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7 SSH 7.1 Introduction Historically, telnet, ftp, and the BSD r-commands (rcp, rsh, rexec, and rlogin) have been used to handle interactive sessions and file transfers between a local and a remote host. Although these utilities are still popular and in widespread use, their severe security problems make them unsuitable for use in settings where security is a concern. For example, telnet and ftp provide no encryption or authentication ser- vices, so any data transferred using them is vulnerable to eavesdroppers using simple passive attacks. More seriously, these utilities send the user’s password as plaintext, allowing the attacker to recover it and subsequently log on to the remote system as the user. The r-commands are even worse. They share the same problems as telnet and ftp and are often configured to use a convenience mode that does not require the user to present any credentials. This mode is easily subverted to allow an attacker on any machine to log on to or run commands on the target machine as any user authorized to use the r-commands. The Secure Shell (SSH) suite is a set of programs that serve as drop-in replacements for telnet, ftp, and the r-commands. More accurately, SSH is a set of protocols. Because their most popular implementations are the UNIX programs ssh and sshd, most users think of SSH as its implementation rather than the underlying protocols. Despite its name, SSH has nothing to do with a shell, such as sh, csh, or bash. Rather, SSH provides a secure connection over which a user may, among other things, run a remote shell session. 207
208 SSH Chapter 7 When we examine this connection, we will see that it meets our requirements for a VPN. Data sent, for example, over the public Internet is encrypted and authenticated, ensuring that it is safe from snooping and alteration. From the user’s perspective, these VPN functions are transparent. The user need merely call ssh rather than, say, rsh to enjoy the benefits of VPN-like security. Two versions of SSH are in use today. These are not program versions; they are pro- tocol versions. That is, the SSH protocol has two independent versions. Fortunately, most implementations support both versions and will negotiate which version to use at session start-up time. In 1995, Helsinki University of Technology researcher Tatu Ylo..nen developed the first version of SSH. As often happens, he designed it for his own use, in this case, as a response to a password-sniffing attack on his university’s network. As also often hap- pens, Ylo..nen released his code for others to benefit from, and its use exploded all over the world. To deal with the increasing support issues, Ylo..nen formed SSH Communica- tions Security (SCS, ) that same year. This version of the software is now known as SSH version 1 (SSHv1). Actually version 1 of the protocol underwent steady refinement. What is now known as SSHv1 is really version 1.5 of the protocol. As with SSL, there were no formal design documents for the first version of SSH, but Ylo..nen did document the protocol after the fact as an Internet Draft (draft-ylonen- ssh-protocol-00.txt). This draft has long since expired, of course, but is still distributed with the SSH source code and is available in various repositories on the Web (see, for example, ). Because of security problems with SSHv1, SCS released version 2 of the protocol in 1996. SSHv2 is a complete rewrite of the SSH protocol and is incompatible with SSHv1. The IETF became involved by forming the Secure Shell working group (SECSH). Their Web site is at . In late 1999, in response to increasingly restrictive licenses from SCS, the OpenSSH project () released an SSHv1 implementation based on SCS’s 1.2.12 release. This version supported protocol versions 1.3 and 1.5. In June 2000, OpenSSH released support for SSHv2, and support for Secure FTP (SFTP) followed soon afterward in November of that year. At this time, the OpenSSH suite is the most common implementation of the SSH protocols. 7.2 The SSHv1 Protocol Like SSL, SSH is a transport-layer protocol and uses TCP to carry its packets. This has the usual advantages of providing an underlying reliable transport, freeing SSH from having to worry about retransmissions, packet ordering, and flow control. Unlike SSL, SSH does not require that either the local or remote application be SSH-aware. The situ- ation is more analogous to an stunnel environment, such as that in Figure 6.24. That is, SSH provides a secure tunnel through which local and remote applications may com- municate.
