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用 C 写的 CGI 留言板程序-- 支持 mysql 发表时间: 2006-4-29 10:52:32 作者:newzy 来源: 来自: http://www.myspace.zjut.edu.cn/blog/blog.asp?name=newzy http://www.eybuild.com 这里下载源代码: http://www.eybuild.com/develop/download/review.rar 看看 eybuild 的中文手册: http://www.eybuild.com/develop/doc/manual/eyBuild_manual_ch.pdf 这里下载 CSP 开发环境: http://www.eybuild.com/develop 可以让留言本支持 MYSQL, 方法是 将下面的 db_mysql.c 替换掉 原来的 db.c 即可. 程序接口与原来的兼容. extern void * open_db(char * mode); extern int close_db(void * fp); extern int db_read_next(void * fp, RECORD * rcd); extern int db_insert(void * fp, RECORD * rcd); /* db_mysql.c - where to start CGI */ /* Copyright(C) eyBuild Group, 2005, 2006. All Rights Reserved. */ /* http://www.eybuild.com */ /*
modification history 01a, 2005-04-03, newzy writen */ /* DESCRIPTION this module is for suport mysql. Thanks for xxt help. ALSO SEE: db.c db.h */ #include #include #include #include #include #include "db.h" #include /* database info */ typedef struct { char * dbname; char * table_name; MYSQL * mydata; MYSQL_RES * records; } DB_INFO;
/* open data base */ void * open_db(char * mode) { DB_INFO * db_fp = NULL; db_fp = (DB_INFO *)malloc(sizeof(DB_INFO)); memset(db_fp, 0, sizeof(DB_INFO)); if ( ! (db_fp->mydata = mysql_init(NULL) )) return NULL; db_fp->dbname = "example"; db_fp->table_name = "viewmsg"; if (!mysql_real_connect(db_fp->mydata, NULL, "root", "xxt", db_fp->dbname, MYSQL_PORT, NULL, 0 )) return NULL; return db_fp; } /* close data base */
int close_db(void * fp) { DB_INFO * db_fp = (DB_INFO *)fp; if (NULL == fp) return ERROR; if (db_fp->records) mysql_free_result(db_fp->records); if (db_fp->mydata) mysql_close(db_fp->mydata); free (db_fp); return OK; } /* read record from base */ int db_read_next(void * fp, RECORD * rcd) { DB_INFO * db_fp = (DB_INFO *)fp; MYSQL_ROW row; /* get records from server */ if (NULL==db_fp)
return ERROR; if (NULL==db_fp->records) { char strsql[256] = ""; sprintf (strsql, "select * from %s", db_fp->table_name); if (mysql_query(db_fp->mydata, strsql) ) { close_db(db_fp); return ERROR; } db_fp->records = mysql_store_result(db_fp->mydata); } /* read one record */ row = mysql_fetch_row(db_fp->records); if (NULL == row) /* end of records */ return 0; strcpy(rcd->name, row[1]); strcpy(rcd->sex, row[2]); strcpy(rcd->mail, row[3]); strcpy(rcd->now, row[4]); strcpy(rcd->msg, row[5]); rcd->msg_len = strlen(rcd->msg);
return sizeof(RECORD); } /* insert record to data base */ int db_insert(void * fp, RECORD * rcd) { DB_INFO * db_fp = (DB_INFO *)fp; char strsql[sizeof(RECORD)] = ""; /* get records from server */ if (NULL==db_fp || NULL==db_fp->mydata) return ERROR; sprintf(strsql, "insert into %s (name,sex,email,date,content) " "values('%s', '%s', '%s', '%s', '%s')", db_fp->table_name, rcd->name, rcd->sex, rcd->mail, rcd->now, rcd->msg ); if (mysql_query(db_fp->mydata, strsql) ) {
close_db(db_fp); return ERROR; } return sizeof(RECORD); }