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2010 年 3 月全国计算机四级网络工程师考试真题及答案 一、选择题 (每小题 1 分,共 40 分)下列各题 A)、B)、C)、D)四个选项中,只有一个选项 是正确的,请将正确选项涂写在答题卡相应位置上,答在试卷上不得分。 1:试题内容: ITU 标准 OC-3 的传输速率为 A:51.84Mbps B:155.52Mbps C:622.08Mbps D:1.244Gbps 参考答案:B 我的答案: 参考解析:(P24) 2:试题内容: 802.11a 将传输速率提高到 A:11Mbps B:22Mbps C:54Mbps D:100Mbps 参考答案:C 我的答案: 参考解析:(P26)IEEE802.11a 无线网络标准,指定最大 54Mbps 的数据传输速率和 5GHz 的 工作频段。 3:试题内容: 下列不属于宽带城域网 QoS 保证技术的是 A:RSVP B:DiffServ C:MPLS D:WiMAX 参考答案:D 我的答案: 参考解析:(P13)目前宽带城域网保证服务质量 QoS 要求的技术主要有:资源预留(RSVP)、 区分服务(DiffServ)与多协议标记交换 MPLS。 (4)(P16)A【解析】10G 光以太网的造价是 SONET 的 1/5,是 ATM 的 1/10。 4:试题内容: 下列关于城域网技术的描述中,错误的是 A:建设同样规模的宽带城域网,采用 10G 光以太网的造价高于 SONET B:RPR 是一种用于直接在光纤上高效传输 IP 分组的传输技术 C:早期的 SONET/SDH 不适合于传输 IP 分组 D:DPT 由 Cisco 公司提出 参考答案:A 我的答案: 参考解析:暂无解析 短期启动为脱硝氨区系统因故停运24小时以上72小时以内的重新启动。在短期启动前,有液位容器的处于连续运行状态,其他机械设备处于停用状态。development work steadily in the pilot counties, to build peace neighborhood offices approved, "change", urban and rural communities (Center), immigrant communities, pilot projects such as integrated management of urban and rural sanitation in order. (D) maintain social harmony and stability. In the case of tight financial situation, continue to increase the input of people, happy people battle. Urban central heating and upgrade rural pow er grids, rural reconstruction of shabby housing ten major projects being delivered, has been overfulfilled ahead. Strengthening of social programs, college entrance examination to record heights; new rural insurance coverage rateof the city's first, launched in new rural cooperative medical clinic co-ordination; ... Perfect Park catering, accommodation, education, recreation and other tertiary industries supporting, improving socialization service level, for industries, businesses and create a good environment for development. 3, flexible investment, enhance the industry. Construction of industrial parks, just set up a platform for the development of only attract more projects into the district, to form agglomeration advantages. A innovation project. To be purposeful, targeted investment, will have a basis of the County's industrial packaged bundles, overall publicity and promotion. Initiative going, please come in and carry out all-round, multi-level and wide-range of investment activities. The Township industrial projects, in principle, to put to the West industrial parks. What town project, is that the output value of the Township. Second, we must grasp the standards selected items. Full account of extend the industry chain and the integration of factors of production, not only efforts to introduce a number of scientific and technological content and high added value, growth and strong driving force of large projects and large enterprises, but also on domestic-funded enterprises and in accordance with the direction of industrial development of small and medium projects, project man, small project overwhelming. Meet the area of the County's new industrial projects and city back into rural enterprises, in principle, all stationed in industrial parks. Meanw hile, strict control of excess capacity and high energy consumption, high emission enterprises to enter. Thirdly, increased incentives on the project. Investment of the whole society, the Township and County units go out and draft project. Toestablish investment incentives for successful introduction of significant project gives awards to units and individuals, the introduction of tax for the implementation of the project, to introduce organization into rewards. 4, preferential policies, and security industries. In terms of project examination and approval, by area Administrative Committee in conjunction with the development, planning, land, industry and commerce, quality control and other departments, "one-stop reception, one-stop service", the simplified procedures, the time limit originally. In the management of EIA in accordance with the
