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2017 年江苏扬州大学汉语写作与百科知识考研真题 A 卷 第一部分百科知识(共 25 题,每题 2 分) [B]《石头记》 [D]《琵琶记》 [B]普罗米修斯 [D]雅典娜 [B]徐志摩 [D] 戴望舒 [B] 淮河 [D] 汾河 [B]当票 [D]粮票 [B]仰不愧于天,俯不怍于人 [D]得天下英才而教育之 这部分计 25 题,每题有四个选项,每题只有一个正确答案。 1.孟子说: “君子有三乐”,下列哪项不在其"三乐"之列? [A] 父母俱存,兄弟无故 [C] 乡里无不称其善也 2.《红楼梦》是我国古代著名的长篇小说之一,它的别名是()。 [A]《金陵记》 [C]《西厢记》 3.古希腊神话中,常叫过路人猜谜,猜不出就将行人杀害的是()。 [A] 斯芬克司 [C] 阿波罗 4."轻轻的我走了,正如我轻轻的来;我轻轻地招手,作别西天的云彩”的作者是()。 [A]郭沫若 [C]闻一多 5."三十年河东,四十年河西”中的“河”最初指的是()。 [A]黄河 [C] 长江 6.世界上最早的纸币是我国宋代出现的()。 [A] 银票 [C] 交子 7.吴敬梓是哪本名著的作者()。 [A]《水浒传》 C]《官场现形记》 8.我国现存最早的中医学专著是()。 [A]《神农本草经》 [C]《本草纲目》 9.“流水不腐,户枢不蠹”的“不蠹”是什么意思()。 [A] 不生虫 [C] 不腐烂 10.中国"家天下"的历史开始于()。 [A]三皇时代 [B]五帝时代 [C] 夏代 [D]商代 11. The word"girl"originally meant"young person of either sex"; but now the word signifies "young person of female sex".This is an example of()。 [A] meaning shift [C]widening of meaning 12.()refers to the study of social aspects of language and its relation with society. [A] Linguistics [C] Sociolinguistics 13.In general,language acquisition refers to children's development of their() [B] Psycholinguistics [D] Applied Linguistics [B]《黄帝内经》 [D]《伤寒论》 [B] 不衰老 [D]不生锈 [B]loss of meaning [D]narrowing of meaning [B]《三国演义》 [D]《儒林外史》
[D] Discovery [ B] Negative [D] Interrogative [B] Susan Constant [B] second [D] fourth [B] reasoning [D] productivity language of the community in which a child has been brought up. [A] first [C] third 14.()transfer refers to a kind of transfer that would interfere with L2 learning. [A] Intentional [C] Positive 15. A native speaker is able to utter grammatical sentences that he has never said before or understand grammatical sentences that he has never heard before. This is referred to as()。 [A] competence [C] intelligence 16.Thefirst Puritans came to America on the ship()。 [A]Titanic [C] May Flower 17.The Industrial Revolution started in()。 [B] America [A] Great Britain [C] Canada [D]Australia 18.Moby was A] Herman Melville [C] Edgar Allen Poe 19.Who wote and published Poor Richards Amanac? [A] [C] 20.Which of the following is NOT the work of Francis Bacon? [A]Advancement [B] Essays [C] New Instrument [D] Songs of Innocence 21. At the beginning of 17th century appeared a school of poets called metaphysics. ()is the founder of metaphysical poetry. [A]Ben Johnson [C] John Bunyan 22.OfHuman [A] Katherine Mansfield [C] William Somerset Maugham 23.Leaves by()。 [B] Emily Dickinson [B] David Herbert Lawrence [D] Samuel Richardson. Benjamin Hume Bondage was written [D] Graham Greene [B] John Milton [D] Mark Twain [B] John Gay of Learning of Grass was written by()。 [D].John Donne Franklin. by()。 Dick written David [A] Walt Whitman [C] Edith Wharton [B] Emily Dickenson [D] William Dean Howells novel Crusoe Robinson was written 24.The [A] Jonathan Swift [C]Daniel 25.____were [A] Wiliam [B] George Gorden Byron and Percy Bysshe Shelley the Wordsworth and SamuelT.Coleridge [D]Laurence Poets". Defoe "Lake by()。 [B] Henry Fielding Sterne
[C] William Blake and Robert Burns [D] John Keats and Robert Southey 第 二 部 分 应 用 文 写 作 ( 4 0 分 ) 近年来,部分大型城市房价持续上涨,虽然政府部门采取了多种措施,但仍然不能从 根本上 解决问题。请自拟题目,给政府部门写一篇不少于 500 字的建议信。文中严禁出现 任何与 考生真实身份有关的信息。 第 三 部 分 现 代 汉 语 写 作 ( 6 0 分 ) 梦”存在于精神层面,既可以指虚幻的事物,也可以指奋斗的目标。请以"目标”之 义,阐述 中国梦与个人梦之间的关系。请写一篇不少 800 字的议论文,题目自拟。文中严 禁出现任何 与考生真实身份有关的信息。