中,选出能回答所提问题或完成所给句子的 最佳答案,并将答题卡上对应题目所选的选项涂黑。 C. tried on C. heart C. happiness D. shoulder D. kindness D. disturbing D. looked out B. frog B. smiled B. kept on B. mouth B. fear C. bird C. shouted D. rabbit D. laughed D. depended on A What better way to welcome spring than by helping to clean up the town we all live in! Here in Rockland we have a Spring Clean-up Day every year in April. The Clean-up Day 2014 will be April 20th. It will start with a town clean-up at 8 0'clock in the morning, and a tree planting activity at the Rockland Park is to follow in the afternoon. One thousand young trees are sure to make the park greener and prettier. We will divide the people coming to help into eight teams for eight different areas. As usual, we will provide gloves, rubbish bags and other cleaning tools. You will also get free lunches and T-shirts when the clean-up ends at noon. We are going
to have a friendly competition to see which team can pick up the most rubbish. Bring your kids with you. It is a great chance to teach them to care for the environment around us. We have free drinks and chocolate candies for the children at the park. Meeting: At the gate of Rockland Park, the town hall at 330 Jones Street, or the corner of Palace Street and North Street. Sign-up(报名): Call 5862397 on weekdays, or visit our website below any time you like. 56. The Spring Clean-up Day in Rockland is held ______. A. once a month B. twice a month C. once a year D. twice a year 57. People in Rockland can help to ______ on the afternoon of April 20th. A. clean up the town C. plant trees in the park B. take care of the kids D. paint the park greener 58. People joining in the Clean-up Day will NOT ______. A. get lunches and T-shirts for free B. be provided with cleaning tools C. work in teams to do the cleaning D. take young trees home to plant 59. According to the poster, the activities are a great chance to teach the kids to ______. A. protect the environment C. pick up the most rubbish B. get free drinks and candies D. do cleaning and plant trees 60. Which of the following is TRUE? A. You can call 5862397 to sign up any time you like. B. People can visit www. springcleanup. com to sign up. C. The town hall is at the corner of Palace Street and North Street. D. People can meet for the activities only at the gate of Rockland Park. B To us, it seems so natural to put up an umbrella to keep the water off when it rains. But in fact the umbrella was not invented as protection against the rain. Its first use was as a shade(遮蔽) against the sun. Nobody knows who first invented it, but the umbrella was used in very ancient times. Probably the first to use it were the Chinese, back in the eleventh century BC. We know that the umbrella was used in ancient Egypt and Babylon as a sunshade.
And there was a strange thing connected with its use : it became a symbol of honor and power(权 力). In the Far East in ancient times, the umbrella was allowed to be used only by those in high office or by royal people such as the kings or queens. In Europe, the Greeks were the first to use the umbrella as a sunshade. The umbrella was in common use in ancient Greece, but it is believed that the first people in Europe to use the umbrella as protection against the rain were the ancient Romans. During the middle ages in Europe, the use of the umbrella almost disappeared. Then it appeared again in Italy in the late sixteenth century. And again it became a symbol of power. Umbrellas have not changed much in style during all this time, though they have become much lighter in weight. It wasn't until the twentieth century that the umbrellas for women began to be made in all kinds of colors. 61. Ancient people first used umbrellas as ____. A. a symbol of honor C. a symbol of power B. protection against the sun D. protection against the rain 62. According to the passage, the umbrella was probably first used in ancient ______. A. Egypt . B. Babylon C. Rome D. China 63. The underlined word royal might mean _ in Chinese. A.皇室的 B.富裕的 C.中产的 D.平民的 64. According to the passage, which of the following is NOT true? A. The ancient Greeks used the umbrella in their daily life. B. Europeans hardly used the umbrella during the middle ages. C. The umbrellas for women were made colorful in ancient times. D. The style of the umbrella hasn't changed a lot since it was invented 65. This passage is mainly about _____. A. the sales of the umbrella C. the invention of the umbrella B. the differences among umbrellas D. the history and the use of the umbrella C 配对阅读 左栏是五则寻找宠物的启事,右栏是七则宠物招领的启事。请根据左右两栏的信息帮助宠物 的主人找到丢失的宠物,并将答题卡上对应题目所选的选项涂黑。