5:试题内容: 下列关于路由器技术的描述中,错误的是 A:路由器的包转发能力与路由器端口数量、端口速率、包长度、包类型相关 B:丢包率通常是衡量路由器超负荷工作时的性能 C:突发处理能力是以最大帧间隔发送数据包而不引起丢失的最大发送速率来衡量 D:路由器的冗余是为了保证设备的可靠性与可用性 参考答案:C 我的答案: 参考解析:(P37~39)突发处理能力是以最小帧间隔发送数据包而不引起丢失的最大发送速率 来衡量的。 6:试题内容: 一台交换机具有 24 个 10/100Mbps 端口和 2 个 1000Mbps 端口,如果所有端口都工作在全双 工方式,那么交换机总带宽应为 A:4.4Gbps B:6.4Gbps C:6.8Gbps D:8.8Gbps 参考答案:D 我的答案: 参考解析:(P40)交换机各端口是以独占媒体方式进行使用信道的,又因为是全双工方式, 所以(24×100 Mbps +2×1000 Mbps)×2=8800Mbps=8.8Gbps 7:试题内容: 若服务器系统年停机时间为 50 分钟,那么系统可用性至少达到 A:99% B:99.9% C:99.99% D:99.999% 参考答案:C 我的答案: 参考解析:(P46)一般来讲,服务器的可用性通常用 MTBF(平均无故障时间)衡量。若要求 可用性大于 99.99%,实际上就是要求服务器的每年停机时间不得超过 53 分钟;若要求可用 性大于 99.999%,就意味着每年停机时间不得超过 5 分钟。 8:试题内容: 以下 IP 地址中,不属于专用 IP 地址的是 A: B: C: D: 参考答案:B 我的答案: 参 考 解 析 : (P62) 专 用 IP 地 址 包 括 : A 类 、 B 类、C 类。很显然,B 项不在这些 范围内。 9:试题内容: 下图是网络地址转换 NAT 的一个示例 短期启动为脱硝氨区系统因故停运24小时以上72小时以内的重新启动。在短期启动前,有液位容器的处于连续运行状态,其他机械设备处于停用状态。development work steadily in the pilot counties, to build peace neighborhood offices approved, "change", urban and rural communities (Center), immigrant communities, pilot projects such as integrated management of urban and rural sanitation in order. (D) maintain social harmony and stability. In the case of tight financial situation, continue to increase the input of people, happy people battle. Urban central heating and upgrade rural pow er grids, rural reconstruction of shabby housing ten major projects being delivered, has been overfulfilled ahead. Strengthening of social programs, college entrance examination to record heights; new rural insurance coverage rateof the city's first, launched in new rural cooperative medical clinic co-ordination; ... Perfect Park catering, accommodation, education, recreation and other tertiary industries supporting, improving socialization service level, for industries, businesses and create a good environment for development. 3, flexible investment, enhance the industry. Construction of industrial parks, just set up a platform for the development of only attract more projects into the district, to form agglomeration advantages. A innovation project. To be purposeful, targeted investment, will have a basis of the County's industrial packaged bundles, overall publicity and promotion. Initiative going, please come in and carry out all-round, multi-level and wide-range of investment activities. The Township industrial projects, in principle, to put to the West industrial parks. What town project, is that the output value of the Township. Second, we must grasp the standards selected items. Full account of extend the industry chain and the integration of factors of production, not only efforts to introduce a number of scientific and technological content and high added value, growth and strong driving force of large projects and large enterprises, but also on domestic-funded enterprises and in accordance with the direction of industrial development of small and medium projects, project man, small project overwhelming. Meet the area of the County's new industrial projects and city back into rural enterprises, in principle, all stationed in industrial parks. Meanw hile, strict control of excess capacity and high energy consumption, high emission enterprises to enter. Thirdly, increased incentives on the project. Investment of the whole society, the Township and County units go out and draft project. Toestablish investment incentives for successful introduction of significant project gives awards to units and individuals, the introduction of tax for the implementation of the project, to introduce organization into rewards. 4, preferential policies, and security industries. In terms of project examination and approval, by area Administrative Committee in conjunction with the development, planning, land, industry and commerce, quality control and other departments, "one-stop reception, one-stop service", the simplified procedures, the time limit originally. In the management of EIA in accordance with the
