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一,实验目的 1.加强对词法分析原理、方法和基本实现技术的理解;
二.实验内容 用C语言(或 C++ )作为宿主语言完成: C语言(win-TC , ANSI
三.实验要求1. 编写C语言词法分析器的源程序并调试通过; 2. 通过测试程序的验收; 3.
C 语言词法分析器 一,实验目的 1.加强对词法分析原理、方法和基本实现技术的理解; 2.灵活运用这学期所学的知识对词法分析,语法分析有进一步的理解; 3.强化对系统软件综合工程实现能力的训练; 二.实验内容 用 C 语言(或 C++ )作为宿主语言完成: C 语言(win-TC , ANSI C 或 turbo C 2.0)词法分析器的设计和实现。 三.实验要求 1. 编写 C 语言词法分析器的源程序并调试通过; 2. 通过测试程序的验收; 3. 提交简明扼要的书面实验报告,内容包括:属性字设计;源程序主要流程;主要数据结构设计, 程序。 四,程序流程图 (1) main 主程序图 开始 处理每个字符
初始化 Run=1? 初始化数组 Program[],words[] 提示输入程序字符串 输入并读取程序字符 (2) Scan()函数流程图 Scan()函数,分析并 返回每个单词的属性 判断并输出每 个单词类型属 性。 是否结束 是 结束
初始化数组,标志符 判 断 并 标 志 是 否为关键字 判断并标志为 运算符或标点 符号 判 断 并 标 志 为 其它类型 Return 返 回 sign 数值
五,原程序代码 #include #include int i,j,k,sign,number,flag,run,sum,autuor; /*flag which is use to judge the string is keywords or not!*/ char ch; char words[10] = {" "}; char program[500]; int Scan(char program[]) { char * keywords[39] = { "auto","default","do", "extern","goto", "int","short","static","struct","switch", "typedef","void","break","case","char", "const","continue","double","else", "enum", "float","for","if","long", "register", "return","signed","zhouhong","sizeof","union", "unsigned","volatile","while","main","printf", "scanf","include","define","string" }; = 0; = 0; = program[i++]; number = 0; flag j ch /*To handle the lettle space ands tab*/ while ((ch == ' ') || (ch == '\t') || (ch == '\r')||(ch=='\n')) ch=program[i++]; /* 跳过不理睬 */ /*handle letters*/ if ((ch >= 'a') && (ch <= 'z' )) { while ((ch >= 'a') && (ch <= 'z' )) { words[j++]=ch; ch=program[i++]; } i--; words[j++] = '\0'; for (k = 0; k < 39; k++) if (strcmp (words,keywords[k]) == 0) {sign=k+1;flag=1; if(k==27) autuor=1; break; } if (flag == 0) /*为关键字*/ { sign = 100; } }/* if 是关键字*/ /*handle digits*/ else if ((ch >= '0') && (ch <= '9')) { number = 0; while ((ch >= '0' ) && (ch <= '9' )) { number = number*10+(ch-'0'); ch = program[i++]; /*为数字*/ } sign = 200; i--; } /*opereation and edge handle*/ else switch (ch) { case '=':{ if (ch == '=') words[j++] = ch; words[j] = '\0'; ch = program[i++]; if (ch == '=') {words[j++] = ch; words[j] = '\0'; sign= 401; /* = = } else { i--; /*退回一个字符 sign = 402; /* = */ } break; } case'>':{ if (ch == '>') words[j++] = ch; words[j] = '\0'; ch if (ch == '=') {words[j++] = ch; = program[i++]; = '\0'; words[j] sign = 403; /* >= } else if(ch=='>') { words[j++] =ch; words[j] ='\0'; */ */ */
sign =419; /* >> */ */ } } else { i--; sign = 404; } break; case'<': {if (ch == '<') /* > = program[i++]; words[j++] = ch; words[j] = '\0'; ch if (ch == '=') { words[j++] = ch; words[j] = '\0'; sign = 405; } else if(ch=='<') { words[j++] = ch; words[j] = '\0'; sign = 420; } else { i--; sign = 406; }break; } case'!': {if (ch == '!') words[j++] = ch; words[j] = '\0'; ch = program[i++]; if (ch == '=') {words[j++] = ch; = '\0'; words[j] sign= 407; } else {i--; sign= 408; } break; } case'+':{ if (ch == '+') words[j++] = ch; = '\0'; = '\0'; = '\0'; words[j] ch = program[i++]; if (ch == '=') { words[j++] = ch; words[j] sign= 409; } else if (ch == '+') { words[j++] = ch; words[j] sign= 410; } else {i--; sign = 411; } break; } case'-': {if (ch == '-') words[j++] = ch; words[j] = '\0'; ch = program[i++]; if (ch == '=') { words[j++] = ch; = '\0'; words[j] sign= 412; } else if( ch == '-') { words[j++] = ch; = '\0'; words[j] sign= 413; } /* 负数的情况 */ else if((ch >= '0') && (ch <= '9')) {while( (ch >= '0') && (ch <= '9') ) {words[j++] = ch; ch = program[i++]; } words[j] = '\0'; sign = 1000; /* 标志为 1000 */ /* 负数 */ i--; break; } else { i--; sign = 414;
}break; } case'*':{ if (ch == '*') words[j++] = ch; words[j] = '\0'; ch if (ch == '=') {words[j++] = ch; = program[i++]; = '\0'; words[j] sign = 415; } else { i--; sign } break; = 416; } case'/':{ if (ch == '/') words[j++] = ch; = '\0'; words[j] ch = program[i++]; if (ch == '=') { words[j++] = ch; = '\0'; words[j] sign = 417; } else { i--; sign } break; = 418; } case'^':{ if(ch=='^') words[j++] = ch; = '\0'; words[j] sign =421; break; } case';':{ words[j] = ch; words[j+1] = '\0'; sign break; = 501; } case'(':{ = ch; words[j] words[j+1] = '\0'; sign break; = 502; } case')':{ = ch; words[j] words[j+1] = '\0'; sign break; = 503; } case'[':{ words[j] = ch; words[j+1] = '\0'; sign break; = 504; } case']':{ words[j] = ch; words[j+1] = '\0'; sign break; = 505; } case'{':{ words[j] = ch; words[j+1] = '\0'; sign break; = 506; } case'}':{ words[j] = ch; words[j+1] = '\0'; sign break; = 507; } case':':{ words[j] = ch; words[j+1] = '\0'; sign break; = 508; } case'"':{ words[j] = ch; words[j+1] = '\0'; sign = 509;
break; } case'%':{ if (ch == '%') words[j++] = ch; words[j] = '\0'; ch = program[i++]; if (ch == '=') { words[j++] = ch; = '\0'; words[j] sign = 510; } else { i--; sign } = 511; break; } case',':{ words[j] = ch; words[j+1] = '\0'; sign = 512; break; } case'#':{ words[j] = ch; words[j+1] = '\0'; sign = 513; break; } case'@':{ words[j] = '#'; words[j+1] = '\0'; sign = 0; break; } default:{ sign = -1; break; } } return sign; } void display() {printf("Autuor: zhouhong\n"); 2008-06-10\n"); printf("calss: computer 0502\n"); printf("time: printf("Email: zhouhong206521@126.com\n"); printf("QQ: } 454350734\n"); int main() { i=0; run=1; while(run) { int ent; int j; ent=autuor=sum=0; for( j = 0; j < 500; j++) /* 初始化 */ program[j] = ' '; for( j = 0; j < 10; j++) words[j] = ' '; printf("enter the program end with '@':\n"); do { ch program[i++] = ch; = getchar(); }while(ch != '@'); i = 0; do{sign = Scan(program); if (sign == 200) {printf("(number ",number,sign); sum++; ent=1; } else if (sign == -1) { printf("(error sum++; ent=1; } ",sign); , %8d, %5d) , %5d) /* 错误 */ else if(sign>=1&&sign<=38) {printf("(keyword , %8s, %5d) ",words,sign); sum++; ent=1; } else if(sign>=401&&sign<=421) { ",words,sign); printf("(operator, %8s, sum++; ent=1; %5d)
} else if(sign>=501&&sign<=513) {printf("(symbol , %8s, %5d) ",words,sign); sum++; ent=1; } if(sum%2==0&&ent==1) puts("\r"),ent=0; }while (sign != 0); puts("\n"); if(autuor==1)display(), puts("\n"); printf("continue?(Yor N):"); getchar(); ch=getchar(); if(ch=='N'||ch=='n') run=0; } return 0; getchar(); }