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/Digital oscilloscope - part 1
【FPGA 设计实例】基于 FPGA 的数字示波器设计 Digital oscilloscope A digital oscilloscope has many advantages over its analog counterpart, like the ability to capture single events, and to display what happens before the trigger. You can build a digital oscilloscope simply by hooking an ADC and an FPGA together. This particular design uses an 100MHz flash ADC, so we are building an 100MSPS (mega-samples-per-seconds) oscilloscope. This oscilloscope design is interesting because it shows how powerful and useful modern FPGAs can be. But if you are new to FPGA technology, keep that in mind this is not the easiest design to understand on this site. HDL design Or how to create the oscilloscope logic inside the FPGA. • HDL part 1 - FIFO-based design. • HDL part 2 - RAM-based design. • HDL part 3 - Trigger mechanism. • HDL part 4 - More functionality. Hardware • This design was created using the Flashy boards. • See also the "hands-on" page on how to build a simple oscilloscope. Software • History, features, screen shots. • See also the interference patterns page. Screenshot Here's the view of a 27MHz signal, sampled at 100MHz and reconstructed using the "sample equivalent time" technique.
Digital oscilloscope - part 1 Here's what is built here: The FPGA receives 2 clocks: • A slow "system" clock, fixed at 25MHz. • An ADC sampling clock (something faster, let's say 100MHz), that is connected to both the ADC and the FPGA. Having these 2 clocks gives flexibility to the design. But that also means we need a way to transfer information from one clock domain to the other. To validate that the hardware works,
let's go the easy route and use a FIFO. The acquired samples from the ADC are stored in the FPGA FIFO at full ADC speed (100MHz). Then, the FIFO content is read back, serialized and sent on a serial port at a much slower speed (115200 baud). Finally we connect the serial output to a PC that receives each byte and displays a signal trace. For this first attempt, there is no trace triggering mechanism. The ADC storage starts at random intervals so the trace will jump left and right, but that's fine for now. Design considerations At 100MHz, the FIFO fills up in about 10us. That's pretty fast. Once full, we have to stop feeding it. What is stored needs to be completely sent to the PC before we can start feeding the FIFO again. The serial communication used here works at 115200 bauds, so roughly 10KBytes/s. 1024 samples take about 100ms to transmit. During that time, the oscilloscope is "blind", because we discard the data coming from the ADC. So it is blind 99.99% of the time. That's typical of this type of architecture. That can be partially compensated when we add a trigger mechanism later, because while the trigger is armed, it works at full ADC speed and can stay armed as long as it takes for the trigger condition to happen. More on that later. Register the inputs The ADC output data bus is connected to the FPGA using 8 pins that we call "data_flash[7:0]". These come at speed of up to 100MHz. Since this is fast, it is best to "register" them right when they come in the FPGA. reg [7:0] data_flash_reg; always @(posedge clk_flash) data_flash_reg <= data_flash; Now "data_flash_reg" is fully internal to the FPGA and can be fed to the FPGA FIFO. The FIFO The FIFO is 1024 words deep x 8 bits wide. Since we receive 8 bits per clock from the ADC, we can store 1024 ADC samples. At 100MHz, it takes about 10us to fill up the FIFO.
The FIFO uses synchronous static RAM blocks available inside the FPGA. Each storage block can store typically 512x8bits. So the FIFO uses 2 blocks. The FIFO logic itself is created by using the FPGA vendor "function builder". Xilinx calls it "coregen" while Altera "Megafunctions wizard". Here let's use Altera's Quartus to create this file. So now, using the FIFO is just a connectivity issue. fifo myfifo(.data(data_flash_reg), .wrreq(wrreq), .wrclk(clk_flash), .wrfull(wrfull), .wrempty(w rempty), .q(q_fifo), .rdreq(rdreq), .rdclk(clk), .rdempty(rdempty)); Using a FIFO is nice because it takes care of the different clocks. We connected the write side of the FIFO to the "clk_flash" (100MHz), and the read side of the FIFO to "clk" (25MHz). The FIFO provides the full and empty signals for each clock domain. For example, "wrempty" is an empty signal that can be used in the write clock domain ("clk_flash"), and "rdempty" can be used in the read clock domain ("clk"). Using the FIFO is simple: Writing to it is just a matter of asserting the "wrreq" signal (and providing the data to the ".data" port), while reading from it a matter of asserting "rdreq" (and the data comes on the ".q" port). Writing to the FIFO To start writing to the FIFO, we wait until it is empty. Of course, at power-up (after the FPGA is configured), that is true. We stop only when it gets full. And then the process starts again... we wait until it is empty... feed it until it is full... stop. reg fillfifo; always @(posedge clk_flash) if(~fillfifo) fillfifo <= wrempty; // start when empty else fillfifo <= ~wrfull; // stop when full assign wrreq = fillfifo; Reading to the FIFO