A:A B:B C:C D:D 参考答案:A 我的答案: 参考解析:(P74)根据 NAT 工作原理,分组 1 的源地址是内部专用地址,要转换成全局 IP 地址,端口号也需相应转换,而目的地址不变。12edu.cn 10:试题内容: 某公司拥有 IP 地址块,其中 和 已 经分配给人事部和财务部,现技术部需要 100 个 IP 地址,可分配的 IP 地址块是 A: B: C: D: 参考答案:D 我的答案: 参考解析:(P67~69)100 小于 2 的 7 次方,即主机号需要用 7 位,子网掩码 25 位。又因为 已经划分出了两个网段占用了,所以只有 可以分配了 1:试题内容: IPv6 地址 FE::45:0:A2 的::之间被压缩的二进制数字 0 的位数为 A:16 B:32 C:64 短期启动为脱硝氨区系统因故停运24小时以上72小时以内的重新启动。在短期启动前,有液位容器的处于连续运行状态,其他机械设备处于停用状态。development work steadily in the pilot counties, to build peace neighborhood offices approved, "change", urban and rural communities (Center), immigrant communities, pilot projects such as integrated management of urban and rural sanitation in order. (D) maintain social harmony and stability. In the case of tight financial situation, continue to increase the input of people, happy people battle. Urban central heating and upgrade rural pow er grids, rural reconstruction of shabby housing ten major projects being delivered, has been overfulfilled ahead. Strengthening of social programs, college entrance examination to record heights; new rural insurance coverage rateof the city's first, launched in new rural cooperative medical clinic co-ordination; ... Perfect Park catering, accommodation, education, recreation and other tertiary industries supporting, improving socialization service level, for industries, businesses and create a good environment for development. 3, flexible investment, enhance the industry. Construction of industrial parks, just set up a platform for the development of only attract more projects into the district, to form agglomeration advantages. A innovation project. To be purposeful, targeted investment, will have a basis of the County's industrial packaged bundles, overall publicity and promotion. Initiative going, please come in and carry out all-round, multi-level and wide-range of investment activities. The Township industrial projects, in principle, to put to the West industrial parks. What town project, is that the output value of the Township. Second, we must grasp the standards selected items. Full account of extend the industry chain and the integration of factors of production, not only efforts to introduce a number of scientific and technological content and high added value, growth and strong driving force of large projects and large enterprises, but also on domestic-funded enterprises and in accordance with the direction of industrial development of small and medium projects, project man, small project overwhelming. Meet the area of the County's new industrial projects and city back into rural enterprises, in principle, all stationed in industrial parks. Meanw hile, strict control of excess capacity and high energy consumption, high emission enterprises to enter. Thirdly, increased incentives on the project. Investment of the whole society, the Township and County units go out and draft project. Toestablish investment incentives for successful introduction of significant project gives awards to units and individuals, the introduction of tax for the implementation of the project, to introduce organization into rewards. 4, preferential policies, and security industries. In terms of project examination and approval, by area Administrative Committee in conjunction with the development, planning, land, industry and commerce, quality control and other departments, "one-stop reception, one-stop service", the simplified procedures, the time limit originally. In the management of EIA in accordance with the
