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2015 年西藏林芝中考英语真题及答案 一、语 音 从 A、 B、 C、D 四个选项中选出划线部分读音与其他三个不同的一项,(每小 题 1 分,共计 5 分.) 1.(1 分)A.drive B.ice﹣cream C.fine D.fish. 2.(1 分)A.once B.city C.cake D.nice. 3.(1 分)A.early B.near C.ear D.hear. 4.(1 分)A.high B.enough C.light D.bright. 5.(1 分)A.eggs B.books C.thanks D.maps. 二、单项选择 从 A、 B、 C、 D 四个选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳答案,每小题 1 分, 共计 25 分) 6 .( 1 分 ) It is well ﹣ known to all that English is__________ useful language.( ) A.a B.an C.the D./ 7.(1 分)Ifs going to rain.Take__________ umbrella with_________( ) A.you; you B.your; your C.your; you D.you; your
8.(1 分)The terrible earthquake happened___________ the afternoon of April 25th, 2015.( ) A.in B.at C.to D.on 9.(1 分)﹣Must I finish my homework before lunch.Mom? ﹣______________.You may do it later.( ) A.No,you mustn't B.No,you needn't C.Yes,you have to D.Yes,you must 10.(1 分)Hurry up,_______ you'll miss the train.( ) A.but B.so C.and D.or 11 .( 1 分 ) There are fifty students in our class , ___________of us are from Lhasa.( ) A.two third B.second (bird C.two thirds D.second thirds 12.(1 分)﹣What__________ the number of the teachers in your school? ﹣About two hundred.A number of them______women teachers.( ) A.is; are B.is; is C.are; is D.are; are 13.(1 分)Jenny,please__________ the TV a bit,it's too loud!( ) A.turn down B.turn up C.turn on D.turn to 14.(1 分)Come on.Don't stop.The___you climb,the____ you will see.( ) A.highest; farthest B.highly; farther C.high; far D.higher; farther 15.(1 分)Could you tell me____the Potala Palace(布 达 拉 宮)? ﹣Next Sunday.( ) A.when will they visit B.when they will visit C.how will they visit D.how they will visit 16.(1 分)It is so hot today,we want to drink________.( ) A.cold something B.something cold C.anything cold D.cold anything 17.(1 分)It is not easy ____us______a foreign language well.( ) A.of; to learn B.for; learn C.for; to learn D.of; learn 18.(1 分)She cried____when she heard the ____news.( )
A.sad; bad B.sad; badly C.sadly; badly D.sadly; bad 19.(1 分)Let's have a picnic,_____( ) A.will you B.shall we C.do we D.don't we 20.(1 分)﹣This question is so hard. ﹣Yes,it's___________ than that one.( ) A.much more difficult B.so more difficult C.too more difficult D.many more difficult 21.(1 分)﹣_________is she looking for? ﹣Her iPad mini.( ) A.Who B.Which C.Whom D.What 22.(1 分)﹣I am not going to play football tomorrow. ﹣____________.I have to look after my little sister at home.( ) A.So am I B.Neither am I C.Neither 1 am D.So I am 23.(1 分)﹣﹣Supper is ready.Help yourself! 一 Wow!It________ delicious.You are really good at cooking.( ) A.tastes B.sounds C.looks D.feels 24.(1 分)Mary has two lovely pets.One is a white cat,________________ is a brown dog.( ) A.other B.another C.the other D.others 25.(1 分)There____________ a sports meeting in our school next month.( ) A.is going to be B.will have C.are going to be D.is going to have 26.(1 分)Li Ming didn't go home_________ he finished cleaning the classroom.( ) A.if B.until C.since D.as 27 .( 1 分 ) My father was___________ TV while my mother was_________ a story book.( ) A.looking; watching B.seeing; reading C.watching; reading D.watching; looking 28.(1 分)Mr.Black gave us____________ on how to keep healthy.( ) A.some piece of advice B.some pieces of advice C.some piece of advices D.some pieces of advices 29.(1 分)________ worried the mother was!She could not fall asleep all night.( )
A.How B.How a C.What a D.What 30.(1 分)﹣My parents and I will go on a trip to London tomorrow.( ) A.I don't think so B.Not at all C.Thank you D.Have a good time 三、完形填空(每题 1 分,共 10 分) 31.(10 分)Mrs.Green has lived in the city for about forty years.She is very (31) and has got a lot of money.But she Never(32) something expensive for her family and always does all the(33) herself. One morning,when she got up,she felt(34) .After breakfast she felt even worse.She found some medicine and(35) it.But it was useless to her and she had to go to a hospital.The doctor(36) and asked her to be in hospital,but she refused and went home on foot.As soon as she got home,the(37) rang.She hurried to answer it.The doctor told her she(38) her wallet in the hospital and a nurse had found it. "Could you tell me her name,please?"asked Mrs.Green. "Of course,Mrs.Green.Are you going to(39) her?"asked the doctor. "No,no."The old woman said in a hurry,"My bag(40) three years ago.I want to know if she found it." 31.A.rich 32.A.borrows B.poor B.lends C.good C.sells D.bad D.buys 33.A.homework B.housework C.school work D . farm 34.A.happy 35.A.ate B.angry B.took C.terrible C.threw work D.sorry D.burnt 36.A.dressed her up B.looked her up C.moved her away D.looked 37.A.telephone 38.A.left B.bell B.lost C.clock her over D door C.had left D . had lost
39.A.help 40.A.lost B.see C.welcome B.was lost C.forgot D.thank D . was forgotten . 四、阅读理解(每小题 5 分,共 10 分) 32.(5 分)阅读 AB 两篇短文,从每小题所给的 A、B、C、D 四个选项中选出最佳选项. Last Sunday evening,my parents went out for a walk with my sister.But I studied alone at home because would have an English test.Suddenly,I saw bright light in my neighbor's kitchen.I thought he was cooking,so I went on studying. Soon,there was a terrible smell in the air and I thought something was wrong.I went out and saw fire coming out of my neighbor's kitchen.So I shouted"Fire,Fire!"But no one heard or came out. I ran quickly to my house to call 119,and then I rang my neighbor's doorbell, knocked at the door,but there was no response.I got into the house through the window and found my neighbor sleeping in his bedroom.I woke him up and we rushed out of the house together. We tried our best to pour water through the kitchen window,but the fire was too heavy.Luckily,the firemen came and put out the fire quickly.When my parents came back,they found I was dirty and tired.After my neighbor told them the whole story,they were happy and said I was a brave boy. (1)The underlined word"response"can be replaced (代替) by . A.result B.answer C.question D.key (2)Why didn't the writer go out for a walk with his parents? A.Because his parents only liked his sister. B.Because he would have an English class. C.Because he had to study for an English test. D.Because there was a fire on his neighbor's kitchen.