Section 7.2 The SSHv1 Protocol 209 The most common case is shown in Figure 7.1: A local user is communicating with a remote shell. In this case, the ssh client is providing the local user with a terminal interface, but this is merely a convenience. This use of ssh is as a secure replacement for rsh and is virtually identical from the user’s perspective. ssh SSH tunnel sshd shell (sh, csh, etc.) Figure 7.1 SSH as a Remote Shell Because the use of ssh as a replacement for rsh and telnet is so common, we first examine the SSH protocol from the point of view of the remote shell application. Later, we consider other applications and capabilities of the SSH protocols. Let’s start with a simple interactive session and watch the protocol in action as SSH connects; authenticates the server, client, and user; transfers user data securely; and finally disconnects. In order to see the unencrypted packets, we specify null encryption (-c none). As we see, ssh warns us that there will be no encryption and that the pass- word will be passed in the clear, just as it is for, say, telnet. Although the SSH protocol recommends that null encryption should be available for debug- ging purposes and although OpenSSH does provide support for it, there is no way to request it from the command line. We are using a patched version that recognizes the -c none option. Our patched server is listening on port 2022 instead of the normal port 22; that is why we spec- ify -p 2022 on the call to ssh. The -1 and -4 specify the version 1 protocol and IPv4, respectively. $ ./ssh -1 -4 -c none -p 2022 guest@localhost WARNING: Encryption is disabled! Password will be transmitted in clear text. guest@localhost’s password: Last login: Sat May 15 14:55:16 2004 from localhost Have a lot of fun... guest@linuxlt:˜> ls Documents public_html guest@linuxlt:˜> exit logout Connection to localhost closed. After we supply our password, sshd starts a shell for us, and we list the home directory of user guest. Finally, we exit from the shell, and the connection is torn down. Before studying the protocol messages for this session in detail, we must examine the SSHv1 binary protocol packet. Figure 7.2 shows the format of these packets. As with the SSL packets from Chapter 6, the SSH packet does not necessarily align its data on word boundaries, so we display them as we did for SSL. The length field is the size of the packet, not including the length field itself or the variable-length random padding field that follows it. The padding field is intended to
210 SSH Chapter 7 length (4 bytes) CRC (4 bytes) random padding (1–8 bytes) data (length−5 bytes) type (1 byte) s e t y b h t g n e l d e t p y r c n e Figure 7.2 The SSHv1 Binary Packet make known text attacks more difficult. Its size is chosen to make the size of the encrypted part of the packet a multiple of 8 bytes. This is presumably because all the block ciphers originally supported by SSHv1 have a 64-bit block size. The OpenSSH version 1 protocol supports only DES, 3DES, and Blowfish, all of which use a 64-bit block size. Following the padding is a 1-byte type field that identifies the type of message that the packet contains. The type values are shown in Figure 7.3. The type field is followed by the message data. The CRC field, which serves as a MAC, ends the packet. When encryption is enabled, everything except the length field is encrypted. The protocol allows for optional compression of the data. This can be useful when SSH is used in low-bandwidth situations such as dial-up lines. If the client and server negotiate compression, only the type and data fields are compressed. Many of these messages either carry no arguments—they consist of only the length, padding, type, and CRC fields—or have a single argument consisting of a string, inte- ger, or extended integer. In these cases, we won’t bother showing the message layout but will merely indicate what type of argument, if any, the message carries. Ser ver Authentication The server authentication phase of the session, as shown in Figure 7.4, begins with the exchange of identification strings. When the SSH client, ssh, connects to the SSH
Section 7.2 The SSHv1 Protocol 211 No. 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 Message Name Message SSH_MSG_NONE SSH_MSG_DISCONNECT SSH_SMSG_PUBLIC_KEY SSH_CMSG_SESSION_KEY SSH_CMSG_USER SSH_CMSG_AUTH_RHOSTS SSH_CMG_AUTH_RSA SSH_SMSG_AUTH_RSA_CHALLENGE SSH_CMSG_AUTH_RESPONSE SSH_CMSG_AUTH_PASSWORD SSH_CMSG_REQUEST_PTY SSH_CMSG_WINDOW_SIZE SSH_CMSG_EXEC_SHELL SSH_CMSG_EXEC_CMD SSH_SMSG_SUCCESS SSH_SMSG_FAILURE SSH_CMSG_STDIN_DATA SSH_SMSG_STDOUT_DATA SSH_SMSG_STDERR_DATA SSH_CMSG_EOF SSH_SMSG_EXITSTATUS SSH_MSG_CHANNEL_OPEN_CONFIRMATION SSH_MSG_CHANNEL_OPEN_FAILURE SSH_MSG_CHANNEL_DATA SSH_MSG_CHANNEL_CLOSE SSH_MSG_CHANNEL_CLOSE_CONFIRMATION SSH_SMSG_X11_OPEN SSH_CMSG_PORT_FORWARD_REQUEST SSH_MSG_PORT_OPEN SSH_CMSG_AGENT_REQUEST_FORWARDING SSH_SMSG_AGENT_OPEN SSH_MSG_IGNORE SSH_CMSG_EXIT_CONFIRMATION SSH_CMSG_X11_REQUEST_FORWARDING SSH_CMSG_AUTH_RHOSTS_RSA SSH_MSG_DEBUG SSH_CMG_REQUEST_COMPRESSION never sent causes immediate connection teardown server’s public key client choice of cipher and session key user logon name request for user rhosts type authentication request for user RSA authentication server challenge for RSA authentication client response to RSA challenge request for password authentication request for a server pseudoterminal client’s window size request to start a user shell request to run a command server accepts last request server does not accept last request client input data for shell/command output data from shell/command STDERR output from shell/command client is finished sending data exit status from shell/command indicates channel opened indicates channel could not be opened data transmitted over channel sender is closing channel sender acknowledges channel close obsolete client is connected to proxy X-server client requests server port be forwarded connection made on forwarded port requests authentication agent forwarding requests channel to authentication agent no op response to SSH_SMSG_EXITSTATUS requests a proxy X-server requests rhosts/RSA authentication debugging information for peer client requests compression Figure 7.3 SSHv1 Message Types
212 SSH Chapter 7 client server IDENT IDENT SSH_SMSG_PUBLIC_KEY SSH_CMSG_SESSION_KEY SSH_SMSG_SUCCESS Figure 7.4 SSHv1 Server Authentication server, sshd, the server sends an identification string indicating which of the protocols it supports and, perhaps, additional program version information. For example, if we connect to the SSH server with netcat, the server responds with its identification string: $ nc linux 22 SSH-1.99-OpenSSH_3.5p1 The SSH-1.99 is a special version number that tells the client that the server supports protocol versions 1 and 2. The -OpenSSH_3.5p1 is meant for human consumption and specifies the version of the OpenSSH SSH server. The client will respond with its own identification string, so that the peers will know which protocol to use. After the server receives the client’s identification string, the peers switch to the binary protocol, and the server sends the SSH_SMSG_PUBLIC_KEY message shown in Figure 7.5. The cookie is 8 random bytes that are intended to make IP spoofing more difficult. The client must return these bytes to the server unchanged. The host key is a permanent RSA public key that the client uses to verify the identity of the server. Unlike with SSL, this key is not signed by a third party. Rather, the client is expected to have a database of known host keys. In practice, this database is built by accepting the key as valid the first time a user connects to a host. Thereafter, the host must present the known key to the client for the session to proceed. SSH also supports a key-fingerprinting mechanism that allows a user to manually verify a site’s key with the site’s system administrator. There is also a proposal to make these fingerprints available through DNS by means of SSHFP (SSH key fingerprint) records. The server also sends a second key, the server key. This key is regenerated periodi- cally, once every hour by default, to help improve security. As we shall see, the client uses both of these keys to form its response to the server.