D:96 参考答案:C 我的答案: 参考解析:(P75~76)IPv6 中,地址的长度是 128 位,表示形式为 n:n:n:n:n:n:n:n。每个 n 都表示 8 个 16 位地址元素之一的十六进制值。压缩形式中,如果几个连续位段的值都为 0, 那么这些 0 就可以简写为双冒号符号“::”。题中,IPv6 地址 FE::45:0:A2 的压缩应该包 括 4 个 n,即 64 个二进制数字 0。 12:试题内容: 使用链路状态数据库的路由协议是 A:RIP B:OSPF C:BGP D:IGRP 参考答案:B 我的答案: 参考解析:(P178~182)现在正在使用的内部网关路由协议有以下几种:RIP1、RIP2、IGRP、 EIGRP、IS-IS 和 OSPF。其中前 4 种路由协议采用的是距离向量算法,IS-IS 和 OSPF 采用的 是链路状态算法。对于小型网络,采用基于距离向量算法的路由协议易于配置和管理,且应 用较为广泛,但在面对大型网络时,不但其固有的环路问题变得更难解决,所占用的带宽也 迅速增长,以至于网络无法承受。因此对于大型网络,采用链路状态算法的 IS-IS 和 OSPF 较为有效,并且得到了广泛的应用。IS-IS 与 OSPF 在质量和性能上的差别并不大,但 OSPF 更适用于 IP,较 IS-IS 更具有活力。 13:试题内容: R1、R2 是一个自治系统中采用 RIP 路由协议的两个相邻路由器,R1 的路由表如下图(a)所 示。如果 R1 收到 R2 发送的如下图(b)所示的(V,D)报文,更新后 R1 的四个路由表项的距离 值从上到下依次为 0、4、4、2,那么 a、b、c、d 可能的数值依次为 A:1、2、2、1 B:2、2、3、1 C:3、3、3、1 D:4、4、3、2 参考答案:C 我的答案: 参考解析:(P85~86)路由表的更新规律请参照 P85。R1 到目的网络 的距离被更新 为 4,意味着 R2 到目的网络 的距离为 3,即 b 为 3。 14:试题内容: 短期启动为脱硝氨区系统因故停运24小时以上72小时以内的重新启动。在短期启动前,有液位容器的处于连续运行状态,其他机械设备处于停用状态。development work steadily in the pilot counties, to build peace neighborhood offices approved, "change", urban and rural communities (Center), immigrant communities, pilot projects such as integrated management of urban and rural sanitation in order. (D) maintain social harmony and stability. In the case of tight financial situation, continue to increase the input of people, happy people battle. Urban central heating and upgrade rural pow er grids, rural reconstruction of shabby housing ten major projects being delivered, has been overfulfilled ahead. Strengthening of social programs, college entrance examination to record heights; new rural insurance coverage rateof the city's first, launched in new rural cooperative medical clinic co-ordination; ... Perfect Park catering, accommodation, education, recreation and other tertiary industries supporting, improving socialization service level, for industries, businesses and create a good environment for development. 3, flexible investment, enhance the industry. Construction of industrial parks, just set up a platform for the development of only attract more projects into the district, to form agglomeration advantages. A innovation project. To be purposeful, targeted investment, will have a basis of the County's industrial packaged bundles, overall publicity and promotion. Initiative going, please come in and carry out all-round, multi-level and wide-range of investment activities. The Township industrial projects, in principle, to put to the West industrial parks. What town project, is that the output value of the Township. Second, we must grasp the standards selected items. Full account of extend the industry chain and the integration of factors of production, not only efforts to introduce a number of scientific and technological content and high added value, growth and strong driving force of large projects and large enterprises, but also on domestic-funded enterprises and in accordance with the direction of industrial development of small and medium projects, project man, small project overwhelming. Meet the area of the County's new industrial projects and city back into rural enterprises, in principle, all stationed in industrial parks. Meanw hile, strict control of excess capacity and high energy consumption, high emission enterprises to enter. Thirdly, increased incentives on the project. Investment of the whole society, the Township and County units go out and draft project. Toestablish investment incentives for successful introduction of significant project gives awards to units and individuals, the introduction of tax for the implementation of the project, to introduce organization into rewards. 4, preferential policies, and security industries. In terms of project examination and approval, by area Administrative Committee in conjunction with the development, planning, land, industry and commerce, quality control and other departments, "one-stop reception, one-stop service", the simplified procedures, the time limit originally. In the management of EIA in accordance with the