(3)Who put out the fire at last? A.The writer. B.The writer's parents C.The writer's neighbor D.The firemen (4)According to the passage,which of the following in TRUE? A.The writer's neighbor was sleeping when the fire started. B.No one helped the writer's neighbor put out the fire. C.The fire happened last Friday evening. D.The writer's parents were angry when they knew what had happened. (5)What's the passage mainly about? A.How to put out a fire. B.My neighbor was a brave man. C.I saved my neighbor from the fire. D.I studied a test at home. 33.(5 分)The famous scientist and thinker,Charles Darwin,was born on February 12,1809.His family lived not far from the River Severn,England. Charles'father was a well﹣known doctor and the son of a still greater doctor and scientist.Charles'father hoped that his son would also become a doctor. As a boy Charles liked to go for walks in the fields and forests.He watched nature and compared what he saw with everything he had read in science books.He also liked collecting very much.He collected many things:eggs,stones,and leaves.His father did not like this,as Charles was not studying very well at school. he was interested in the history of nature. In order to become a doctor,he was sent to Edinburgh University at the age of sixteen.But he was interested in history of nature. Then he studied at Cambridge University until 1831. In 1842,Darwin went to live in Kent,where he continued his studies of the changes in nature.Darwin understood that plants and animals are not always the same,and that they really change. By 1859,Darwin had finished his famous book The Origin of Species.It made a great hit in the world of science.He was opposed (反对) by the church and even by some
scientists.But later,more and more scientists agreed with him. Darwin continued his studies in science until he died in 1882 46.When was Charles Darwin born? A.In 1809. B.In 1842. C.In 1831. D.In 1882. 47.What was Charges'fathers'job? A.A scientist. B.A writer. C.A doctor. D.A teacher. 48.When Darwin was a boy,he collected the following things except A.stones B.eggs C.Leaves D.books 49.When he was years old,he was sent to Edinburgh University. A.60 B.16 C.50 D.73 50.According to the passage,which of the following is NOT true? A.His grandfather was a great doctor and scientist. B.He went to live in Kent in 1842. C.Darwin's famous book The Origin of Species was opposed by his family. D.Charles Darwin died in 1882. 五、句子改错(下面各题划线部分中只有一处错误,请选出并改正,每小題 2 分,共计 10 分) 34.(2 分)Shanghai is one of the biggest city of China. A B C D.
35.(2 分)We can see thousand of stars in the sky at night. A B C D. 36.(2 分)Tom will go fishing this weekend if he will have time. A B C D. 37.(2 分)Tom has borrowed my bike for two weeks. A B C D. 38.(2 分)Neither Tony nor I are interested in using WeChat.(微信) A B C D. 六、词形填空(根据句子的要求,用括号中所给词的正确形式填空,每小题 1 分,共计 10 分) 39.(1 分)A lot of (child) are dancing in the garden. 40.(1 分)They live on the (twenty) floor and they have to take a lift every day. 41.(1 分)Today is (sun).Let's go boating. 42.(1 分)My cousin likes (west) food very much. 43.(1 分)Kids,don't play with fire.You may hurt (you). 44.(1 分)It's raining (heavy) outside.What about playing cards instead of going out? 45.(1 分)The old man was so (excite) that he couldn't say a word. 46.(1 分)It's about two (hour) ride from here to my hometown. 47.(1 分)You have made great progress!You made (few) mistakes than before. 48.(1 分)65.Swimming in the river is (danger). 七、句型转换(按要求转换下列句子,每小题 2 分,共计 10 分) 49.(2 分)He caught some fish yesterday.(改为否定句) He yesterday. 50.(2 分)He visit his grandparents once a week.对画线部分提问) he his grandparents? 51.(2 分)The nurse must take good care of all the kids.(改为被动语态) All the kids good care of the nurse. 52.(2 分)My daughter isn't old enough to do to school.(改为同义句)