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2007 年江苏苏州大学翻译与写作考研真题 一、汉译英 (共 40 分) 陆文夫是个现实主义作家,他写市井生活,他的小说从生活中撷取真实的细节。有人说, 陆 文夫的小说里有一种“糖醋的现实主义” ,因为他的作品中有甜也有酸,甜者,往往给人 一 点喜悦或希望,比较温和,酸者,人物命运总是坎坷波折,内含辛酸的人生经历和生活 哲理。 从形式上说,陆文夫的小说很像苏州评弹,这是早有人提及的,无论是“卖关子” 、 “穿插” 、 “砌噱” ,还是“叙述角” ,都可从评弹中找到相应的表达手法,陆文夫曾 写过一篇“向评弹学 习”的文章,说评弹“在表现生活和思想时,几乎是无所不能的” , “如果写小说时能把自己设 想成一个评弹演员坐在台上,那就有许多方法可以借用。”其实, 陆文夫的小说归根结底得 力于唐宋传奇和话本小说,苏州正是明代民间文学编纂家冯梦龙 的故乡,这里历代流传着许 多民间传说故事,这对陆文夫的小说创作是有影响的。说到底, 评弹不也是从话本曲词逐步 演变而来的么? 二、英译汉 (共 40 分) The war cut Europe to the bone. No intelligent and sensitive European could escape the terrible impact of these four years. They might be neutrals, but the war
was there, all around the world. The total effect might be different for different sets of people, the neutrals, the non-combatants of the warring nations, the men who actually did the fighting; but it was not to be avoided. Any sensitive man, perhaps a writer hard at work, who temporarily succeeded in repressing any thought of the war probably only let it loose in his unconscious. The younger writers of the embattled nations who for one reason or another remained at home, but saw their brothers and sisters fast disappearing, had the desperate choice of admitting the whole nightmare into full conscious. As for the actual combatants, if they came out of it in one living piece, they returned to the civilian world like strangers from another life. They knew too many dead man too early; they were closer to them than to the living. Besides, the living had changed; everything had changed. 三、短文评论 (共 30 分) In order to produce successful original work, scholars and scientists must first study the successful work of others to learn what contributions remain to be made.
四、写作 (共 40 分) Between Dreams and Reality