下列关于 BGP 协议的描述中,错误的是 A:BGP 是用于自治系统之间的域间路由选择协议 B:每个自治系统至少有一个路由器做为 BGP 发言人 C:自治系统通过 BGP 发言人交换路由信息 D:BGP 发言人使用 UDP 协议交换路由信息 参考答案:D 我的答案: 参考解析:(P88~90)BGP 发言人交换路由信息,要先建立 TCP 链接。 15:试题内容: 下列关于 Fast Ethernet 物理层标准的描述中,错误的是 A:100BASE-TX 和 100BASE-T4 均采用全双工方式工作 B:100BASE-T4 使用 3 对双绞线传输数据,1 对双绞线进行冲突检测 C:100BASE-FX 使用光纤传输数据,最大长度为 415 米 D:100BASE-TX 使用 2 对 5 类非屏蔽双绞线 参考答案:A 我的答案: 参考解析:(P102~103)100BASE-TX 采用全双工方式工作,但 100BASE-T4 采用半双工方式工 作。 16:试题内容: 下列关于干线子系统设计的描述中,错误的是 A:点对点结合方法的主要缺点是主干线数目较多 B:应选择带盖的封闭通道敷设干线电缆 C:在规划主干电缆时要注意确定电缆中语音和数据信号的共享原则 D:干线子系统用于连接两个或两个以上建筑物的网络设备 参考答案:D 我的答案: 参考解析:(P110~114)建筑群子系统才是连接两个或两个以上建筑物的通信设备和装置。 17:试题内容: 在使用 console 口配置交换机时,配置终端的异步串行口的传输速率应设定为 A:4800bps B:9600bps C:19200bps D:57600bps 参考答案:B 我的答案: 参考解析:(P129)异步串行口参数的设定要求:传输速率 9600、数据位 8 位、停止位 1 位。 18:试题内容: 设置 Catalyst 6500 交换机的 3/1 至 3/24 端口为全双工通信方式,正确的配置语句是 A:set interface duplex 3/1-3/24 full B:set interface duplex 3/1-24 full C:set port duplex 3/1-3/24 full D:set port duplex 3/1-24 full 参考答案:D 我的答案: 参 考 解 析 : (P140~142)Catalyst 6500 交 换 机 端 口 配 置 的 命 令 格 式 : set port duplex full 短期启动为脱硝氨区系统因故停运24小时以上72小时以内的重新启动。在短期启动前,有液位容器的处于连续运行状态,其他机械设备处于停用状态。development work steadily in the pilot counties, to build peace neighborhood offices approved, "change", urban and rural communities (Center), immigrant communities, pilot projects such as integrated management of urban and rural sanitation in order. (D) maintain social harmony and stability. In the case of tight financial situation, continue to increase the input of people, happy people battle. Urban central heating and upgrade rural pow er grids, rural reconstruction of shabby housing ten major projects being delivered, has been overfulfilled ahead. Strengthening of social programs, college entrance examination to record heights; new rural insurance coverage rateof the city's first, launched in new rural cooperative medical clinic co-ordination; ... Perfect Park catering, accommodation, education, recreation and other tertiary industries supporting, improving socialization service level, for industries, businesses and create a good environment for development. 3, flexible investment, enhance the industry. Construction of industrial parks, just set up a platform for the development of only attract more projects into the district, to form agglomeration advantages. A innovation project. To be purposeful, targeted investment, will have a basis of the County's industrial packaged bundles, overall publicity and promotion. Initiative going, please come in and carry out all-round, multi-level and wide-range of investment activities. The Township industrial projects, in principle, to put to the West industrial parks. What town project, is that the output value of the Township. Second, we must grasp the standards selected items. Full account of extend the industry chain and the integration of factors of production, not only efforts to introduce a number of scientific and technological content and high added value, growth and strong driving force of large projects and large enterprises, but also on domestic-funded enterprises and in accordance with the direction of industrial development of small and medium projects, project man, small project overwhelming. Meet the area of the County's new industrial projects and city back into rural enterprises, in principle, all stationed in industrial parks. Meanw hile, strict control of excess capacity and high energy consumption, high emission enterprises to enter. Thirdly, increased incentives on the project. Investment of the whole society, the Township and County units go out and draft project. Toestablish investment incentives for successful introduction of significant project gives awards to units and individuals, the introduction of tax for the implementation of the project, to introduce organization into rewards. 4, preferential policies, and security industries. In terms of project examination and approval, by area Administrative Committee in conjunction with the development, planning, land, industry and commerce, quality control and other departments, "one-stop reception, one-stop service", the simplified procedures, the time limit originally. In the management of EIA in accordance with the