We read from the FIFO as long as it is not empty. Each byte read is send to a serial output. wire TxD_start = ~TxD_busy & ~rdempty; assign rdreq = TxD_start; async_transmitter async_txd(.clk(clk), .TxD(TxD), .TxD_start(TxD_start), .TxD_busy(TxD_busy), .TxD_data( q_fifo)); We use the async_transmitter module to serialize the data and transmit it to a pin called "TxD". Complete design Our first working oscilloscope design, isn't that nice? module oscillo(clk, TxD, clk_flash, data_flash); input clk; output TxD; input clk_flash; input [7:0] data_flash; reg [7:0] data_flash_reg; always @(posedge clk_flash) data_flash_reg <= data_flash; wire [7:0] q_fifo; fifo myfifo(.data(data_flash_reg), .wrreq(wrreq), .wrclk(clk_flash), .wrfull(wrfull), .wrempty(w rempty), .q(q_fifo), .rdreq(rdreq), .rdclk(clk), .rdempty(rdempty)); // The flash ADC side starts filling the fifo only when it is completely empty, // and stops when it is full, and then waits until it is completely empty again reg fillfifo; always @(posedge clk_flash) if(~fillfifo) fillfifo <= wrempty; // start when empty else fillfifo <= ~wrfull; // stop when full assign wrreq = fillfifo; // the manager side sends when the fifo is not empty
wire TxD_busy; wire TxD_start = ~TxD_busy & ~rdempty; assign rdreq = TxD_start; async_transmitter async_txd(.clk(clk), .TxD(TxD), .TxD_start(TxD_start), .TxD_busy(TxD_busy), .TxD_data( q_fifo)); endmodule Digital oscilloscope - part 2 The FIFO allowed us to get a working design very quickly. But for our simple oscilloscope, it is overkill. We need a mechanism to store data from one clock domain (100MHz) and read it in another (25MHz). A simple dual-port RAM does that. The disadvantage of not using a FIFO is that all the synchonization between the 2 clock domains (that the FIFO was doing for us) has to be done "manually" now. Trigger The "FIFO based" oscilloscope design didn't have an explicit trigger mechanism. Let's change that. Now the oscilloscope will be triggered everytime it receives a character from the serial port. Of course, that's still not a very useful design, but we'll improved on that later. We receive data from the serial port: wire [7:0] RxD_data; async_receiver async_rxd(.clk(clk), .RxD(RxD), .RxD_data_ready(RxD_data_ready), .RxD_data(RxD_data )); Everytime a new character is received, "RxD_data_ready" goes high for one clock. We use that to trigger the oscilloscope. Synchronization
We need to transfer this "RxD_data_ready went high" information from the "clk" (25MHz) domain to the "clk_flash" (100MHz) domain. First, a signal "startAcquisition" goes high when a character is received. reg startAcquisition; wire AcquisitionStarted; always @(posedge clk) if(~startAcquisition) startAcquisition <= RxD_data_ready; else if(AcquisitionStarted) startAcquisition <= 0; We use synchronizers in the form of 2 flipflops (to transfer this "startAcquisition" to the other clock domain). reg startAcquisition1; always @(posedge clk_flash) startAcquisition1 <= startAcquisition; reg startAcquisition2; always @(posedge clk_flash) startAcquisition2 <= startAcquisition1; Finally, once the other clock domain "sees" the signal, it "replies" (using another synchronizer "Acquiring"). reg Acquiring; always @(posedge clk_flash) if(~Acquiring) Acquiring <= startAcquisition2; // start acquiring? else if(&wraddress) // done acquiring? Acquiring <= 0; reg Acquiring1; always @(posedge clk) Acquiring1 <= Acquiring; reg Acquiring2; always @(posedge clk) Acquiring2 <= Acquiring1; assign AcquisitionStarted = Acquiring2; The reply resets the original signal. Dual-port RAM Now that the trigger is available, we need a dual-port RAM to store the data. Notice how each side of the RAM uses a different clock.
ram512 ram_flash( .data(data_flash_reg), .wraddress(wraddress), .wren(Acquiring), .wrclock(clk_flash), .q(ram_output), .rdaddress(rdaddress), .rden(rden), .rdclock(clk) ); The ram address buses are created easily using binary counters. First the write address: reg [8:0] wraddress; always @(posedge clk_flash) if(Acquiring) wraddress <= wraddress + 1; and the read address: reg [8:0] rdaddress; reg Sending; wire TxD_busy; always @(posedge clk) if(~Sending) Sending <= AcquisitionStarted; else if(~TxD_busy) begin rdaddress <= rdaddress + 1; if(&rdaddress) Sending <= 0; end Notice how each counter uses a different clock. Finally we send data to the PC: wire TxD_start = ~TxD_busy & Sending; wire rden = TxD_start; wire [7:0] ram_output; async_transmitter async_txd(.clk(clk), .TxD(TxD), .TxD_start(TxD_start), .TxD_busy(TxD_busy), .TxD_data( ram_output)); The complete design