Section 7.2 The SSHv1 Protocol 213 cookie (8 bytes) server key bits (32 bits) host key bits (32 bits) server public key exponent server public key modulus host public key exponent host public key modulus protocol flags (32 bits) supported ciphers mask (32 bits) supported authentication methods mask (32 bits) Figure 7.5 SSH_SMSG_PUBLIC_KEY Message Finally, the message includes three 32-bit bit masks. The protocol flags bit mask is intended for protocol extension. The supported ciphers mask indicates which ciphers the server can use. The client will choose one of these for the session’s cipher. The sup- ported authentications mask indicates which user authentications the server supports. Again, the client will try one or more of these methods to authenticate the user. Both sides use the information in this message to calculate a session ID by taking the MD5 hash of the concatenation of the moduli of the server and host keys and the cookie. As we’ll see, the session ID is used in generating the session key and thus ensures that both the client and server contribute to the session key. From Figure 7.4, we see that the client responds to the SSH_SMSG_PUBLIC_KEY message with an SSH_CMSG_SESSION_KEY message, shown in Figure 7.6. cipher type (1 byte) cookie (8 bytes) encrypted session key protocol flags (32 bits) Figure 7.6 SSH_CMSG_SESSION_KEY Message
214 SSH Chapter 7 The cipher type field contains the number of the cipher that the client has chosen for the session. The cookie and protocol flags fields are just as they were for the SSH_SMSG_PUBLIC_KEY message. In particular, the cookie must be returned to the server exactly as it was received by the client. The encrypted session key field is a random 32-byte value chosen by the client. The session ID, calculated from the values in the SSH_SMSG_PUBLIC_KEY message, is exclusive-ORed into the first 16 bytes of the random value. This result is then encrypted twice: first by the smaller (usually the server) RSA key and then by the other (usually host) key. Although this operation seems complicated, it accomplishes three separate tasks. First, by exclusive-ORing the session ID into the random value used for the session key, the client ensures that both the server and the client contribute to the final session key. Then, by encrypting with the host key, the client verifies the identity of the server, because the server must have the corresponding private key in order to recover the ses- sion key. Finally, by encrypting with the server key, the client ensures perfect forward secrecy by using the periodically changing server key. Both sides now begin encrypting their packets. The server completes the server authentication phase by sending an SSH_SMSG_SUCCESS message. At this point, the peers have established a secure channel, and the server has authenticated itself to the client. User Authentication The next step is for the user to authenticate himself to the server. This can be done in several ways. SSH allows, but discourages, the insecure rhosts trusted-host model. Because it is easily spoofed, this model should never be used when security is impor- tant. SSH also supports a variation of the rhosts model in which the identity of the client machine is verified with an RSA key. This is an improvement but still relies on the client to certify the identity of the user. Once again, this method should not be used when security or user identity is a concern. The rhosts and rhosts/RSA methods are discussed in detail in [Barrett and Silverman 2002], so we will not belabor them further here. A third authentication method is to use Kerberos. With this method the user obtains a ‘‘ticket’’ from the Kerberos server and sends it to the SSH server as authentica- tion. Although Kerberos is a complicated system and requires a separate server, it may make sense when there is a large user base, especially if Kerberos is already in place. See [Garman 2003] for more information on Kerberos. Next, there is a class of methods known as password authentication. In the simplest of these, which we’ll examine shortly, the user merely supplies a password, which the server checks against its password file. Recall that after server authentication, the peers have established a secure channel, so this password is not passed in the clear as it is in, say, the telnet protocol. The other password methods are variations of a one-time-password scheme. One example is the popular RSA SecurID system, which is described at RSA’s Web site (). With SecurID, the user