19:试题内容: 在 Catalyst 6500 以太网交换机上建立名为 smzx102 的 VLAN,正确的配置语句是 A:set 102 name smzx102 B:set vlan 190 smzx102 C:set vlan 1002 name smzx102 D:set vlan 105 name smzx102 参考答案:D 我的答案: 参考解析:(P142~143)Catalyst 6500 交换机建立 VLAN 的命令格式:set vlan name ,vlan_ID 取值 2~1000 用于 Ethernet VLANs。来源教育城 www.12edu.cn 20:试题内容: 提高 Catalyst 6500 发生直接链路失效的收敛速度,正确配置 STP 可选功能的命令是 A:set spantree backbonefast enable B:set spantree uplinkfast enable C:set spantree portfast 3/2 enable D:set spantree portfast bpdu-filter enable 参考答案:B 我的答案: 参考解析:(P149)UplinkFast 的功能是当生成树拓扑结构发生变化和在使用上连链路组的 冗余链路之间完成负载平衡即直接链路失效时,提供快速收敛。命令格式:set spantree uplinkfast 21:试题内容: 主要用于存储启动配置(startup config)文件或备份配置文件的路由器内存是 A:ROM B:RAM C:NVRAM D:SDROM 参考答案:C 我的答案: 参考解析:(P160~161)NVRAM 主要用于存储启动配置(startup-config)文件或备份配置文 件;ROM 用于永久保存路由器的开机诊断程序、引导程序和操作系统软件;RAM 用于缓存运行 期间的临时数据。 enable。 22:试题内容: 在需要恢复路由器密码时,应进入的路由器工作模式是 A:User EXEC B:Privileged EXEC C:Setup D:RXBOOT 参考答案:D 我的答案: 参考解析:(P162)RXBOOT 是路由器的维护模式。在密码丢失时可以进入 RXBOOT 模式,以恢 复密码。 23:试题内容: 用标准访问控制列表配置只允许 子网主机登录到路由器,正确的配置是 短期启动为脱硝氨区系统因故停运24小时以上72小时以内的重新启动。在短期启动前,有液位容器的处于连续运行状态,其他机械设备处于停用状态。development work steadily in the pilot counties, to build peace neighborhood offices approved, "change", urban and rural communities (Center), immigrant communities, pilot projects such as integrated management of urban and rural sanitation in order. (D) maintain social harmony and stability. In the case of tight financial situation, continue to increase the input of people, happy people battle. Urban central heating and upgrade rural pow er grids, rural reconstruction of shabby housing ten major projects being delivered, has been overfulfilled ahead. Strengthening of social programs, college entrance examination to record heights; new rural insurance coverage rateof the city's first, launched in new rural cooperative medical clinic co-ordination; ... Perfect Park catering, accommodation, education, recreation and other tertiary industries supporting, improving socialization service level, for industries, businesses and create a good environment for development. 3, flexible investment, enhance the industry. Construction of industrial parks, just set up a platform for the development of only attract more projects into the district, to form agglomeration advantages. A innovation project. To be purposeful, targeted investment, will have a basis of the County's industrial packaged bundles, overall publicity and promotion. Initiative going, please come in and carry out all-round, multi-level and wide-range of investment activities. The Township industrial projects, in principle, to put to the West industrial parks. What town project, is that the output value of the Township. Second, we must grasp the standards selected items. Full account of extend the industry chain and the integration of factors of production, not only efforts to introduce a number of scientific and technological content and high added value, growth and strong driving force of large projects and large enterprises, but also on domestic-funded enterprises and in accordance with the direction of industrial development of small and medium projects, project man, small project overwhelming. Meet the area of the County's new industrial projects and city back into rural enterprises, in principle, all stationed in industrial parks. Meanw hile, strict control of excess capacity and high energy consumption, high emission enterprises to enter. Thirdly, increased incentives on the project. Investment of the whole society, the Township and County units go out and draft project. Toestablish investment incentives for successful introduction of significant project gives awards to units and individuals, the introduction of tax for the implementation of the project, to introduce organization into rewards. 4, preferential policies, and security industries. In terms of project examination and approval, by area Administrative Committee in conjunction with the development, planning, land, industry and commerce, quality control and other departments, "one-stop reception, one-stop service", the simplified procedures, the time limit originally. In the management of EIA in accordance with the
A:A B:B C:C D:D 参考答案:C 我的答案: 参考解析:(P189~193)配置访问控制列表的具体步骤是,首先定义一个标准或扩展的访问控 制列表,然后为其配置包过滤的准则,最后再配置应用接口。源地址后面的通配符掩码是子 网掩码的反码。因此 A 选项不正确。登录权限应为 in,因此 B 选项不正确。表号 1~99 用于 标准访问控制列表,100~199 用于扩展访问控制列表。因此正确答案是 C 选项。 24:试题内容: 在路由器上建立一个名为 test 的 DHCP 地址池,并为其分配 IP 地址,子网 地址中的 作为静态地址分配,正确的 DHCP 配置是 A:A 短期启动为脱硝氨区系统因故停运24小时以上72小时以内的重新启动。在短期启动前,有液位容器的处于连续运行状态,其他机械设备处于停用状态。development work steadily in the pilot counties, to build peace neighborhood offices approved, "change", urban and rural communities (Center), immigrant communities, pilot projects such as integrated management of urban and rural sanitation in order. (D) maintain social harmony and stability. In the case of tight financial situation, continue to increase the input of people, happy people battle. Urban central heating and upgrade rural pow er grids, rural reconstruction of shabby housing ten major projects being delivered, has been overfulfilled ahead. Strengthening of social programs, college entrance examination to record heights; new rural insurance coverage rateof the city's first, launched in new rural cooperative medical clinic co-ordination; ... Perfect Park catering, accommodation, education, recreation and other tertiary industries supporting, improving socialization service level, for industries, businesses and create a good environment for development. 3, flexible investment, enhance the industry. Construction of industrial parks, just set up a platform for the development of only attract more projects into the district, to form agglomeration advantages. A innovation project. To be purposeful, targeted investment, will have a basis of the County's industrial packaged bundles, overall publicity and promotion. Initiative going, please come in and carry out all-round, multi-level and wide-range of investment activities. The Township industrial projects, in principle, to put to the West industrial parks. What town project, is that the output value of the Township. Second, we must grasp the standards selected items. Full account of extend the industry chain and the integration of factors of production, not only efforts to introduce a number of scientific and technological content and high added value, growth and strong driving force of large projects and large enterprises, but also on domestic-funded enterprises and in accordance with the direction of industrial development of small and medium projects, project man, small project overwhelming. Meet the area of the County's new industrial projects and city back into rural enterprises, in principle, all stationed in industrial parks. Meanw hile, strict control of excess capacity and high energy consumption, high emission enterprises to enter. Thirdly, increased incentives on the project. Investment of the whole society, the Township and County units go out and draft project. Toestablish investment incentives for successful introduction of significant project gives awards to units and individuals, the introduction of tax for the implementation of the project, to introduce organization into rewards. 4, preferential policies, and security industries. In terms of project examination and approval, by area Administrative Committee in conjunction with the development, planning, land, industry and commerce, quality control and other departments, "one-stop reception, one-stop service", the simplified procedures, the time limit originally. In the management of EIA in accordance with the
B:B C:C D:D 参考答案:D 我的答案: 参 考 解 析 : (P186~187) 配 置 不 用 于 动 态 分 配 的 IP 地 址 的 命 令 格 式 为 : ip dhcp excluded-address low-address \[high-address\]。选项 A、B 的 IP 格式不对;建立 DHCP 地 址 池 命 令 格 式 为 : ip dhcp pool , 为 其 分 配 IP 地 址 的 命 令 格 式 为 network \[mask\],选项 C 中不是子网掩码的格式。所以正确答案是 D 选项。 25:试题内容: 在设计点对点(Ad hoc)模式的小型无线局域网时,应选用的无线局域网设备是 A:无线网卡 B:无线接入点 C:无线网桥 D:无线路由器 参考答案:A 我的答案: 参考解析:(P207)802.11b 运作的模式分两种:点对点模式和基本模式。点对点模式是指无 线网卡之间的通信方式。因此选 A 项。 26:试题内容: 下列关于蓝牙技术特点的描述中,错误的是 A:蓝牙系统的工作频率为 2.402~2.480GHz B:同步信道速率可以达到 433.9Kbps C:发送功率为 1mw 时,传输距离最大为 10 米 D:最大密钥长度为 128bit 参考答案:B 我的答案: 参考解析:(P202~203)蓝牙系统的异步信道对称连接的速率可以达到 433.9Kbps,同步信道 速率为 64Kbps。 27:试题内容: 下列不属于无线接入点配置参数的是 A:IP Address B:Radio Service Set ID C:MAC Address D:Broadcast SSID in Beacon 参考答案:C 我的答案: 参 考 解 析 : (P212~214) 无 线 接 入 点 配 置 参 数 有 : Sytem Name 、 Configuration server Protocol、IP Address、IP Subnet Mask、Default Gateway、Radio Service Set ID、Broadcast SSID in Beacon,不包括 MAC Address。 28:试题内容: 下列关于 Windows 2003 系统下 DNS 服务器配置和测试的描述中,错误的是 A:主机记录的生存时间指该记录在服务器中的存放时间 B:接口选项可设置在哪些接口上侦听 DNS 查询请求 C:事件日志选项可设置 DNS 服务器是否将查询事件记录到日志中 短期启动为脱硝氨区系统因故停运24小时以上72小时以内的重新启动。在短期启动前,有液位容器的处于连续运行状态,其他机械设备处于停用状态。development work steadily in the pilot counties, to build peace neighborhood offices approved, "change", urban and rural communities (Center), immigrant communities, pilot projects such as integrated management of urban and rural sanitation in order. (D) maintain social harmony and stability. In the case of tight financial situation, continue to increase the input of people, happy people battle. Urban central heating and upgrade rural pow er grids, rural reconstruction of shabby housing ten major projects being delivered, has been overfulfilled ahead. Strengthening of social programs, college entrance examination to record heights; new rural insurance coverage rateof the city's first, launched in new rural cooperative medical clinic co-ordination; ... Perfect Park catering, accommodation, education, recreation and other tertiary industries supporting, improving socialization service level, for industries, businesses and create a good environment for development. 3, flexible investment, enhance the industry. Construction of industrial parks, just set up a platform for the development of only attract more projects into the district, to form agglomeration advantages. A innovation project. To be purposeful, targeted investment, will have a basis of the County's industrial packaged bundles, overall publicity and promotion. Initiative going, please come in and carry out all-round, multi-level and wide-range of investment activities. The Township industrial projects, in principle, to put to the West industrial parks. What town project, is that the output value of the Township. Second, we must grasp the standards selected items. Full account of extend the industry chain and the integration of factors of production, not only efforts to introduce a number of scientific and technological content and high added value, growth and strong driving force of large projects and large enterprises, but also on domestic-funded enterprises and in accordance with the direction of industrial development of small and medium projects, project man, small project overwhelming. Meet the area of the County's new industrial projects and city back into rural enterprises, in principle, all stationed in industrial parks. Meanw hile, strict control of excess capacity and high energy consumption, high emission enterprises to enter. Thirdly, increased incentives on the project. Investment of the whole society, the Township and County units go out and draft project. Toestablish investment incentives for successful introduction of significant project gives awards to units and individuals, the introduction of tax for the implementation of the project, to introduce organization into rewards. 4, preferential policies, and security industries. In terms of project examination and approval, by area Administrative Committee in conjunction with the development, planning, land, industry and commerce, quality control and other departments, "one-stop reception, one-stop service", the simplified procedures, the time limit originally. In the management of EIA in accordance with the